Oh sheeple, there are no Russians under your bed
Despite all the brouhaha and posturing and self-felatio going on in the political class and the MSM there are no Russians under your bed.
Curious? See Pluto's excellent essay:
This lie has pissed me off about six times a day for the past three years. It's the worst form of Nazi-inspired, anti-communist, US propaganda. It is of the same calibre as the Nazi-style attempt to portray Russians as hacking the 2016 US elections — and deflect the blame from Hillary and the DNC who were warned they would lose if they tried to force this despised candidate on America.. So, I'm going to get it off my chest on the first work day of 2017.
That's just the first paragraph. Crikey.
So who is under the bed? Oh the Chinese?
The Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) data breach involves the greatest theft of sensitive personnel data in history. But, to date, neither the scope nor scale of the breach, nor its significance, nor the inadequate and even self-defeating response has been fully aired.
Alright, now you may be asking yourself where was the OUTRAGE? Where were the threats of RETRIBUTION? Where was POTUS? Where was NANCY? Where was CHUCK? Where was LINDSAY and saddle buddy McCAIN? Etc, etc, etc.
Umm, didn't happen. Would only highlight how incompetent and ineffective our blessed gubmint is about this stuff. Let's jus call our National Response as Leading From Behind and move on.
So, why the current furor? The MSM is exposed thanks to John Podesta (password = password) and the DNC and HRC et al and their emails. They have nothing left so are grasping at any 24/7 "scandal" that they can run up to the inaugural.
And, you can totally trust James Clapper if he says its true, he has always told us the truth.
"Director Clapper continues to hold his position despite lying to Congress under oath about the existence of bulk data collection programs in March 2013," the letter reads. "Asking Director Clapper, and other federal intelligence officials who misrepresented programs to Congress and the courts, to report to you on needed reforms ... is not a credible solution."
There are no Russians under your bed. The Chinese have been elbowed into the closet and all that is left is the MSM and their teat sucking fools.
So there.
Sleep well.
Don't go to ToP, egad.
Don't look under your bed.

You've got it all wrong.
Trump is under the bed and the Russians are in the closet with the evil monkey.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
No, Pricknick, you got it wrong
The Chinese were under my bed for months (clues: numerous food-stained chopsticks lying about). Then, one night, I was awakened by a terrible shaking of my bed. Being in CA, the first thing one thinks of is earthquake. But no! The Russians forcibly evicted the Chinese, where they now hide in an unused upstairs closet. (Clues: pirogi and borscht stains on the carpet). Since the lights were off, I didn't see anything but I know what I heard. I reported this to Vox--please check their archives.
Mr. Trump's transition team has post an online reward for the apprehension of Russian agents (the reward for Chinese spies is considerably lower since Trump wants to preserve the credibility of the Chinese Climate Change hoax.
By the way, you can find supporting evidence of massive
SovietRussian spy ring sightings at Walmarts all over America as reported in the NYT and MSNBC (Rachel Maddow's scoop)I don't care any more what is under my bed
I really just care who is in my bed.

REC'd ... now how is that for a sliver of schizophrenia?
Cold War nostalgia.
As a Boomer myself, I find it rather less than cute and endearing.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Phil you're here! Cool. n/t
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
The joys of privatization and outsourcing
I didn't follow the situation with federal personnel records except to read one older article. It appears the management of the records was contracted out to a private IT company. The American company then proceeded to outsource the work to IT company in mainland China. From what I remember, the outscoring was stopped, but certainly not in time. We see the same situation happening in outsourcing support centers to India. US companies are basically handing over personal and sensitive information to third parties who have absolutely no interest in maintaining the privacy of the information. In fact, an entire "support scam center" industry has arisen in India as a result. One of the most notorious being scammers calling people claiming to be from the IRS demanding back tax payments or face immediate jail. I have a buddy in San Jose whose sister-in-law fell for the scam to the tune of $8,000.
such a beautiful, beautiful movie.
not to mention subversive.
the TV show called Early Edition totally ripped off the plot climax for one of their episoes.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.