How To Reduce The Influence Of "Hacking/Phishing"
1] Stop writing stupid stuff down. Nobody has even hinted that whoever "interfered" was in any way creative.
2] Stop trying to fight dirty campaigns. Stop playing up to media needs for more food fights for sales.
1] Transparency.
2] Fighting the campaign on the issues. If you actually believed in what you promote, it would be even easier.
The last fiasco of the election spent most of its time [once Bernie was forced out] merely shovelling shit at each other because the policies just didn't cut the mustard, after so many years of neo-liberal gibberish and neglect they are a hard sell.
Personally, the faces flinging festival indulged in by both Parties and their Partisans involving the same old tired bullshit has left me completely cold. The sheer nastiness and deliberately blinkered stupidity created such a feeling of nausea and despair on my part, I couldn't even be bothered discussing it, any question was greeted with a shrug.
When the campaigns are bubbling bowls of pus making a mockery of them is all too easy, gaming the system becomes child play. Fake news becomes all too easy a sell.
So do us all a favour and stop peddling purulence and the MSM really should stop treating this as if it was some carnival freak show, then maybe vile showmen like Trump won't win no matter who is operating the computers/photocopiers/printers.
Oh, and stop pretending that leaders/owners either of the two main parties are in any way left of centre, it's tiring.

The hysteria over hacks only makes sense...
If you see it in the broader sense of an attempt at ending the current state of the internet.
First: Fake News is a problem.
Second: We must VERIFY that people are posting legitimate things.
Third: Everyone who goes online must be identified so they can be punished if they do not comply.
Fourth: Redefine what is and is not legitimate as needed.
Five: Internet "Problem" solved.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Ministry of Truth is being built.
The UK blazes the trail!
From the "ring of steel" in London in reaction to the PIRA to omnipresent cameras/license plate readers to internet surveillance today. Frank Kitson Kenya/Northern Ireland is another exmple. What starts there tends to spread throughout the western world. They are like the California of Big Brother.
Hey, didn't Orwell set 1984 in Britain? What a totally bizarre and weird coincidence!
Big Brother is making sure he does not come back from the dead
Incredible isn't it?
Did you know that the UK has an "unwritten constitution"? And you would not believe the number of Unionists I've seen spend hours passionately arguing that an unwritten constitution is the absolute best way to go.
Sure the most recent revelation that the agencies were illegally spying was sorted by making it all legal and permanent. Not a peep. Very Children of Men.
Israel functions without a constitution, as well.
Canada is always revising, but they would be fine without one. They're grown-ups.
It beats the flash-frozen Plutocracy Manifesto that the US is stuck with. Heads, they win. Tails, we lose. Don't insert any Human Rights.
They can certainly be two edged swords alright!
But I'd rather have one enshrining rights than not.
/\ THIS /\
Face Flinging is an apt trope for it alright!
The general sense I'm gathering is that the bulk of activists under 40 see it too. There has been a pivot away from the Dems. The younger you are the hard you are going to fight for your future. There is no future for them in the plans the Dem party is pursuing. They also know they can't give up. So that energy is going into other political projects.
Creating pressure groups is a must, issue driven
they have had many successes in the past, even the ones I dislike intensely.
Boycotts, if the left and right join in on them [each to their own] that weakens the neoliberal and oligarchs in the only place it hurts them, their wallets.
Cleve Jones was on Angie Coiro today
Only heard a snippet and must listen to the whole thing when it is up. They were talking about the quilt and how Larry Kramer was hostile, critical in typical Larry Kramer fashion. Then Cleve brought up the point that Act Up got the access program changes to drug trials, that literally saved Cleve's life. Weeks away from death Cleve got the retrovirals and two weeks later was bouncing back.
When you are taking on big problems, you need different kinds of groups with different tactics working on the problem. Even those you vehemently disagree with or even hate. And let's be honest Larry Kramer could really rile people. And it was goddamn well needed! We also need the collaborators, the compromisers and everyone in between. And we need to be debating passionately amongst ourselves to keep ourselves honest, and I've noticed people have gotten savvy about rooting out the BS splitter, troll weasels that only disrupt.
Indian independence would not have happened had it just been Gandhi, the violence and threat of worse by those that would today be called terrorists was crucial to achieving liberation. Whenever you think about UK history you have to remember how Dunkirk is spun. Definitely a great story alright, doughty Englanders face peril to rescue "our boys" fantastic and necessary propaganda at the time. Totally eclipses the utter rout of an army from the field. I think you have to go back to the Battle of the Yellow Ford for a precedent (honestly I'm humble bragging).
Trade Unions were the biggest hence the vicious attacks
over the decades by the owners and their propaganda arm the media. They really hate to power share.
Stoppit will you! Thatcher and the coal miners.
A few years back ended up sat beside a guy in a hostel in La Paz who was at the heart of the miners strikes and anarchist/socialist protests up to the poll tax riots. Well, he definitely had all the details down, and we were drinking so we just reminisced the old battles and stories and obeyed the most solemn Irish commandment "never let the truth get in the way of a good story!"
We finally got the irrefutable proof that Thatcher had infiltrated agent provocateurs into the strikers to instigate violence. That gets filed away in a FAQ on reddit and no one anywhere else makes the same mistake again. The establishment are nowhere near ready for this OODA loop. Distributed, resilient, with nowhere to go and no other option but death. Vietnam (and countless others) show you can never defeat that, the only unknown is how much suffering has to happen before everyone agrees.
Not to argue,
(no really!) but saving 300,000 troops from either dying or being captured to fight another day(and most of them did fight again) is nothing to sneeze at. Germany lost that many at Stalingrad and it broke their back on the eastern front.
Take your victories where/when you can.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
In the context of Guderin out of supply and the French
Wanting a joint pincer attack that in retrospect could have ended WW2 right then and there by capturing the bulk of the German tanks. Instead the Brits ran away and then spent all their energy turning it into a "victory".
A rout recast as a victory shows you how effective their propaganda is.
Both were deplorable, Trump was just honest about it.
That's why so many never bothered to vote.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
I would have felt guilty in not voting, it's the only part of
democratic process left to me/us, so I voted, but neither of the two main parties were concerned.
It would also be enormously helpful
…if we stopped thinking of the Democratic and Republican promoters as "Parties" and called them what they actually are "Brokers."
Other countries have Political Parties with focused agendas and matching platform-based policies with the people in mind.
The US has Political Brokers, who use bait and switch strategies to enact anti-policies they are unable to explain, with an eye toward personal wealth.
The people need to stop indulging their kabuki. The people would have a lot more power if they boycotted the "Political Brokers" and joined or formed voting coalitions, instead.
Flip the frickin' game board on them.
You already did it once to each Party.
Go with your strengths and crush the phonies like bugs.
Unlike political campaigns, coalition polls would run continuously delivering instant feedback to the DC liars and slackers every week — and building up a head of populist steam that the Parties can't sabotage.
Just a habit I suppose. Brokers works
... actually,
the Repugnicans and the demoRats are two competing "divisions" of the same "political party" - the Pluto-Corporate Party. The squabbles that go on, from time-to-time (every two to four years, or so) are simply turf battles, to determine which division gets to run the Corporation's board of directors, and appoint/manage the CEO, for the next few years.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Brava, stop using the internet as a gossip line
Since I started using my huge computer in the early 1980's I always considered my emails were like postcards. I kept me from being too personal. But then I don't like to gossip especially in writing.
But these public figures should have gone further and taken a lesson from Edward Snowden. After first contact, he would not continue his online conversation with Greenwald until Greenwald encrypted his emails.
To thine own self be true.
According to the NYTimes, they all got hacked through
phishing. Haven't they had enough email experience to know that you never, never, never click on a link from someone you don't know well?
The message was a password hack warning and they all fell for it.
To thine own self be true.
This may or may not be true
But the Daily Mail is saying that the DNC episode was a leak by an insider, not a hack, and then Podesta of course got phished.
It's amazing how the media and Dem. blogs are all screaming that the election was hacked, when what they are really describing is a release of factual information from e-mails. Implicit in their allegations is the idea that whatever was in those e-mails was so damaging that they lost the election. Truth killed the Dems, according to the Dems.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Emails had nothing illegal, just petty and mean stuff
You're right, we now know that they were petty and mean. But the hack did negatively effect the House Dem's chances according to the NYTimes investigation.
There are more interesting things going on that should get our attention, like Vegas is giving odds 15 - 1 that Trump will not be inaugurated. Like Trump postponed his conflict of interest press conference from Thursday until sometime next month. His handlers must think the press conference might hurt his chances with the Electoral College. Anything could happen.
To thine own self be true.
"I am former Nigerian ambassador to USofA ..."
... and buddy, have I got a Deal for YOU!!
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
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To thine own self be true.
Or the classic "hello this is the Microsoft technical dept"...