Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and the RNC, Last Day of Repugs!
Welcome to Video News. Last night was the last of the Repugnant National Convention, Hallelujah! Stephen Colbert is still the best - except, of course, when he is replaced by Jon Stewart! Whoo hoo!! Welcome to network TV, Jon:
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Righteous rant, Jon:
You feel that you are this country's rightful owners. There's only one problem with that. This country isn't yours... It never was.... You don't own patriotism, you don't own Christianity, you sure as hell don't own respect for the bravery and sacrifice of the military, police, and firefighters.
Then Elizabeth Warren was Stephen's guest on the show. Of the three clips available on YouTube, I think this was the best:
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What Donald Trump says is, "...What you need to be afraid of is every other American."
This is an open thread. Please feel free to add videos in the comments, discuss the RNC, Colbert, politicians, video news, plans for the future, whatever rocks your world!
Edited to add: I probably won't have a report over the weekend, but will return next week Tues-Fri to report on the late-night shows' reports on the DNC Mon-Thur!
Anyone else who wants to post is welcome!!

Finally getting the hang of this thing!
Give me a year, I might actually know what I'm doing.
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Stephen Miller wrote a hell of a speech. Trump's delivery wasn't so good, but the message got across.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Too bad he doesn't mean a word of it.
I agree with Liz, the only person Trump works for and gives voice to is Trump. He will change things for the worse (of course, so might she).
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Jon was great!
Here's a nice clip with Jill Stein from the real news 17min
And a 28 min piece
The failure of Obama/Clinton economic policies lends credibility to Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC, as he evokes images of “lawless black men and murderous illegal immigrants” - Bill Curry and Yvette Carnell in conversation with Paul Jay
And if you haven't seen Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes What Hillary Clinton Really Represents,
it is well worth the watch although it is 27 min Published on Apr 17, 2016
Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates.
This episode chronicles the Clinton's rise to power in the 90s on a right-wing agenda, the Clinton Foundation's revolving door with Gulf state monarchies, corporations and the world's biggest financial institutions, and the establishment of the hyper-aggressive "Hillary Doctrine" while Secretary of State. Learn the essential facts about the great danger she poses, and why she's the US Empire's choice for its next CEO.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you, Lookout! I don't have time to watch all those now,
but hope to later, perhaps over dinner. I don't suppose there are transcripts for those who might prefer to skim?
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There is no way to transcribe what is in this video
It goes into detail about how corrupt the Clinton foundation is because of who profits from donating to it and who suffers from its policies.
Also goes into great detail about how callous she is when it comes to pushing for more wars,more troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Her pushing for fracking all over the world and how chevron and other oil companies profits from both her role as SOS and the kickbacks to the foundation.
I'm holding every Hillary voter responsible for the deaths and destruction she is going to cause all over the world if she is elected president.
Her history of being a warmonger is well known, yet her supporters close their minds and ears to the evidence.
You need to watch it to see that both she and Bill have and will cause more heinous mayhem around the globe if they get back in the WH.
And behind it all is their thirst for money and power.
Watch it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the synopsis, snoopydawg!
You have intrigued me. I'll probably watch the last one first.
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The Jon Stewart Rant made me miss the Daily Show all over again
Man, if ever we need that show it was now.
But then again, it would have probably been pro-Clinton too, but I bet they would have at least addressed the 3rd party candidates and the stuff that the MSM isn't.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The Daily Show still exists! But it's Trevor Noah now.
Definitely not the same as when Jon Stewart did it.
Not sure how Trevor feels about Hillary. Probably feels like he can't say. He managed to critique Christie's speech without saying one way or another whether Hillary might be actually guilty of anything:
[video: width:500]
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Yeah, I gave him a shot for a couple months but the shows were
pretty hit and miss. Same with Wilmore.
Both do well when they have quality guests generally but they just are not at the same caliber as Stewart or the brilliant snark of Colbert.
I still DVR both, and watch them if there is a guest that interests me but generally find myself mass deleting episodes when they get backed up to a dozen or so of each, something that NEVER happened with Stewart and Colbert.
I keep giving them a shot hoping they will get their groove going but after this much time I am less and less optimistic that it will occur.
I remember being bummed when Stewart took over the Daily show in the beginning, but in a very short time he converted me, Trevor has yet to pull that off.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Lee Camp on RT
is the closest thing I've found to Jon. I also enjoy Jimmy Dore - he can be pretty funny too. Here's a clip of each:
Here he is talking about the RNC 26 min
And Jimmy Dore talking about the shill losing to T-rump 6.5 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I like Lee Camp, been pining for him to get the Daily Show spot for months now, lol!
Jimmy Dore I catch on TYT (I have a subscription to them) and like him there but only caught a couple of his stand alone shows but that may change as he is going weekly and I am ready to cut the cable again and go back to just internet.
I figure there is enough hardware and software out there now that I can grab most HDTV and Internet based shows with a 3 tuner DVR system I am working on building using the Raspberry PI platform architecture.
I am tired of paying cable companies outrageous fees when I watch maybe a 6 or so hours a month and usually that is only on like 2 or 3 channels generally.
Thanks for the tips anyway though, you guys do turn me on to a lot of stuff I would have otherwise missed.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thank you for the clips! I like Lee Camp a lot too, I think he's
very funny and very pointed. Jimmy Dore strikes me as more angry, and he also gets some good zingers in.
I searched for polls since the end of the RNC, and this was interesting,
Several headlines state, "Poll: Trump pulls nearly even with Clinton after Republican Convention". (41% Hill, 38% Trump, +/- 4%).
But on July 19 was this: "Poll: Clinton and Trump Now Tied as GOP Convention Kicks Off"
So, after a week of the best spin the Repugs could bring, the polls are... almost exactly the same as before?
Well, according to Reuters, Their Poll just before the convention showed Clinton with about a 10% lead and the convention should create a bounce of about 5%, putting them both right about where expected at this point. But the NBC poll showed Clinton with 46% to Trump 45% before the convention. I don't find another one from them since.
Anyway, they were close and they are close. Maybe Trump got a bit of a bounce. But the DNC and the MSM need to think long and hard about a candidate who is losing to or tying with a creepy bankrupt orange wannabe pedophile whose pet tribble is about to slide down over his face. Clearly people want change, not the establishment. The Dems have a few more days to go with the non-establishment candidate. If they are really afraid of Tribble Dude, then it's time to nominate Bernie.
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