
Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and the DNC, Days 2 and 3

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Welcome to Video News! My apologies for no official DNC video news open thread yesterday. But Oreo the Diabetic Pootie had a crisis at 3 AM yesterday, so Ginger and I were up half the night. Oreo and Ginger seem to have recovered in full, so we have resumed normal function.

Gratuitous Oreo and Ginger photo:

Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and First Day of the DNC

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Welcome back to Video News! It was an odd weekend. As many of you know, the convention has been almost overshadowed by the scandal of the DNC emails that were leaked proving that the primaries were rigged by the "neutral" DNC. But Bernie did speak at the convention last evening. If you missed it, I'll let Stephen Colbert fill you in:

Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and the RNC, Last Day of Repugs!

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Welcome to Video News. Last night was the last of the Repugnant National Convention, Hallelujah! Stephen Colbert is still the best - except, of course, when he is replaced by Jon Stewart! Whoo hoo!! Welcome to network TV, Jon:

Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and the RNC, day 2

Cat Video Montage by ec.jpg

Welcome back to Video News! I still think Stephen Colbert has one of the funniest perspectives on the conventions. Of the clips I found at YouTube today - from the Late Show last night - I think this is the funniest. It also gives the most information about yesterday at the convention:

Video News Open Thread: Stephen Colbert and the RNC

Cat Video Montage by ec.jpg

Since we have been discussing a more video-oriented open news thread and since this week and next week, during the conventions, Stephen Colbert is going to provide coverage, I thought I'd post as I have time for these two weeks. Consider this an experiment as we mull over the best way to present video news.