$29, $27, $26.99, $19.99 or $29.99 for Stein - What do you all think? (updated title)
I saw a comment the other day where someone suggested contributing $29 for Stein because it rhymes and is a small contribution (well, depending on your income), and that sounded like a good idea. Then, I read that many of the donations to Jill Stein these past few days have been $27 reflecting the Revolution.
I also posted this idea at the Jill Stein Reddit, but I was thinking I might get a little more thoughtful discussion here.
The first point to me is that 29 or 27 or ? (other suggestions?) reflects the call for small donations. I is very important to persist with the concept that small donations make a difference.
So, "29 for Stein". I think this is my preference. It RHYMES, so people will remember it, maybe they will mention it to other people, and it will be contagious. "Hey, I just donated 29 for Stein." Maybe that will even get Stein a little more name recognition (maybe that's pushing it). I don't know, any thoughts on this?
The advantages of "27 for Stein" are obvious, recognition and popularity. It reflects a continuation of the revolution. But, I think that Bernie has kind of trademarked 27, and Jill needs her own number. "29 for Stein" would still be a small contribution, and then there is the rhyme.
Anybody, have any thoughts, other ideas, or suggestions for a different number? I'd like to hear them.
Maybe this is a bad idea all together and this would just be considered copycating (is that a word).
I'm just trying to come up with ways to help the Greens fund-raise b/c they need it.
Update: Pro left (hat tip) suggested $26.99 to allude to 99%, I like this, but am wondering about $29.99 to really rhyme?
Any more thoughts?
Update2: Ok, I'm raising my own comment. What about $19.99. Shorter. But less money. Good rhyme though.

The amount
The amount does not matter if you are supporting the candidate you want. We know the Greens need the money so any amount helps.
War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series
29$ for Stein. It's more rhymy : )
How about
26.99 for Stein,a little more to say but then we get the 99% factor in there.
Intriguing idea! Thanks!
What about 29.99 for stein, to really get the rhyme going? Thank you!
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Hmmmmm. I have another idea. What about $19.99
It's easier to say. It's substantially less money though. Then there is the Prince song....1999.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
I gave $27 - just 'cause, you know...
But I think $29 is FINE, which also rhymes.... I'll stop now.
I like "29$ is fine" : )
I did $27 as well, out of habit.
Why change now? Besides, the campaign will know it came from a Berner.
Definitely "29 for Stein"
It's perfect just the way it is, don't change a single word, don't add or subtract any syllables. The number of syllables matters, too; 'twenty-nine' (the amount) 'for Stein' (the candidate). It has a beautiful symmetry and equilibrium.
Changing it to "19.99 for Stein" still rhymes but is more awkward; the two sides of the equation don't match as neatly.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Neat! I like your perspective about syllables & symmetry, but...
I also like the .99 for 99 percent. Also, I am thinking about proposing a Moneybomb on here and Jill Stein's reddit for July 19.
Something along the lines of,
"Donate $19.99 for Stein on July 19 – Moneybomb for Jill Stein by showing the 1% that the 99% can make a difference. Jill Stein for President."
Maybe we could try 29 for Stein on July 29 the next week? Don't necessarily stick with the same number.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
The one thing is $27
has come to represent the average contribution to Bernie. If suddenly Jill Stein starts to receive a lot of $27 contributions I am sure she will let people know. Our man eating shark the news media will surely enjoy that because its a horse race and they are trying to milk it for every cent they can get from any angle they can find.
$27 is 1% of the legal limit
I don't think that is why the donations were that size, but for this site it makes sense!
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I didn't realize that Jill had a Reddit page.
But she does:
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Now that I'm on the Jill Stein email list...
I thought I'd post this snippet from her email to help her fundraising.
Whatever you give right now is doubled by the Feds. Publicly funded campaigns! So right now, and until Aug 6th, if you get $27, Jill gets $54. If you give $29, Jill gets $58 and if you give $250, Jill gets $500.
Doesn't matter what you give, but give what you can before Aug 6th. And you can put me down as a vote for "$29 for Stein"!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I just doubled down on the 99%
I sent Jill $99.99.
Payday is tomorrow anyway.
"There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do.”
― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath