Agender. Genderqueer. Androgyne.
Even amongst transgender people there are ways of being that some find difficult to understand.
But we try to live with it....sure in the knowledge that there is no mold that any of us should be carved out of.
One of the things about the transgender community is that we’re so spread out that there are pockets of the community all over the place and they have their own terminology,” Hazlewood says. “It’s a very varied and diverse community. There’s agreement on some things, but on other things there’s not much agreement at all. As it’s growing in the media spotlight it needs to learn how to … define itself.--Casimir Hazlewood
When we start looking deeper, there may be some confusion for some trans people about other trans people. And just in terms of self-identification, the diversity is amazing. But it also creates problems for that cohesion.
Casimir's gender has a problem for both them and their parents.
I told them very early on when I was questioning (my gender). I’ve always had a close relationship with my parents and I knew they would accept me no matter what. But they were very confused. But so was I. They are working hard with the pronouns. They have fully accepted my name change. And it’s taking time. I didn’t expect them to adapt overnight and I certainly didn’t change overnight. I’m giving them the time they need.
It is something new and it’s something a lot of people aren’t familiar with, so let’s work with it together. I prefer a life where, yes, I may have to explain to people what my gender identity is. But you still have to have basic human respect.
The video features Kasimir along with Hannah Holloway and V Rogers and was created by Keith Myers and Monty Davis.
Here is more on nonbinary people.
But what is basically a private issue has been thrust into the spotlight recently by flurry of “bathroom bills” in various states, including Missouri and Kansas, seeking to make schools enforce gender-specific bathrooms and bar people from using facilities that do not correspond to the gender they were born with.
This has led to a backlash from trans groups and their allies, who say the only “safety” issue is trans people getting beat up if they are forced to use the men’s room.
The Kansas bill in particular drew scorn nationally for offering a “bounty,” by allowing students to sue a school for $2,500 each time a transgender person was spotted in a bathroom.
Micah Kubic, executive director of ACLU in Kansas, says discrimination based on sexuality and gender was ruled a form of sex discrimination last summer by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and is therefore illegal. However, the EEOC does not have a mandate over all employers, but large companies are covered by the ruling.
Gender identity is not the same as sex (male or female physical characteristics at birth) or sexuality. Just because someone is genderqueer doesn’t mean they are gay. Genderqueer people can have romantic relationships with gay or straight people of either sex or other genderqueer people.
Human beings like to categorize
and it is easier to think of things as either this or that. Black or white. But reality is much more complex. We have to get over this hard-wired approach to looking at the world, which may have had some value when we were hunter-gatherers or simple agricultural societies, but not so much in today's world.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I am a physicist
One of the first things I learn when I about eight years old was that binary thinking was passé, 19th century, and lazy. I also learned that most of my teachers and classmates could not grok real physics.
From stochastic (quantum mechanical) events emerges the classical world we perceive. For me every person I meet is an individual, what is so very difficult about that simple statement. For me the only real problem is that we are stuck trying to communicate with each other using our evolved and by definition archaic language.
It is important that many people read and learn from this article by Robyn. Thanks for posting this and I hope becomes well read and well commented.
One final personal note: I delight in the incredible variety I have had the good fortune to encounter in my life. I am particularly heartened by my granddaughter's reaction everytime she meets someone different than her.
Binary is mandatory
Otherwise, neither you nor I would be able to post this.
(Computers only know 0 & 1. Period)
As for the video, I wholeheartedly agree! I'll do my best to accept anyone in my path, period.
There are only 10
types of people in the world. Those who know binary and those who do not.
I read this for the first time in the sig line of an account at Daily Kos. I believe it is one of the oldest jokes in the computer world. How old I do not know.
Peace and love to you, reader.
I guess I don't fully understand the need to label
For me, people are people. About the only time I can see myself caring about someone's gender or lack thereof is if I was considering them as a potential mate. Why on earth would it matter in any other circumstance? Why can't I just let them be who they are and like them or not on that basis?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
A tragic story to tell and to read.
My mother's favorite brother served during the Korean Conflict. My mother's mother told my mother that he had been killed in action. He was among the first in squad killed as they hit the beach in a landing craft. He had taken a shell to the head, so there would be no chance to see him one last time. My mother lived the rest of her life and went to her grave with that image. Think about that for a moment. I really believed that story, it fits with all the John Wayne war is hell movies, so it must be credible.
Mom always knew his true identity, and she loved him without reservation. She would often talk of the being with him, as a way of keeping his memory alive. I wish I could have met him. Maybe it was a good thing that she never learned her mother lied to her. If she had known, I have no doubt that she would have committed matricide. I only learned the truth way too late. Not only was he not dead, he lived in the same city a few miles from my grandmother's home. I have been told that he lived a full and happy life with his partner, I know nothing else about him.
This story is one of the first memories I have, and it kills me that I had been subjected to this lie for most of my life. No one in our extended family thought to tell my mother the truth. This just confirms my much earlier decision to have as little interaction with Mormons as possible. Life is too short to let the anger drive you . . .
From time to time I have been challenged because I couldn't possibly understand what it is like to not feel a part of "the rest of us" and I choke up . . . trying to explain is just too much sometimes, but there are those that need to know.
Thanks for you perspective, Robyn and keep on keeping on . . .