All those lies of the Sanders campaign...
So I was mulling over Hillary's outrage at all the lies the Sanders campaign has spread about her. And that got me to reviewing what I know and believe about her. The conclusion that I came to was that if the Sanders campaign was spreading lies about her I wouldn't know about it.
I honestly don't pay much attention to his campaign just as I pay little attention to hers. Obama showed me how thoroughly politicians lie to me. Occupy showed me how thoroughly media lied to me. So nowadays I prefer to get my information from original source material or as objective outside sources as I can manage and I like to corroborate it with several such sources.
- My beliefs about the corruption of Wall Street don't come from Sanders.
- My beliefs about the corrupting influence of money in politics didn't come from him (I see that more as a common sense sort of thing).
- My knowledge of what happened in Libya, Honduras, and various other places didn't come from the Sanders campaign.
- My knowledge of some particularly interesting donations and arms deals didn't from from Sanders.
- My knowledge about her [initial] position on income inequality didn't come from Sanders.
- My [limited] knowledge of the content of her speeches to Wall Street didn't come from Sanders.
- My knowledge that she lies (or deceives with partial truth) routinely came simply from watching her own campaign.
- My knowledge about her position on TPP didn't come from Sanders.
- My knowledge about her historical positions on Keystone didn't come from Sanders.
- My knowledge about her position on fracking didn't come from Sanders.
- My belief that her stance on global warming is woefully inadequate didn't come from Sanders.
I can't speak for the rest of Sanders supporters but Bernie didn't teach me how awful Hillary was. I taught myself and then found a candidate who's views seemed compatible with my own.
Clinton was the first president I voted against.
No, I didn't vote for Bob Dole, I wasn't THAT stupid. But I always loathed Clinton and his policies, even when I had a job, the writing was on the wall. (Worked as an actor. Was always broke but never "Qualified" for food stamps because I made enough to pay the outrageous rent at the time)
I remember scraping for food money every week. I don't want to think about the folks who will have to do the same damn thing if the Clinton get back in.
And I haven't forgotten what the famous Clintons were doing during the American revolution, you assholes...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Cracked me up, dmw, re. Clintons/Am revolution.
Thanks, man. Needed a good laugh.
(Ashamed to admit it but just pulled the big D lever on Clinton)
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
But did ya didn't vote for him twice!?!
I'm not proud, and apparently not tired
I'll telling ya all. It's feels good knowing I voted against him twice.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I was 16 in 1992.
Couldn't vote against him.
And I wasn't very gung-ho about Bush. He started a pointless war, and I still remember my mom, convinced that Israel was going to start lobbing nukes at Iraq when they started getting hit with SCUDs...
Never bought the "1st Gulf War was the GOOD war" bullshit.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Nor I
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
My first break with the Democratic religion I was taught
was voting for Perot first time and nobody second. So you aren't the only one.
I was not as politically "interested" then; family and work made me too busy. But there was something I could never quite identify that made me not pull that D lever for WJC. And my family did fine through those years economically and otherwise. Then downhill ever since. Both the country and part of my life and family.
I still participated in voting, and still do. I voted for Carter's second term while living in WI when driving to the polls from work heard the election had already been called for Reagan. Somewhere along there I realized that an artificial two-party system meant that 49% of us could be losers in something that might be a bit more important than a raffle ticket.
What a setup. Left to us.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
All my friends adored Clinton
I didn't vote for him because I met him, quite by accident, during his first campaign.
I was at the Loew's Hotel at the end of Ocean Park Boulevard in Santa Monica with my stepfather. He used to take me out to brunch there, and Bill was there campaigning (he played his saxophone there once, impromptu, this was considered totes cool).
He'd been out running on the beach and we ran into him and his entourage on the way in the back. My stepfather was thrilled.
I thought he was creepy. Gave me a really bad vibe. Something about how he looked me up and down, like I was just a female body, didn't even meet my eyes. Really offputting. Sleazy.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Good description of Bill....sleazy
I don't understand how we all missed that about him. Bill did not really win in 1992...he only got 42% of the vote. Ross Perot split the electorate and defeated Poppy Bush. Clinton road in on Perot's coat tails.
As has been noted elsewhere
We were all really sick of Republicans and Clinton came off as electable. We were in a vulnerable place and he played it.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Revolutionary War Clintons
Ummm, which Clintons are we talking about? The officer corps on both sides had members with that surname.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Now that's just pretty
This explains it all, concisely.
And there's more we could add into the template.
By the way there SnappleBC, umm .. yes, on this issue, I think you can speak for the rest of the Sander's supporters.
Thank you.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge