
Expect the Worst from Democratic Party - A Cancellation of Remaining Primaries

Louisiana has postponed its primary. Don't be surprised if more states follow their lead. And then watch the increased push by media pundits and Dem Elites to declare that Biden, who leads in delegates (thanks to obvious election fraud) should be the nominee. Carville and Clyburn have already called for an end to the primaries to declare Biden the winner. They won't be the last.
Carville end primaries 2.png

Caitlin: Bernie wouldn't have been much better.

Sanders would have used his presidential platform to continue calling for economic justice, essentially advocating the same things he’s advocating now but with a bigger voice. This would have gone a lot further toward advancing real change in America than his actual governmental authority and sped up the nation’s movement toward revolution against the oligarchy, but this agenda too would have been shut down at every turn.

Live blog Bernie's Speech 6/16/16

Live blog Bernie Sanders call

June 16, 2016

Most of Bernie's speech was a list of what we want and fought for. What we want our country to be and to do. The only surprising thing for me was that he wants his supporters to run for political office: school boards, county commissioners, however we can get our feet in the door. I applaud this and agree strongly. That is what it will take for real change. From the bottom up, which is how change happens.

Just sent Bernie $50 dollars, and pledging to give more but that depends on you.

I was lazy.

Me culpa.

So, if you haven't given lately, what's your excuse?

Just do it (apologies to all those who truly cannot give, but are contributing in other ways such as phone banking and canvassing).

Ps. I will give more if I can later in the month. Lot of medical expenses since January and haven't met my deductible yet. Still, you only live once.

Exit Polls and Vote Result Disrepancies

One thing I noticed about most of the primaries: Bernie does better in the initial CNN exit polls (released after the polls close) than in the vote result. CNN then modifies the exit poll to reflect the vote results. Tonight the initial exit poll had Hillary up 52-48 and the vote result was 58-42. This is a shift of 12%. Being that it seems to happen mostly in one direction, I was wondering why the exit polls seem to favor Bernie. I cannot come up with a good reason.

My Bernie Sanders Digest - Abridged

I've been writing about Bernie Sanders and his quest for the presidency all year. I've written a lot about it actually because I think this race is so fundamentally different from others in our recent history, and so critically important for our future. As I type these words the 2016 New York Democratic Presidential Primary is just days away. As a citizen of New York State myself, I will soon be casting my own vote for Senator Sanders, a man I believe in strongly.

All those lies of the Sanders campaign...

So I was mulling over Hillary's outrage at all the lies the Sanders campaign has spread about her. And that got me to reviewing what I know and believe about her. The conclusion that I came to was that if the Sanders campaign was spreading lies about her I wouldn't know about it.
