Is any further evidence needed --

for a total rejection of the two-party system?

The Republicans are going to run on nothing to match the Democrats' actual delivery of nothing. Okay, so let's see those impassioned defenses of nothing here. If you don't vote for the Democrat version of nothing (a losing bet for this year for sure), you'll get the Republican version of nothing, and how scary is that?

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11 users have voted.

Democrats promise things while having absolutely no intention of doing them.

Republicans promise nothing except to oppose Democrats. However, they deliver on this.

On the surface Republicans appear more honest, while still being useless.
However, below the surface Republicans are slightly worse because they are betraying the entire idea of "public servant".

Either way, our political system is completely broken.

10 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@gjohnsit 1) Join an existing non-duopoly party -- the Green Party comes to mind. Even if you don't vote for their candidates, you can still promote their agenda, their ballot status, and their thriving as a party.

2) Vote for a party project -- the People's Party and the Forward Party come to mind. Maybe they'll displace the duopoly, maybe they won't. We've got nothing to lose by trying.

3) Stop voting for neoliberal social climbers -- this option requires that you do some research into who is and who isn't one. California is a really easy test case for this one -- their single payer bill just failed to get the necessary votes, this in a state that's two-thirds Democrat, and so the voters shouldn't have a hard time figuring out who shot the bill down and voting them out of office.

But, you see, my dare is a serious one. I want to see those desperate pleas that we vote for (D) empty neoliberals to avoid electing the (R) ones, so we can shoot them down. What, are we going to wait until the Supreme Court makes abortion illegal everywhere in the US so we can watch the (D) social climbers do nothing about it?

11 users have voted.

"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati

Both parties seem to be in charge of transferring all of our assets to the wealthy...
They just have two different ways of distracting their base from seeing what's happening.
It is beyond a Fire sale at this point. Going out of Business! Last chance!

9 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

@peachcreek give me the impression that they'd vote for Hitler if he had a (D) next to his name. There's no moral filter, just party loyalty. One place to start would be to stop catering to duopoly party loyalists.

9 users have voted.

"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati

I have been trying to change my Voter's Registration from Democrat to Independent. My bright red county has 30,000 registered Republicans, 9000 Democrats, and another 9000 with no party affiliation. They will not let me do it on-line. I've only voted at the same place for over 35 years. Maybe they want to make sure I'm still really alive.

8 users have voted.

is how these self serving, selfish, out of touch bunch of liars inspire such enthusiasm among their base. As you say, democrats promise much, and deliver little. Right now the republicans are delivering the coup de grace to the New Deal, an almost 100 year old "long game". With the capture of the supreme court the republicans will have the gift that keeps on giving for decades to come.

The democrats could have done the same, but instead wasted everything to seek bipartisanship and cooperation with republicans, who despise them. The rigged primaries ensure this will not change. It's deliberate.

I guess that JFK quote "Ask not what your country can do for you.." has become the unwritten amendment to the constitution for us low dollar peons. Just shut up and vote.

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enhydra lutris's picture

It fits on a bumper sticker, one that was surprisingly popular in the early sixties -

Nobody for President!

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Cassiodorus's picture

@enhydra lutris would be better than what we have now, actual people who run for President but who find some elaborate song-and-dance to distract us while they deliver on nothing.

3 users have voted.

"the Democratic Party is not 'left'." -- Sabrina Salvati