Israel and Vaccine
Israel has conducted the fastest campaign to vaccinate its population against COVID-19 so far. The world is now watching how the pandemic in the country evolves to assess whether vaccinations are having the intended effect, and how effective they might be in preventing infection, severe disease and death.
Current rate of new cases:
On August 24, there were almost 8,000 new cases in Israel according to this source. WorldOMeter quotes a much higher number, over 10,000. Both sources put daily fatalities on a steep uphill climb up from basically nil in June to the mid 20s and climbing now. As is the case in most but not all of the surges around the world this year the ratio of cases to fatalities is improving compared to the previous surges in Israel. Hospitalizations and ICU admissions are climbing on a nearly vertical trajectory.
In short, Israel looks like Sweden did a year ago. Hitching its wagon to a theory, in this case vaccine, they are seeing their fastest growth of negative stats yet. As I pointed out on this board a few days ago, Sweden is enjoying a respite right now and Israel has a higher fatality percentage.
The Israelis seemed to have had this thing whipped as of 10 weeks ago -- but now they look like nincompoops with their faith in vaccine to end the pandemic. The same could happen in Sweden on any given day -- some new variant or a revisit from the old one that brought down the wrath of Team Lockdown in the first place could jam the ICUs of Stockholm faster than you can say Midnight Sun.
Nobody knows what is true. It is a little easier to spot the lies. But the truth is that this shit is unpredictable.
Meanwhile, surveying the human catastrophe that is Florida as described by the MSM, the current surge peaked just two weeks ago with both case rates and death rates near pandemic long highs. On August 10, 189 Covid deaths were reported in that state. Yesterday the number was down to 6. The rolling three day average fell from 185 to 4. The case numbers are still above the median over the course of the pandemic, but the graph shows a pronounced downturn.
I never claim to be able to make any sense out of this multiyear nightmare that shows no sign whatsoever of ending. I have tried to point out the holes in logic, the leaps of faith and the outright contradictions in the stories we have been told since March of 2020. My point at the start was this shit is unpredictable and any claim that science can see into the future is utterly bogus.
Scientists can and do make predictions. A bunch of folks at the National Weather Service do that every day of their professional lives. There is no dishonor in not being clairvoyant. And I have doubts that very many real scientists really believe the crap I read on the MSN Landing Page labeled as Scientific Fact.
So, anybody got any of the latest dish from India? I googled the topic this morning and the first thing that came up was a May article debunking the idea that Ivermectin had anything to do with the sudden and dramatic improvement in both case and fatality numbers that was evident at the time Nothing more on the front page.
I guess nothing of interest has happened in India since then.
Looking on the bright side
Israel may become the first country to gain natural immunity for it's citizens by them actually contracting the disease.
The current gene therapy 'vaccines' neither confer immunity nor prevent infection and they can actually facilitate mutation of the virus.
The money would be wiser spent on pro-active prophylactics to prevent the worst effects of the virus in the first place.
The situation in the US shows much, much worse than in India
The US spends 45 times more per capita in health care but has a death rate 6 times higher than India. This just may be because of the use of ivermectin by India.
From WorldOMeter recent stats:
United States health care $10,948 per capita - population 333,225,477
- New cases 152,054 - Total cases 117,427/mil - Deaths 1,949/mil
India health care $257 per capita - population 1,395,531,433
- New cases 46,397 - Total cases 23,330/mil - Deaths 313/mil
I'm thinking that the reasons for the US's poor performance is also related to poor health: over weight, diabetes, high consumption of nutritionally poor (junk) food, alcohol, elicit drug use, sedentary lifestyle.
I'm not a particular proponent of Ivermectin,
...but largely because of my focus on preventives, prophylactics, and that overlooked remedy known as 'First Aid' — aggressive measures taken to reduce the size of the viral loads after exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
It is my observation that the frontline doctors who use Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19 seem very glad to have it, (as opposed to having no treatment at all.) It doesn't matter how many hysterical articles that CNN writes warning that Ivermectin is for animals and that it doesn't work on humans — and claiming that the clinical studies are flawed because of editorial issues. Yada yada. Frontline doctors working a shift are engaged in a living study of trial and error to find reliable pathways that lead to success. They keep their own science-based scorecard. They have a job to do and they are going to reach for remedies that seem to give patients the boost they need to leave the hospital alive.
As you know, it's a little trickier to prove the efficacy of a prophylaxis without taking unethical shortcuts. Proof is usually retrospective and anecdotal and involve huge numbers of subjects and variables. This has never stopped me from engaging in speculative biology and off-label studies-of-one. If the risk is low, it's hard to imagine a respiratory ICU doc who doesn't take home a supply of likely prophylactics to protect his family and himself.
Here's an interesting fact: Remember Hydroxychloroquine? It remains one if the top three pharmaceuticals in the world used in the treatment of Covid-19. Doctors know what they saw with their own eyes. They just don't talk about it.
We doubled our average lifespan a little over a century ago by getting in the habit washing our hands. The whole world started doing it with similar results. That and a couple of new vaccines can give folks a much longer lifespan, but it may not be a healthy life. Most will be afflicted with the 'diseases of aging' about half way through, which is the profit pump of the Medical Industry. The big ticket items include diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. To avoid all that, society needs a Department of Health Defense — life-long monitoring and coaching within a national health care infrastructure. A country composed of healthy, educated, happy citizens is the Confucian ideal, no? In any event, these things are important Human Rights that were established and ratified back in 1948.
Human Rights do two things. 1.) They keep people healthy, and 2.) They make life worth living. This is really what the BRI is all about. A self-sustaining gift to humanity.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Dept. Of Health Defense
I like that, Pluto.
What good is our Defense Dept over there, when the American people are dying in droves at home.
At some point, there will be no one here for our military to defend.
Maybe though, it's a feature, not a bug.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Another Interesting Situation in the UK
There has been a summer surge of cases in the UK, coinciding with the surges in Israel and Cuba. From the first of July through August 25 there have been 1.7 million cases reported in the United Kingdom. The fatality rate is far less than in the earlier surges as there have been only about 4,000 covid deaths reported in that time frame -- about one quarter of one percent.
For point of reference, as of the start of July this year, there were about 4.8 million cases and about 128,000 deaths -- a fatality rate of about 2.7%.
Thus the current big surge in the UK is one tenth as lethal, so far, than the prior run of the pandemic. What does this mean? Other than bad news for the Fear Porn Industry?
I understand that deaths "lag" behind infections and if anybody wants to hang their Doctor's Hat on that rationalization, all I ask is: When will it be legitimate to look at the death rate compared to cases in this UK surge?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
The UK has one of the highest rates
of vaccination in the world - 132/100. It appears that vaccinations are not effective in curbing the COVID pandemic.
Vaccines can no longer curb the pandemic.
Vaccines cannot prevent infections that temporarily get the upper hand in certain individuals. The virus knows how to spread now without the host displaying signs of infection in both vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
The West crossed that red line when the CDC delayed the existence of test kits in the US and started using donor antibodies. The CDC botched the manufacture of testing kits twice, and then never produced enough test kits for mass testing in the US — which is the one and only way to bring infections down to zero while searching for a cure. Instead, we turned the virus into a mutations factory.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.