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Are we fundamentally going to embrace the idea that we are a multiracial democracy. The history of the country suggests that when we are faced with that question we will double down on violence. That White America will choose violence to defend its way of life. … That they will in fact exact a certain kind of violence to defend that view. … America is always talking about changing but it never changes. … It makes no sense that we would actually go back to the politics that produced Trumpism in the first place.
We can’t allow these folks to disentangle Trumpism from the Republican party. … We can’ allow them to disentangle these two things. They are one in the same. So what are you asking for when you talk about reaching across the isle? What are you asking us to do when you talk about reaching across the isle in unity.We won’t do that again. That’s not going to happen this time. … We need to get beyond these narrow labels. We need to get to transformational government. We need to get beyond big government and small government and smart government and get to transformational government. … We need to understand what defund the police means. Budget your values. Budget your values. That’s what it means at the heart of it. Why are you spending 60 -70 percent of your municipal budget on policing when you have education, social services and the like.
Stop lying. Stop lying. … today begins the hard work. … We have to break the political frame that got us into this political mess in the first place.
Eddie Glaude, Princeton University
The original article he wrote, Don’t Let the Loud Bigots Distract You. America’s Real Problem With Race Cuts Far Deeper is here.
I was so inspired when I first heard this. But how do we get to a “transformational government”? At a municipal level it might be possible but even that is challenging.
We tried here, at Bernie’s urging, to get involved in down-ballot campaigns. We ultimately failed. Because “money”. Money won and won again. Money from the developers and the Apartment Association. Lots of money. But there is no money for climate change, no money for affordable housing, no money to feed the hungry. Money won and now Money is going to develop the Silicon Beach, people be damned. Money is kicking homeless people from where they are camped, and fencing off these areas, in the name of safety. We now have several fenced-off empty parking lots. Where do these people living in the streets, whose numbers are increasing daily, go?

Santa Cruz homeless camp
There is the Peoples Party. This seems to be the only reasonable way out. But given the coordinated and successful push back on Bernie from the PTB, I think it will be extremely difficult to loosen the grip on the levers of power.
In Santa Cruz we formed a coalition of the different “progressive groups” to coordinate with each other during the election. It was insane trying to get different groups to agree. The DSA, SC Climate Action Network, Citizens Climate Lobby, Santa Cruz for Bernie, Extinction Rebellion, among many others, were all in the room. Things got done but it took a very long time and was painful trying.
How on Earth can a national group form a transformational government when it is such a fight at the local level? Especially given the time that is available to make critical change happen. (The net net is that it will likely not happen and we will still be flailing in the wind, untethered. Only the wind is getting stronger as the planet warms and the jet stream wobbles out of control.)
Even the actuality of a government forming now, after the election, has been called into question. And it seems that certain people are lining ducks up in a row to, at the very least, make it as difficult as possible. There has been talk of civil war, civil unrest, revolution, a coup. So far nothing like that has happened.
Your thoughts?
All of this is out of our control. If nothing else, we live in interesting times.
It's your open thread, now...

Annamie Paul talks climate,
Annamie Paul talks climate, racial justice and public health: ‘these things are all interconnected’
Climate change causes landfalling hurricanes to stay stronger for longer
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Good morning MA and C99
We finally got a rain after a couple of dry weeks...1.25". Got the garden manured and mulched just in time.
Having lived in Alabama most of my life racial injustice is common and blatant. My corner of the state was mainly yeomen farmers and has a small (8-10%) black population. They fit in well here and get along with everyone, but they are the target of the police racking up the most arrests. Statewide it is worse. A large majority of those in (the for-profit) prison system are POC. Keeps them off the voting rolls as well.
I'm working with the People's party here. Yes there will be push back, but I would rather try than simply submit to the current injustice system promoted by both parties. I think it stands a chance of some success.
Progressives have always been their own worst enemy. A clear unified platform will go a long way toward more unity, and it is my understanding the People's party intends to do that. I hope at the top of the platform is an antiwar message. That way when the thugs and dims holler about where's the money? We can say from the military budget. M4A, $15/hr, guaranteed job program focused on green transition and infrastructure are also big priorities in my book. Seems like most folks could unite behind that sort of messaging.
We'll see what we'll see.
Krystal and Saagar went through Trumpolini's suits yesterday. Doesn't sound like they will carry water, but he does have a corporate captured (in)justice system. (about 20 min)
Also saw something yesterday you might enjoy...(8 min)
Gardening and art are a release.
All the best. Have a great day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not (or barely) mentioned on Rising
Krystal and Saagar in dismissing Trump's prospects on legal challenges failed to mention a lot that may end up relevant.
While it's true that nothing has been filed yet (AFAIK) regarding voter system vendor Dominion, it should have rated a mention that various 'glitches' have reported with their software - one of which, when noticed and corrected by a hand count of ballots, resulted in votes improperly flipped to Biden going back to Trump. This resulted in shift from the reported results of around 6000 to Trump - in a single rural Michigan County (Antrim Co.)
Anyway, large scale fraud and a whole range of illegality is being alleged in Michigan, even before you get to issues with electronic voting systems.
Here is an excerpt from the affidavit of just one of the many in support of suits filed against Wayne County, Michigan election officials:
This is just one bit of the Michigan situation - but potentially involving the validity of thousands of ballots.
(This suit was filed on 11.11 so K&S may not have been aware of it?)
It's not like Michigan (or Philadelphia, or Nevada...) has stellar claims to election integrity - recount of the 2016 results found (along with a lot of other anomalies) that
New York Post
More Michigan - Dr. Shiva Ayaddurai and colleagues take a deep dive into the numbers of four Michigan counties - special invite for those who fancy their math and statistics abilities:
here is an article by Greg Palast
on voter fraud.
Election Day Mayhem Began Two Years Ago With Massive Voter Purges
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About the MI ballot flip.
In Antrim County, MI, a county with Republican leadership and election officials, a worker placed an entry of 6,000 votes for President Trump into the wrong column on an internal spreadsheet used to temporarily store vote tallies. This resulted in an apparent 6,000 votes for Biden. The error was quickly caught and revealed. The erroneous data was NEVER entered into the official election software. The Republican Supervisor of Elections reported the discrepancy.
If you're suggesting that a Republican County Board of Elections deliberately flipped 6,000 votes to Biden in the official count, I have some nice beachfront property here in Arizona you may be interested in purchasing. Plenty of sand, water not included.
There was also a down-ballot embarrassment
where a totaling error (the same one, as I recall) temporarily cost an incumbent his seat. Correcting the error ousted his challenger and gave him another term.
But most people are JUST paying attention to the Presidential race.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
morning lo
Yes imho we should put everything we can into the People's Party. I am admittedly jaded at this point because it is so damn hard. And getting harder because people are trying so hard to survive. Thanks for the links. Got go out and work in the garden, a good thing.
Take good care and think good thoughts.
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The homeless camp
Looks like a picture of refugees. Make all the tents white, put them in rows and it would be like the pictures we've seen over and over around the world after earthquakes, floods, etc.
What kind of a people are we to see this, know this and not be screaming our heads off about getting all of these people housed? In fact, we are crueler now than in the 1930s when there was a homeless encampment in Central Park in New York. And it was allowed.
I've lost friends to homelessness. They both were in lousy health, not able to work, couldn't afford rent anymore. They traded their minivan for a small, very small motor home and "went on the road" as they put it.
morning granma
So true. It's a mess because a lot of the homeless folks are using drugs and when new comers arrive, downtrodden, they are susceptible. It's nothing a good group of concerned citizens couldn't solve without all the city bureaucracy.
Take good care.
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I don't know what it takes
To unite people around a common goal and change what is going on in this country. I wish I did. The budget allocation for the US military is immoral, insane.
Well, I suspect that it will take
regular US Army tanks in the streets, and regular US Army soldiers garrisoned in some people's homes, before a lot of the upper-percenters will look up from Brunch and say "Hey, wasn't there something about mumble posse mumble commitatus at some point?"
The 1981 modifications to the Act specifically "guarantee the states protection against invasion or usurpation of their 'republican form of government,' and, upon the request of the state legislature, against 'domestic violence.'”
When the Army starts setting up encampments on some of the better golf courses, maybe, or the Gulfstream gets pushed into the ditch to make room on the ramp for those A-10s that were strafing the demonstrators.... Dunno. The rest of us will have been ground to dust under the tank treads long before that.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Good morning magi. Transformational government, of
course, won't come of itself or evolve out of what we have, but will need to be both created and forced. I particularly liked this point, btw:
As Lookout noted, if you make anti-war and anti-militarism a key plank in your program, the answer to "where will the funds come from" is a major gimme, as is, to a lesser degree "'defund" the police" and roll-back or rein-in ICE, DEA, CIA and all the other bad actors.
The fight for a third party is a natural part of the program and could be a unification of all of the marginalized "progressive" agendaa into one big organization. I put progressive in quotes because so many of those things are really things that should've been accomplished ages ago and it is crazy that they are still being argued about, let alone suppressed and resisted.
Working with activists is, unfortunately like herding cats, so one has to start with very elementary concepts like "you can support to goals, agendas or organizations at once, both as individuals and as organized mission oriented groups." That more or less must be hammered home a few times a day and certainly at any and every gathering.
It seems to me that Climate change most seriously or urgently impacts all other things so we should make it a part of everything to some extent and similarly there should always be at least a nod to ending war(s) (and militarism, imperialism and weaponizing the universe) both as an aspect of the solution to climate change and as a necessary ingredient of a livable world in its own right. (That it can fund everything else
is a very important driver.)
In my experience (very dated):
every org or cause wants to be top priority
every org or cause wants to be at least included and addressed
it is always treated as a zero sum game and it somewhat is, to the extent that every org or cause wants to be completely resolved/funded.
This again is reason to constantly emphasize cooperation and cooperative/multipurpose activism and activities, like maybe an anti-racist beach clean up, for example.
So, a couple of weird ideas that came to mind --
one solution is for the reps of each org to do a ranked choice vote on their priorities and then establish those as the priorities with a the greater combined unified "movement" for the next calendar quarter or two with a caveat that there be a floor, that everybody gets at least a small of the action
an alternative refinement is to set a ceiling and floor either uniformly for each and every, or for each stratum of priority.
this can apply equally to requests and/or demands of government (and corporates if you can swing it) and dividing up effort and expenditure at the coalition level.
Back on March 20, 2019 I did an OT on Dismantling Racism ( but didn't really do a goog job of getting across an embedded idea which was that the overall technique could be applied to any cause, ending violence against women, or children, or, of course, both; extending the franchise to the incarcerated, attacking the climate emergency or reducing pesticides or plastic pollution, etc. Essentially, every organizatin or event could, as an included feature support other additional agendas.
Thanks for the OT.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
afternoon el
wow. Great comment. yes to climate chaos first. yes to defunding the military and endless wars. yes to a movement of our own for the people. maybe I need to reboot so I can contribute. we all do and every bit helps. herding cats is a bitch. especially when everyone has to have their turn and their say. I get impatient with that process that is an integral part of the way young people and university students operate. things move faster when there is an urgency such as in a war or in the 2016 Bernie campaign. maybe there is a middle way that can work. anyway we must move forward until we cannot.
Take good care and have a very good one.
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Why can't these people get their idioms correct?!?! It's "one AND the same", not "one in the same".
[/rant off]
A Coup Is Underway':
Experts Warn Election Lies by Trump and GOP Leaders Could Unleash Violent Wave
'Stolen election' rhetoric: more dangerous than you might think
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