Monday OT: July 29 is International Tiger Day

July 29 is day 210 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Setting Orange, Confusion 64, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
Image from page 194 of "The Tiger (student newspaper), Sept. 1911-June 1912" (1911)


The Tyger
Tyger, Tyger, so adroit
In cereals, gas tanks, and Detroit
what immoral mind and eye
spawned this ugly travesty --
~ E. Bernays


We know the exact date on which Pakal took the throne because of the fabulous Mayan Calendar, just sayin'. Of course, ab intio, it was based on the intersectionalities of the movements of the planets, whereas our Calendar was based on random shit and especially not the movement of planets, because they didn't, ya know.


The Spanish Armada only lost 5 ships at Gravelines, but the British pounded the Spanish with cannon fire for long hours, weakening the ships, crews, and hulls sufficiently that a subsequent storm and some sloppy navigation pretty much destroyed it. The great Spanish Admiral who kicked mucho ass at Lepanto having bought the farm, some two-bit generalissio, the Duke of Medina-Sidona, who knew nothing of ships, sailing and the sea, was put in charge.


Fresnel's paper was a masterwork that explained and clarified much and, in the process, destroyed the then last remaining argument against the wave theory of light, which was adopted as a result. Of course, we don't ascribe to the wave theory of light, as such, today, but such is life.


Berkowitz, the "son-of-Sam killer" tried to get off on an insanity plea, claiming that he heard voices telling him to do this stuff. It didn't work. (After all, Reagan heard voices too, and they told him what to do, and he did what he was told, and yet he clearly wasn't even remotely crazy, now was he. Well, maybe just a little batshit psycho, but, all the same ....


Throughout history the goddess Eris has been scorned, ignored, related to the second string and treated as a minor deity. This pisses her off and is why everything mankind touches turns to shit. Just ask the Erisians and Discordians. She needs a major temple, pronto.


Playing with new HTML, wonder how it will work? Tune in today and see. So whatthehell didja do with < center > whatever </center> Johnny?


Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift, look out kid, ...


On this day in history:


0615 – Pakal became ruler of Palenque when 12 years old
1588 – The Battle of Gravelines, the British shelled the Spanish Armada
1818 – Augustin Fresnel submitted his Memoir on the Diffraction of Light
1851 – Annibale de Gasparis discovered asteroid 15 Eunomia
1932 – Troops in Washington, D.C.dispersed the remnants of the Bonus Army
1976 – Son-of-Sam (David Berkowitz) committed his first murder
2005 – Astronomers announced the discovery of the dwarf planet Eris



Born this day in:

1805 – Alexis de Tocqueville, historian and philosopher
1869 – Booth Tarkington, author
1898 – Isidor Isaac Rabi, physicist
1914 – Irwin Corey, actor, comedian, and activisst
1933 – Randy Sparks, folkie, singer, songwriter, and musician
1938 – Peter Jennings, journalist and author
1946 – Neal Doughty, keyboardeist, songwriter, and producer
1953 – Geddy Lee, singer, songwriter, keyboardist, and bassist
1954 – Patti Scialfa, singer, songwriter, and guitarist


Died this day in:

1890 – Vincent van Gogh, painter and illustrator who took Marc Anthony's speech too seriously
1974 – Cass Elliot, singer
1976 – Mickey Cohen, businessman, politician, Christian friend of the Irgun
1979 – Herbert Marcuse, sociologist and philosopher, ex-OSS new leftist
1995 – Les Elgart, trumpet player and bandleader
2014 – Giorgio Gaslini, pianist and composer
2014 – Idris Muhammad, drummer and composr


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:

International Tiger Day


Music goes here, iirc, well,

International Tyger Day




Randy Sparks


Neal Doughty


Geddy Lee


Patti Scialfa


Vincent van Gogh


Cass Elliot


Les Elgart


Giorgio Gaslini


Idris Muhammad


Gratuitous Encryption Zone
V nz crefhnqrq gung gurer vf nofbyhgryl ab yvzvg gb gur nofheqvgvrf gung pna, ol tbireazrag npgvba, pbzr gb or trarenyyl oryvrirq. Tvir zr na nqrdhngr nezl, jvgu cbjre gb cebivqr vg jvgu zber cnl naq orggre sbbq guna snyyf gb gur ybg bs gur nirentr zna, naq V jvyy haqregnxr, jvguva guvegl lrnef, gb znxr gur znwbevgl bs gur cbchyngvba oryvrir gung gjb naq gjb ner guerr, gung jngre serrmrf jura vg trgf ubg naq obvyf jura vg trgf pbyq, be nal bgure abafrafr gung zvtug frrz gb freir gur vagrerfg bs gur Fgngr. Bs pbhefr, rira jura gurfr oryvrsf unq orra trarengrq, crbcyr jbhyq abg chg gur xrggyr va gur vpr-obk jura gurl jnagrq vg gb obvy. Gung pbyq znxrf jngre obvy jbhyq or n Fhaqnl gehgu, fnperq naq zlfgvpny, gb or cebsrffrq va njrq gbarf, ohg abg gb or npgrq ba va qnvyl yvsr. Jung jbhyq unccra jbhyq or gung nal ireony qravny bs gur zlfgvp qbpgevar jbhyq or znqr vyyrtny, naq bofgvangr urergvpf jbhyq or "sebmra" ng gur fgnxr. Ab crefba jub qvq abg raguhfvnfgvpnyyl npprcg gur bssvpvny qbpgevar jbhyq or nyybjrq gb grnpu be gb unir nal cbfvgvba bs cbjre. Bayl gur irel uvturfg bssvpvnyf, va gurve phcf, jbhyq juvfcre gb rnpu bgure jung ehoovfu vg nyy vf; gura gurl jbhyq ynhtu naq qevax ntnva. Guvf vf uneqyl n pnevpngher bs jung unccraf haqre fbzr zbqrea tbireazragf.

-Oregenaq Ehffryy-


Image is Image from page 194 of "The Tiger (student newspaper), Sept. 1911-June 1912" (1911)


It's an open thread, so do your thing

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magiamma's picture

et al

Well, okay then, better get started on that temple I was going to build. Been on my list for a long time. Oh, wait, I am living in it and it's melting. and my little dog too. Seeing a lot of changes here in the trees now. The eucs have some critters eating them and have had for about six years or so. The critters are slowly winning and the eucs are thinning. Not good. Loosing lots of habitat. Some bug from Australia with no predator. Brown, roundish, hard shell, about the size of a huckleberry or a dried pea.

Is this what you meant
< div align="center"> whatever < /div >

be well...

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enhydra lutris's picture

change upon us, to do. A younger me advocated their eradication. Sure, Monarchs love em, but only since they've taken over, the Monarchs did fine without them for ages. They're invasive, messy, a major fire hazard that exacerbates ordinary wildfires, etc., etc. Get rid of and replace with natives, but can we still do that? The native oaks and Bay Laurel are suffering too and coast redwood groves aren't quick growing. That's why the eucs are here, quick growing weeds intentionally planted as a quick cash crop way back when. Hubris and greed and ignorance, the deadly trio of far too much human and almost all corporate behavior.

I am now adopting the whole "div align" thing. Never used "div" anything before, though I may have dug some out of an online reference for some one off use. I always did simple in-line html, just throw a quick < center > </center> pair around anything and it was centered, quick, simple, symmetric like the strong and em and blockquote pairs (and strikethrough). Ah well, another era fading and another day upon us.

Have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
by these bugs. There are fewer leaves and more bare branches which is caused also by the four years of drought and hotter days but mostly by the bugs. The trees are at least sixty years old and at least two hundred feet high. The five acres is overseen by the Xerces Society ( but they are there in name only. It is an official Monarch butterfly Sanctuary but I have seen only maybe one or two butterflies the last two years. There used to be many hundreds hanging from the trees and each other in huge bunches. I planted sedge along the stream bed to stabilize it and one evergreen 20 years ago which is about 30-40 feet tall now, a dwarf. I have nurtured a number of volunteer oaks which are also even smaller dwarfs. And then some willows but they have a hard time because the stream is also drainage in the winter (and some volunteer plums). So, I am watching this degrade slowly over time, feel helpless at all the changes and the impact this has on wildlife. Anyway...

The bugs need to go if the eucs are to survive.

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QMS's picture


My dad fought that war. Playing poker on the trans pacific flights carrying dead american servicemen.

1950 – Korean War: U.S. Army 7th Cavalry Regiment troops concluded four days of shootings of civilians, sparked by fears that columns of refugees might contain North Korean spies.




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question everything

enhydra lutris's picture

Esso/Humble ad too. Muddy is also welcome, it is interesting how stuff like the Esso ad quickly becomes cultural background to be used for remixes, collages and such.

Sugar Frosted Flakes

We did plenty of bad stuff in Korea, mostly not too widely known here, but certainly well remembered there, our unpleasant global legacy. Seems that is always one of the hallmarks of empire.
Have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --