Hellraisers Journal: Pinkertons Search for Clues in Steunenberg Murder; Seek Jack Simpkins of WFM
There are no limits to which the powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones
Friday January 26, 1906
Boise, Idaho - Authorities Seek Simpkins of W. F. of M. in Steunenberg Case
From The Salt Lake Tribune of January 22, 1906:
Detectives Had Busy Sunday in
Searching for New Evidence.
Sheriff Nichols of Canyon County Has
Collapsed Under Strain of Work.
-----Special to The Tribune.
BOISE, Ida., Jan. 21.-Among the detectives, today was an active day for them in the search for more evidence against Harry Orchard and others in the Steunenberg murder case. It is reported that some new clues were found, which officers seem to think are very important.
View of Pinkerton Men.Pinkerton men have been hunting up the new evidence, and they are positive in their findings. One of them said:
My agency does not work on theories. We work on facts, making our chain of evidence by connecting one fact with another. We always endeavor to keep on the safe side, and our work is always kept secret until our case is complete. Some detectives work largely on theory. That is dangerous, for the reason that often they will stretch points to prove their theory correct, when, as a matter of fact, the real trail is in an opposite direction.
Makes Case Stronger.The new evidence found not only makes the Orchard case stronger, but adds belief that one or two other men were his accomplices. The search for Jack Simpkins and another suspect, for whom warrants are out, is being vigorously prosecuted. Three other suspects are also being hunted for.
Detective Force Increased.The detective forces working on this murder case have been materially increased the past few days, and the fugitives will have a hard time of it trying to keep out of reach of officers much longer. It is thought arrests will be made within the next few hours.
Orchard's Side of Case.Attorney Miller, who is defending Orchard, is expected to return here from Spokane this week. On his return his detectives will begin active work trying to secure evidence to prove Orchard's innocence.
Sheriff Nichols Ill.Sheriff Nichols of Canyon county, who has done faithful and trying work in the Steunenberg murder case, has collapsed under the great strain and is sick at his home in Caldwell.
-----[Photograph added.]
The Salt Lake Tribune
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
-Jan 22, 1906
Roughneck: The Life and Times of Big Bill Haywood
-by Peter Carlson
W. W. Norton, Incorporated, Dec 1, 1984
Checking index for Jack Simpkins, page 88:
Jack Simpkins was "a former Coeur d'Alene miner who had once been bayoneted in Steunenberg's bullpen and now served on the WFM's executive board...Simpkins disappeared, never to be seen again."
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, Logo
See also:
Coeur d'Alene miners' disputes
"The Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case" by Louis Adamic
Union Man - Blue Highway
Here's to every miner who dared to take a stand
Who lived to feed his family and died a Union man.