Coeur d'Alene

Hellraisers Journal: Pinkertons Search for Clues in Steunenberg Murder; Seek Jack Simpkins of WFM

There are no limits to which the powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Friday January 26, 1906
Boise, Idaho - Authorities Seek Simpkins of W. F. of M. in Steunenberg Case

From The Salt Lake Tribune of January 22, 1906:


Detectives Had Busy Sunday in
Searching for New Evidence.
Sheriff Nichols of Canyon County Has
Collapsed Under Strain of Work.

Special to The Tribune.

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, wiki.png

BOISE, Ida., Jan. 21.-Among the detectives, today was an active day for them in the search for more evidence against Harry Orchard and others in the Steunenberg murder case. It is reported that some new clues were found, which officers seem to think are very important.

View of Pinkerton Men.

Pinkerton men have been hunting up the new evidence, and they are positive in their findings. One of them said:

Hellraisers Journal: Ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho Murdered by Dynamite Bomb at Home in Caldwell

There are no limits to which the powers of privilege will not go
to keep the workers in slavery.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday January 2, 1906
Caldwell, Idaho - Ex-Governor Steunenberg Assassinated

From the front page of The New York Times of December 31st comes this very grim news:


Frank Steunenberg of Idaho Victim of an Assassin.
The Bomb Had Been Placed at His Gate at Caldwell,
and Exploded as He Entered.

Gov Steunenberg, Idaho 1897-1901.png

BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 30.-Frank Steunenberg, formerly Governor of Idaho, was killed to-night by a bomb at his home in Caldwell. A dynamite bomb had been placed at his front gate with a contrivance that exploded the bomb as he entered. Both legs were blown off and he lived but twenty minutes.

There is no known reason for the outrage, but it is charged to some members of the famous inner circle of the Coeur D'Alene dynamiters, whom he prosecuted relentlessly in 1899 while he was Governor.

Gov. Gooding is in communication with the police and is prepared to lend the full support of the State in running down the perpetrators of the crime. The State will offer a large reward.

Steunenberg was Governor of Idaho from 1897 to 1901, having been twice elected on the Populist ticket. He was born in Iowa forty-four years ago, and had been in Idaho since 1887. He leaves a widow and three children.