Wednesday Open Thread: March 27 - The Birthday of Phil Chess
Submitted by enhydra lutris on Wed, 03/27/2019 - 5:00am

Rocket 88 -
The Wolf -
Miss Etta -
The Moonglows -
Uncle Muddy -
Some Flamingos -
Bo Diddley - Chess created the "Checker" label specifically for Bo and some other R&R types -
Little Walter -
Big Willie (who also wrote a lot of stuff for the others) -
John Lee -
Otis Spann on piano, Little Walter on Harp -- -
Image is public domain -
Its an open thread so have at it. The floor is yours

It's Day 86 of the Year 2019 CE (Gregorian), meaning that it's March 27, 2019 (Gregorian), or by the long count

Phil Chess was born on March 27, 1921. He co-founded Chess Records with his brother Leonard. The rest, is history, as they say. Their first record was Gene Ammons' My Foolish Heart. They went on to produce "Rocket 88", by Jackie Brenston and His Delta Cats (Brenston with Ike Turners' Band), groups like the Moonglows and Glamingos and artists such as Etta James, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wold, Little Walter, Bo Diddley, Willie Dixon, and many more. But, enough of that ...
My Foolish Heart
Rocket 88
The Wolf
Miss Etta
The Moonglows
Uncle Muddy
Some Flamingos
Bo Diddley - Chess created the "Checker" label specifically for Bo and some other R&R types
Little Walter
Big Willie (who also wrote a lot of stuff for the others)
John Lee
Otis Spann on piano, Little Walter on Harp --
Image is public domain
Its an open thread so have at it. The floor is yours
I'll be kicked back in the desert when this posts, so play nicely among yourselves.

Since nobody's mentioned it yet...
I'll bring up the fact that the most recent hate hoax perpetrator was released with all charges dropped. Not going to mention his name, we all know it.
He doesn't deserve the attention. No link either, because I don't want to buy into the strategy that I think is going on here.
Now, I'm going to put my mind somewhere I don't usually like to go, but it needs it in this case. If I was a total asshole looking to PROVE that people were racist, the fastest way I can think of to manufacture a genuine hate crime would be to let somebody go free for perpetrating a fake one.
Since nobody rose to the bait last time, it would be time to make the bait even MORE tasty and appealing. And if you don't believe we have people who would take FULL advantage of that, you have a much more hopeful view of humanity than I do.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Amazing, isn’t it? Imran Awan? Sweetheart plea bargain.
Minority-privileged topic of your comment? Goes scot-free.
One really has to wonder who it was that Martha Stewart refused to, or neglected to, pay off.
It seemed to make some kind of statement: this could
I was never a fan, but her behavior during the whole affair, was excellent. Now I admire her.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Good morning, Dawn; good to see you
posting; a hearty welcome.
Good morning
The trees are leafing out as spring unfolds. A few years back we had a 3 day freeze first week in April and it killed all the emerging leaves. The oldest people I know had never seen that. Currently they are predicting a warm next few weeks, so I think we will avoid that scenario again.
Thanks for the Chess recordings and story. Many of my friends collect and play 78's. Joe Bussard is a famous collector and has some of his records are on-line - free to listen...
Have a good day everybody!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Envious, Lookout; still cold up here.
At least the sun is shining. Mostly taking care of healthcare needs and paperwork this morning.
Have a new prescription coming from a specialty pharmacy and although the prescription is monthly until 2022; they told me by phone today that i have to contact them by phone each month to order the medicine. "Can't i make this automatic, I asked?"
"No." they replied.
"Do this online,?"
Bureaucracy in livid color.
Anyways, hope you enjoy the Spring day.
“Can we lock up Rachel Maddow now?” (The Automatic Earth)
Ecuador imprisons U.S. journalist in room as ambassador tells Assange to “shut up” and accept spying (The Gateway Pundit)
The E.U.’s censorious copyright directive will create two internets (CapX)
Collapse denial
Not one word in this progressive article from the progressive newspaper about the progressive climate change. nope "We're capitalists" never learn
Sonoma County’s super commuters earn the highest annual pay in Bay Area
super strong
Did the most popular story have to ruin yet another nostalgic label branded inside my head. of course
Yes We Can

Notice a familiar logo on eyo's shirt?
eat a sneer facial recognizer
Sea Ranch 1999
close up
what's old is new again again... again... again...
full circle with a capital A
The person who took that picture was a Dole, from the pineapple family. She was my partner's P.E. teacher at Davis High, a life mentor after graduation. Yeah I am not confused. hardly strictly
When the U.S. regime-changed Hawaii, Sanford Dole was “Guaido”
President “Guaidòle” . . . the more things change . . .
The E.U. elite all may say they hate Trump & Co., but when push comes to shove, they fall all over themselves to join Washington in lockstep every time, no matter who is in the WH.
Her daddy gave her the house
the world is what you make it
Feel free to 'splain what that video is trying to say, convey.
Catchy tune makes me shake it, wanna dance as the world descends. Is that it, over.
true, imo ...
Some slick lawyer group
Could come up with a law suit against the media(s) for fraudulent portrayal of facts. Like they did against the tobacco lobby. And Monsanto. The DNC. NY Times. Washington Post. 911 Truth. Pentagon spending. The Freedom of Information Act does hold some weight. And re-define national security black out. Sheesh.
I get it the courts are beholden to the elites. I think people want to see some form of justice aside from the congressional commission reports where all the biggest liars are let off the hook. Sue the bastards.
question everything
Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring to you the Great
orange hairball of the united states of amerika
boy are we so screwed
Donald J. Trump
The Fake News Media has lost tremendous credibility with its corrupt coverage of the illegal Democrat Witch Hunt of your all time favorite duly elected President, me! T.V. ratings of CNN & MSNBC tanked last night after seeing the Mueller Report statement. @FoxNews up BIG!
8:27 PM - Mar 26, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That's his twit handle? @realDonaldTrump LOL
"FoxNews ratings up!"
I'd never see it otherwise. wow This is me quoting the past Chair of the DNC on FoxNews WTF?! help me
Donna Brazile: What we really need to learn from the Mueller report
The Good Christian Woman who lied out loud on national TV about passing debate questions to Her campaign while she was a head talker at CNN. From CNN to FoxNews. D-Value cascade.
UniParty Rules
good luck
We've now entered the tRump zone
it gets better.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good day and thanks, el.
Have a good one, everyone.
Hola! Currenr events are a jackrabbit bopping around in
our campsite during morning coffee and a philosophical discussion on the issue of whether, if we complete all of our proposed hikes today, we might cheat and reward ourselves by driving into Borrego Springs for dinner at Pablito's. Explored Little Surprise Canyon, which was new to us, yesterday. (For any hip to the area, it is right off of the parking lot for the Hellhole Canyon trailhead, and very rewarding.)
So, will Russia, Russsia, Russiagate evolve into Rachael, Rachael, Rachaelgate? Will Mueller time evolve into cocktail hour? Dunno, don't, at the moment, care. There's a whole different world over and south of Yaqui pass, beginninng with the hillside hike to Yaqui well, and we is off, hoping to see some borrego on the ridge west of the pass on the way.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
More Russiagate-related commentaries via The Automatic Earth
Someone at the Green-left German daily “Taz” came up with this
slogan for the post-automotive revolution in energy and transport — presumably echoing John and Yoko’s “War is over (if you want it)” . . .