Thursday Open Thread 7-5-2018
Morning. Came across an interesting article in The Atlantic last week, The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy The class divide is already toxic, and is fast becoming unbridgeable. You’re probably part of the problem. To reach more policy makers or circumvent them, we need to understand this societal group.
The article and facts presented is worth a stand-alone diary. Maybe someone has the time to break it apart into digestible chunks.
audio recording about an hour and half.
China Continued
The videos are brief timeline of Dynasties starting with Qin Shi Huang founder of the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. The only dynasty to use legalism as the primary ruling philosophy. He also ended the system of feudalism that had started in the Zhou Dynasty 800 years earlier.
China has been on the receiving end of Gun Boat diplomacy since the early 1800's. They are not naive about the consequences of not complying with the desires of the West regarding trade or territory. Missionaries came with the Gun Boats.
Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing (Ching)Dynasty was only one of several women who governed China.
Interesting history of the Korean War coming to light as scholars explore Russian archives.
Now, another causative factor has been proposed: The Soviet dictator wanted to pin Beijing down in a major ground war in order to prevent Chinese reunification. This thesis is advanced in the just-completed “The World and the Korean War” (Korean language; publication pending; Seoul).
“Stalin’s main concern was not North Korea or the Korean peninsula, but Northeast China,” Ra told Asia Times. “Stalin had obtained special concessions in Northeast China from the Chiang Kai-shek government in 1945, which Chiang, because of his weak position, had offered.”The concessions included exclusive rights to rail lines and harbors in Northeast China, an area in which Russia had traditionally held deep interest: It had been the key loci of the Russo-Japanese War. However, when Mao seized control of mainland China in 1948, he refused to honor the agreement.
Winners and losersThe under-the-radar winner was the USSR, which had weakened America and dented US prestige at the cost of virtually no Soviet blood and minimal Soviet gold. China could legitimately claim to have fought the US to a standstill, sparking a virile new national pride, which resounds to this day.
For the first time in her history, America had been unable to prevail in war. The Korean model of “limited war” would resume a decade later, to even more disastrous effect, in Vietnam.
Farm Report
Perseverance and dedication. This guy has been in the center of the road for the last three weeks to lead the vehicles away from the nest. Today saw him, mom and the baby at the side of the road. By the time I turned around for the picture the other two had disappeared into the grass. He was standing and watching to access the danger.
All the pipes are changed and up to pressure. Provides a good feeling of accomplishment for the day.

good morning
Noam claims it is the upper 20% that holds sway as he says (@ 1.5 min) early in this synopsis of clips explaining his concept of manufacturing consent
I've been enjoying your China expose, and learning more about that evolving culture.
Things look good on your farm. We are wild and woolly with all the rain...another 0.5 inches yesterday. Surprisingly we've had little disease problems, but the fungus is among us - and we're harvesting chanterelles. We preserve the excess by sauteing them lightly and freezing them. So far we have 3 gallons of blueberries in the freezer in addition to eating lots of them. Summer crops are just now coming in...tomatoes, squash, and so on.
All the best to all of you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I can't vouch for the accuracy here, but it is intriguing:
The concept of directing the masses has been exposed
Are the chanterelles native or did they get a little help from you? I am working on preparing an microclimate that will stay moist enough to support a colony or two of gourmet mushrooms. Have several types that grow in the fields. Need to find a local mycologist expert to help identify the safe to eat varieties.
May the good harvest continue.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Dipshit's Immigrant Kiddy Courts and Rick Scott's Involvement
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Great exapmle of how not prosocuting corruption
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Limited War
Has become the Military's ONLY policy. The idea that somehow it's more moral to ignore what the people want and kill enemies anyway because you HAVE to is very Roman.
A little town called Messina comes to mind.
Course, that's all ancient history. Which Most Americans steadfastly refuse to read.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Limited war is one method of controlling local
Sorry I will miss the get together this weekend. The holiday highway traffic is pretty heavy and don't plan on joining the masses on the road.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
No worries. We'll keep you in our thoughts...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
China history
and our new gilded age vid on my viewing list for this evening. Thanks for the essay and links.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Process to rescue Thai boys in cave
does not appear to be a heroic rescue team on site. Instead multilevel planning to keep the boys safe as possible.
A nurse and doctor joined the rescue team inside the cave. Boys are being taught to swim. Scuba gear for children is being assembled. Water pumped from the cave. A static rope secured form outside into the cave. Thai speaking divers gathered to assist each boy through the water when the time is right.
4 months of food and water already gathered if staying becomes the plan. The photos show smiling people doing their tasks. Not the normal emergency feeling of drama.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Our Infrastructure falling down
around us.
Syracuse Bridge Collapse
[edit] Fixed Link
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
clicked on "Syracuse bridge collapse" and got a Gallup poll on health care.
BTW, is the Syracuse newspaper still mimeographed? It was last time I was there, but that was 1980.
On to Biden since 1973
and, no, not mimeographed,
but the 'cuse had two newspapers in those days, morning and evening.
Now down to one - the Sub-Standard - which is clinging on to dear life.
I will miss them - paper Newspapers - if they go before I do.
An iPad just doesn't cut it as replacement for the real deal over a cup of coffee at the local diner. Not even close.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Frustrating modern concrete
does not appear to be as stable as the ancient Romans.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Ed Schultz has died
Ed Schultz died at his home this morning, apparently from natural causes. He was only 64 years old.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Very sad
Ed was one of my hometown boys (like Jesse Ventura is), being from Minnesota. He had a YouTube show "Ed Schultz News and Commentary" between MSNBC and RT and I didn't miss any of them. He told us about his wife's battle with cancer but did not know he had any health issues.
Lost a great journalist.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
He had mentioned several times about spending
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Interesting, as always, studentofearth.
Sometimes what I see here lingers and then pops up much later to lend insights.
So, from the Asian point of view, the entire US-concocted Vietnam War was merely a continuation of the Korean War, after a brief pause? A faction of the neocon military wanted to rehabilitate their ignoble defeat in Korea before retirement swallowed their shit-for-brains legacy whole?
I have the impression that Americans at the time, would have never given that notion a single thought. WWII and Korea was ancient history. They were done with foreign adventures for good. They were standing on the threshold of the twentieth century and flying cars. Their only weakness was that they still blindly believed and obeyed authority, even before the brainwashing began in earnest. Subversive groups like the Counsil on Foreign Relations had it good. They had the innocence of the early decades of the century to incubate and then infiltrate the Federal government.
There are a number of writers at C99 with better knowledge
Wikipedia mentions the US was paying most of the cost of the conflict by 1954. Why? is a good question.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
No surprise here
That high?! I'll have
what they're smoking!
Nobody earning $15,000 /yr. has any "comfort level." None.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The breakdown of the beliefs leading to self delusion
One area not discussed is those living on pensions and the jealousy that has arisen. To receive $2,000 a month income from 1.2 million dollars, without touching principle, a 2% rate of return is required. A pensioner may look at $2,000 and say that is not enough to live on and someone with 1.2 million to invest could have the same viewpoint.
We are still ignoring the really high pensions that are distorting the system and used as examples by commentators. Add less revenue available for local projects and schools to the mix. Result anger on every side of the issue and groups of voters to manipulate.
Once legislators and judges were added to the system any fiscally prudent change became almost impossible.
P.S. Keep your economic lessons coming. Find them useful.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Ed Schultz gone.
Ed Schultz Dead at 64
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I am mourning today
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks for the link
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Tesla is going down
2018 2nd quarter shows executives are aware of
Growth by tax breaks and government handouts are over for Tesla with current leadership.
the truth.Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
That Atlantic article was very interesting
I should not have been surpriseed to see that the 9.9% have as much fear as the rest of us. While we may scoff at their threatened loss of privilige, to them that loss is existentially real - as real as Archie Bunker defending his home value from neighborhood "busters"
Ironic - the 9.9% set up education as a wall to protect themselves (really their children) from the uneducated masses, but that very education will inevitably produce the automation that will destroy that wall. (My chemical engineer friend is right; what will happen to him when a high school grafuate with an ipad can do his job?)(maybe not the top 1% of his job, but the basic parts of it)
Suddenly political caution makes a new sort of sense. When inequality boils over the surest losers will be the 9.9%. If we want to preserve humanity we have to find a way to limit their losses, since they are also the doctors and (by education though not class) engineers and research scientists, etc.
On to Biden since 1973
We need to help a significant percentage understand
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I am so sad about Ed
What a loss. I wonder about what are the "natural causes?"
But I am still going to share the gardening pictures from my beloved Aunt Joyce (in her 80s) who is still on the farm in northeast SD. She is my gardening muse. Love her dearly.
She gave me permission to share with you. Here is what she said about garden progress so far.
Read most of the article. My inlaws are in that 9.9% group. My husband has one foot in there too. Really good food for thought. They are pretty much oblivious to the state of the world.
Gardening . . . I am starting seeds and replanting. Killing squash bugs every day pays off because I have gobs of two varieties of butternut squash. They might be almost done. Tomato crop is terrible, but I treasure each tomato. Am replanting tomatoes from Iraq, Bali, Italy, and Thailand.
All hail the Armenian Cucumber!!!! They are actually a melon. My daughter calls them a "fruit cucumber." I like eating them raw, but am about to pickle some. They are giant and they are prolific.
And again . . . I love learning about China.
Thank you! Have a great evening everyone!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Your Aunt's garden is an inspiration
Sometimes individual only learn by experience, not by the lessons we try and teach. Best we can do is provide an example they may remember when coping skills are needed. But it can feel very lonely seeing into an unpleasant future.
I remember my Grandmother declining to attend a wedding for a cousin. The reason she gave me was it was too sad for her to see a familiar pattern restarting. Sounded like a weak excuse to me, but as time passed it did repeat a pattern I see in other family members unhealthy relationships.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I suspect you are mostly replying to my coping essay from earlier this week.
Hmmm . . . I just felt like it was OK to be a bit vulnerable here. Sometimes I look back on old comments and it seems like maybe I project the idea of having it all figured out. Well, I don't. This form of communication is so 2D, when in reality, our lives are 3D and 4D. We are all a mixed bag of past experiences, present, and perceptions of the future. Not to dimish the PTSD experienced by our war veterans, but many of us here probably also have PTSD. I was raised by straight-laced loving parents who were also raised by straight-laced loving parents. But then a bunch of family members die too young. Then I married a dude who kicked the shit out of me and scared the hell out of me - took me 17 years before I found the courage and opportunity to escape. That was 24 years ago and the present reality is wonderful. I try not to think about the past, and don't much, but you can't help but be haunted by it.
We who occupy this realm of cyberspace are all haunted by something probably. And we all have the right-brained functions that allow us to truly see the big picture. I don't know if that is a gift or a curse.
I unpublished my coping essay because it was really only meant for c99 eyes.
Not sure if I interpreted your comment correctly. Leading by example is very good advice. Wish you a wonderful day and weekend!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo