You Ready? Woman Child Shows the Way


On this day our thoughts turn to peace and the uncertain future. Are we ready? Will we, like fhis girl, stand up when the time comes?

Epidemic of police killings; middle class, dead or dying; poors being run out from under the freeways, people prohibited from feeding them.

Untold numbers living in their cars. Our military killing civilians in other countries in epic numbers. Nuclear war now a possibility once more. Organizing potential of the Internet becoming limited.

Naomi Klein warned us back when Trump was elected to to expect the disaster/vulture capitalists to stream in. She was right.

With the passage of the #TaxScam and the steady dismantling of Federal regulatory protections we can expect a continuing cascade of attacks. Not just from the Trumpists, but from their little butt buddies Establishment Dems as well.

What can we do? Sit around and beach that there is no peace movement? We can do better than that, can't we.

Sure, TPTB own the police, have the military hardware, should we try to stop them. Israelis are being hired to train our police how to deal with us.

So guess we just give up, sit back an take it, document all the fail?

Are we, the 99%, to become the next Palestinians? Yeminis?

Not your perfect Christmas Essay perhaps, but as I woke up wishing for peace on earth, in thinking this morning of the apocrypal stories of Jesus throwing the money lenders out of the temple, Ghandi and the non violent movement, MLK jr. and others, just made me wonder..

Are we ready? How can we get more ready? Because they ARE coming for us.

What will we do when they kick granny out of the nursing home if Medicaid is taken away?

What will we do when our child or relative dies because of lack of health care?

What will we do ask working conditions deteriorate even more, water supply is screwed, food supply is ruined, job loss due to automation make conditions horrible for even more people?

What will we do when suicide by opoid becomes the main way out for even thousands more people?

What will we do to stem the tide of violence to people, wildlife, and planet under the guise of the war on terror and America First?

Plenty of people are taking action, just not getting coverage in corporate media. Imagine that.

Today I will highlight the women's org Code Pink, has been demonstrating examples of organizing and action around the world. Veteran's of Peace, World Beyond War, Democratic Socialists, and others have as well. W




I know many here have been discussing and planning and sharing about next steps.

Naomi Klein fortold actions like the #TaxScam. i first learned of Naomi Klein and her shock doctrine book from the Evening Blues back when it was still at TOP.

She has been hired to report on Trump the duopoly's actions by The Intercept.

She has written another book that has interesting ideas for future action.

The most consequential part of Klein’s analysis stems from personal experience. The social movements were gaining traction when 9/11 happened. “The era of the so-called War on Terror pretty much wiped our movement off the map in North America and Europe,” she writes. Intimidated (or seduced) by the rhetoric of the “clash of civilisations” and the harsh new security environment, many participants withdrew their support. “Antiglobalisation is so yesterday,” ran a headline in Canada’s National Post, a few days after the attacks. The shock of 9/11 was exploited by various actors to inaugurate a “security bubble”, in which police and security powers were extended and vast resources were diverted from other uses to fight the war on terror. In The Shock Doctrine (2007), Klein argued that there is a playbook for exploiting shock events such as 9/11 and the Iraq war. As she puts it in No Is Not Enough: “Wait for a crisis (or even, in some instances, as in Chile or Russia, help foment one), declare a moment of what is sometimes called ‘extraordinary politics’, suspend some or all democratic norms – and then ram the corporate wish list through as quickly as possible.”

This wish list may include the seizure of land and resources, increased military spending, privatisation of public goods and economic deregulation. The “shock doctrine” doesn’t require the machinery of conspiracy to function. It is a collection of political techniques and impulses, the dark underside of the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter’s idea of “creative destruction” and the Silicon Valley injunction to “move fast and break things”. The result is “the decimation of the public sphere and the public interest”, and the tendency to move wealth rapidly upwards into the hands of a tiny minority.

And this is exactly what the Republicans just did, moved historically fast, with too little opposition from Democrats. Heh. Sanders and Warren produced a video calling for millions to rise up in opposition. Thousands did, but....

What's next?

Klein's suggestions:

If you spend your days glued to your phone and have 30 political tabs open on your browser, much of the material in No Is Not Enough will be familiar. The book’s chief value lies in synthesis. Klein’s particular background and expertise allow her to pull together the disparate threads of what it would be misleading to call “Trumpism”, if only because of the unwarranted suggestion of system and control. How you view her political proposals will depend on your politics, particularly on the value one ascribes to what used to be called “the extraparliamentary left”. She insists, rightly in my view, that there is a need to promote a positive alternative social vision, and that ostensibly “utopian” aims and proposals are a way to avoid being caught in a politics that is merely reactive or timidly reformist. Partly, I think, because she believes (again, I’d argue correctly) that a lightly greenwashed version of the status quo will never save us from the catastrophic consequences of climate change, Klein skims over the terrain of legislative politics. She has little practical advice for people engaged in the sort of dull, incremental political action – lobbying, attempting to influence legislation – that is aimed at turning the oil tanker that is the US Congress. Nor does she advocate particular aims or tactics for organisers. The book ends with a document called The Leap Manifesto, drawn up by Canadian activists in 2015, a “platform without a party”, which is a powerful statement of alternative principles that feels as though it needs a thread to connect it to today’s largely defensive struggles.

In case you have not seen the Leap Manifesto...

A critique of her work is offered here. Both are quite useful imo.


In sum, I am thankful to see examples of courageous action like those of #AhedTamimi,the Palestinian teenager featured above.

I look forward to joining with others here and around the world in creating a better way.

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divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.


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divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Just finished reading an interview of Bill Mckibben by Bill Meyers. Was very interesting and was about the new book Bill McKibben has written, Radio Free Vermont, about non violent resistance. Sounds like a good read and DO being the kind soul he is, turned right around and ordered it for me!

Bill’s talk of the non violent ways to get things done makes me ready to “Hop on the Peace train!”

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Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

divineorder's picture

@jakkalbessie book by Mckibben. Look forward to getting seconds on it !

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

divineorder's picture

@Timmethy2.0 the world? Imagine that T 2!

It’s interesting that Scotland and Finland did this as Trump was elected.

Perhaps this movement will be the catalyst to get basic income here?


The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality. We need you to step up and join our efforts.
Add your name now if you’re ready to join our movement to transform the political, economic and moral structures of our country.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture

Thanks for looking for ways that we can use to fight against the bastards who are stealing our country from us. This isn't only happening here, but countries in Europe are also having their social programs attacked.

This Counterpunch article shows how the austerity measures have been planned by people who believe in a New World Order. Bush 1 actually mentioned those words in his state of the union address. The other past leaders are still working behind the scenes to get this passed. If Hillary had been elected, this would still be happening, but not as fast as it is under Trump. We watched as Obama advanced the country towards the goal. Income inequality went way up during his tenure, but he was so well liked by the people that supported him, it went unnoticed by them. In my not so humble opinion.

I saw that people in Britain and Brazil were protesting against the measures, but haven't read anything about it recently.

Keep us up to date with what others are doing and planning. Hopefully we'll find something that we can get behind.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


Yeah, well, 'austerity' just means "universal 'legalized'-by-political-lackeys MyWay Robbery for the relative few sucking it all up from everyone else in broad daylight", in Neo-Speak, doesn't it?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

divineorder's picture

@Ellen North IMO you are so correct there.

Am encouraged to see Labor in UK working toward solutions when they get in power.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

divineorder's picture

@snoopydawg Thanks for the link.

SD wonder if you have been following the progress of Poor People’s Campaign? Seems that this may be a movement that will involve a sector of society and expand the number of people who can create a better way.

Think they got a great boost with the UN study publicizing what is going on in US.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

snoopydawg's picture


but they have all been alternative websites. It's a devastating look at what's happening here and it says that the tax bill is going to make things worse. Has anyone seen it in the main stream media or on tv news shows? This is what needs to happen so that the people who think that they are going to be fine with their tax cuts can understand that they are going to expire in 10 years and that they might not come out ahead because of the other deductions they won't be able to claim any more.

I'll look into the poor people's campaign. Thanks for the link to it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

but the words didn't come out right so I'll let this article speak for me.

In the Occupied Territory, Two Kinds of Justice

A world away, liberty is less a race-based edge than it is the benefits you gain by the day of the week you celebrate your faith. For those who get directions from god on Saturdays, there appear to be no limits to the dispensation to which you are entitled; be it the execution of an unconscious prisoner, the mass arrest of a family with the temerity to fight for their land or a Prime Minister protected by legislative fiat empowered well beyond the reach of mere mortal law.

Israel has long preached justice and equality to the world. How often have we heard its mantra about democratic ideals and traditions as so much a unique historical tenet of its travel… a journey for the chosen that get to choose who the beneficiaries are… and are not.


Several days ago, 16 year old Ahed Tamimi was arrested, by heavily armed Israeli soldiers, during a violent pre-dawn raid on her home. It followed a video, since gone viral, of her slapping a soldier on the face and arm and pushing another soldier, standing nearby, who she was ushering away from the family home… this, after her 14-year-old cousin, Mohammed, had been shot by an Israeli rubber coated bullet that entered through his mouth and lodged in his brain.

Mother, father, daughter, and cousin arrested after another cousin shot… all within a matter of a few days. Welcome to Palestine. Welcome to the Occupation.

Liberty means more than the freedom to walk in and out of your home with the approval of those who occupy the streets that lead to it.

Can't say it any better than this.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

divineorder's picture

You helped with that!


A history of protest
It's not Tamimi's first brush with anti-occupation notoriety.
When she was only a child, a photograph of her standing up to Israeli soldiers earned her an invitation to meet then-Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Then in 2015, a picture of the girl biting the hand of an Israeli soldier trying to arrest her brother became a symbolic photo shared widely around the world.
Just last year, Tamimi was denied a visa by the State Department in Washington after she was invited to be part of a speaking tour titled "No Child Behind Bars/Living Resistance."

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

lotlizard's picture


Just last year, Tamimi was denied a visa by the State Department in Washington after she was invited to be part of a speaking tour titled "No Child Behind Bars/Living Resistance."

And all the rest of the — hmm, how to put this — undocumented foreign agents in Washington.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@lotlizard Oh, you mean our misrepresentatives!

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QMS's picture

@Alligator Ed problem is those people being represented all live in offshore (unaccountability) accounts.

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question everything