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Sunday Open Thread 03-01-15

Good morning 99percenters!

So did March come in like a lion at your house? Just how predictable is the weather where you live? According to Nate Silver at it depends on where you live. Honolulu is the place to be if you want predictability. Don’t want to leave the mainland, then check out San Diego. But where is the weather truly the most unpredictable?

It's Always Been This Way: Racism, the Bill of Rights, and the Justification of Tyranny

I was about to post this diary when I discovered Leonard Nimoy had died, and posted a diary on him instead. I thought about not posting this one today, but, on second thought, Mr. Nimoy actually was a great fighter against racism and believed strongly in civil liberties, so I think it might be fitting to post it now.*

It's Always Been This Way: Racism, the Bill of Rights, and the Justification of Tyranny

Until Bankers Go To Jail, I'm Not Paying My Taxes: Splendid Idea, Greg Wise and Emma Thompson

Let me give credit, up front, to a splendid idea from the actors Greg Wise and Emma Thompson that clarified my own outrage at a simple reality: the bankers destroyed the economy with their greed and incompetence, the Obama Administration lets each bank CEO off the hook with a negotiated deal for a fine that the institution, not the banker pays, and with no jail time for a single high-ranking Wall Streeter and WE PAY FOR THIS.
