You can't fix stupid
Uh Oh: Actually, Michael Cohen Did Represent Me On The Stormy Daniels Deal, Says Trump
The smart thing to do when you’re a jam like that is to decline comment and let your lawyers handle it. The Trump thing to do is to chatter about it on national television during a live interview with “Fox & Friends.” Which brings us to this surreal scene — the president of the United States, admitting that Cohen *did* represent him on the Daniels deal, while Avenatti (Daniel's attorney) reacts live on the air in real time across the dial on Joe Scarborough’s show.
But watch the clip again. Trump says at one point that Cohen handled only a “tiny fraction” of his legal work. If that’s true, it strengthens the U.S. Attorney’s case that maybe there isn’t as much privileged material in Cohen’s files as he’s implied and therefore those files can stay with the “taint team.” Lo and behold, the feds have already flagged Trump’s soundbite in a letter to the court this morning:
The president is undermining his own potential defense and that of his friend Cohen and doesn’t even seem to understand that he’s doing it. If you were his lawyer, what would you do? He needs to stop talking. And yet, he won’t stop talking.
Our President, ladies and gentleman.
Abandon all Hope ye who enter here...

Good thing Trump is such a blunderbuss
or he might actually be dangerous!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That's why Pence is so terrifying
All the ugly but with some competence.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Second verse, worse than the first
Or, worse yet, more competence and much more of the ugly.
I swear, if Pence makes it to the Oval Office, the Democrats will hold parades for him in every major American city. I'm not even being facetious when I say that. I believe they will do it.
The stormy Daniel affair is dangerous--
only if campaign funds were used to pay her off. Otherwise file this episode with the urine-soaked Moscow sheets.