Wonkette: Rape Is Forgivable...If You're Bill Clinton

Warning: Potential Triggers

Rebecca Schoenkopf, on the Democratic blog Wonkette, has published an article suggesting that Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegations against Bill Clinton, dating back to 1979, may in fact be true. As Schoenkopf writes:

Her friends found her with bruised lips, crying, right after the rape allegedly occurred. That’s what we call “contemporaneous evidence” when we believe women.

I can absolutely see Bill Clinton doing this (then, not now) and not even thinking of it as rape, but thinking of it as dominant, alpha sex. I can see a LOT of men doing that during that time period, before we started telling them in the ’80s, “hey, that is rape, do not do that.” I can see YOUR NICE GRANDPA doing that, back then.

Reading these quotes, you might be tempted to ask: Does Schoenkopf reconsider her support for the Clintons? Failing that, does she at least change her attitude towards Bill Clinton? The answer, alas, is no. Instead, we get a lecture on how good men can commit rape and should not be stigmatized for it.

My Gut Reaction: Hey, at least he's not a "serial rapist" who "hates women and wants to punish them." He's just a nice grandpa type of rapist.

Schoenkopf's conclusion is so breathtakingly disturbing it has to be read for itself:

To sum up, I think Bill Clinton could very well have raped Juanita Broaddrick; that it doesn’t make him an evil man, or irredeemable (I’m Catholic; we’re all forgiven, if we’re sorry, and Broaddrick says Bill Clinton personally called her up to apologize). It doesn’t even necessarily make him a bad feminist — you know, later, once he stops doing that.

This article is indicative of the degree of the personality cult that has come to surround the Clintons. It has gotten to the point that even rape can be excused. Once you've gotten to that point, endangering national security with your own e-mail server is small potatoes.

Seriously, for shame.

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Older and Wiser Now's picture

It's Ok If You Are a Clinton

Because progress, and history, and feminism, yada yada yada. Just don't look too closely, that's all they ask.

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jwa13's picture

including rape, perjury, treason, wars, fraud, and election theft. No consequences for the 0.01-percenters (i.e., "The Elite") --

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

lotlizard's picture

It’s only bad if Donald Trump does it.

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detroitmechworks's picture

I thought that was gonna be
"Designated Target"

Because the media does seem to be getting marching orders direct from the Clinton Campaign these days.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Bollox Ref's picture

I'm just waiting for a oddly cackling Hillary blasting puppies with an AR-15 in the front yard of wherever the hell she lives, and Dead State giving a Big Thumbs Up.

It's all good if a Clinton does it.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

"And that’s when I said Jill Stein could just be a nice old hippie lady and be like “hey, come be hippies with us!” but instead she had to be so cunty and be calling all the time for Hillary to go to jail and what the fuck was that about, and also fuck her. He said we needed at least an option for a third party, didn’t we? No! We didn’t!"
Read more at http://wonkette.com/605009/we-got-canvassed-by-a-jill-stein-guy-it-was-n...

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It sounds like the Stein canvasser was patient with her. I would not have been quite so nice.

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"You argue that you don't want to throw away your vote. That's right. Don't vote for freedom - you might not get it. Vote for slavery - you have a cinch on that." Eugene Debs

tourniquet's picture

can be pretty funny, but it's almost always a case of their authors starting with an obvious conclusion and wrapping it with zomg iz snarky.

funny how that zomg iz snarky just makes this particular bit of rape apologism more poignant. well done, wonkette, you've made me physically ill.

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snoopydawg's picture

"you know, once he stops doing that" then this woman will forgive him?
Is this woman aware of Bill flying on the Lolita express which is Jeff Epstein's jet and he had a bedroom in it where he had sex with underaged girls?
Bill would ditch his SS detail to fly to Epstein's private island and do God knows what.
Epstein finally got caught having sex with those underaged girls, which is statutory rape and could have been sent to prison up to 20 years.
Instead he was only sentenced to 13 months because he made a plea agreement not to disclose the names of the other people who were flying with him and knew what he was doing.
That's called an accomplice after the fact, IIRC.
I wonder if this guy's Catholicism also forgives Bill for that?
IMO, Bill is a sexual predator and I don't want him back in the WH. In fact, I would rather not hear another word about him.

Edited to add that I should have read the article before I posted my comment
This woman states this:

In the Buzzfeed piece, Broaddrick’s precocious 13-year-old grandson — who sounds like a really sweet young man — has learned this year about his grandmother’s “complicated” past, thanks to overheard conversations and gaps filled in by Google. He says to force sex on a woman means you are an “evil” person. I don’t think this is true. I think you can do something horrible, realize later that it is horrible, be ashamed forever and try to keep it secret and never do it again. (Especially if you’re, say, a teenager whose impulse control is still years away from being properly developed.)

She seems to be excusing Bill only raped Juanita because he had poor impulse control? What the hell is wrong with her?
Is she aware of the other women that have accused Bill of raping them or what he did with Monica Lewinsky and who knows how many other women? Monica may have been a willing partner or bill may have used his position of power over her, I don't know the facts about what Monica felt when she was an intern.
And she thinks that the reason why Juanita doesn't like Hillary is because she has PTSD from being raped by Bill? Jesus, hopefully she will never experience being raped because if she is then maybe she will learn some f'nking compassion for Juanita and the other women that I feel Bill took advantage of.
Some of the comments are as disgusting as the article.

While I (sort of? am leaning toward?) believe Juanita Broaddrick, her characterization of Hillary Clinton sounds irrational, maybe induced from PTSD:

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

detroitmechworks's picture

That's the argument this author is making?

Well, considering the Dem establishment is busy claiming that Hillary gets to make that claim with regards to her criminal behavior, I'm not shocked to see them extending the favor to Bill.

Am surprised to see that she hasn't slut shamed the victim yet, but I guess you can both "Believe The Woman" AND think that rape is cool.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Hawkfish's picture

I'm an episcopalian (aka "Catholic lite") and we generally hold that forgiveness is useless unless the one forgiven acknowledges their brokenness. Assuming that you can then just go right back to where you were without fundamental change is the height of arrogance. Moreover, God forgives and justifies, but humans can't know that reality for another person, and are justified in - if not compelled to be - skeptical.

So I call bs on this being acceptable under Catholic doctrine. The man may be forgiven, and even accept that forgiveness, but that doesn't mean we have to let him loose with underage girls. Not only is doing so criminally stupid, it's is also arguably cruel to him.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

detroitmechworks's picture

If the adherents are anything to go on.

Apparently as far as they're concerned, as long as you say the magic words and are "Saved" you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want to as long as you confess it afterwords. (And you don't even have to admit it publicly! Just tell Jesus, and it's all cool as long as you acknowledge it as a sin!)

Prosperity gospel run amok.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Hawkfish's picture

I've seen people like you describe, but I've also seen evangelicals who are environmentalists - which is anathema to the prosperity gospel types.

I've always found prosperity gospel to be basically a sales job. Actual spiritual growth is hard and injects friction into the sales process, so you have to get rid of it somehow.

(Not to mention that a lot of reconstructions of the historical Jesus suggest that his movement was targeting the 1% of the day, which makes prosperity gospel deeply ironic...)

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

There is a big difference between evangelicals like Pat Robertson and evangelicals like Shane Clairborne and Jim Wallis.

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"You argue that you don't want to throw away your vote. That's right. Don't vote for freedom - you might not get it. Vote for slavery - you have a cinch on that." Eugene Debs

LapsedLawyer's picture

If only I could unread these...Just how fucking bad is HRC as a candidate that you have to swallow this shit to support her?

This is what defines the line between "liberal" and "progressive" in my mind. Progressives have principles that we don't compromise even if it means condemning one of our own. This stuff from Wonkette is, well, liberalism. It's an electoral strategy. And it's ugly as sin, shitting on principles for convenience's sake.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

It happened back in the 90s too. One of the derogatory things said about female reporters back then was that they'd be willing to give bill blow jobs because he kept abortion legal.

Even the great Mollie Ivins admitted that she didn't criticize bill as much as she could - that he was "weak as bus station chili" but because republicans went so hard after him, she didn't feel that she could criticize him as much as he deserved.

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kharma's picture

that was once great but fell under the Hillary spell early on. They lost me last year with the bullshit early attacks against Bernie. Like someone above said: principles are a defining factor in being progressive or just merely adopting the name.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

lunachickie's picture

home of Kaili Joy Gray, who was a very rude TOP front-pager awhile back.

Wouldn't read her rag for all the money in the world. Glad I missed this, I would have lost my shit...

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suspect for his support of the Iraq war, but Christopher Hitchen's makes a very compelling case that Bill may indeed be a serial rapist. There was apparently a pattern of Bill biting the lips of the women he "encountered" during his many years of philandering, and the various women who later privately reported being bitten, along with a few other things, did not know each other at all and had never met. As far as I know most did not go public but Hitchen's did interview them. Personally, I have no trouble believing it. And then there's the Lolita Express, which just sort of confirms his proclivities IMHO.

Hitchens' book is "No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton."

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

edg's picture

Far too many people have sold their souls as part of the effort to get Hillary Clinton elected. Breached national security? No probs! Killed 10,000 Libyan civilians? No biggie! Personal money-laundering scheme, aka Clinton Foundation? All in good fun! Bill is a serial rapist? Boyz will be boyz!

It's very sad that behavior that would have been condemned had Republicans done it is now viewed with admiration by a lot of Democrats. I don't know how much more I can take before I have to unplug my Internet connection and crawl under my blankie.

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Whatever did or did not happen between him and Broderick would not fall into any "nice grandpa" classification.

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elenacarlena's picture

I noticed the wonky math too. And I was around back then. Men didn't grab me and bite my lips blue. Not even the ones I was dating.

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