Will Not Give In
Sitting here hoping that beautiful inspirational words will flow out of me. Don't know if that will happen but will write down how I feel anyway.
This is not quitting time. Sure, it looks like we have a minute left and are twenty points down. I still feel like a miracle is happening.
I posted this in a comment a couple of weeks ago. If you are old enough, do you remember what it was like at the moment when communism fell and the Berlin wall came down? It appeared as if it all happened *poof* like magic. Of course we recognize there was indeed great struggle and sacrifice involved in the fight against communism, but at the time it fell, it was not immediately the result of winning a war or negotiations. I remember thinking . . . "wow."
I see the rise of Donald Trump as a miracle. He has exposed the republican party for what it really is. The way he hypocritically calls out hypocrisy, changes the narrative to fit the moment, and is unabashedly racist, sexist, xenophobic. It's beautiful and is perfectly present day republican.
Bernie Sanders is a miracle. He has captured our imaginations and brought hope. This time last year, I was in despair. Understanding the scope of climate change and seeing the predominate political projections, there was no hope for the salvation of the human race in any of it. But then I started watching Bernie Sanders' speeches on YouTube. Now we have seen for months how he is on target on every issue and he truly comprehends the climate crisis.
These are miracles. Who expected them? No one engineered them. The rich did not buy them.
We need to ride these miracles and hope for another. The earth is screaming at us. From floods to fires it is yelling, "listen to me!!!"
And we must soberly appraise the voting fraud in the primary elections we have witnessed. This is not a conspiracy theory. We know what superpacs pay for. They openly admitted to paying a million dollars to Internet trolls. Surely much more has been paid. We know individuals were paid to hack the voter registration roles. We know that individuals were paid to infiltrate Bernie's campaign. We know that individuals were paid to interfere with caucuses and voting in the primaries. We know that individuals were paid to count or not count votes. We know that super-delegates have been paid. There is no doubt that there has been fraud. There is no doubt.
This is not a righteous win for HRC. There is no " . . . well, she has won fair and square . . . guess it's time to give in . . . "
We need this miracle for our habitat to survive, for our kids, our grandchildren, for ourselves. We need it now. We can't wait four years.
No giving up. No giving in. Embrace the miracle!
Sounds pretty eloquent to me.
I have been saying for months that Hillary is as illegitimate as George W. Bush.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good stuff at Common Dreams
( love this title!)
PLEASE keep watching what's happening at: http://www.thepeoplessummit.org/
Gut feeling, no explanation, don' think Trump OR Clintons will be the nominees!
for the links! Great stuff.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Good links - thanks
The summit in chicago looks great.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I agree, Caerus.
I was telling Raggedy Andy on the way to work this morning that Trump will implode and the RNC will nominate someone else at the convention and the people who voted Herr Drumpf will go crazy and there will be riots in the streets. I still can't believe hrc will be nominated. I cannot accept it for reasons beyond my own understanding.
Gut feeling - check!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Its only just begun
It may look like they've won, but in fact there are plenty more battles to be fought before the winner of this war against the 99% is declared. Even with all their $$$, power, and influence, the establishment is playing defense. They've been exposed and in their panic to stop this movement in its tracks, they've exposed themselves further by shamelessly calling the election prior to the vote. That, and the blatant voter suppression and election fraud being documented and challenged around the country, is a clear indication that they know they’re on the ropes. Somethings happenin’ but they don't know what it is – YET. They’re still thinking this will all blow over, that we’ll see the light, swallow our pride, and signal our approval (or at least recognition) of what’s best for the country by casting our precious (people died for it) vote for the PTB, and they can go back to business as usual. What they fear is that despite their unparalleled (in 1st world countries) attempt to produce their desired result, Bernie has inspired the young and shaken a bunch of their parents awake and has given their grandparents something to connect them to the future. The PTB can't continue as they are for much longer if the 99%ers are not with them, don’t believe or trust them. The reputation of so many once well-respected leaders, and importantly the MSM, has been damaged by the establishment’s media blitz and censorship tactics that people are getting wise to. The thousands of folks who have been touched by Bernie's words and his commitment to the cause of justice and equality for all, cannot unhear or unsee what is possible. There's lots of work to be done before the fat lady sings and we are lucky to have Bernie as an example of how to proceed. It will take a prolonged and serious commitment and I think we are capable of taking it on and vanquishing the enemy as long as we stand together, and as Nina says ‘Fight’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oPFT_d4x_I
Yes . . . Yes . . . YES!!!!
Well stated mjsmeme. Thank you!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Hi Marilyn, its me MJ's meme (grandma).
thought it was time for a change ;^D. Hope all is well.
Cool new name!
Hey . . . hope all is well with you and yours too!
Happy summer! It's already too damn hot here!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
For the first time ever
I will not be caving in to the Democratic party. I am done with that. The party is beyond repair.
Totally agree. If this had been a fair, clear, unambiguous process and more votes ended up in her column, then okay. But that's not what happened. Nevada for me was the breaking point--the brazenness of it. The shamelessness. And the Rove-like lie campaign that followed it up.
Barbara Boxer 'fearing for her life'
and flippin' the crowd the bird in NV. Ridiculus.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
David Brock
Sick of the Clintons.
Who else has hired and worked with scum bags like Dick Morris, Sidney Blumenthal, Lanny Davis, and best of the lot: DAVID BROCK!
A.B.C. = Anybody But Clintons
Agree 100 %
In his speech in CA yesterday, Bernie said as much.
Last night on TYT,
they seemed amazed at the turn of events regarding Bernie's refusal to give up and knuckle under to the Democratic Party Elites. I think the show was fascinating. How can anyone give up with the example of such resolve? Watch this, I'm interested to see what everyone thinks.
Ted Kennedy: “The work goes
Ted Kennedy: “The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die…”
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Digby’s on Hillary’s bandwagon. Atrios is mute on primary fraud.
I can’t bring myself to link to either of them anymore. Bad and broken doesn’t even begin to describe it.
(Digby and Atrios run two of the oldest Democratic blogs.)
I am surprised about both. Or maybe not.
The Clintons keep track of their
"enemies" and the Tuesday Kill
List may soon be in a pantsuit
pocket. But long before the Kill
List are ordinary renditions,
torturing "folks" for "behavior
modification" and just loads of
sh*t we haven't even heard of,
Only connect. - E.M. Forster