Why Hillary Clinton will lose the General Election to Donald Trump
As someone pointed out to me yesterday, some of my diaries are very short and more like comments- this I will admit is true. I work about 10 to 12 hours a day and visit our site during the workday; therefore, I do not have the time to write well-composed thesis (like many of yours). Moreover, in my role as a project manager, I have been conditioned to write something quick and to the point (ignore the details or the back-story). Therefore, based on this positive feedback, this is my attempt at a truly comprehensive diary.
My background- 48 years old, white middle class working professional, father of 3 sons (18,20,22) born and raised in Indiana (in the freaking deep red part of the state). My grandfather was the president of Indianapolis steel union- so I inherited his liberal philosophy.
I have a master’s degree, ran for public office (county and state) twice and did not win- received the highest portion of democratic votes in both races but was beaten by republican straight ticketing voting. Additionally, I managed the primary congressional campaign for the democratic opponent to the terrible Mike Pence. I was not the campaign manager for the general election because the candidate was not following my advice and I told him he would lose if we did not change course and message but he did not and the rest is history.
My family and I just recently moved to Western Washington to escape the crazy environment of truly conservative state of Indiana to live with other like-minded individuals. The reason I share this background with you is to demonstrate my experience and how this knowledge is used is to shape the following diary.
First, I am still rooting and supporting Bernie, but to be real his chances for the nomination are very slim, but in this campaign season crazy things have happened. Therefore, this diary assumes Hillary Clinton is the democrat nominee. Moreover, this diary assumes that Donald Trump is the republican nominee.
Keep in mind; I predict this will be one of the dirtiest, nastiest and most brutal presidential campaigns in history. However, I believe Hillary will not win the presidency due to the following factors and they are listed in no particular order:
1) “It is the economy stupid”- people in the middle and lower class need help and better jobs. Clinton will embrace Obama’s polices and the economy while Trump will talk about the evils of the wealthy, trade and carry a populous message that will encourage many blue collar and even some white collar voters to vote for him. Please note for me the economy has improved and has gotten better, but there are many that are struggling and need better opportunities.
2) Fear- as stated by someone on this site, this is a big motivator and Trump is the king of Fear. I know the democrats will play this card (Supreme Court, conservative boogieman). However, Trump understands the low information voters (this is a fact for most of American citizens) and because of his reality TV background he will have the upper hand in the Fear factor- “rioting in the streets”, suppression of his voters 1st and 2nd amendment rights, they are against us.
3) Celebrity factor- any time a major TV personality runs for office, the people love it- they associate the TV persona with the real person. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger (freaking Republican Governor in a deep blue state), Jesse the body Ventura (Independent Governor of a liberal state), and of course the most famous one of all Ronald Reagan (President). Please note our society made the no talent and no value Kardashians famous, so why not elect a reality TV host as president- think about it.
4) Campaigner- Hillary is a terrible campaigner- her team, strategy, and tactics are horrible. For example, they are taking their foot of the gas after Tuesday results. If I would in charge, keep the campaign going strong and finish Bernie off. This partly explains why Obama (1 first term senator from Illinois) and Sanders (an independent “socialist” from a small state) gave her tough times when in both cases she was the clear and easy favorite and should have won. While Trump is a great campaigner- spends very little money, dominates all media, destroys his opponents, and defies all expectations. Remember in July we were all laughing at him, but he is a master campaigner- I give him credit (reluctantly).
5) Clinton staff is stale and non-creativity- they have built an insulated glass wall around their campaign and candidate. They congratulate themselves on hollow victories or blame others for their own problems. Experience is a good thing, but to be a healthy organization you need different peoples’ points of views, values and experiences. Trump team may have a little bit of this same problem, but he thinks outside the box so his ability would negate this potential liability.
6) Old school tactics and approach- okay I am old school and enjoy applying prior approaches and solutions to problems; however, you need new tactics for this new century, i.e. fundraising online, using social media to manage, control and convey your message. Trump is great at balancing and applying new (twitter) and existing tactics. Being a business leader, he can easily adapt and change- Clinton does not adhere to any new style or approach- I would equate her approach to pounding a square peg into a round hole. Think about your experience with government services and business services, which was is easily to work with and always evolving (business- just like Trump).
7) Propaganda/media- Trump is great at this factor, he controls and manipulates the media. He stays on message and can overcome any problem or issue. Watch his interviews, he redirects and controls the discussion. He sucks the oxygen out of the room. Clinton is a gaffe machine- look at the recent statements- Nancy Reagan funeral, no one killed in Libya, health care involvement by Bernie. Clinton will not be able to get a word in edgewise and land any major punches. I think back to Bush senior and Dukakis.
8) Leader vs manager- Clinton is a manager, she understands policy and is a wonk about very specific procedural information. If you need a lawyer or engineer, she is your person. However, she is not a visionary (leader) person, i.e., no ability to explain or articulate a vision; she does not inspire her voters. Think about FDR, Kennedy, Bill Clinton, or Reagan. Voters want and desire a vision. To date Hillary has said she knows how to get practical things done, that will not inspire people to vote for her- look at her “rallies”, biggest one to date maybe several hundred people.
9) No empathy- Clinton is not warm or empathetic to people; she does not understand maybe even care about them. Even though Trump is a jerk, he can talk to people, this week he brought a stranger out of the crowd on stage with him during one of his rallies. I just do not see her having the capability to care about a person and use an empathetic approach to campaign. She uses scripts to talk and does not the ability to easily to talk off the cuff. She is the type of person that approaches you if she needs or wants something- you know the type of people who I am talking about.
10) Demographics- Clinton strength of her voter groups does not play well in the General Election (she will not carry one state in the south and in the blue states she does not need these voters). She needs the Obama coalition to turn out big time to win, but she does not focus on improving upon this weakness. Moreover, she needs to work on smoothing the relationships with the progressive wing of the party and young people. However, since she will be the party nominee and Trump is her opponent in her mind these people will easily vote for her, she feels she does not need to earn their vote.
11) Voter repression (vote ID and voter rolls) - republicans control several states that are needed to win the GE and they have worked very hard to suppress the vote, i.e. - Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, VA.
12) Fatigue- Clinton and Bush, we have been there and done that, people do not want another Clinton or Bush in the White House. I have heard this sentiment numerous times from many different people that I have spoken with regarding the election.
13) Establishment- this is the year of the non-establishment candidate, the voters are tired of only the wealthy making all the money and controlling our political parties. Guess what Clinton is the Queen of the establishment. Trump is a member of the establishment; however, he acknowledges and embraces it. Moreover, he is running as the outsider and cannot be control by them- that is crazy but true.
14) Flip flopper- Trump is a jerk and has crazy ideas, but he embraces them. Clinton cannot be pinned down because she has been on both sides of every major campaign issue.
15) Political correct- Clinton uses polls, consultants, and scripted messages to convey her message, Trump just lets it fly and guess what, people think that is fresh and an ideal communication approach. They understand what they get with Trump, Clinton who really knows.
16) Opponents’ strength- Clinton does not prepare for and plan to take on an opponent especially one she considers weak- looking at her campaign staff and DNC statements this week they want Trump and they think he will be easy to beat. Okay folks you never ever under estimate an opponent- and Clinton’s arrogant attitude will hurt her campaign big time. Trump loves the underdog role, and he knows Clinton will not take him seriously until it is too late (late September or early October- it will be panic mode for Clinton campaign).
17) Us vs them- everyone (major companies, media, heck even foreign leaders/ countries) is against Trump and Clinton embraces the oligarchy. People want change and we do not like being told what to do. Trump will rally and get people to the voting booth.
18) Brutal tactics- never bring a knife to a gunfight. Clinton is a tough person and has managed many scandals, accusations and campaigns, but Trump is the master of these types of barroom tactics. He has said outrageous things and they always end up helping him. Besides, he will destroy her with rumors and attacks (i.e. little Rubio).
19) Baggage- Clinton has more than Trump- they are both flawed candidates, but in my opinion, she has more in her background to cover up, hide, or expose.
With all the above factors in play for the general election, I believe Trump will win this election, it will be very tight and it will be a once in a lifetime event (even more drama then Gore vs Bush).
With the above factors in mind, I predict Trump wins 273 to 265
1) Trump carries all red states and WI, Iowa, Ohio (I believe Kasich will be his VP), NH, MO and Florida (Scott delivers the state)
2) Clinton carries 265 all state blue and wins VA, CO, NM, VA (this one will be very close and Trump could take it).
I hope you enjoyed the diary, and any feedback comments and opinions are welcomed.

10 point lead
ya, if I was a Hillary supporter, that lead would make me veryyy nervous. Bernie came back from what...up to 70 points behind in some contests?
In Hillaryland 10 points is but one stupid statement away. Trump knows this. He's going to eviscerate her.
Progressive to the bone.
So true
Her leads always magically disappear.
Clinton's glass chin
My main worry about Hillary is that, based on what I've seen in 2008 and this year, she is terrible at handling direct confrontation in debates and town halls. Her supporters like to claim that she's a "tough survivor" who can weather GOP attacks, but from what I can tell, she's actually rather thin-skinned and hyperdefensive, prone to losing her composure when challenged. Not to mention that she's horribly gaffe-prone and says incredibly dumb things when she goes off-script.
And this is when she's up against opponents like Obama and Sanders, who have tried to keep it classy and avoid going for low blows. I'm dreading the prospect of Trump/Clinton debates. Trump is a master at getting under his opponent's skin, and unlike Bernie, he will not hesitate to take the low road and say whatever it takes to provoke Hillary into saying something stupid, or to make her look shrill and angry. Not to mention that he's done a great job running to Hillary's right AND left, and will be able to attack her from both sides.
Young voters
While I think that a Donald Hillary matchups will drive down the voter turnout from this 50 and under, I worry about what thus will mean for the future. Clearly she does not speak for most if this age group in the way that he can, even if she actually uses complete sentences. I worry thatany who were inspired by Bernie's ideas eill flock to Trump in November. Just how hard eill it be to get them back to the sane side of the spectrum should he win?
Great point
Plus they will try to paint Trump as a sexist and it will fire up his base even more.
Doesn't matter.
Drumpf will not be the nominee. The Republican Establishment will make sure of that. CNN projects a brokered convention (RMoney?) or a Cruz-Kasich ticket.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Doesn't matter.
Drumpf will not be the nominee. The Republican Establishment will make sure of that. CNN projects a brokered convention (RMoney?) or a Cruz-Kasich ticket.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Clinton's glass chin
She's more RW than her hillbilly Rhodes Scholar husband. Why am I supposed to vote for her? You provoke her; she hisses. It sounds like a cat dying on stage. The NSA fight is beginning to catch traction. This mess has the potential to blow this country ala 21st take on the 1789 French Revolution.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
This was just posted in Evening Blues
Pretty sure this isn't an official Trump campaign ad, but it's a perfect example of the kind of thing we'll be seeing a lot of in a Trump/Clinton race. Ugh.
Trump is already going there. and this is pre-general election mud slinging by the Donald? Hillary as nominee against him will be a knock down, no holds barred affair. His playground.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Thanks very much, Borkrum!
You are welcome
Thanks for reading it- just had to get it off my chest.
Clinton fatigue is enough
Clinton fatigue is enough all by itself to depress turnout. Low turnout equals Tea-GOP victory. I'm still hoping - and VOTING - for Bernie. The Utah caucuses are next Tuesday.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I agree
But wanted to capture (or at least try) the main points of the general elections challenges. Too many Clinton supports just say it is Trump we will beat him easily.
And then, there's the FBI investigations...
Nuff said.
The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington
I thought about this item, but considered it a baggage factor, which that could be a diary onto itself.
Yup, he'll win against her...
which is why I don't feel a shred of remorse voting 3rd party.
Democratic Party had their shot, and to put it into modern parlance, blew it.
Maybe they'll get a brain and dump the Clinton millstone, but it certainly WON'T be by their choice. It will be because they failed to successfully rig the votes to the degree needed to defeat a true populist.
But even if they do manage to avoid mass Seppukku with this election, there needs to be a fundamental change in the way they do business if they hope to survive.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Preach it brother
I agree, it will be interesting to see how many votes Jill Stein receives during the general election.
We will need to be ready to pick up the pieces and forge a brave new frontier.
Dem Nominee already determined? I think not.
I posted this Tweet late last night and it shows why Sanders supporters need to not give up, why they need to just double-down on their efforts for the next two months.
Those are the EARNED delegates, and the number of open delegates left to win. Which he still can.
Don't believe the MSM or the Democratic Party leadership, they've been trying to kill Bernie's campaign from the very start!
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Good to see you
Angela glad I got your attention.
Guess what, Marx is my last name as well. Anyway, it is an assumption. I just want to prove talking points to people. They need to wake up- Clinton is a terrible option and candidate. What better way to do it than show them what might happen.
By the way, I will be caucusing for Bernie next week- in Puyallup. I pray and hope he can do it, but being a project manager- I prepare for the worse and hope for the best. That is why I am here, we need to be ready to pick up the pieces just in case of the terrible alternative.
By the way, do you need help gathering signatures for your campaign?
So Hillary's won 24% of the delegates, & yet the primary's over?
Ain't American Democracy just effing awesome?
And here's this multi-millionaire telling us poor working stiffs that we can't have health care and we can't have public supported college ed and we can't have a $15 minimum wage and we must be prepared to send our children and grand children to war at a moment's notice; and we are supposed to jump up and down at the chance to vote for her?
That is why I will stick with Bernie until the convention, and then if Hillary gets the nomination, I'll be supporting Jill Stein.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
The Fix is in
I hear you and get it- the establishment wants Clinton in- they need to ensure she wins so they get or keep their jobs. It is funny how almost every single politician (there are a few expectations- Bernie) that goes into public office becomes wealthy? Why have a spirited primary, and count all the votes, and get rid of super delegates because then the big wigs will not know what to do about the little people- it is Power. Bernie would upset all of their worlds and titles.
Raging into the wind is killing me, that is why we need to do something about it. I am tired of the few holding the power over the many. We need to make a difference now.
Trump will not be as nice as Bernie
Hillary will say something stupid and Trump will pounce. It will be fascinating to watch. Which reminds me, I must buy some luggage.
Better start practicing the new song...
On the plus side, it's actually within a decent range...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You are the man
Shahryar right on point. You are the member of this community that mentioned the Fear factor. Sorry I could not give you the appropriate credit.
Your comment helped me create this diary- thank you!
Great Observations!
Well done, I totally agree. I would also add the following:
I also think that people forget about the general populations ability to forget what happened 6 months ago. Come the general election. Trump will not act quite as crazy.
I imagine Trump is only behind in the polls because he is losing some independent/republican support. I personally know a few Wisconsin republicans who would never vote Democrat but do not like Trump. They think he's crazy. Right now.
However, there is so much clinton dislike/hate out there from everyday independents/establishment republicans all Trump has to do is
a) Make people remember how much they dislike clintons
b) make them feel 'ok' about voting for him
He can do this by making a marriage of convenience with the republican establishment. A VP pick that softens his image big time. One that maybe also says outsider to the general population but insider to those in the know. Maybe a woman. Maybe somebody like Susana Martinez. He tones down his rhetoric.
This race will be extremely negative, driving down turnout. And as long as people feel 'ok' about voting for Trump he wins.
And people will wonder what happened.
Then they'll probably blame us (the left).
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Thank you
By the way, darn it I missed a point- the time factor- thank you for the reminder. Republicans always have a tendency to come total and hate together. So Hillary would be a good rallying cry.
This list is so long people need to wake up.
Definitely, people need to wake up
For some reason a lot of people I know don't realize (and maybe don't want to realize) all the points you made and think Clinton is a shoe in.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Excellent compilation of reasons, Bokrom, tx
My gut feeling is that Hillary will probably get the nomination and at some point she will climb out on a limb, and either saw herself off or give the saw to the first interested party. And then blame everyone else: complain how she is picked on, how she is a martyr, how they are being sexist, how women don't appreciate how she is being treated, blah, blah, blah.
If she goes into martyr mode ("I am not a natural born politician", or claiming she 'misspoke' etc.,) Trump will make mince meat of her. And if she tries to rebound, as she has done, by making some of these piteous warblings of self defense, then he really will destroy her. And all her supporters complaints of 'no fair' will not matter one whit as the Dems realize that their 'inevitable one' has just been annihilated.
If the person who made the call to encourage Trump to run did so because he thought that this would rally everyone to Hillary, he is in for a rude awakening.
Regrettably your logic, Bokrom, does make sense.
All very sad and very depressing.... OI Vey.
Sea Turtle
It makes my heart hurt
I was busting at the seams that why it was great to write this down. Thank you for your kind words.
I really wish I could express the disaster that I foresee, people do not get it. That is why I joined here. I am not looking for an echo chamber I want people to engage and discuss, not throw hate and not listen.
We live in the greatest of times, but I want to be better. I want a society that is for everyone, and everyone has an equal voice. We are capable but do we have the will? My hope is this community to help foster it and help with this wish.
agree, kinda
Trumps purpose is to drive new progressives to Clinton, DNC foists a conservadem as VP on the ticket (remember Lieberman), she wins by the skin of our teeth, two months later republican house impeachs,for whatever gives them tingles in their pants. (If) pubes keep the senate she's toast. End result our masters still running everything, nothing to see here. It just seems like a huge Kabuki dance to keep the people out of the process. Sorry about the cynicism, newbe plus twenty years in the military can have that affect. Peace
Well Done, Borkrom
Even if it makes for discouraging reading.... I agree that HRC cannot win, in part because I think the youthful Berners will not transfer their enthusiasm and allegiance to a candidate so unlike Bernie. Trump will show no mercy in campaigning against her and her closet holds enough skeletons to staff a Halloween gala. The FBI investigation is something I take seriously. As a former State Department employee, I know very well that if I had fancied setting up private email arrangements, my security clearance would have been yanked and my tenure revoked..... Different rules for the ruler(s)?
Thanks for taking all the time and mental energy to write your thoughtful and logical essay. Where in western Washington are you?
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." 14th Dalai Lama
Thank you
Thank you for reading my insights, I do not like it in the least bit, but had to capture my thoughts. Just do not feel good about this upcoming general election.
As for western Washington- I currently live in Puyallup and work in Renton. My family will be out here with me this summer (waiting for my youngest to graduate from High School) then we will move as close to Seattle as possible (housing costs will be the only barrier).