Why are they doing this?
The starting point for this diary is Moon of Alabama's entry: The U.S. Wars Against Russia And China Have No Economic Logic Attached To Them.
But this title is strange, because certainly if there's any point to the Biden team's activities, it's an economic one. The obvious beneficiary of all of this activity is the weapons industry. Now, perhaps Moon of Alabama means to say that there is no economic logic to the Biden team's activities beyond the obvious subsidy one. The Biden team, as I've pointed out before, is engaged in a Great Game of Pretend, one which drags Europe down and will eventually sink the US if taken far enough. The Biden team wants to believe that they are hurting Putin, and indeed they were hurting the significant number of Russians who were killed by Ukrainians, as well as their families. But overall Putin is getting stronger, Russia is getting stronger, Ukraine is disappearing, Europe is in recession, and the rest of the world is about to join Team China.
So perhaps a better title for Moon of Alabama would be "The US Wars Against Russia and China Are Based On Delusion." Indeed, Moon of Alabama's conclusion fits this title:
I have come to the conclusion that the main actors in this game, the Bindens, Blinkens, Sullivans and their bipartisan supporters, are driven by a blind ideology that has dismissed or replaced global realities with wishful thinking.
The failure of their sanctions against Russia should have demonstrated to them that the real world is by far not the one in which they believe to be living. They however are now repeating their errors by waging a similar war against China.
But why would the Biden team cling to a delusion, to the Great Game of Pretend it's hoodwinked the "collective West" into playing? Why not just abruptly reverse course, sue for peace, and then try to figure out what to do next (given their general tendencies toward warmongering)? The Biden team's course of action goes against any formula one can imagine of the social construct typically called "self-interest." All of that nice money team Biden will be getting from Raytheon et al. will be worth a lot less if the US Dollar is reduced in value by hyperinflation, and the Fed is not going to save said Dollar if the global banks start dumping their dollars and dollar-denominated assets.
My own hypothesis, of course, is that this is a con job gone bad, and that the con artists, namely the Biden team, just can't stop being con artists. But someone as knowledgeable as Moon of Alabama is asking the question of why are they doing this? very late in the game, now, and that should strike readers as amazing.
What's also really amazing are the sheer number of useful idiots the Biden team has generated. It appears the call went out: "hey! Let's all pretend we're making Putin weaker when we're not, and if we keep it up our countries can become impoverished hellholes!" And the misleadership (political) classes of America and Europe said with one voice: "Let's do it!" Even more hilarious is the useful idiots' response to the few dissenters within their ranks who are not into the business of World War III: "Omigod it's the dreaded REALITY PRINCIPLE! Circle the wagons!"
One important thing one learns to consider when immersed in the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997) is to think of human development in terms of the imagination. Castoriadis argued:
Simply put, logic is what we share with animals, even with living beings in general. Yet animals have no science. True, we are separated from them by consciousness. But, as I will show below, consciousness does not lead to science, either. Man's distinguishing trait is not logic, but imagination, and, more precisely, unbridled imagination, defunctionalized imagination. (pp. 3-4)
Now, this notion might at first seem exciting -- that of 7.8 billion imaginative beings in the world. The thing is, it leads to the realization of what Castoriadis and others call the "social imaginary," which brings us as thinking beings back down to Earth, to the notion of plain old society. The social imaginary, for those who want a definition, is composed of those aspects of society which must be continually imagined. And this thought, the thought of the social imaginary, is a depressing thought. All this imagination, all those imaginative beings, and the best they can do is to imagine the society we currently have. It's not inspiring. At any rate, in light of the dominance of the social imaginary, our imaginations are nearly always conformist imaginations.
The social imaginary is of paramount importance in our daily lives. Think, for instance, of traffic rules. In order to use automobile transportation, everyone is obliged to imagine the continual operation of the same set of rules. Disruption of this set of rules leads to traffic accidents or traffic tickets or -- as for instance when one travels to the United Kingdom, where drivers drive on the left instead of on the right like they do most everywhere else -- it leads to a new set of rules. Human imagination, then, is almost entirely rule-bound. Charles Taylor's book Modern Social Imaginaries is a discussion of how thoroughly cemented-in-place the social imaginary is in modern society, and of how it took revolutions to change the previous social imaginary to wind up with what we have now.
So this is how the human imagination applies to Ukraine: American exceptionalism in hand, somehow the US has gotten Europe to imagine a "reality" about Russia that doesn't exist, that Russia is 1) weak and 2) that it wants to conquer all of Europe. The fake imagined "reality" has, somehow, wormed its way into the social imaginary, with disastrous results. The resultant social imaginary has made the misleadership classes of the US and of Europe into a class of useful idiots. Moreover, they've gotten Ukraine -- or, rather, what was left of Ukraine after the mass exodus of "refugees" -- to go to its own mass death believing in this "reality."
With the possibility of more impending mass death in mind, I can also imagine that, like with ammunition, at some point the supply of useful idiots will have trouble keeping up with the demand. An imagined impending shortage of useful idiots would appear important if one looks at speculation about how the NATO war on the world is imagined to continue. Simplicius the Thinker engaged such speculation four days ago, and here's the speculation:
This is all just part of the slow consolidation of Europe into an increasingly centralized command structure as they are economically gutted out by the global-geopolitical realities stoked by the U.S. The weaker each individual state gets the more servile they will become, scrambling to give up more and more of their sovereignty as the world slowly drifts towards a much wider future European war.
Seeing that Ukraine is now doomed and stands no chance, with options running out, the U.S. intelligence state will push to accelerate the above developments so that they can unify Europe under one rule and then preferably use them as the next fodder with which to attempt to dismantle Russia.
In fact, in his new article, MK Bhadrakumar notes that “CDU’s leading foreign and defence expert Roderich Kiesewetter (an ex-colonel who headed the Association of Reservists of the Bundeswehr from 2011 to 2016) suggested that if conditions warrant in the Ukraine situation, the Nato should consider to “cut off Kaliningrad from the Russian supply lines. We see how Putin reacts when he is under pressure.”
The point being that, slowly, the powers are converging to continue their war on Russia in any way possible once Ukraine is used up and discarded like a wet rag. Unfortunately for them, Russia at that point will be by far the most experienced, powerful, and technologically advanced military nation in the world, having sharpened its teeth on NATO’s latest and best thrown into the cauldron of the Ukrainian war.
I have no idea how the Biden team could get anyone, much less the current crop of useful idiots, to go along with such a continuation (of the Ukraine war after Ukraine's currently impending death). The misleadership (political) class of Europe may like such an idea, but the rank-and-file won't, and their countries could dissolve into chaos (see e.g. France) long before they are served up to the Russian army to be killed. And at that point a revolution will occur, and the Great Game of Pretend will come to an end.

the only logic that fits is betrayal
money cant buy that, can it?
But but but but but
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Really good video
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
who could have imagined
western leaders would sacrifice a country to further their delusions?
Now that the Ukies are used up, Poland is next. For the sake of
propping up dollar hegemony? Getting a bit late in the game for
this type of reaction. Bad behavior begets more bad decisions.
If team Biden pulled this stunt to cover their corruption, it didn't
work very well.
thanks for the essay
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Not hiding corruptuon
demanding corruption absolutism. "I will say whatever I want and you will like it! If I say the sky is green you will pay me to build asylums for people who say it is blue." And if you don't understand the irrefutable truth of that you are a Russian agent.
On to Biden since 1973
in 3 words...
Impunity begets abuse.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
If Ukraine is disposable in the eyes of the US hegemon
then perhaps there are large monied interests who view the US Empire as a disposable entity in its turn. The unseen titans of global banking may already be “shorting” the US.
Big Money knows no immutable allegiance other than the acquisition of more money. Big fish are eaten by even bigger ones. They don’t even see it coming.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Good observatiom
Either that, or our government is made up of braindead idiots -- a self-satisfying but bittersweet take on events. At least I'm smarter than the people who are destroying my future..
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Shorting America? What a weird idea!
humble narrator, earlier this year:
From yourThe President is hired by the board of Directors who have shorted the stock of America, Inc.
Rather than trust an actual politician to fuck things up on purpose, they pick a senile old man who was always a fuckup even before he got real old. A laff riot!
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Your links in this excellent essay
....are outstanding. A real treasure chest of discovery. The Paul Street article you linked to is especially impressive and important. In fact, I think Street's article really holds the answer to your Big Question:
Of course, it's important to understand exactly which flavor of Neocons are managing Biden. I thought Paul Street has a good handle on that. I've assumed all along that it is the Better.Dead.than.Red neocon psychopaths that have seized control of the Federal government war regime. They will destroy the planet before they let the Russians prevail. I've seen nothing rational coming from the US Empire that would change my view. Not a hint of sanity.
Of course, there may be more optimistic predictions about the outcome than mine. Based on what reality I don't know. You've been doing a lot of research and reading in this area. Maybe you'll figure out why the US is on the path of self-destruction.
There is something very coke-fiendish about what the Biden team is now doing, and by what they're doing I mean they're pretending to win a war they are in fact losing. This strategy all seems to consolidate the incredible amount of power the Biden team has over Europe, beginning with the neoliberal vogue with Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair and successors, Mitterand through Macron in France, and of course the EU and the banksters who run it. And the strategy is apropriate for lazy people -- it doesn't seem to require the effort that you'd have to see if the NATO countries were to try to form the armies, production sites, and military-industrial complexes it would need to compete in any vague sense with what Russia has created over the past year. And of course -- not mentioned in the blogs I'm reading but certainly it would be on the table -- don't forget the likelihood of a coming military draft. Of course, trying to do what the Biden team wants to do without creating this infrastructure, as they're doing now, has one big flaw: it won't work.
Also, it needs to be said that creating the needed infrastructure would really amp up the blame game that you currently see in the Western media, uncovering the Biden team's con job. And the Biden team would have to put on their dunce caps and sit in the corner until they were ready to submit their resignations and retire. So here's Alex Christoforou on the blame game:
Given the neoconservative paradigm now in operation, the obvious question to ask would be: they've already thrown away one country -- Ukraine -- so how many more countries do they want to throw away before they create the military-industrial complex that would be required if the Biden team were to achieve its ambitions and not just leave them on the level of con-job? Remember, here, that when we talk about throwing away countries we're talking -- for now -- about Poland, not Afghanistan. Later it would get worse.
Of course, however, neoliberalism and neoconservatism are not the terms used to describe what goes on in the brains of all those people -- they're covering concepts used to describe their policies. What goes on in their brains is, as discussed above, the social imaginary. And, ruling over the social imaginary as these people see it, is "self-interest." And here you might ask yourself: what is "self-interest" to a social climber? You would ask yourself this question because all of those people, all of the Biden team and the so-called leaders of Europe and all of the Biden butt-kissers all the way down to Kyle Kulinski, are social climbers -- that's how they got their power. And so they're the sort of people who started World War I: they're lazy, narcissistic, authoritarian butt-kissers with a total contempt for the public and who think nothing of destroying whole countries (any brief overview of the career of Hillary Clinton will reveal Ukraine to not be the first) if doing so advances their careers.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Non link
Well, at least it wasn't just me that couldn't find it.
Hopefully WW III will not go nuclear...
I do agree with this statement:
The hatred, etc of Europeans toward Russia is so deeply planted, they will use any useless gesture. I saw recently a list of new sanctions of Russians and they were put on cultural figures like the director of the Bolshoi Theatre. I was looking at a list of student winners at some international competition on physics held in Japan. Five Russian students won five golden medals, and the sponsors refused to list the students as Russian--even though all the other students had their home countries listed. This is how profoundly deep the hatred. But hopefully, the West will only have these meaningless gestures
@MrWebster Along those lines, I was
@MrWebster Along those lines, I was
You said it, but you weren't aware of the neocon plans
and might not understand the teachings of their guru, Michael Ledeen.
The logic of what they are doing can be seen in this quote from your article:
In an article I wrote nearly 20 years ago, detailing the neocon plans for the century to come (proxy war vs Syria, taking down Iran, etc.) one of the key tenets is the spread of fascism worldwide, starting with Europe.
Ledeen's beliefs have been integral to the neocon movement for decades.
The man who is the spiritual guru of the Establishment is a madman.
the man was an inspiration to Dick Cheney.
I know, a very long winded way to finally get to my answer: Attacks on the Middle East with the intended consequence of driving immigrants to Europe, combined with a CIA effort to stir up European hatred of said immigrants, along with an assault on the European economy is how the neocons created a classic brew for a fascist uprising.
All they then require is a centralized authority.
What was it you quoted?
Do you feel me now?
This is the rise of international fascism. The Third Reich very well may last a thousand years.
We already had a Third Reich. This would be a Fourth. n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
"The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich"
I never imagined I'd be "pro-Putin/Jinping", even in a "by default" kind of way, but you can count on the Neocon Blob to make anyone else's shit cease to stink by laying ever-smellier ones themselves.
I'm starting to hope they send assassins (especially since the other thing you can count on with them is that every behavior they expect from others is really just a projection of themselves).
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!