what's important in the work world
Submitted by bunsk on Sun, 08/07/2016 - 4:57pm
It's not whether you can do the work, but whether you make the ones who can't feel threatened.
It's not whether you're competent, but whether you make the incompetent feel stupid.
It's not whether you know the right way to do something, it's whether you're willing to do it the wrong way.
It's not whether you buy into the scam, but whether you make the ones who do feel like chumps.

Burned out from your last job, too?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
thrown out of my last job
It turns out that methods that were sop for me were well beyond the comfort zone of the "lead worker"; I was doing things that wouldn't even occur to him. Plus, unlike him, people tended to like me. His response was to see me as a threat and he became hostile. When that didn't drive me out, he began manufacturing reasons to get rid of me, and the boss bought in. I delayed the inevitable for a few months by raising the hostile work environment, but was dumped with no notice at the end of a particularly busy and hectic day, about a week after they "renewed my contract" for another year. Since then, interviews, but no offers. UC ran out in Jan.
No Matter How Well You Do
The question raised is always "What have you done for the company lately?" It's never enough, you still have to work harder and be more productive, and don't expect anything for it.
At least they haven't resorted to summary execution - yet.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Being cast into the Unemployed can feel like execution
and for those over 50 in a tight job market usually is. BTDT. Still stings.
Walmart greeters probably have duels in a colosseum.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Ah, No
It hurts, 'tis true. but the pain goes away fairly quickly when one is executed.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
My local WallyWorld
got rid of their door Nazis over a year ago. All the frackers are gone, so no maid service/cooking jobs left. Fast food joints aren't as busy as they used to be, and their "senior staff" look like they'd cut the throat of anyone who crossed them. Let's hope whomever gets the reins next doesn't go after my SS benefits or I'm going to get physical.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
"They" will come after
your S.S. check. And mine. Seniors are living Way too long these days, and that phat S.S. check is one of the reasons why. The last thing Ubers and Filthys (rich, 1%) want is "throwing away" their hard earned on unproductive citizens, especially unproductive geezers. If tey can find a way to end our lives sooner - like cutting S.S. checks and Medicare - they will. They're sick'n'tired of shelling out $$ just so you (and me) can breathe another day. "Get in the grave where you belong, damnit! You're costing me money!"
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And don't forget
everyone is replaceable.