What politicians think of You--NAFTA

Dear communitarians, not be confused with Commie-pinko-radical bastards, being as yesterday was Christmas, I, like many of you, overate. As a result I am still suffering from a case of shoe-in-mouth disease.

Owing to the fact that I have been taught to type with my nose by one of our communitarians, this limits the number of keys which can safely be pressed. So, instead, I will present an essay graced by many illustrations. The topic is "us versus them". We pretty much know who we is and I will introduce "them" to those who don't know them.

Here is what we think of Them:

This is what they think about "us"

Some more 99% musings on "them":

This is contrasted by the "concern" Congress shows for us:

Here is another example of "Them":

Pictured next is the ideologically opposed views of the Ds and Rs about each other:

Here "Them's" political ideology:

Before you communitarians think too harshly of "Them", please consider the social good They are doing in these times of austerity:

Please, do not misinterpret the breadlines as something selfish. Look at some of the other fine work the politicos are doing with our social support network:

Do we need speak about justice reform in Amerikkka? Here is the humanitarian example of community policing promulgated by "Them":

A movement is afoot to properly identify the political spectrum. Left or Right simply won't cover this anymore: There are too many pigeonholes to be satisfactorily accounted for by the simple two-dimensional scale. I find this solution much more appropriate:

Okay, okay. What is it that politicians really think about "us"?


Not.A.Fucking.Thing.at all

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Arrow's picture

You always give me a 'chompin' good time with your essays.

I'm sure researchers at 'Alligator U Center for Bio-medical research' will come up with a cure for your 'Shoe-In-Mouth' disease (also known as 'leftovers').

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I want a Pony!

Pricknick's picture

One cartoon is giving them too much credit in the comparison to baboons.
I've known and lived with baboons and you congressmen, are no baboon.

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture


0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Song of the lark's picture

You reptile!
You are not one of the lizard people are you?

0 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@Song of the lark Yes, I am an overgrown lizard.

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mimi's picture

the only thing to change in that image would be his eyes.

You can tell someone's lying to you by watching their face — here are 12 dead giveaways

"When you ask a normal, right-handed person about something he's supposed to have seen, if he looks upward and to his left, he's truly accessing his memory of the incident," Bouton says. "However, if he looks upward and to his right, he's accessing his imagination, and he's inventing an answer."

Bouton says that left-handed people will usually have just the opposite reactions.

He needs to look upwards to the left, err right.. That's were the thinking liars look at.

Anybody knows if David Brocks is a left-handed or right-handed?

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Steven D's picture

For all the wunnerful pictures!

Sadly, all to true.

0 users have voted.

"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott