What perhaps politicos are trying to do?

WORK in Progress (WIP)

Imagine you were trying to set up a global governance of 160+ nations, most of which were trying to break into the US services market, meaning non-manufacturing jobs. You had a treaty that gave you the right to provide services, IF you could win a bidding process based on cost, but the rich countries had so far, managed to keep all but a tiny percentage of your service providers out, by various red tape. And now they were demanding a resolution of this long simmering issue of the payback for the world trade agenda. They gave us a victory against Communism, they argue, now its time for us to pay what we said we would. Decades ago.

But maybe the check has come back mrked insuficient funds. The IOUSs are it turns out worthless because of this. Its kind of like a Green New Deal that promised jobs that pay $15 an hour building public works, like they did back in the 30s. Why do people feel these jobs are their right? Where have they been the last 25 years or so? Dont they read the news?

Over that time foreign potentates engaged endlesly in international negotiations hoping to bring home the bacon for their people in the form of jobs. Here in the US corporations initiated numerous international negotiations to protect THEIR interets, after all they are people too.

Dont you get it?

They are resource rich nations with raw materials and markets our industrial special interests want. Also we have been kept ion an infantile state by depriving us of anything, any information which would lead our people to knowledge of these negotiations, in fact it can be shown that substantial efforts were made to prevent any kind of international discussion. specially in the United States, can people see how that has been done? What is this discussion thread ABOUT anyway?

The people of the US were fairly universally against the forcing of the issue, even your own former citizens who had moved there were strongly against it. Because their children were not getting the jobs at these firms, even when they spoke the same languages. Because their expectaions were tioo high, you called them unrealistic. The world had changed for workers now, you say.Your position was that this was a commitment the US had made that they were expected to keep. They had even been the first to propose it. You were losing face with your own people, many of whom had completed college and desperately needed jobs in their fields to be able to start a family and get married. Of course so did the Americans and none of them knew about this promise that had been made by their oligarchs to get the developing countries to swallow their shamelessly undemocratic quite likely unconstitutional trade deal.

Their trade deal shamelessly violates the Ninth Amendment to their Constitution.

Its about preserving a system that so far had been successful in hijacking democracy all around the world from an embarrassing and shamefully dishonest flop and possibly even being brought before an international court for intentionally botching the healthcare of some huge unknown number of poor people. Hijacking democracy in a way that could quite possibly be successfully framed as murder by statistical analysis of the number of excess deaths due to failure to balance the needs of the country in health care such that around 200 more people a day died than would in other rich countries that spent far less on healthcare. This brings up the question, is there any obligation on politicians in the US to perform their duties in good faith and be successful to some minimal standard? Or does their immunity vaccinate them in times when its clear they knew they were evading their duties. (This is the really important question, is our world a world that lets national elected politicians do this, and turns a blind eye to it?

It could be said and shown that the flavor of neo-liberalism that exists today in the US and EU is the quite arguable successor in crime to Nazism which was an extremist cult based on occult mysticism that claimed it was a master race and that others were slave races who were only suited to be enslaved. (quite a bit like the arguments the British made for colonialism which involved the economic pillage of a great many resource rich countries in the Global South. Also the Brtish created a world wide system to enable to hiding and laundering of the illicit profits stolen from those countries people by the coalition of oligarchs and collaborators. This is today referred to as the so called spiders web, in the former British colonies, the offshore tax haven empire, which contains more than half of the wealth in the world, a number that is rapidly growing.

Suffice it to say that the end of the Second World War left a bad taste in many mouths. Especially in the mouths of the formerly colonized, many who had suffered grievous battles for which many had received promises of liberation from colonizers, promises that were rapidly forgotten and deprecated, with regard to the former allies. The history of colonialism is a voluminous one but a number of common threads weave through it. Most irksome and disgusting is the reluctance of the former colonial powers to release their death grips on the people of the Global South nations, even to this day. The means by which they do this is via trade related mechanisms, in the face of the former Frenh controlled nations its done with currency, (and trade deals) and in the case of the UK its done with a spiders web of tax havens and illicit money flows that somehow, managed to keep insiders posessing money they shouldnt have been able to keep. Inshort Caolonialism and imperialism, seems to have never ended.

And the most discusing aspects of the Nazis seem to have not died, either. Instead the dissolution of the former Soviet Union was transforme into what may have been the worst theft, the theft from the people of the former USSR and Eatsrn Europe of all the state owned resources and the demonization of everything public under the ruse of ending Communism. A giant theft, conducted in an atmosphere of triumphalism, asserts that anything that involves any kind of government regulation with the intent of addressing market failures, which are many with lasseiz-faire capitalism, is "communmism" This has been represented by the successors of fascism, who still abound, especially in South America as the forbidden elements of defeated Communism. Resurrecting many of the deep rooted conflicts of the cold war period. Indeed, many of the same people, perhaps even the unspeakable ones, seem to have been successful at moving both themselves and many of their assets to South America and continuing a battle between the extreme right and compassion, in the interest of fighting Communism.

The rightist of South America no longer openly declare themselves to be members of a nazi party of local manufacture as they used to, but the spirit is still there. The spirit of decepton and playing a trick on th world, claiming that their pursuit of some kind of utioian state justifies this. Except this claimed utopia is actully naiism and racial purity, etc. and all the rest.

The British Empire, dominions, such as South Africa unfortunately also seemed deeply involved in this. Even going so far as teaming up with Israel of all countries to build a nuclear capability. What were they seeking top do? Well, we may never know because when the apartheid state dissolved after making poisonous GATS commitments that made affordable healthcare in South Africa impossible, South Africa is said to have dismantled its sevemn nuclear devices. (is there any proof?)

Besides killing tens of millions of people, what problem was there with the Nazis?

Lots of them. By now it should be clear to most people that we are heading into future where work, especially for the poor of this planet will be scarce. Is there any way to moderate the impact of this? Currently, only if e look to private charity, inm other words, philantropism.;

Governments are prohibited from addressing market failumes except in a very narrow "minimally trade restrictive manner" How? This is explained in the video at 5:55.

Lets try to predict what may happen? Economic arguments may be made based on lost incomes. But what iof many have no incomes and no prosp[ects, jobs having been sent elsehwere where they can be done for less. This means that the numbers that get plugged into the spreadsheets lack the scalar magnitudes, the quantities required to "justify" the preservations of many lives. What iof those lives belon to POCs, in other words, historically mistreated groups? Its anybnody's guess but iots clear that the Global South countries are unwilling tgo put off their paybacks for other people whose ancestors thir ancestors might have gotten rich, wealth which surrounds them in Arfica and which remains to this day, now they are africa enterporenmurial class. The roots of a great deal of wealth in the Afric o today originated in slavery, the selling of those nations unwante citizens, bastard children, and many others into slavery. The European colonizers, the British, the Dutch, the Portugese and Spanish all were heavily involved in the trad in human beings. This has now transfrmed into demand for some kinds of reparations to be paid to the descendants of the slavers, since they represent the former colonies present leaders in Africa, many are descened from the former chielfs and their many wives, under colonialism. These families still exist and they in pride, trace their roots back to the 1600s and even earlier. Depite being promised partiipation in the global economy now are they willing to delay their particpation a bit longet so that millions of the descendants of former slaves can enjoy a few more years of employmenmt?

On would have to ask them but the answer may be hard to predict. I dont think their answer would definitely be a blunt "no" But it would be crucial to have some sensitivity to their position. We are so rich, have excluded them from participation by all accounts, for very long, and they have suffered grievously due to this. Now its time for us to pay them what we owe them,, the jobs our elected represntaives promised them. I suspect that may be the answer.

Despite the urgency of this issue to both Americans and Africns, it seems as if we are walking into a trap concocted by truly sadistic political operatives. With the intent of dividing the entire world and seizing immense welth and power. One that goies back to this meeting in Uruguay in September of 1986.

The NAZIS framed the lives of the handicapped as "not worthy of living" in their opinion. How lucky they were that we didn't frame their evil slimy lives in the same way, although many wanted us to. A great many.

Stalin suggested forgoing a trial and simply shooting 50,000 Nazi officers and calling it a day.

But Judge Robert Jackson said we had a responsibility to future generations to do the right thing and not sink to their level even though we certainly had an opportunity to do so.

Its good that we tried to do justice. Now a similar cult based on money and what it claims is efficiency is framing the lives of the poor similarly. Should this murder of the weak (thats what they revelle in) be allowed to continue in the name of dishonest totally broken economics, thats nfaultry and totally based on lies, continue? Depravity be allowed to continue unchallenged? Do the free traders and their agenda represent OUR country and should all the country's people (rather than just the investor class or its politicians be held responsible for the debts they incurred due to a trade agreement which has made many of the elites wealthy by artificially increasing the prices and patent terms of drugs? Or is it an odious debt for which they are not liable due to corruption? Who is responsible for this debt which is supposed to be paid in the jobs of many workers, or are such agreements violation of the highest law of the land, law such as the Ninth Amendment and unconscionable and should that theft held void as clear violations of public policy? Because how can it be possible for one bad Presidency to bind a country forever to an agreement that country's people would never in a million years have voted for? (as has happened to South Africa and their NHI due to GATS commitments made by the outgoing apartheid regime in 1994, in Geneva. Several years later the people of South Africa voted overwhelmingly for NHI, national health insurance, buit now man y yesrs later they still dont have it. Trvor Noah himself, who is now by far the most popular performer in South Africa himself had a confrontation with the realities of healthcare and poverty which is now part of his reportory of things that either make you laugh or cry. Unspoken about is the fact that a few years ago, they voted overwhelmingly for but NHI but still dont have it (abecause of the WTO commitments made in 1994 by the apartheid government bind the nation to commercial healthcare, unless they buy their freedom which is supposed to be so expensive as to be impossible. It is probably India that like it likely would with the US, would bring the WTO suit. The issues are similar to their March 2016 "request for consultations" dispute DS503 which started a legal process that could lead to changes that might heavily impact the prospects of millions of US workers, permanently. Pulling bthe economic rug out from under them? But, you promised.. Remember? POOF vanished, wipe it from the web site..

IN A similar clash between public healthcare and the administrative state bound by trade "agreements" nobody ever agreed with occurred in the international trade tribunal, the European Court of Justice and several other venues over what is surely one of the longest trade disputes ever. You can read quite a bit of it on the site italaw dot com. Under Achmea and Eureko and Slovak. Read it, boy its convoluted, and it has a surprining ending that perhaps shows why the Clintons get the big bucks. A case which seemed as if it might decide a very important question but which sidestepped it leaving the real battle still raging. In the midst of all this a $400000 speech was made, that I think ran to less than an hour.

It appeared to be in the mud on a rainy island, How did it start? In a landslide election the people of the Slovak Republic elected a politician who after only two - yes two (2) years of private for profit health insurance elected to REVERT to the state managed single payer system they had had before. It seems it was disliked by many. But hey, they had to mkake a profit. Its a business. You cant just make profits on sick people. BUT thats whats required. So they couldnt not do that. Its the same here, profit is job #1 in business, or you lose your investment. Well, the investors of Slovak Republic soon found that they could not just back out like that. One of the documents on ITALAW italaw3206 or italaw3207, has a factual summary that lays out this CLASH OF CULTURES quite eloquently, I strongly suggest that everybody here read it. Starting at around page 13 it really shows what we were dealing with there. Both sides laid out there positions and boy were they different.

To the corporations, Slovakia was stealing (expropriating) their property. By decaring their intent to fix their healthcare into something they could afford, and the punishment was the seizure of every fungible asset, every penny that the Slovak Republic had, in foreign banks. Poof it ws gone. That would teach them not to mess with the real corporate state. The rest is history. IS it over now? We'll see.

As far as I know nobody told them at any time, going in or coming out that they couldnt revert back. But they should have known. Just as America should know that by signing up for this kind of ideology everything we own is being put on the line. Do we know that? No, we just know what Bernie says, Bernie bernie bernie. We just need to vote for more DEMOCRATS. Especially the corrupt ones, it seems. the leadership wants.

Does that sound a little naive?

. No we have no excuse for not seeking out the facts when we foolishly trust POLITICIANS known for being the most willing to make empty promises in the world. And the most captured in the world, except perhaps those in South Africa. Anyway we should especially realize that when it comes to health care the US government and the USTR office sadly does not have a diversity of opinion. We are 1000% against public healthcare and price controls in any form. They will never allow anything that lowers drug prices, ever. They must always go up, never down. That should be obvious from the lies that keep being told to justify this scheme. Which have totally been debunked. They are just shameful.

The IntraEUBITS show how the trade deals were intended top be like fish traps or better yet BEAR TRAPS, for the unwary former Communist countries, that trusted their bretheren in Western Europe, can I say that? Its true. Everybody should know that they were just salivating over this huge windfall they expected to get, it was their ENILEMENT they felt, for being rich. Just like the US's rich folk REALLY feel ENTITLKED to a huge windfall now, its their entitlement. Can yousee why? They get it by offshoring millions of jobs so people are literally starving. How does that work? Economics 101. Supply and demand. GATS is a labor aritrage scheme


Thats why they are rich and the poor older Americans are eating out of garbage cans.

Can you relly blame some of them for responding emotionally when all their posessions everything they worked their whole lives for gets auctined off to some snotty nose kid to gloat about on youtube?
When wages are pummeting to just a couple of bucks an hour. Has the world really passed them by because of their own fault,m their bad decisons, or was the outcome rigged from the beginning by super slick thieves who are getting paid off to rig it?

You decide.

So we should know tghat the change hats coming is intended to be permanent, in Europe. There the intent was to lot, to strip the Eastern Europeans of everything. Here its tgo strip American families of everything. Its just business. They say. No need to get emotional about it, its just business. Now crawl away back to your hole. Back to your cells. How dare you to question us.

In fact thee kinds of problems seem to have been characteristic of the IntraEUBITS. They were it seems trick deals intended as traps for the unwary. Given that embarassing revelation of how willing the Western European nations were to take shameless advantage of their naive bretheren, theEU top coputrt did a good thing in declaring them all invalid. Are the richer Western EU countries satisfied and willing to walk away from this? I think yes, but they havent given up now they are just looking for different prey, for example, US. The United States. We are ripe for the kill, due to our peoples having been preserved in a state of naiveve by our politicians. Certyainly they have some plan in mind.

Such things usually are not discussed with the hoi polloi. Slovak Republic in a cse which involved a Clinton Foundation donor, a Dutch insurance company which sued the Slovac Republic for indirect exporpriation quite a long time ago leading to a battle in the European Union over the "IntraEUBITS" issue. IntraEUBITS were bilateral investment treaties of a certin kind that were popular and numerous right after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union and what has often been described as the fall of communism, all occuring during a several year window around 1990 which is the year that the former Communist superpower decided to transform into the Russian Federation several years before the creation of the European union, a customs union which in the interest of unity, absorbed a number of countries. Many of these countries had entered into these trade deals which many described as bad contracts of adhesion. The isse seems to devolve into, if a country has entered into a country binding them, do the people of that country have a right to elect to do something that breaks the contract, with the reason they do being fairly irrelevant. Well its a quite interesting story that mirculously totally avoided what is onbviously the important question to me. They did not decide that issue, instead they handed a loss which they claimed was awin to the insurance company and voided all IntraEUBITS avoiding the settling of the issue of which is more important a trade deal of the wishes of voters.
How could this have happened? Ask our former President, the fixer who gave that 440000 euro speech in Friesland, right before the decision that the insurance company felt good about.

does anybody know whats being said here?


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