Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - March 4, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Flexibility is the key to working in the garden this time of year. It has been a week of moderately warm days and cold nights. This side of the mountains has not received the volumes of snow reported in the news. The beds by the house are waking up, a few weeds are sprouting and found a yellow crocus in bloom while weeding. Became a little to enthusiastic and dug up the irises which were scheduled to move last summer to a drier location. Their future bed just on the other side of the driveway was frozen solid. To create a hole would need the rock hammer and chisel. New plan required. Snow started just as the last rhizome was going into the soil. Only 6 weeks until irrigation season starts.


Partnerships with domestic animals is a common theme in human development.

First evidence for horseback riding dates back 5,000 years AP News March 3, 2023

Archaeologists have found the earliest direct evidence for horseback riding – an innovation that would transform history – in 5,000 year old human skeletons in central Europe.
Researchers analyzed more than 200 Bronze Age skeletal remains in museum collections in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic to look for signs of what co-author and University of Helsinki anthropologist Martin Trautmann calls “horse rider syndrome” – six tell-tale markers that indicate a person was likely riding an animal, including characteristic wear marks on the hip sockets, thigh bone and pelvis.

“You can read bones like biographies,” said Trautmann, who has previously studied similar wear patterns in skeletons from later periods when horseback riding is well-established in the historical record.

The original article in Science Advances - First bioanthropological evidence for Yamnaya horsemanship


Internet communication improvements are the next steps of developing human civilization.

Digital worlds diverge at World Mobile Congress
Asia Time March 3, 2023
China’s Huawei has a 5G-to-business vision that the West has so far failed to replicate or embrace

Developed market telecom companies think of 5G mobile broadband as a consumer technology and worry that their market is close to saturation. China’s flagship digital infrastructure company, Huawei, thinks of 5G as an industrial technology and believes that the new digital economy is soon set to launch.
Huawei, whose handset sales briefly surpassed Apple’s, lost most of its smartphone business due to sanctions, but it has reemerged as the world’s top provider of telecom infrastructure, a source of cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) applications for mining, manufacturing and service industries, and a builder of digital technology for specific industries, especially automotive.
According to Huawei estimates, more than 10,000 Chinese businesses have built dedicated, or private, 5G networks, including more than 6,000 manufacturing firms.

That compares to a total of 171 private 5G networks outside of China, of which fewer than 20 are factories. “That’s because the Chinese government is pushing manufacturing companies to adopt 5G and AI,” a Huawei specialist said.
5G broadband offers only incremental performance in the US and Europe, according to a recent study conducted by Tom’s Guide. Download speeds in China are three times faster than in the United States, where the average download speed is just 100 megabytes per second, a tenth of the gigabyte-per-second ceiling for 5G.
The economics of mobile broadband in China are entirely different, according to Paul Scanlan, advisor to the president of Huawei’s carrier business. In a press briefing on February 28, Scanlan said that industrial applications of 5G had generated so much upload traffic that the new network soon would become obsolete.

Artificial intelligence applications of 5G involve massive amounts of data upload, for example, from cameras that take millions of photographs per hour of goods moving on an assembly line, upload them to the cloud for AI analysis and then download instructions. Visual uploads allow AI systems to monitor industrial robots, oil wells, mining equipment and hundreds of other forms of activity.

Huawei is ready to roll out what it calls 5.5G, a set of incremental improvements on 5G that will increase data capacity by about a third. Outside of China, Scanlan expects Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to be early adopters of 5.5G.

According to Huawei, “5.5G will expand on 5G, but will be faster, more automated, and more intelligent than 5G, and support more frequency bands. 5.5G will deliver 10 times greater network capabilities, which will translate into 100 times more opportunities.
We are on the cusp of a great new wave of globalization led by China rather than by the West, which will draw billions of new participants into the global economy.

Although China’s overall exports fell 9% in December 2023 from the year-earlier month, exports to ASEAN nations were up by 20% year-on-year. The numbers tell a remarkable story (see “Digital Infrastructure Propels New S.E. Asian Tigers,” Asia Times, February 5 2023).

This is the Fourth Industrial Revolution in real-time. 5G technology combined with Big Data and AI allows robots to communicate with each other on the factory floor, or the Internet of Things to track and transship packages from ports to warehouses to freight for delivery to final customers, or mines to operate without a single worker underground.

But the same technology also makes it possible for a pepper farmer in Bangladesh to use a high-speed camera to scan dried peppers on a conveyer belt and use an AI program to pick out the bad pieces. It makes it possible for a bank in Kenya to make sound microloans to small merchants in villages by using geolocation to verify their activity. It allows a Thai mobile provider to offer basic software to small businesses on a SIM card.

These are all small increments in productivity for very poor people, but taken as a whole, they represent the greatest economic transformation underway in today’s world.


Ukraine war in technical military terms - Andrei Martyanov, Larry C. Johnson and Mike Mihajlovic (1:33:37) March 1, 2022

Video set to start at 1:17:08 when Larry begins to discuss China and US. A transcript for part of his discussion is below. It provides some specific details I had not come across before, only innuendos or conspiracy theories that did not meet the standard to share. (I enjoyed the complete video interviewer lives in Poland and does not ask the typical US style questions)


...and the news that came out this week identifying China as the source of Covid, well yeah it was. That's true, but why did that come out now? Because we have known about that for three, the intelligence community has known about that for three years. Well part of the reason they tried to say it was from a wet market or natural causes is because the United States itself , people like Dr Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric were involved in creating that. And when they had it, they actually had somebody that died in North Carolina. Got that body our of the country, shifted that research over to China because it is better to have it in China than the United States. But the United States is funding it. So here is the Chinese over the last 3 years we got this joint secret. They know that we know that both of us were involved in helping create this lethal virus. But now all of a sudden the Chinese are saying what you are blaming us alone? You are not accepting any of the cause. ...


A different aspect of the Special Military Opperation.



This weeks update on Ukraine by our two military experts. (May have already watched links provided day of posting by Humphrey.)

Scott Ritter weekly interview with Judge Napolitano March 2, 2023 (23:15 min)
Putin: This is a Global Conflict

Col Doug Macgregor weekly interview with Judge Napolitano March, 2023 (19:54 min)
Ukraine is DESTROYED, there's nothing left


What is on your mind today?

15 users have voted.


QMS's picture

enjoyed the perspectives on the Poland question
and the cultural requirements of erasing rus-phobia

wind, rain. and 40 here today

thanks soe!

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

smiley7's picture


Back brace on, feeling no severe and crippling radiating pain across the back and down the legs, only the slight annoyance of recovery from surgery "i say 'knocking on wood'" Smile

Surgery on back 17 days ago in Myrtle Beach, SC; sitting in a sunroom a block's walk to the inlet, park and boardwalk, Murrell's Inlet, recovering; it's a beautiful day at the beach. Returning home to have cataract surgery in a couple of weeks, put it off so long can't see to type this very well; has taken me hours to post this morning.

Hope you've had fair sailing in my absence!

10 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture


wind, rain. and 40 here today

wind, rain, 48 with 41 wind chill here today

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

@QMS . in the eye clinic. It helps to have trust in their skills. I got the permission to drive a car again, though of course some evil shit authoritarians confiscated the keys of my sisters cars and denied me access to the car.

So now I try to learn to use a bike, but I knew since 2017 that I can not make any right turns with a bike due to some damage to my right eye from decades ago-

Now, I still have legs, I can walk. But my respect for our local government officials is at zero.
May they rott in hell they create for others to live with.

I have hundreds of crokus and lilies of the valley and literally hundreds of squirrels playing around. Now the autorities want to take our garden away for paying the medical care they give to my sister.

Did you ever knew how many assholes exist?

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@mimi , and I know very well that most human societies are studded with dark stains of unhappiness, places where assholes in positions of power deliberately make people's lives a living hell. This is certainly endemic in the US, and in Germany, too, I think — where authoritarian rule has seized control over society and the culture. Governments like ours have long been conditioned by a tradition of installing psychopathic assholes as the very highest levels. Such governments also attract employees who act as "enablers of mundane evil" — which is a common epigenetic personality flaw that infects society at every level, and causes much human suffering.

One reason I started following China so closely during the past decade, was the Chinese government Plan to eradicate corruption from every level of Chinese government. I was amazed that China actually identified institutional corruption and sadism as the key source of People's unhappiness (and corrupt officials are the primary obstacle to positive progress and justice in government). Clever, these Chinese. No other culture in the world dare to confront their endemic corruption. And when China makes a Plan, they achieve their goal.

So I just had to keep a close eye on this process, which has removed and prosecuted thousands of former officials from the top to the bottom of Chinese government. Corruption in China is the same as in the West — bribery, kickbacks, embezzlement, etc. — but in China it also includes nepotism, croneyism, political aggression, discrimination, and injustice against the People. I do not report on China's battle against corruption because I don't have the skills to gather the statistics. But the punishments I know of have been very severe, too severe in my opinion. On the other hand, the sheer volume of these corruption cases seems to have resulted in a moratorium on the death penalty in China. If it's true, that's real progress.

The solution to being on the receiving end of government injustice? Great wealth. It can insulate you from evil and solve most problems like yours. Escaping authoritarian evil is one of the top reasons that people have for accumulating wealth. Otherwise, it is my experience that the only way out of a bureaucratic nightmare is to physically move to a new location; a different nation, if necessary. Bureaucratic nightmares and government evil are leading reasons that people become immigrants. It requires persistent effort to relocate, which can be difficult for older people. But it is not impossible. If I had a better answer, I would act on it myself. Best wishes to you.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Russia is looking for people to migrate there, but I don’t know if there is a requirement whether you must be able to give birth.


Outlining the tasks of the coordination headquarters, Dmitry Gusev, First Deputy Head of the "Fair Russia - For Truth" faction in the State Duma, noted that it is necessary not to persuade those who do not love it to return to their homeland, but to help those who deliberately want to move to the Russian Federation. Since such a decision is closely related to the worldview and religious affiliation of potential immigrants, their immigration was called ideological.

As an incentive for resettlement to Russia, D. Gusev proposed to provide 10 hectares of land to settlers from the United States and Europe at the end of January, hoping that up to 7 million people could take advantage of this offer. The report on the establishment of a coordination headquarters for ideological immigration did not mention this proposal. Although the work of the headquarters was planned to be discussed at a closed meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For seven years - since 2016, when the excess of mortality over fertility was again recorded in Russia, until 2022 the natural decline of the country's population, according to Rosstat, amounted to more than 3 million people.

Birth rates are increasing in many countries, but they started falling long before Covid because of the crap that is allowed in our food and containers and the pollution and toxic chemicals in the ground and air and water.

I found this through this DK essay. They are interested in crowdfunding anyone who wants to do it and especially if they are MAGATS which they call Trump supporters. They think that they are very superior to anyone who doesn’t think like them. Swell folks…

And this one:

and don't mind moving to an authoritarian nation where authorities can and will kill or imprison you for speaking out against Putin, his allies, or his underlings

Hmm I wonder if they know that their best president of their lifetime is persecuting Julian Assange for spilling the beans about America’s dirty secrets? Oh yeah I forgot, they approve of him being persecuted and locked up for a decade because their precious Hellabitch lost her coronation.

*Beware tho because there is a lot of xenophobic comments from xenophobic people.*

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


Russia is certainly not on my short list, in any event.

1 user has voted.
mimi's picture

@Pluto's Republic "that the only way out of a bureaucratic nightmare is to physically move to a new location; a different nation, if necessary."

I let you know when I have made it, though it might be naive to believe it is different in different nations.

Thanks for your kind comment.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture

under the banner of the Peoples Party, I assume.
Won't see this mentioned in the state media of course.
He obviously doesn't expect to win, but hopes to bring
together the left and right. Ruffle some feathers maybe.

14 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Shahryar's picture


Or does he get chosen by Nick Brana?

by the way, in that video where Jimmy says Obama gave us Trump (roughly...) I'd say he's wrong. It was Hillary Clinton who did that. The one person in the country who was worse than Trump was the Dem candidate. Someday there'll be an honest book about that election. There are still too many liars pushing their falsehoods. But one day there'll be an honest discussion about the arrogance of the Clinton campaign, from brushing off BLM, to the slogan (I'm with Her), to her reliance on in-home fund-raising visits instead of big rallies, to her no-show in close states.

8 users have voted.
QMS's picture


I am not sure.

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


Obama is responsible for Trump because of how he betrayed his supporters and Hillary for everything she stands for that we rejected during bush and Obama and for stealing the primary. Biden is going to be responsible for a worst Trump who might not be as dumb as Trump was. Shitlibs think that Biden is doing a great job even though he hasn’t passed anything that he said he would and the economy has been shot to hell. Yay! Imagine if he wasn’t trying.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Shahryar's picture


We'll never know since Hillary strong-armed everybody into not running, then villainized anyone who dared challenge her, like Bernie or Jill Stein.

5 users have voted.
smiley7's picture


absolute agreement, historians will not look kindly upon the Clinton era, imo.

4 users have voted.

not be sabotaged by the Democratic establishment.


Edited to add:

His policies appealed to both sides of the political spectrum.

However todays Bernie wouldn't stand a chance.

6 users have voted.
smiley7's picture


Indeed, many here, as i, were voracious Bernie people, the stampede from Kos, but a memory.

Bernie not winning is and was the opportunity of lifetimes in this country and as you say the people were poised for and wanted his policies; so many similar misses in the history of ideas over the centuries.

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


For those who knew with certainty that a future reality wherein Hillary was elected President would never come to pass. Not with all the wild variables unleashed during the campaign.

As it turned out, the powerful wave of populism that began surging throughout 2016, would carry anything or anyone who rode it to victory. Bernie Sanders, Brexit, and Donald Trump all rode the wave. Had the DNC dumped Hillary and picked VP Joe Biden to pose as a populist — the Dems would have likely beat Donald Trump.

The extreme 2016 election meddling by the neocons at the US intelligence agencies (and Ukraine) caused all kinds of brain damage and bad decisions by the US politicos. Plus, I always got the feeling that Obama did not think Joe Biden could hack the Presidency, even in 2020.

4 users have voted.

@Shahryar what I've read of that political period. Biden was always seen as an indecisive figure, and this was certainly true about his thinking in 2014 as 2016 loomed. The fairly recent death of his son Beau supposedly weighed heavily.

Hillary all along was giving it serious consideration and just stepped into the vacuum and made herself available for an Obama endorsement. She would run while Biden remained torn. I find it hard to believe that if Obama's VP Biden really wanted to run that Obama would have turned down his own VP. He was in the position of having first refusal, but took too long to decide and so Obama moved on to Hillary.

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Is earned.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Jeffrey Sachs 8 hours ago (edited) E CNN, citing its sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, reports that on February 28, 2023, the
losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to:

• 259,085 people killed, died from wounds, diseases;

•wounded, crippled 246,904;

• deserted, as well as missing - 83,952;

• captured - 28 393.

You can lie all you want, but the numbers don't lie.

This is just wonton disregard for the lives of Ukraine people and for what? Ukraine never had a chance to win against Russia’s more powerful military even though NATO had been planning for it for years. Russia gave us a preview of what it could do in Syria. Lots of reports are saying that the current Ukraine troops are very poorly trained and even less poorly equipped.

I see so many people complaining about how slow Russia is going about their operation, but let’s look at what they have been up against with all the eyes in the sky tracking their every movement.

A detailed overview of how NATO's integrated C4ISR really works in Ukraine

In two previous articles I’ve mentioned not only the overwhelming C4ISR that the West commands in Ukraine, but also specifically the series of leaks which corroborated this, and gave us the insight into how their systems actually operate, and to what granularity they are transmitting the essential data to on-the-ground Ukrainian forces.

So let’s take a small deep-dive into exactly what type of information they’re providing just so that you can get a general picture of:

1. Why Ukraine has been so ‘successful’ at times, for instance in certain abilities to ambush Russian forces, or effect ‘withdrawals’ like the ‘grand Kharkov counter-offensive’ of last September.

2. Why Russia is forced to fight in a very ‘smoke-like’ fashion, never committing too-large of a force anywhere.

3. How the remnants of the Ukrainian airforce are able to survive this long by evading Russian counter-strikes, and vice versa—how the Russian airforce must remain quite limited in its operations.

You can find the 2 other essays on simplicius76 homepage by clicking on the top name.

This really puts to rest Biden’s yapping about how we aren’t involved in the fight against Russia.

How will Ukraine recover from this genocide by Zelensky of his own people? I’ve often wondered how long it took the south to recover after the civil war wiped out so many men. Those who weren’t killed were left with poverty and many with disabilities with no structure in place like we have now. And this massive slaughter could have so easily been avoided.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

enhydra lutris's picture


How many died on each side in the Civil War?
For more than a century, the most-accepted estimate was about 620,000 dead. A specific figure of 618,222 is often cited, with 360,222 Union deaths and 258,000 Confederate deaths.Jan 6, 2022

History Channel
https://www.history.com › news › american-civil-war-...

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

We have seen how young men have been taken off the streets in Ukraine to be sent into battle so I think he is correct on what he’s saying.


Too bad he got booted from congress. I doubt he would folded like that sellout Bernie who is totally behind Biden’s agenda and his 2nd term. F you Bernie!

Mr. Sellout

No Bernie the real tragedy is you blatantly lying about who is actually responsible for Russia’s military operation and why they had to go in and stop the slaughter.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Spine like steel…I meant jello.

Especially how quickly he folded when Obama cleared the field of everyone except for Warren so that she could take any votes heading towards Bernie. And again he never said a word about the blatant corruption of the dem primaries and got right behind the candidate who was rigged to cheat him. Anyone who thought that American elections were valid after that, well I just don’t know what to say. Democrats don’t even have to go into smoky back rooms and decide on their candidate. They do it in front of the world. But sure the Russian elections are rigged and corrupt….

Lol…lots of people are saying that Glenn's tweet shows how pro Putin he is…now that’s some powerful propaganda that gets people to see Putin behind every bush.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


Especially how quickly he folded when Obama cleared the field of everyone except for Warren so that she could take any votes heading towards Bernie. And again he never said a word about the blatant corruption of the dem primaries and got right behind the candidate who was rigged to cheat him.

That's because Sanders is a better politician than I or most other people are. He watched what was done and I'm sure was intimately familiar with the techniques involved. It was just typical sleazy politics. Sanders is always looking for the best outcome however. If it's obvious to him, that he has lost, even if my bottom dealing, he does what he figures is best and supports Biden over Trump.

I think Sanders could have won easily in both 16 and 20. Basic populist progressive message.

3 users have voted.

@ban nock from Day 1 was foreign policy. His supporters, of which I was ardently one, knew that.
According to his detractors, they did, too.
Did you support Sanders when he went up against Hillary? I did.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@ban nock about Bernie winning either time. He always had soft black support within the party, which is usually key to winning the nom and the general.

Good politician? Not sure about that either. The person he selected to run his SC campaign in 2020 was an out of stater, someone who was clueless about how to win votes in that mostly black state.

I think you meant to say he's a Go Along Pol interested more in preserving his political standing than in standing firm for progressive principles. He's definitely not a strong leader. No Wayne Morse or Bobby Kennedy. Not even a Frank Church. But in that sense he's typical of the current breed of spineless pols who have come along in the past 40 yrs. Very depressing. And looking over at the bench, just a younger crop of spineless pols and not leaders.

I might get interested in RFK Jr if he runs. There's someone with courage.

2 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

This is the nest box cam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nvCVS2TRRk

The egg is an odd reddish color, it is supposed to be that color. The amount of time she spends on the egg correlates with whether or not there will be more eggs - if she/they plan on having more, she spends more time off the egg so that the eventual hatchling doesn't get too far ahead of its sibling(s).

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture



6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

smiley7's picture

Lots of meat for readers wishing to chew in this good diary.

And it's wonderful to see you doing well and farming still.

I logged in several days ago and read a little and am sincerely thrilled to see this site thriving in its wealth of good people.

In my online absence, fellow c99'ers have kept me informed on the highlights and where abouts of the old gang and i've had the pleasure of hearing about the sharing in love of marriage here and have vicariously enjoyed the excitement of their new promised eternal bond of love and the Spring so evidently apparent in their union. Belated congrats to the joining of the Conqueror and Barrister of the people.

Began a draft when first logging in, and discovered my old brain did not keep readily available its file of how to style and format a diary, so in hopes of not overstepping the bounds of modesty, i wish to place a timely poem here of personal feeling , SoE.

First, a little background: people used to ask me quite often which role did you enjoy playing the most in theatre; and i cringed at having to find a suitable answer; an even peskier question was 'How do you remember the lines?' Anyways, the following poem from the Master is a favorite role and this scene especially, a poigngnant moment each performance of Henry 5; and thankfully there were many on stage and a few in life and it works today for me and i hope for you.

Act 5, scene 2: HENRY V King Henry

" Marry, if you would put me to verses or
to dance for your sake, Kate, why you undid me.
For the one, I have neither words nor measure; and
for the other, I have no strength in measure, yet a
reasonable measure in strength. If I could win a
lady at leapfrog or by vaulting into my saddle with
my armor on my back, under the correction of
bragging be it spoken, I should quickly leap into a
wife. Or if I might buffet for my love, or bound my
horse for her favors, I could lay on like a butcher
and sit like a jackanapes, never off. But, before God,
Kate, I cannot look greenly nor gasp out my eloquence,
nor I have no cunning in protestation, only
downright oaths, which I never use till urged, nor
never break for urging. If thou canst love a fellow of
this temper, Kate, whose face is not worth sun-burning,
that never looks in his glass for love of
anything he sees there, let thine eye be thy cook. I
speak to thee plain soldier. If thou canst love me for
this, take me. If not, to say to thee that I shall die is
true, but for thy love, by the Lord, no. Yet I love thee
too. And while thou liv’st, dear Kate, take a fellow of
plain and uncoined constancy, for he perforce must
do thee right because he hath not the gift to woo in
other places. For these fellows of infinite tongue,
that can rhyme themselves into ladies’ favors, they
do always reason themselves out again. What? A
speaker is but a prater, a rhyme is but a ballad, a
good leg will fall, a straight back will stoop, a black
beard will turn white, a curled pate will grow bald,
a fair face will wither, a full eye will wax hollow, but
a good heart, Kate, is the sun and the moon, or
rather the sun and not the moon, for it shines bright
and never changes but keeps his course truly. If
thou would have such a one, take me. And take me,
take a soldier. Take a soldier, take a king. And what
say’st thou then to my love? Speak, my fair, and
fairly, I pray thee."

9 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


(The poetry is nice too, but not of your own creation.) I hope your visit is an indication of decent health and won't be a one-off thing. All the best, and, of course

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --


9 users have voted.
smiley7's picture

7 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@smiley7 So glad you are feeling well enough to rejoin the fray. Drop by any time.

4 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

smiley7's picture

alive my friend, see my comment above to QMS; need to set up dictation as i can't see and typing is a chore.

Happy to celebrate the Falcon's Smile

Hope you two are well, whose turn to cook next week? Smile

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


seem to be getting semi-routine for most folks with cataracts. Heh, I have tech to talk and transcribe, but still have to find, cut and then paste, but I don't need it so only do it for stream of consciousness rambles.

Her turn to cook starting sunday Wink

hang in there compadre.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --


9 users have voted.

@humphrey Truths from start to finish.
Much appreciated.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

brothers, it's the end of brotherhood. What else is new?

4 users have voted.

7 users have voted.

a long war.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


after in a war game. But goodness that’s a lot of money spent on transferring it back and forth I think. I wonder how many people it could have supported on food stamps longer? 42 million people will either get kicked off the program or see their benefits cut. Lots of states are very stingy with their benefits already. Or hey how many school lunches would that provide? We put up with this bull shit, but I don’t know how we can change it. I think a general strike would solve a lot of our problems, but when most people can’t afford a $400 emergency I doubt they could take weeks off work. If I was more cynical I’d think that the PTB rigged the economy like it has just for that reason.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg military is actually telling the truth.


Propaganda is their proven policy.

Edited to add:

Just as believable as saying that the US and NATO are not at war with Russia.

3 users have voted.

We had wind gusts yesterday. Luckily, they were coming from the northeast, and when a gust blew down a 40ft (at least) dead pine tree, it went in the exact location we intended to have the arborist drop it. Yard fence was not damaged!
The wind has laid, so we are going to start a fire, burn up all the bush and tree trimming we have piled up from the house and the office. Such a perfect day for it.
I want to say that cataract surgery can make an extraordinary improvement in your sight and quality of life. I have no idea why my brother is so reluctant. The exams take place at an office 20 minutes away. The surgery is done at an office 40 minutes away.
Well, the wood pecker will have to find bugs to tap out on some other pine tree.
I am in the mood to drop the tailgate on my truck, sit on it, cold beer in hand, and watch the fire.
SOE, always a great OT! Many thanks!

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

Looks like I’ma gonna have to buy more mirrors. The sad thing is that many people will believe what he’s saying. I would think that after all the times we have been lied to people would at least start questioning what they are hearing. The good news is that the military can’t get enough people to join it, but the bad news is that it will just hire more mercenaries and costing us more money. Or they will find some terrorists who will do our fighting for us.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Yeah Americans want their freedom and independence which we know we no longer have.

Most of the things she accuses Putin of doing are what Zelensky himself has done. Everything else she spouts is what America has been doing non stop since 1945. Guess I’ll be sending her a mirror too…. I’m thinking that Biden handed out brass balls to everyone serving in his administration so they can make statements like this. Do they even question whether the world is laughing at them for their stunning hypocrisy? I know that Lavrov has been.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

3 users have voted.

@humphrey I haven't done before, in anticipation of the nuke.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Western analysts have reluctantly acknowledged that when NATO specialists teach The Ukronazis how to use their military equipment, it can be seen as NATO's direct involvement in a military conflict on the side of the Ukrainian regime.

Since the 20s of the last century, there has been a well-established understanding that a country can be recognized as a participant in hostilities if, in addition to supplying weapons, it trains personnel in handling it (the Briand-Kellogg Pact of 1928, the Budapest Resolution to the Pact of 1934).

These are your uproots, Messrs. Sunak, Macron, Scholz and Biden! And our attitude towards you is now the same as it is towards them. Now your countries are participants in the terrorist acts of the Ukrainian regime, and you are direct accomplices of terrorists.

Much more at link

Biden reiterated that we are not at war with Russia and we aren’t supporting regime change. He might not be today, but his sycophants have said that yes indeed we are warring against Russia and I’m betting that Russia believes that we are. Words don’t mean as much as actions.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.



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snoopydawg's picture


I wonder how many more share her feelings?

In response, the President of Ukraine received the following appeal from a Ukrainian woman:

“Tell me please, how can you constantly blame everyone, but not yourself? Never yourself! Everyone is always to blame, not you! What are you sitting there for? Why did you run for president of our country? To destroy our nation? Right now, that’s what it looks like!

For you, everyone else is to blame for everything. You collect all the scrap metal from all over the European Union! You make young guys who have newborn babies and pregnant wives go to the front. You changed the law, so now even sixteen year olds are conscripted, and seventeen year olds go to the hot spots. You’re even the official sponsor of fucking British scientists who dissect our guys for organs.

You bastard, your wife walks around in a 40 thousand euro raincoat, and this wasn’t even a New Year’s gift! She lies that she knows the prices in her country and claims that mackerel costs 8 hryvnia… Have some conscience, Zelensky! Haven’t you ruined everything? Are you not afraid that your children will pay for your sins?

You laugh, mock and jeer the common people, thanks to whom you became a millionaire! You’re a dollar millionaire, for fuck’s sake! Where did you get it – from the war, fucking hell, from bones! I understand that you don’t feel sorry for anyone, you bastard, but don’t you even feel sorry for your children? Just get out of Ukraine!

Take all these fuckers that you sponsored, all these Banderites… and just fuck off to Britain! People are tired of you, tired of your regime, tired of your lies, do you understand or not? You lie all the time, you brute! You’ve never told the truth! Go out now to Khreshchatyk and prove that you are in Ukraine!

Turn on the live broadcast on all social networks, kneel down, you faggot, and ask forgiveness from every mother from whom you took a son! Because you are not going to negotiate with Russia, because you are not sitting down at the negotiating table with Putin, because you are fighting until the last Ukrainian and because you are still bombing Donbass! You stinking faggot!!!”

Zelensky ran on making peace with Russia and got 70% of the votes and Mrs. Zelensky went to Paris for a shopping spree and spent tens of thousands of dollars while Ukrainians were sitting at home with no power and who knows how much food costs? But it’s the kidnapping of young men and women who are causing the most outrage. They are being sent to the front with little training and limited weapons while the elite forces have been evacuated to live to fight another day.

Zelensky is nothing but an actor playing the part of a war president when he has no say in what the military does. The one time he tried standing up for the people in the Donbas he was threatened with being hung if he continued speaking. I don’t think I’d want to be in his shoes when things go south.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

People might have lucked out this time.


Nearby residents have been asked to shelter in place after a Norfolk Southern train derailed near a highway in the Springfield, Ohio, area on Saturday.

Norfolk Southern confirmed in a statement to CBS News that 20 cars of a 212-car train derailed. The railway company said there were no hazardous materials aboard the train, and there were no reported injuries.

Residents within 1,000 feet of the derailment were asked to shelter-in-place out of an “abundance of caution,” the Clark County Emergency Management Agency reported. The derailment occurred near State Route 41.

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