The Weekly Watch

by Stanley Naber
Lies hurt more
than the truth
why do I live
in self pity
and expect disappointment
more than optimism
or does enjoyment
lead me to new
worlds which I can not
live on
the air is getting
thin and I want to
stay for some time
too bad I can not
live in my dreams
for then utopia would be
reached wouldn't it
I'm struck this week by all the lies... from we are not safe because of all the terrorists coming into our country, to Muslims celebrated in the streets of Boston after 9/11, and to the Bowling Green Massacre, and finally to the size of T-rumps....whatever. We have moved beyond the alt-right to alternate facts and on to alternate realities... upon which we will base our laws and policies. From my view the big news this week was the judicial branch upheld the constitution. I wasn't sure they would. However, they said the executive branch put forward no evidence at all that this ban was related to terrorism coming from these seven countries.
The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has unanimously refused to reinstate Donald Trump’s executive order that banned people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States and sparked nationwide protests. The judges ruled that the administration "has pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States." Trump has vowed to appeal the case, possibly to the U.S. Supreme Court (16 min)

Now I'm no lawyer, but I do know how to read....from the justice site:
Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status. Laws prohibiting national origin discrimination make it illegal to discriminate because of a person's birthplace, ancestry, culture or language. This means people cannot be denied equal opportunity because they or their family are from another country, because they have a name or accent associated with a national origin group, because they participate in certain customs associated with a national origin group, or because they are married to or associate with people of a certain national origin.
...or is that another big lie?
by Emily Dickinson
Tell all the truth but tell it slant,
Success in circuit lies,
Too bright for our infirm delight
The truth's superb surprise;
As lightning to the children eased
With explanation kind,
The truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind
Yes Emily, truth by its nature must be slant – it must be filtered through a human lens. That has been my lesson putting together this weekly collection...learning that perhaps omission is the most effective lie. Truth is often found in what is not said. But, maybe there are some speaking truth to power. There is a new documentary suggesting there are some honest journalists.
Fred Peabody and Peter Raymont discuss their film - All Governments Lie... a new documentary about independent journalists walking in I. F. Stone's footsteps (14 min)
It sure would be nice if there was wide media coverage of some big obvious lies. Let's start with terrorism. Is it really a major problem?

3,066 Americans have been killed in terrorist attacks from 9/11/2001 through 12/31/2014 (including perpetrators and excluding deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq.)
2,961 of these deaths occurred on American soil
2,902 of these deaths occurred during the attacks on September 11, 2001
The White House is trying to increase fear about potential—and even imaginary—terrorist attacks in order to justify President T-rumps crackdown on immigration according to Harvard professor Stephen Walt. (1 min)
The White House is considering officially designating more groups as foreign terrorist organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood—one of the Middle East’s oldest and most influential Islamic groups. We speak to Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s National Security Project. (6 min)
President Trump told yet another blatant falsehood, alleging that the media has covered up several terrorist attacks.
Mistrust is inherent with this administration and the media. (12 min)
T-rump wants to ensure that Americans think they are in danger of being hacked to death by deranged Muslims at any moment, but ignores the real risk of home grown supremists.
There was an actual threat from a white extremist in Bowling Green, Ohio, and the ongoing trial of a Christian minister in Tennessee for plotting to travel to upstate New York to kill Muslims there, using explosives, an M-4 assault rifle and a machete. (19 min)

Nearly 40,000 American lives lost each year make suicide the nation's 10th-leading cause of death, and the second-leading killer for those ages 15-34. Homicides have fallen by half since 1991, but the U.S. suicide rate keeps climbing.
Infographic looks at suicide data from around the world.
Now why would so many folks here in the good ole US of A kill themself?
“There was a consistent pattern,” he said, which held for all ages between 25 and 64. “When the economy got worse, suicides went up, and when it got better, they went down.”
So what is our real problem? I would argue it is not terrorism. May be we need to address our economy and help everyone have security here in the richest country on Earth? But what is our economy based on?

The ultimate backing of the US dollar is not gold, nor is it oil, nor even plutocratic fiats; ultimately, the US dollar is backed by the might of the US military.
The United States dominates the war business, the sale of weapons to other nations, the deployment of troops abroad, spending on its own military, and the number of wars engaged in. Only Russia is anywhere close to the U.S. in weapons dealing, and this pair of countries nearly splits the vast majority of the nuclear weapons possessed on earth.
And of course you have to lie about it. Jimmy Dore explains (14 min)
Let's start a new war...Lee Camp covers how the petrodollar may be the REAL reason for possible war with Iran and there’s a long history to back that up. And more (26 min)

For the next lie... the answer to improving the economy is to reduce regulations and cut taxes. Boy, is that a whopper... that we need to cut taxes which expands the national debt. But, the debt is bad and we must address it, so reduce benefits and work more for less...over and over. We've been had!
Economist Mark Blyth offers some explanation with Jimmy Dore in another great series of interviews. (11 min) (10 min) (5 min) (11 min) (6 min) (13 min)
Stiglitz take on our current situation - the Republican/Trump agenda, with its tax cuts even more weighted toward the rich has never actually worked.

It is working out great. We can take our weapons surplus and militarize our police so we can put more people in prison. We are a cruel and inhuman nation caught in a whirlwind of denial.
A free country should not have 1.6 million people in prison, and a fiscally responsible country cannot afford to (3 min)
The for-profit prison companies whose business models essentially depend on locking more and more people up (10 min)
Overall, the prison system in the United States costs American taxpayers nearly $39 billion. California, New York and Texas are the three states that pay the most to maintain their prisons. How much does your state spend?
In Alabama prison situations like this are common
It is "the beginnings of what we are calling a blue lives matter regime," explains our Vincent Warren, executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Trump signed three new executive orders addressing crime and immigration – a dream list for police. (2.5 min)

Chris Hedges and Matt Tiabbi discuss T-rump (26 min)
We speak to Harvard professor Stephen Walt. His recent piece in Foreign Policy is headlined "Trump Has Already Blown It." (13 min)
Betsy DeVos squeeks in as secretary of education (51 to 50) although she was never a student, a parent, an educator or school board member of public schools. It has been her life’s work to tear down public education.
But maybe there is a silver lining
Protesters block DeVos from entering school
Jeff Sesions..
Minutes after he was sworn in as attorney general, Jeff Sessions said he believed the recent uptick in crime in America was a “dangerous permanent trend”. But criminologists said he had “no evidence” to support this contention.
He and many Americans are mistaken (1 min)
Rethugs infighting about public lands
There are plenty of lies to go around. The demorats have been lying too!
Jordan at TYT talks with Glenn Greenwald about the lies of the democrats and others (13 min) (5 min) (5 min) (4 min) (4 min)

Standing Rock
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Tuesday it will greenlight the final phase of construction for the Dakota Access pipeline, prompting water protectors to call for a "last stand" against the $3.8 billion project. Tribal Council Chair Dave Archambault responds (14 min)
Chase Iron Eyes and Dallas Goldtooth share their views. (8 min)
Filmmaker Josh Fox discusses the situation with Ed Schultz (4.5 min)
Tangerine Bolen, executive director of the civil liberties group Revolution Truth, talks about her plan to sue Energy Transfer Partners – the company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline – to prevent the pipeline from being built on what they call treaty land. (7 min)
Thousands rally across the country to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline as two city councils have voted to divest billions billion from the project (6.5 min)

Just deny reality. Make climate change go away. Just pretend it doesn't exist. Take it from the house science committee. (5 min)
I'm surprised to still see the NASA climate change page up and rational
Volunteers face a race against time to save hundreds of pilot whales who became beached in a remote corner of New Zealand's South Island. (2 min)
The revolt of Canadian scientists against former prime minister Stephen Harper can serve as a model for U.S. scientists facing Trump’s attacks on climate research, says professor Chris Williams (14 min)
Daphne Wysham warns that a carbon tax plan proposed by Republican elder statesmen would roll back critically important environmental regulations (14 min)
With the new Trump administration questioning the existence of climate change, The National Science March has turned into a fully-fledged organisation. (2 min)
Luke Sussams discusses renewable energy and the jobs it creates (10 min)

Chris Hedges suggest we be ungovernable
Movements must play a role
Victory for people power. Romania protesters demand more, as government scraps corruption bill (1.5 min)
Lee Camp talks with Nick Brana, former national political outreach coordinator for Bernie Sanders. Lee learns why Brana resigned from progressive political action group Our Revolution and his current effort to draft Sanders to lead a new political party, the People’s Party. (26 min)
Tallahasse Mayor wins fight with NRA
Among the thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators who gathered outside the Stonewall Inn in New York City’s West Village was actress Cynthia Nixon - nice speech. (7 min)
Not a movement, but a local moment in my neighborhood. I was surprised to learn this week that a few seconds mention of our little local march in Mentone, Alabama made Samatha Bee's Full Frontal.(8 min with a nice take of the song “I can't keep quiet”)
The weather was wild and scared us away, but this clip gives the flavor of the march. Here in the backwaters these sorts of movement moments have meaning. (15 min)
How lucky we have air to breathe. Enjoy this HD view of Earth from space (1.5 min)
Once I started this theme of lies and truth it was difficult to stop. My friends, we are surrounded by misrepresentations of reality that suit other purposes...mainly profit, power, prestige. I appreciate this community and the group effort to shine a light on the hidden truths around us. Thanks JtC for steering the site, and I hope the kitty is growing.

great roundup
have to start with truth
It is a constant search...
and difficult to find. Thanks for dropping by.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thank you, I love your weekly watch, like the EB,
such a great service.
I haven't watched yet a lot of the links, but just wanted to let you know that this image
of the Native American Warriors defending the homeland since 1492 hung in our news office and it made me always smile.
Hey mimi
I'm so glad you find these posts useful. I don't know how Joe does the EB 5 nights a week.
I appreciate everyone's efforts, including yours, to keep us aware.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And for comic relief...
SNL press conference opening (8 min)
The SNL people's court with T-rump (4 min)
And the SNL weekend up date (7 min)
The comics have lots to work with for sure!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
ahh, I have to re-immigrate to the US again
none of the videos you posted can be viewed in Germany. They are blocked from German viewership.
We get the message:
Yeah, me too, I am sorry to not be able to see it. Why?
We don't get them in Canada - right next door - anymore either. This increasing partitioning of the internet according to country seems relatively recent and is not a good sign.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Good Sunday morning, Lookout and everyone!
Swinging by to say hi and now off to watch some of those videos. Without c99p, I would be lost trying to find truth, or it would take me all day, every day. I value this site, tremendously! Thanks for the work you do to keep us on the cutting edge of truth. I share this far and wide with my community!
Snow is coming tonight and the advisory lasts until Tuesday evening. It might be nice to have a couple of snow days off from work!
Have a beautiful day, folks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good morning RA
we usually get a snow or two, but this year we had almost two weeks in the 70's in January. We are back in the 70's today.
I thought some of the best clips today include the Mark Blyth Jimmy Dore conversations. The clip near the top about the new film - All governments lie. And how can you go wrong with Glenn Greenwald?
Be careful in the snow, and have a great day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We must get our act together and resist where it hurts
But where remains a mystery for me. Good morning, all. Rain and sideways snow here. My broken foot is black and swollen, still. Dr visit tomorrow. No great expectations. Solidarity, how?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
There are many fronts for sure...
Standing Rock, Immigration, Science, inequality, and on and on. Can we unify all these? I don't know, but people seem ready for a sea change.
Local retired Judge asked me yesterday to let him know if we go to any protests, he's ready to participate. T-rump offending the judiciary may work in our favor. We can hope.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@riverlover I smashed my foot and 2
I am in day 15 after breaking my shoulder. I noticed this morning that I had a few minutes of painlessness. First painless moments since the break.
There is healing for you in the future. Funny how as you age, time rushes by, unless you break a bone, then it almost stand still.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I a into a scary group. Baby survalist here. Check it out
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The Rhino .357 handgun is one powerful self defense tool. I tested one on the range and it was awesome. Today's sponsors at The Concealed Network are actually giving one away, details below...
The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth,
Jonathan Chambers
Patriot Vigilante
Hey - Yes, 5 of these Rhino .357 Pistols will be given out for free, in the next 60 days.
This is the type of gun that makes criminals run before you fire.
Today you have a chance to win 1 free here. Don’t miss out.
Enter Today To Have This Rhino In Your Holster
Your brother in arms,
-Lou Prep
PS. Each Pistol is worth $891 - enter for a chance to get one free.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Sounds like the kind of weapon...
that no one really needs. You might even shoot yourself in your bum foot.
Take care of yourself. Wishing you quick healing!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I understand many liberals
I sometimes long for the days of mini nukes in everyone's pocket.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Lol, run away from the scary people threatening to hand out Rhinos!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
at betsy devos reminds me of wall lamps
I guess this version of truth went out to the masses, and was promptly answered:
Took me immediately back to this secret utterance from the losing billionaire's side, both appear completely detached from reality to me, same same: "Did you get info from Chelsea about the wall lamps?"
Thanks for this posting this great resource every week Lookout. Thanks a lot.
Thanks eyo for your insights and comments
This is a group effort and I appreciate your comments and resources!
PS We even had to buy our own chalk one year when I was teaching during pro-ration.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
there is a new podcast at the intercept
with Jeremy Scahill for those of you who listen to them.
As always they have great articles too (none of which I linked to this week)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
More lies...from the Kochs
The Koch brothers say they don't want politics to influence pensions...So they publish a report to politicize pensions. These lying bastards are going after our pension money in the name of protecting us. In Alabama it is pretty easy to buy our idiot legislators.
ALEC report
Our retirement system responds:
We have a great retirement system. Why would the rich as hell Koch bros want to destroy it? Because they are Georgia-Pacific timber industry which owns about a quarter of our state. If we doubled our property tax in would still be the lowest in the nation. That's how foolish this state is!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wine-grape industry truths. Local news in my face every day.
School district increases programs and outreach for English learners
and the field workers go hungry except for ‘Christmas in June’ to restock Food Pantry
Meanwhile, North Coast grape crop reaches record per-ton price
So how can I not think about Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress? Don't do the math? Eat my radical feminist identity? I don't know, but I'm sure not ever going to carry any D water ever again, despite Bernie's pathetic "outreach". Keith Ellison? No thanks man, what happened to "Not the billionaires"?
Won't get fooled again.
Edited to just keep piling on, Koch-speak: Georgia-Pacific’s $1.5 billion purchase of Buckeye will create largest global airlaid maker and a pulp giant.
but Christmas in June! wtf? and another thing! Sonoma County’s jail is central to role of local authorities in immigration enforcement
Yeah right, promote Eric Gelhaus and report daily to ICE. How Democrat? Anything except housing and living wages. "That's the system."
Nicely done.
Chris Hedges used to look like the outlier. Now he seems to be the sanest person in the room.
Do we now have avatars only on replies in threads? I must have missed that part. The re-design is working well. I like the numbered comments in threads. It really helps.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
JtC has the site looking good!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
do something small
if you have a few dollars to spare, or better yet can get it for free, get some seeds for a beneficial native plant for your area. Find a good spot for it to grow naturally. hope for the best, but it should never be only one.
Carbon capture was not invented by Humans, Mother Nature foresaw fools and gave us some tools for mitigation. Will it be enough? The foolish outnumber the thoughtful at the moment. Don't be one to owe Karma points
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
desperate DNC matching Trump, lie for lie
"John Podesta Says ‘Forces Within The FBI’ Wanted Hillary Clinton To Lose"
how many can you spot in this article?
The one that made me jump out of my chair was this:
which is a lie. The original was "this is a legitimate email". Had the intent been to say it wasn't then it would have read (with the "typo") "this is an legitimate email". Note that important letter that changes "a" to "an". I think that ends the question of whether it was a typo. Either it was meant to say what it said or the person responding does not know English. It was clearly a lie and the DNC and its supporters have no qualms about continuing to lie.
In fact the whole article is packed with lies that are as outrageous and insulting as the Trump lies.
The DNC can't help but lie
They are beyond corrupt and I'm sorry Bernie can't see it. But on we go. Like someone said up thread...plant some seeds and watch them grow...that will be more rewarding.
Thanks for dropping in Shah.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks especially for this
Thanks especially for this must-read font of advice:
Make America Ungovernable
Posted on Feb 5, 2017
By Chris Hedges
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.