The Weekly Watch

COVID Fatigue
Everyone is sick of COVID, literally and figuratively. With the Trumps' infection it is worth looking at the state of the pandemic. This winter appears to ensure continued spread. Today, we'll examine some new treatments and understandings of the nature of the virus and its disease expression. I'm not a doctor, I'm trained as a soil scientist, so take this as my understanding based on my research and not as advice. The most critical factor is age, something we can't control, however many other factors are... things like: optimizing our health, protecting ourselves and others when out and about, and being aware of best treatments if we become symptomatic. Much of this essay will be review, but there's also some new research and I hope I've put together an organized and logical approach to the pandemic. Let's begin with encouraging news which I rarely hear discussed. Up to 50% of us may have immunity already because of exposure to other corona-viruses.
“Our team also tested uninfected healthy individuals and found SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in more than 50 percent of them. This could be due to cross-reactive immunity obtained from exposure to other coronaviruses, such as those causing the common cold, or presently unknown animal coronaviruses. It is important to understand if this could explain why some individuals are able to better control the infection,” said Professor Antonio Bertoletti, from Duke-NUS’ Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) program, who is the corresponding author of this study.
I caught John Campbell the other night explaining T cell immunity, and that Vitamin D is a structural part of our T cells. That probably explains why Vitamin D is an effective COVID deterrent.
It is about 30 min but he has his notes below the clip.
Here's some of those resources...
Vitamin D, Calcifediol group, 2% required admission to the ICU
No Vitamin D Control group 50% admitted to ICU
Put another way, the use of Vitamin D reduced a patient’s risk of needing intensive care 25-fold
The Government should now act on this latest evidence. We have good reason to think Vitamin D supplementation will help reduce mortality from Covid-19. We know it can reduce the incidence and severity of the other acute respiratory illnesses from influenza during the winter months. This will no doubt save thousands of lives in any second wave. There is now no reason not to act.
So why are some people unable to mount a good protective T-cell response? The key to this question might be a 10-year-old Danish study led by Carsten Geisler, head of the Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen [8]. Geisler noted that "When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signalling device or 'antenna' known as a vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D,", and if there is an inadequate vitamin D level, "they won't even begin to mobilize." In other words, adequate vitamin D is critically important for the activation of T-cells from their inactive naïve state. The question of whether T-cells might also need a continuing supply of vitamin D to prevent the T-cell exhaustion and apoptosis observed in some serious COVID-19 cases [9] deserves further research.
High levels of vitamin D are also critical for first line immune defences including physical mucosal defences, human antiviral production, modulating cytokines, reducing blood clotting and a whole host of other important immune system functions [10]. The obese, diabetics and people of BAME origin are far more deficient in vitamin D and men have lower levels than women [10].
Another intriguing clue is that Japan has the highest proportion of elderly on the planet but despite lack of lockdowns, little mask wearing and high population densities in cities, it escaped with few COVID deaths. Could this, at least in part, be because of extraordinarily high vitamin D levels of over 30 ng/ml in 95% of the active elderly [11]? By comparison, UK average levels are below 20ng/ml [10]. Vitamin D is made in the skin from the action of UV sunlight, food usually being a poor source, but the Japanese diet includes unusually high levels. Sunny countries near the equator (e.g. Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka) also have very low COVID related deaths.
It is almost criminal that Vitamin D supplementation hasn't been promoted. It adds more fuel to the fire of my "pandemic managed for profit" hypothesis.
However, I think it is important not to be over confident. We need to continue to keep up our guard at least through this winter. Then we'll see where we are. It is tempting to throw caution to the wind and just get back to "normal", but that isn't a good idea IMO.
So I've developed an A, B, C of pandemic management.
A. maximize your health and immune system. Taking Vitamin D is an example
B. protect yourself and others when you go out. For example wear a mask and distance.
C. be aware of simple home treatments if you develop symptoms, and if you or your family are hospitalized know which treatments are most effective.
So let's look at these one at a time. Maximizing our own health is a good idea, virus or not. It is common sense really. We need to eat well, get plenty of sleep, and minimize stress. We should be active and IMO get outside in nature. Additionally, consider taking some supplements to boost your immune system.
In addition to Vitamin D, Zinc supplements and/or foods high in zinc can also be an effective COVID deterrent.
Increased intracellular Zn2+ concentrations are known to efficiently impair replication of a number of RNA viruses, e.g. by interfering with correct proteolytic processing of viral polyproteins. Here, we not only show that corona- and arterivirus replication can be inhibited by increased Zn2+ levels, but also use both isolated replication complexes and purified recombinant RdRps to demonstrate that this effect may be based on direct inhibition of nidovirus RdRps.
Interestingly, chloroquine — which some people suggested as a treatment option early on in the pandemic – increases the cells uptake of zinc, which may underlie some of its positive effects. A 2020 study showed that when doctors treated patients with zinc and hydroxychloroquine, they discharged more patients, and fewer people died from COVID-19.
Too bad HCQ was so politicized. It would have saved lives. The green countries used HCQ and had a low death rate. The US band its use and is red.
The HCQ acts as an ionophore opening the cell and ushering zinc inside where it can block viral replication. There are other non prescription ionophore options, like Green Tea and Quercetin
Some foods (especially capers) contain quercetin.
The last supplement I'll mention is Vitamin C.
Supplementation of vitamin C has been found to reduce the risk of cold infections by half... Vitamin C has also been found to reduce symptom severity and the duration of colds and flus, and to reduce the risk of flu infection. The COVID-19 virus belongs to the same coronavirus family as cold and flu viruses, and produces similar symptoms once infected.
Vitamins C and D, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are critical for immune function. Not eating enough of these essential nutrients can affect resistance to infection, increase disease severity, and burdens associated with the disease.
Researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) are urging the use of a daily multivitamin, but also vitamin C and vitamin D supplements much higher than federally recommended guidelines. The study authors recommended 200 milligrams or more of vitamin C and 2000 international units of vitamin D.
One EVMS study on supplements to help fight COVID-19 suggests:
500 mg of Vitamin C
75 mg of Zinc
1-2 mg of Melatonin
1,000 IU of Vitamin D3
Dr. Seheult's Daily Regimen (Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC) (15 min)
In the absence of good clinical data that is specific to SARS-CoV-2, Dr. Seheult discusses supplements, sleep, and his daily disinfection routine when removing PPE, getting in his car, and returning home from the hospital. We look forward to more randomized, blinded, placebo-control studies in the future that will build upon the current body of evidence as it relates to immunity and specifically coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2.
While there is extremely limited data, the following “cocktail” may have a role in the prevention/mitigation of COVID-19 disease. This cocktail is cheap, safe, and widely available.
• Vitamin C 500 mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID
• Zinc 75-100 mg/day (acetate, gluconate or picolinate). Zinc lozenges are preferred. After 1 month, reduce the dose to 30-50 mg/day.
• Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3 mg and increase as tolerated to 2 mg at night
• Vitamin D3 1000-4000 IU/day
• Optional: Famotidine 20-40 mg/day
The best way to protect yourself from SARS-CoV-2 (and other pathogens) is to minimize your contact with anyone who isn't in your household. We are social creatures, so we do need one another. Personally I've never enjoyed talking on the phone. I prefer email. Neither is really a good way to converse. Face to face contact allows for both facial and hand gestures, as well as possible viral exchange. In fact talking face to face is a terrific vector of this virus, as we spray droplets at one another.
The initial viral load is an important factor in the expression of COVID symptoms and their severity.
We can minimize the chance of infection and viral load by wearing masks.
There is a new mask that can help prevent you from getting this virus that cost about $12.50 each. ($18 with shipping) (10 min)
Just like a regular N95, such as this one that we use in the hospital, made by the company 3M, this mask will filter out particles as small as 0.3 microns. It’s also listed on the CDC’s website of NIOSH-Approved N95 Respirators. It’s also FDA approved. So what sets this mask apart from a regular N95 mask? Several things, actually. For one, it's much more comfortable to wear. You’ve probably seen pictures of health care workers with marks and lines and even bruising on their faces as a result of wearing N95s. And from my personal experience, they’re just not comfortable, especially for more than an hour or two of use. The company also claims that it can “inactivate up to 99.9% of particles within minutes,” So not only trapping viruses and bacteria but destroying them too.
This new KN95 Respokare mask has 4 layers, and the innermost layer is built of soft materials to ensure comfort during periods of long-wear, and is also water-resistant, which is also nice. On top of that are 3 more layers, that serve to not only trap fine particles, but one of the layers contains copper and zinc ions which serve to destruct viruses and bacteria. Also, the outermost layer has an acidic coating, creating a low pH environment, which helps to destroy viral and bacterial proteins.
This new mask has given me more confidence to go grocery shopping, picking up items at the hardware, and go to trade day. Trade day is outdoors. That has two advantages - ventilation and sunlight. When people yell or sing they can project droplets up to 30 feet. Breezes dilute those droplets and aerosols carrying the virus. The UV component of sunlight kills the virus.
Every other week or so I have also been visiting a few friends (no more than two at a time). We remain several feet apart and stay outside. Part of being healthy involves laughing and exchanging stories and sharing opinions with each other.
There are other ways to protect ourselves and others. Spit tests could be important.
Here again big pharma's ownership/control of the FDA has prevented approval of this excellent means to minimize the spread.
Bottom line: minimize your trips away from home, wear a mask when you do go out, try to arrange contact with other folks at an outside venue, stay as far away from each other as possible, wash your hands as soon as you get home.
If you develop symptoms... (which differ among different age groups)

Most commonly experienced early symptoms are:
Headache, 82% and Fatigue 72%
This is the case for all age groups
9% of COVID-positive adults aged 18 - 65 didn’t experience headache or fatigue
1% of people who reported fatigue and/or headache tested positive for COVID
3% of people who tested positive had headache and fatigue alone
Therefore, Having either or both of those symptoms alone is unlikely to be indicative of COVID.

The Classic Three are Still Key: Cough, fever, and loss of smell
Only 40% of all age groups, have a fever in the first seven days, so temperature readings won't adequately identified infected people.
John Campbell discusses the previous study (15 min)
Pluto had an excellent comment last week about the benefit of gargling which was learned in the 1918 pandemic. Earlier QMS had mentioned reading about the benefits of using an iodine based mouthwash.
Faculty from UConn Health have proven that a simple method of rinsing with a diluted version of over-the-counter Povidone-Iodine (PVP-I) oral rinse can kill viruses like the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and prevent transmission in as little as 15 seconds.
Iodine was known by many medical doctors in the 19th century as an empirical remedy, a real “heroic remedy” —-a real present from the science of medicine to humanity. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent Györgyi, the physician who discovered Vitamin C in 1928, commented: “When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good.”
Dr. Cousens concludes, “In 1950 the Japanese had 100 times more iodine in their diet than Americans. In 2001 they had 202 times more iodine than Americans and were using up to 13.8 milligrams daily instead of the average U.S. intake of 425 micrograms. Unfortunately, there has been no real study, ever, about what is the optimal safe dosage of iodine. But, again, no one has ever died from iodine overdose or allergic reactions.”
Conclusions: Nasal and oral PVP-I antiseptic solutions are effective at inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus at a variety of concentrations after 60s exposure times. The formulations tested may help to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 if used for nasal decontamination, oral decontamination or surface decontamination in known or suspected cases of COVID-19.
Ivermectin is showing excellent results suppressing COVID.
I was very worried about Covid-19 six months ago. Afraid even. Today? Barely worried at all. This video will take you through the science behind that shift in viewpoint. Very strong data from Ivermectin and hydroxycholorquine, combined with the powerful protective effect of having sufficient levels of Vitamin D combine to provide what appears to be a very effective approach for managing Covid-19 the disease. Meanwhile, the US NIH Covid Treatment Panel is woefully behind the times and still recommending Remdesivir over all other possible (and cheaper, more effective) treatments.
Chris also post his links below his clips
Here's a couple
Ivermectin study
And another
Ivermectin blocks the entry of the virus into the cell's nucleus where it replicates.

Ivermectin is widely available. Amazon even sells it.
If all has failed and symptoms get worse meaning the virus is spreading, it is time to go to the hospital. Good medical centers are using the MATH+ protocol.

The two main therapies that can reverse and/or mitigate the extreme inflammation causing ARDS are the combination of the corticosteroid Methylprednisolone and the antioxidant Ascorbic acid, which is given intravenously and in high doses. Both of these medicines have multiple synergistic physiologic effects and have been shown in multiple randomized controlled trials to improve survival in ARDS, particularly when given early in the disease. Thiamine is given to optimize cellular oxygen utilization and energy consumption, protecting the heart, brain, and immune system. Given the numerous clinical and scientific investigations that have demonstrated consistent, reproducible, and excessive levels of hyper-coagulation, particularly in the severely ill, the anticoagulant Heparin is used to both prevent and help in dissolving blood clots that appear with a very high frequency. The “+” sign indicates several important co-interventions that have a combination of strong physiologic rationale with existing or emerging pre-clinical and clinical data to support their use in similar conditions or in COVID-19 itself, and all with a well-established safety profile. Such adjunctive therapies are continuously being evaluated and amended as the published medical evidence evolves.
Timing is a critical factor in the efficacy of MATH+ and to achieving successful outcomes in patients ill with COVID-19. Patients must go to the hospital as soon as they experience difficulty breathing or have a low oxygen level. The MATH+ protocol should be administered soon after a patient meets criteria for oxygen supplementation (within the first hours after arrival in the hospital), in order to achieve maximal efficacy. Delayed therapy can lead to complications such as the need for mechanical ventilation. If administered early, the MATH+ formula of FDA-approved, safe, inexpensive, and readily available drugs can eliminate the need for ICU beds and mechanical ventilators and return patients to health.
Bottom line...We are learning more and have some effective treatments available.
Media malfeasance
I'm just an Alabama hillbilly and was able to parse out the preceding information about COVID. As Chris discussed in the video above, our government agencies have been captured by big pharma and other corporate interests. Sadly so has our media. In fact our media are corporations.
Matt Taibbi talks with journalism students about the way which the news media has evolved and his ideas about why. His presentation is about 30 minutes and the remainder is a Q&A session. I found it fascinating.
However, I was disappointed the he never mentioned Julian and what that says about the future of journalism.
Jimmy and Max Blumenthal had an excellent conversation about the Assange case. (27 min)
The role of the CIA in our news media cannot be overstated.
And finally a great discussion with Chris and Craig Murray (27 min)
Murray’s exhaustive reporting, which can be found ., has become one of the few sources of reliable information about a hearing that has become notoriously difficult to cover because of court restrictions imposed on the press, and is being ignored by most mainstream news organizations.
So that's enough to chew on for the week. We have covered most of the COVID information in bits and pieces before, but I wanted to compile all my current understandings. I hope you may have found something new and useful in my ramblings. I look forward to your additional contributions in the comments below. Have a great Sunday. I wish you all the lovely fall weather we're experiencing!

Your Weekly Watch makes my week worth waiting for
your writing, links and advises Thank You so much I was supposed to take Vitamin D amd neglected it. Zinc is now on the list as well. Most of the other ways to protect myself and others I already incorporated in my daily life. Now it is to watch most of the videos as well. It will take a long time.
Thank You so much.
one of John Campbell's videos
talked about how Germans are better than most nations to promote ventilation
Angela Merkel says ventilation may be one of cheapest and most effective ways of containing virus "it may be one of the cheapest and most effective ways of containing the spread of the virus" (AM)
Regular impact ventilation in all private and public rooms can considerably reduce the danger of infection (Government)
Stosslüften, ventilation
Querlüften, cross ventilation
90% of Covid-19 patients pick up the virus indoors
Nice of you to come by. Hope the garden is doing well and you're feeling good!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That are sweet words, but there are thousands of schools
here that have windows that can't be opened. For example, in one of our Länder (states) there are more than 500 school buildings of that sort. In mehr als 500 NRW-Schulen lassen sich Klassenraum-Fenster nicht öffnen = In more that 500 schools in NRW (NRW=North Rhine-Westphalia) windows of classroom can't be opened.
Just saying.
I was lucky that all...
my classrooms had windows which opened. One had no air conditioning, and I taught on the 3rd floor. They often had early dismissal on those 100 degree afternoons.
Stay cool if you can!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Nice recap
of preventative measures. I’ve been taking zinc, multi B vitamins and C and D. I guess I need to ‘up’ my intake of C and D, though.
Thanks(as always) for the WW, I find either lots of ‘new’ info or confirmation of info I already had.
Greatly appreciated!
Enjoy the fall(however you wish to take that) and I’m glad things are going well on your farm!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Hey thanks for reading and the visit
It feels odd to have such nice weather when the west is burning. This time last year we were 100 degrees. Its 57 degrees today.
Thought I would drop this in here too. I found it interesting. I need to build a sauna based on his advice toward the end.
President Trump was flown to the hospital on Friday afternoon (October 2, 2020) after testing positive for COVID-19 on October 1. Roger Seheult, MD discusses the experimental drug Regeneron that Trump was given and the risk of severe symptoms or death given the President’s age and co-morbidities. Dr. Seheult also discusses a new article in the journal Nature about the key role of interferon in fighting SARS-CoV-2 and symptoms of COVID-19 (This video was recorded on October 2, 2020).
Be well and (to?) stay happy!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm not a doctor
Highly recommend everybody ask their doctors for the correct dosage for them.
Also if you have osteoporosis
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Something like 40% + of Americans...
are vitamin D deficient. 80% of black folk are, and they are impacted the worst...with no advice for folks to take an over the counter, relatively inexpensive preventative. Go figure.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
American classics:
Then a VIP stole that tweet:
(btw I've long disliked Tribe)
I had to read it...
Thanks for the mention. I don't inhabit the twittersphere.
Though mask wearing is rare here in the third world corner of America, plexiglass and plastic covering of cashiers has become common. I like the theater style ticket booth you suggest as a much classier approach.
Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pull these booths out of storage
for the next three debates. (Masks mandatory until the candidates are secured in their booth.
(Suggest pulling out the "Revlon" logo and replacing it with the number one sponsor for each candidate.)
Covid Fatigue
A good title for this Sunday morning. The sheer weight of the never-ending threat of it, and the damage it has done just boggles the mind. And yet, a more apropos example of the role governance should play I couldn’t imagine. No surprise then that COVID was so immediately politicized. On the side where the belief that governance shouldn’t play a large role in our lives, the virus was down played as merely a “flu”. On the side where the pretense that governance should play a role in our lives, the virus was treated as threat so as to bludgeon the other side with their reckless handling of it. Then, like out of some very fucked up Mamet play, the President who willfully and cruelly handled this pandemic as badly as he did, gets stricken with it less than a month before the election. Cue the opposition while they scramble to position themselves to the best advantage caring very little about the President even as they broadcast their thoughts and prayers, or the rest of us watching this shit show wondering how we are all going to survive.
I am so very fatigued of COVID and all that it has wrought.
Thanks for the information on the Danish study. Since we are literally on our own as a people trying to fight for our lives, we might as well nourish our body with Vitamin D just in case it does help our T-Cells fight off the virus.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
the evidence is pretty overwhelming...
at this point about Vit D. Multiple clinical trails, but crickets from TPTB. They drool for the potential vaccine profits.
Simple things like masks and distancing just have not sunk in here and become expected behavior. They have been using Trump as their model. Sat. I expected to see more masks, but no - about 20% masked. Now in the grocery its 80-90%. In my little nearby town (biking distance) no one wears a mask or nearly no one.
I hope the smoke has abated and y'all are beginning to cool. I was sorry to hear of your cat's demise, but I'm glad you have the love to treasure!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Air quality is better here
and it’s a relief not to have to live each day with a level two evacuation warning hanging over me. Thanks for the condolences. Zoe was such a little character. I miss her terribly. So painful to watch your animals get sick and die.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
After 30+ years here...
We have a pet cemetery by the house. We buried the dog we arrived here with in the pioneer cemetery on our place. He was the best dog, got him in college. I plan to be planted in the same cemetery near him. I know the other spirits there are happy to have him.
Our 15 YO cat now rules the roost. Funny how a little cat can boss people around.
Have a good Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Our dog's ashes are in a box
I plan to scatter her with my parents' ashes.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Love that quote
Feel the same way.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I am intending to post an article about the controversy over masks in a couple of days. The evidence that they actually prevent transmission of viruses is scant.
like all issues it depends who you listen to...
John Campbell's most recent episode on mask provide ample evidence in support of masks.
Ivor Cummings on the other hand isn't a fan. (8 min)
Ivor Cummins, biochemical engineer: "In all the countries so far, it's quite clear the introduction of mandatory masks had no effect on the R value curve".
Cummins told talkRADIO's Mark Dolan: "If anything, masks are extremely weak".
Video like these convince me masks lower spread. (1 min)
Your mileage may vary. I'll look forward to reading your piece.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout, thanks. Great information, as usual.
Dr. Campbell, of course, pronounces vitamin D with a short I, telegraphing his locale, but I was surprised to hear him say that the northern US is also burdened with Britain's vitamin D deficiency - I had been unaware. Growing up in SoCal, and especially coastal SoCal, that is one, like iodine, that we generally ignored. (Even up here in the Bay Area we still get a good deal of sun.)
At any rate, that triggered a chain of thought that brought to mind some old data and studies regarding various sources and types of Vitamin D to the effect that some need activation by good old sunlight, so it is important to get your dose of solar radiation even if you are taking supplements.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
We treat sunlight as a poison though it is good for us
John Campbell is in Carlisle on the Scotland border. He suggest getting out in the sun.
He had a New Zealand doctor on once talking about how we make D right on the surface of the skin. He suggested postponing a shower after coming in from the sun to allow it to be absorbed. Thought that was interesting.
Hope y'all are having a nice day with clean air.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The air is much better today than it hs been of late, thanks.
I'm also wondering about those mystery T cells, presumably activated by earlier exposure to coronavirii. So, skip SARS-1 and the "Asian Flu" of the mid-fifties, that's mostly the common cold and the annual influenza. My question is if one gets the annual flu vaccine, is that enough exposure to activate them, or is a full on case of the flu required?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
it is related to Vitamin D
See above my comment of US deficiency. Low vit D means the T cells which could protect you can't without the D. 40% of people are asymptomatic - sure would be an interesting study to know their D levels. The story of the Japanese is telling... (from above)
Omega-3's could also be a factor as the Japanese also eat far more than the US.
Glad you're getting some clean air to breathe. That's kinda important. Take care!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Tremendous resource
Thank-you for all the hard work that produces The Weekly Watch, Lookout. There's a lot to digest here (and very timely), as usual. I often find myself sending a link to the Weekly Watch to friends and family as there's practically no way to compact it – just too much good information. I have sent links again today.
Thanks, once more!
So glad you find it a resource
Thanks for passing it on. I post this to share what I've been able to glean.
Hope all is well in your corner!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What is worse, a bad doctor or a bad doctor, who lies to save
his patient?
According to AP some 20 plus minutes ago:
Doctors: Trump’s blood oxygen level dropped twice recently
I think I know what a good doctor would do: he doesn't lie and saves his patient to the best of his capabilities. And if he can't save his patient, then he has to say so eventually, ie immediately if it concerns the US President.
Sorry it just makes me mad I had to vent this out.
What I find most bizarre... how best standard of care is so mistaken. Why not Ivermectin instead of remdesiver. Why isn't he on MATH+? Cause big pharma dictates the medicine.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Superstitious belief that more expensive is better
when it ain't necessarily so.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
good point!
More expensive = more profit , and sadly that's what makes the world go around. Must be better.
Nice to "see" you this Sunday. Be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for all the hard work of synthesizing the large
amount of information, good and bad, out there into a concise easy to use list of things to do. Really nice update on masks.
Here is what I wrote in another thread:
Thanks again. So very helpful.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
We can deal with this...many countries are containing it
The science denial...and the distortion, have people confused. Some are scared, others arrogant in their denial. I so wish for evidence based media...not necessarily in agreement but explaining the evidence that makes them reach their conclusions. That's part of the reason I feature Julian's case, because the very idea of telling people the truth is on trial in London...with the US now claiming anyone (that means you NYT) who prints classified information is guilty of treason.
My push is for caution. This winter cases will spread. Will deaths follow suit...may be or may be not. Hospitalizations are ticking up which bode more deaths (perhaps?).
This is typical behavior here in the SE. 1.5 min from New Orleans
Few masks, little separation.
Kids are back at school and college students are a large part of the spread. Fortunately, young folk don't often express symptoms.
We just need to stay the course and hang in there this winter, IMO.
Take care and enjoy life!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Did Biden approve this?
Just saw this on my twitter feed and wondered...what the hell changed? Because if that's what Biden is actually saying, he might get a lot of people sitting on the fence to vote for him.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Smells to me...
Joe's corporate masters would never allow it. Now, would he claim to support those ideas? Well, it depends on with whom he is talking.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.” my compost pile.
Remember the Hope & Change Obama peddled to get him self elected.
Just words..
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
It was Nope and Same!
Whatta a disappointment Obummer proved to be. Much like Bernie has become in my mind.
Don't know if I would knuckle under the pressure too. Glad I don't have to try.
Gotta walk the talk as they say.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And not even from Biden - from Bernie
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Bernie making promises that WILL be broken
He ought to know better than that, but apparently he too is hitting the panic button.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Did they take Bernie into the back room...
...and show him how they killed JFK, RFK, and MLK? Wouldn't surprise me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm just surprised they're saying this
when Biden is up in the polls and Trump is sick and quarantined for the next two weeks, provided he even gets well enough in that time. A lot of inexplicable narratives going on in the last few days.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
My conclusion is...
the dims ain't no real smart, or they are happy with Trump in office...or both.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The country is facing an economic crisis
It cannot continue as it has for the last forty years. The choice we face is between Great depression II or Socialist Republic of America. It's too late to go back to 1945-1979. The industrial base has been gutted. We would need the equivalent of the WW II buildup to repair it. That is to say government mobilization and deficit financing. That's option II, Socialist America. Not just UBI, taxes on the one percent and such but actual industrial takeover ala WW II.
Our technological base has likewise shifted to China. It will take a Manhattan Project to resurrect it. Forget American names like Apple, Microsoft, Western Digital, IBM etc. They are Chinese companies in all but name now. Their manufacturing base is in China, their research and engineering is done in China. All that's in the USA are sales offices and warehouses. The Hollow Economy. This too needs central guidance and funding. But both of those are anathema to the one percent and the big banks (representing the horns on the Beast of the Apocalypse?). So it's Door Number One, Greatest Depression. Leading to the Hitler clone or the Lenin clone. We won't be lucky enough to find FDR II.
I do believe in North American economic integration, but NAFTA was just a mirage to let corporations evade environmental laws and worker protections. Canada was just thrown in to make it look strategic. The rape of the American worker and the Mexican farmer was the result, which was intended. Ask yourself, "Why would Mexican farmers abandon the land and brave hardship and death to migrate to a foreign land with different language, ethnicity, religion (mostly Protestant) and culture?" For freedom? No, for survival. The same reason my Italian ancestors came here when they were finally unbound from the land and Jews migrated from Eastern European pogroms and Irishman came here escaping the potato famine (and the Black and Tans). Some had ideals, most just wanted to eat and live. Some like my Italian great-grandfather and the survivors of Irish Risings came because there was a price on their head. Others like my Austro-Hungarian grandparents came to escape militarism and war. Survival. Not because of Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson. They learned of them later. Most were either oppressed by foreign rulers (Irish, Eastern Europeans) or local petty aristocracy (Italians, Southern Europeans) or outright famine (Swedes, Irish, probably others).
Not "Yearning to breathe free" but simply yearning to keep on breathing! Those displaced Mexican small farmers were the same. They gave up their language, their folkways, even often their names. To survive.
The Time is coming when white middle America will also seek to survive.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Best case scenario...
to my mind is a transition to worker owned coops making useful products with local farms in every community. Sadly TPTB would create road blocks at every turn.
We are a corporate oligarchy. Elections are just a charade to pretend we're a democracy and placate the people.
The extent of our economic collapse has not sunk into the American psyche...yet. Might be a good time to sell your house now before the market collapses. Then buy in Alabama after the collapse. Most of my old band mates live in B'ham and love it. I was thrilled to get out 33 years ago.
Be well and happy!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Birmingham is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to
I've lived in the inner city, suburbs, and exurbs. I prefer the exurbs. But it's nice to have a city nearby. In Calhoun County, my daughter is getting more and more medical/dental care at UAB.
I like the idea of living minutes away from my daughter and grandsons. I like the idea of hosting weekend family barbecues. Politics? Well, I'm here. But politics isn't my life. everyone is surprised and shakes their head when I say I had USPS friends that were frankly Fascist and one Communist and one Socialist who said he could live with Communism and everything in between. One friend who ranted against FDR and another who stopped him saying, "in my family Roosevelt was like a god. I grew up in a one room shack in South Carolina with a framed newspaper picture of Roosevelt on the wall." Another time he shut up a rant with "Well if you had ever voted Democrat in your life maybe you wouldn't have to be working at the post office at 75 years old!" Obviously in that spectrum some are right and some are wrong. actually, they are all wrong except me. Doesn't everyone feel that way?
Religion and politics are not as important as how you treat your fellow man/woman. At another employer I even had a friend who was a Muslim Scholar from Lebanon. And I'm pretty sure that non of my friends from mainland china were religious, possibly Confucian, but I doubt it, all having been born after Mao's revolution.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Sounds like you'll fit in fine
Of course to really fit in you'll need to learn how to talk southern. (;-)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Buona Natale, y'all :-)
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
hola lo
and all
thanks so much for this. Nice to have an update all in one place. Just thinking how nice that would be and here it is. Doing the dispersion chamber today. Rocks came free but from some rock hound so I HAD to pick through them cause. Slow going. Really a much huger job than any of us thought. Today was art day with daughter and grandson. We took household objects and traced them and then colored them. I started with my iphone and added bits and pieces from kitchen spatulas, scissors, and clippers. etc. too very fun.

Thanks for all you do. Take good care.
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bet the art was fun...
somehow creating things sets us free. Good on you for sharing with youngins.
I'm not so much a rock hound as a fossil collector. I have a few nice displays... many fossils collected here on my place....most from the area...but a few from around the world. We're in the paleozoic here...trilobites to ferns. Ancient worlds and cultures somehow speak to me.
Hope all is well in your neighborhood and your air is breathable. I've been thinking about y'all. Wishing you the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How clever!
Nice artwork. Looks like it was a lot of fun
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thank you, thank you, thank you, LO! This is one
of your best essays, evah!
Hope my printer allows me to print this material, for safekeeping and reference.
BTW, we take every supplement you've listed, but two: Melantonin and Pepcid (or, equivalent). Will consider taking low dose of them in the future.
Gotta run, and get
KaityRambo out before a shower passes through. Thanks for your hard work every week, LO. Hope folks in your neck-of-the-woods start taking COVID seriously, and wear masks--since they've seen what's happened to OM. (won't hold my breath, though)Have a nice Sunday evening!
"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
ignorace (perhaps arrogance) reigns supreme
here in 3rd world America. It amazes me, but I don't know why. I've spent my life here and understand the psyche. I guess everywhere has good and bad. It is mostly good in my personal scene. I'm not complaining about my privileged life. BTW, I didn't come from money, but we managed our two teacher salaries well and live in an inexpensive state. Just got our property tax bill for the year on our 120 acres - less than $600...really too cheap. It is because Alabama is controlled by the timber industry (think Koch's).
Glad you came by. Thanks for your nice comment!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Heh, LO--I may be one of
the most sympathetic persons to 'Bama, here. (have a place on the Eastern Shore) Actually, I loved the area the few years my nuclear Family lived there while I was about 7-10 years old. Now, as an adult, don't have a 'worldview that jibes with most of the people (there), so, mostly avoid the topic of politics. Having said that, there are some nice folks down there, as there are everywhere. More than that, we enjoy the natural beauty of the area.
You're right about the timber industry. After your comment, I searched for Alabama River and Pulp to see if the Koch's still own it--they do.
Looks like the previous timber mill owner landed in prison at the age of 78--yikes! From what I've heard, Landegger had been quite the philanthropist in some rural AL communities. What a shame he had to get greedy--the Guy was practically a billionaire.
Regarding property taxes, property taxes there are about half of what they are in state of TN--and TN isn't considered a 'high property tax' state, that I know of.
I could be wrong, but, I believe that some of the reasoning behind not wearing masks (in parts of the Deep South, like AL) is rooted in evangelical religious beliefs--mistakenly, many of them may believe that they are divinely 'protected.' No need for a silly mask! Truly sad.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Property tax in AL 5-10% of IL
Astounding! From what I can see, house prices about 2/3 of Northern IL.
Some high priced areas in Eastern Birmingham, I'm sure. At least by the look and the ultra-expensive cars parked by them.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Sounds right to me, Voice. Unless the market has
changed, AL real estate is still the priciest in Birmingham (Mountain Brook).
A former NY Times Editor--Howell Raines, an Alabama native, born in Birmingham--retired to the Eastern Shore. He's on with Brian Williams' program The 11th Hour. Apparently, Williams knows the area well, and likes it a lot. (or, so he says)
For sure, both the property and the taxes (in AL) would shock a lot of people from other locales of the country (including those from Chicago!
). Heh, you could probably buy several homes, for what you'd get for one in IL, especially, Chicago.
Anyone considering relocating there might want to check into the tax exemptions that are given seniors in some locales. The only catch is that it (usually) must be a primary residence, or, that perk/tax break doesn't apply. Also, I have no idea if that type of exemption is widespread across the state. Probably varies, county to county.
Take care of yourself; stay safe.
"The leaders of this new movement are replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation."
~~Matt Taibbi, The American Press Is Destroying Itself, June 12, 2020
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Sales tax is high
8-10% in most locales. Sales tax disproportionately impact poor folks. Low property tax is to pad the pockets of the timber barons.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
High here too. ~10%
Depends on County/City Tax added on. Bought a new car last Saturday. One used to get a credit for the trad-in, you paid tax on the actual amount of cash you paid. That was limited to $10,000 last year.
$3,000 sales tax on a Chevrolet. Plus COVID cutting visits to dealerships, plus many out of work and worrying about eviction rather than buying a car. I've bought a lot of "new" vehicles but they usually had about a hundred miles on it. This one had one mile. It had nine miles after my test drive. It actually has the new car upholstery smell!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
People here are nice...
If you have a flat they will stop and help you change it. If a tree falls across the road, they will pull out their chain saw and get it out of the way before the county has to tend to it.
The mind set of football and church would be difficult for many folks, but there's always the weather or the garden to discuss. I've seen several signs that are telling - "Pro Trump, Pro Guns, Pro life" I just don't go there with my neighbors. It is live and let live here.
And it is a beautiful state with wonderful natural resources.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yesterday there was a demonstration in my town
The main drag covered the complete length by protesters holding signs that said "Abortion kills". That's a three mile line. All white & Hispanic as far as I could see. Would be more to the point to have the signs saying "War kills". A bit intimidating but at least they were silent unlike the threatening fist waving #BLM demonstration that blocked traffic last month.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
must have been ...
a catholic sponsored event. There aren't marches in this corner. Well there was a small women's march in Mentone that was so unusual it made nation news, and Samantha Bee's show.
Now in B'ham and Montgomery marches are fairly common.
Take care.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
First political demonstrations I've seen here in 30 years.
My wife's comment on the signs "No da". I'll shock everyone by saying I oppose abortion in the abstract, but consider it a personal decision that the state should stay out of. Just like recreational drug use. And although I follow the logic, I cannot consider a blastula, much less a single cell zygote as a human being with all the rights thereof.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.