
The Mid Weekly Watch

Protecting the Dying Petrodollar?

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It has been fifty years since Nixon took the USD off the gold standard. He had to because we printed so much money to pay for the Vietnam war, we didn't have the gold to cover the currency which had been issued. Oil prices soared in '73 when the US supported Israel in the Arab-Israeli war, and the Saudi's led a US oil embargo. However, in '75 Kissinger cut a deal with the Saudis to only sell their oil in USD. Additionally, Saudi and OPEC oil profits would be recycled back into the U.S. by buying U.S. assets (Treasuries, Stocks, Real Estate etc.) and U.S. weaponry. And so the petrodollar was created... and anyone who challenges this system faces the wrath of the US.


The Weekly Watch

The "Fake" Economy

Oil, War, and the Petrodollar

The corona virus has upset the global economy, now the old normal. It has provided a distraction that has allowed for the transfer of trillions of tax dollars to the largest most corrupt corporations. The Fed has cranked up the presses and is pumping out dollars at an unprecedented rate. Now many people say the US dollar (USD) isn't based on anything and is just paper. However, it is based on something, oil. Ever since we cut the deal with the Saudis in the early '70's all countries must buy their oil (and many other commodities) in USD. Last week oil went negative because there is such a glut and lack of storage. So in comes the Fed propping up oil prices with our tax dollars, also boosted by Trump's threat to shoot down Iranian gunboats. How do we get out of this mess? How about a war or two?
