WA State Democratic chair hasn't reported to DNC. WHY NOT? AP has the results.


Veronica Woodward on FB wrote "A.P. has not allocated Washington's 67 pledged delegates awarded by congressional district because the Democratic party has not yet provided a breakdown of the vote by district.
It's almost a week..."

According to another FB poster "That means 67 will be allocated on May 21, at the Congressional District Caucuses.
That means that 47 Sanders delegates won't show up in the delegate counts that media keeps talking about, until May 21!
The Democratic Party runs and decides everything from here on out. We better keep watch, to make sure Sanders gets the delegates he deserves!"


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pfiore8's picture

with a post like this. could you? thanks!!!

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

rezolution's picture

Don't know where they got it from, but for what it's worth fivethirtyeight.com, for WA State, is listing Clinton 27, Sanders 74.

Wa State has a complicated formula for calculating delegates, but seems like it shouldn't take this long.

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whyvee's picture

super delegates that support Clinton; I live in Washington. It contained links to Inslee, Cantwell, Murray, and other Washington Dem. legislators' email addresses(also phone numbers). The purpose was to ask us to contact them and tell them to support Sanders now that the caucus process is over. I emailed the governor, and the two senators telling them they need to follow the will of the people of the state that elected them.

I had not heard of the delay in assigning the state's delegates. Sounds like more of the same since most of the legislators here supported Clinton from the very beginning.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Did you read the essay by ValleyForger? S/he sent a letter to Inslee. Thousands need to contact these people. If they don't think anyone cares or is watching, they will do whatever they want. They must become accountable and the only way is for them to hear from the citizens, thousands of them.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

to change their vote to Bernie. They need to be reminded that it is their electorate that pays them and employs them to represent the people of their state - not the Clintons and the DNC.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

whyvee's picture

Inslee, Patty Murray, and Maria Cantwell telling them that the voters of Washington have spoken and to do the right thing. I am not sure about the essay...I will check it out. Love ya...Raggedly Ann!

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

This corruption is everywhere! One of the best quotes from this video (below) regarding the voter suppression in Arizona;

"The corruption has become so established that it became comfortable. So comfortable that it got lazy. So lazy that you got caught!"

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First Nations News

Raggedy Ann's picture

That would show that accountability is necessary - even in America! If these people get away with this, we are doomed. We, the people, must start DEMANDING accountability from every elected official. Enough is enough!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

with guns.... Sad

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First Nations News

Australian2's picture

And not only election theft, but brazen, public election theft at that!

How are America's elections any more valid than those of Iran at this point? Instead of the Guardian Council, America has the DNC to screen out any candidates who threaten its nice, comfy status quo.

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Self-exiled from DKos, ahead of the arrival of the Clinton Thought Police.

Markos' transition from gatecrasher to gate-polisher is now complete.

NWIA's picture

How to turn a 45-point drubbing into a 31-point drubbing, through the super delegates of WA:

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cardboardurinal's picture

It is my understanding that the rest of the delegates will be allocated through the next couple steps, the LD Caucuses (April 17) and County Conventions (May 1).

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You are fortunate to live in a blue state. In NC we do do not have any pull with the national party. Elected Dems and party officials understand one thing; money. If I lived in a blue state that voted overwhelmingly for Sanders, I would write a letter requesting that Superdelegates in the state follow the wishes of the voters. At the end I would remind them that my future support, votes, work and finanancial would be determined by their following the wishes of the voters of their state.

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angel d's picture

superdelegates and urge them to switch to Sanders or I will be one of many to VOTE THEM OUT.

Democrats have to understand that we now know they are e ery bit as corrupt as Republicans. We will vote for greens, socialists, lefty independents. We aren't buying your crap anymore.

Also, should the lying, fabulously rich oligarch remain unindicted, I think Sanders should seriously consider an Indy run. As one if his donors, I have the right to request that of him, as do the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who donated to his campaign.

Bernie, we need you to PUT A BIRD ON THIS PRIMARY PROCESS.

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