U.S. Occupation of eastern Syria is turning into a total shit show again
To be 100% accurate, the American involvement in Syria's Civil War was always a shit show.
There's the time we spent hundreds of millions of dollars building a rebel army, only to see that rebel army immediately turn their weapons over to Al Qaeda and throw away their uniforms.
Then there's the time a "moderate" rebel group that we'd been arming was so proud of cutting the head off of an 11-year-old boy that they put it on the Internet to share.
The time we bombed the Syrian army while they were fighting ISIS.
There's the time we dropped white phosphorus on a major city. A war crime.
The time we blew up a mosque full of civilians. A war crime.
The time the UN literally begged us to stop killing civilians.
The time a Pentagon-sponsored rebel group went to war with a CIA-sponsored rebel group.
And this isn't even all of our greatest hits. There' simply not enough time for that.
Recently our occupation is become a steaming pile of crap without being reported in the media. For instance, just the other day our troops got into a firefight with the Syrian army.
#pt: #Syria state media agency SANA has confirmed reports of a U.S. airstrike & #NDF media has released this image, showing the remains of the checkpoint.
Reports say a U.S. patrol was stopped nearby, approx. 30mins before the strike occurred. pic.twitter.com/8EwNMCnQI8
— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) August 17, 2020
A skirmish between US-led coalition troops and Syrian pro-regime forces near the city of Qamishli left a Syrian soldier dead and two others wounded, Syria’s state-run SANA news agency said Monday morning.
The thing is this isn't even the problem. This is only the leading edge of the real problem.
That problem was created three years ago, when ISIS was collapsing, and we coerced our Kurdish-allies to race south and seize the oil fields of Deir Ezzor just hours before the Syrian army arrived.
We successfully managed to deny Damascus badly needed oil, and crippled their economy.
But there was a catch - Deir Ezzor isn't a Kurdish region. It's an Arab tribal region, and they are not happy at all.
The Kurds are not blameless. They have an extremely unpopular forceable conscription law, that even includes children.
This led to a huge wave of protests last year that the Kurds put down by simply shooting protesters. As you can imagine, that wasn't the end of the story.
About a month ago the protests started up again.
Pro-U.S. groups linked to the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are suppressing protests in the northern provinces of Deir Ezzor and Hasaka and are besieging at least four villages, according to media and social networks.Reports indicate that the villages of Al Shaji, Al Tayaneh, Al Hawaej and Ziban are under siege by SDF troops, who are even receiving armored vehicles from the U.S. military...
Protests have increased in the past two weeks, with reports of clashes between members of the Arab population and the SDF, with an unspecified number of casualties or damage, according to various sources.
Except this time the Sunni Arabs weren't messing around. This happened three days ago.
The Al-Baggara Tribe expelled fighters loyal to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from all their points in the village of Jadeed Baggara in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor on Saturday.According to Sputnik Arabic, the Al-Baggara Tribe members were able to expel the SDF-aligned fighters after armed clashes with them in southeastern Deir Ezzor...
The reporter explained that more than a thousand armed fighters from the Al-Baggara and Al-Akidat tribes from the towns of Bureihiyah, Dahlah and Al Busirah, east of Deir Ezzor, arrived to support the residents of the village of Jadeed Baggara and drive out the U.S.-backed forces.
The revolt has continued to spread.
The Albu’assi Tribe in the Al-Hasakah Governorate announced their complete readiness to join the Al-Akidat and Al-Baggarah tribes in their fight against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and U.S.-led Coalition in the Deir Ezzor countryside.
Unlike last year, the U.S. and SDF would like to settle this peacefully. But they would first like the Arab tribes to please give them their guns back.
The Al-Baggara Tribe in eastern Syria refused a request from the U.S.-led Coalition to hand over the weapons that they confiscated yesterday from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Deir Ezzor countryside.
I almost forgot this one
That was a great moment
"Damascus John?"
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Besides the rebel group leaders,
he also met with ISIS leader Al Baghdadi.
I believe that is fake news
but it's true that he met with al-Qaeda linked rebels.
And isn't that bad enough?
Meeting with A Qaeda
is bad enough, I agree, but the man in the black shirt, on the left in front, is generally acknowledged as Al Baghdadi, based on footage of his Mosul speech and on State Department Rewards for Justice photographs. The FSA leader, Idris, is also in the picture, and because he and Al Baghdadi are in additional pictures from that day, outside the meeting alongside known Al Qaeda members, it suggests McCain also met with Al Qaeda. Here is an article talking about the photographs in more depth.
U.S. base in Syria attacked
news of today
And it ain't gonna get
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
The Council on <s>Wars of Aggression</s> Foreign Relations, too
Can always count on CFR members to provide a superficially plausible sounding, indispensably imperialist rationale for the latest imbecile / lunatic / “fascist” foreign adventure.
shit shows bring a lot of clicks and money
and are currently the media's favorite children. Too many folks, who lose it and who 'rasten aus', no matter where you look.
Is this where WW III begins?
I am getting more convinced that if Biden wins, he and war machine will escalate in Syria. Biden will be inheriting a disease racked country with massive unemployment, homelessness, and hunger for which he plans to do nothing except to spread some crumbs around, if that. Add in the now maniacal hatred of the Russians into the brew. It is not hard to see that what is needed is some war to protect the homeland to divert from a collapsing society with no hope of a future. And for many Christians to initiate the End Times/Rapture.
According to the Koran, yes
Plus, we are on the verge of another Ottoman v. Egypt/Mamluk war, which I didn't get into for reasons of brevity.
One wrinkle in that
Will the promise of WW3 attract them to Biden?
Will Trump start WW3 as The Ultimate Pander?
Will Trump's comparative doveishness be the key wedge that begins an eventual complete inversion of the duopoly's bases?
Will bipartisan support for WW3 guarantee our doom?
Will bipartisan support for WW3, combined with the all-consuming petty partisan rivalry that annoys the donor class but the political class and some voters and activists live for, wind up being our salvation???
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The Empire Does Not Pay, It Costs
They are all shit shows, perpetual "war" as our military personnel are tasked with popping enough caps to require more ordinance to be bought from our "defense" contractors. The river of money flows without any regard for "victory." Nineteen years in, and we are no closer to the end of the erstwhile War on Terrorism than we were when Shrub went strutting across the deck of the Lincoln wearing a codpiece.
I chuckle at the variety of criticism of our War Forever for its supposed geopolitical goal of "controlling" resources. Yeah, that is what the operational documents probably say, but that is nonsense. We are not controlling jack shit. But we are spending several trillion dollars per decade blowing up shit randomly, and the business of government contracting is booming like never before in the history of the world.
Funding both sides of sectarian struggles on the far side of the planet is the norm, not a mistake.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Nasty and vindictive
The US wins hands down in the nasty and vindictive category. The project to destroy Syria has failed, period. The US set as a goal to destroy Assad and any semblance of a secular government and leave nothing behind. With the help of Israel, Saudi Arabia and earlier Turkey the US almost succeeded, and in fact was a few months away. This was a US program recruiting young muslim males from North Africa, training, arming and paying them. That's right it was largely a mercenary army. After brutalizing Gaddafi, Clinton set up a "rat line" transporting Libyan arms to the head chopper, terrorists in Syria. That stopped with the insertion of Russia into the Syrian conflict in response to a request by the legal government of Syria. Russia turned the tide with air support and diplomatic support. At this point Syria has won the war and the right to rebuild her country. The US does not see it that way and is doing everything possible to increase the suffering of the Syrian people by slowing down reconstruction and stealing Syria's oil. The US is famous for nasty vindictive moves, from fire bombing civilians in cities to dropping two atomic bombs on population centers for no tactical purpose whatsoever. After Iraq had agreed to surrender and was withdrawing troops and equipment from Kuwait, the US turned this withdrawal column into a killing field, for no legitimate tactical purpose. Whenever it can, the US inflicts immense gratuitous suffering on her adversaries. Yet we have such nice people like Joe Biden, who enabled Bush's war on Iraq, running for President, supported by other war enablers like Colin Powell, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. We are truly incapable of self reflection, but the rest of the world is catching on. Consider that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany are united in opposition of Trump's snap back on Iran. No country is safe from the US. I predict that in the years to come no country will leave itself open to attacks from the US, be it economic, military, diplomatic, or covert.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.