The US illegal occupation of Syria
Submitted by QMS on Fri, 04/07/2023 - 8:20am
Last week congress voted against ending the illegal occupation of Syria.
Way to go team! The liars won't admit there is a military presence there,
let alone that we are stealing their oil and agricultural products.
It's like ignoring the 2001 AUMF which grants the executive wing the right
to execute secret wars all over the globe. Way to go team!
Looks like the US is going to feel a bit lonely in Syria. The other parties
involved in the conflict are leaving, thanks in part to the influence of
Russia, China and Iran. And the RF is getting pissed. This may force the
end of US chaos in the Middle East.
Israel is busy attacking Gaza and Lebanon, so won't be much help.
Time to pull another Afghanistan style withdrawl?

Figurative Hadrians Wall
Some years ago my wife and I stopped by the remnants of parts of the wall. Observed by the current "defenders" -- semi-interested sheep.
I'm not certain of the facts about the wall but I believe that the wall was being supported by funding that originated in Rome tho they were spoils stolen because of their conquest. But then later the spoils were being diverted from support to maintain the empire into other "needs". Eventually the outposts were left to manage for themselves, make due. Hmm, maybe even make their way "home" when and if they realized the futility. Of course after a couple decades, where is "home"?
I believe that's where we are today, those of us who see the futility of supporting those far flung outposts. We can no longer support them on a fool's errand.
I'm not sure that in coming years we'll be able to afford to send them a plane ticket. All we can hope is that those they occupy will be more charitable than we were. I'm afraid we have generated a lot of hate.
Be well, please.
supporting those far flung outposts
For no good reason, I might add.
Why does not the administration explain to us folks
some justification for the funds of these little serfdoms?
Protecting democracy? Won't fly.
Colonization is more apt.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This country will
destroy our standing in the world, commit open armed robbery, kill American soldiers and American contractors, bring us closer to Armageddon, and the MIC is happy.
I advocate leaving immediately. Syria has every right to control their national treasure.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The US has no claim on Syria's oil or produce.
The military performing duties for the interest
of multinational oil companies is beyond the scope
of anti-terrorism.
Let's go to hell for Shell/Mobile/Exxon.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Gen. Smedley Butler
Banana companies, oil companies, mining companies, etc... They need the military to help them steal.
This concept is not well known or accepted by the hoi polloi. They think no further than national security interests. (These are the same people who take no issue with the US Coast Guard patrolling the costs of foreign countries because it makes our coasts safer, or something like that.)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
These fuckers are all a bunch
of shits. Hope they lose their grasp on global whatever. Thy wont they have an firm grip on the world. Too bad makes me sad.