As for Cruz winning, I'm more scared of him than Trump.
Honestly, was Bernie supposed to win Kansas? I was TOLD today would be another bad day for results, and I know that there are other states where there is an expected less than favorable outcome. But hey, right on Kansas!
Side note about this website ---------------------------------------------
When you program LED signs, like the ones you see in front of businesses when you're driving around, so many people get caught up in the pre-made animations, full color capabilities, etc, etc, blah, blah. What I try to tell teach them is that it is the message, not the annoying flashing, not scrolling, not anything that obscures the message. Sorry that some don't like those signs and think they are annoying. But if you were to happen to drive by one I have successfully influenced, it will just be showing simple, readable text messages. Conveying ideas. Clear communication, a simple, strong, consistent idea, beats the bells and whistles every time.
The same goes here. This site, any site, could be 1-bit, as long as people can connect, interact, exchange. (I already have less eye strain.)
So enough meta.

Hmm.. still no vote totals
Hmm.. still no vote totals as of 9:16pm.
The announcement that Bernie won was by the Democratic Party, wonder why the vote total is taking so long.
(is CT allowed on here???)
America has elected a democratic socialist before. Many times.
What the heck does "CT" mean?
conspiracy theory
CT is not bad but it does lack a certain kind of understanding.
Conspiracies are hard to plan and even harder to pull off. There is most often a more rational alternative to a CT. I study systems theory, especially complex self organizing systems. The thing about large complex systems is that they are replete with closed loops of causality. That's how self organization happens in a sytem. Nothing happens in isolation. Everything is linked together.
This is why human arrogance fails to explain so much. They look for simple direct cause and effect relationships which are very appealing but useless.
Systems exist because they have evolved ways to remain stable. This means they can deal with threats to their stability through processes that either incorporate threats to their stability and make them part of the system contributing to the stability or they destroy them.
In politics and other systems involving complex interactions among humans the systems idea is very powerful. CT tries to circumvent complex explanations and assigns powers to individuals and groups that are very hard to believe.
When an event happens that stabilizes the system (assassination of a potential agent for change, etc.) the easy thing to do is to see it as an act of one or more people rather than an almost inevitable system reaction. MLK was assassinated in a situation where people were almost standing in line to do it.
The war on drugs is a good example of the stability of a system. Arresting individuals does almost no good because others fill the empty niche. From an evolutionary perspective this process selects for more effective drug pushers rather than solving the problem.
I could go on but will wait to see if I am being understood or if anyone cares.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
I understand and I care
“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.”. I take all supposed CT with a jaundiced view. Right. Who killed cock robin and why? Seriously hard to slough off all inconvenient threats to the status quo stability to random acts of loonie free actors. I was a kid when RFK was assassinated and yet I knew that somehow this was not a loose canon individual but a put down of what his politics and followers were about. Threatening to the powers that be as becoming to dangerous and way to close to truth telling . Lone actors on the stage of political insurgents are far and few between. CT is the shadow that has forever attributed convenient insurgents of sabotage by the state to individual weirdo's who have no connection to the political reality that seeks to cloak all their nasty caring's on as CT. The better to fool you my dear, as the wolf said.
My CT is about all those 'write-in' ballots that made sure Shillary got nearly as many delegates.. and the obvious one-sided number of these ballots going primarily to her.... when we have proof via video that a very small number of voters actually showed up to vote for Clinton... I say.. Sanders team needs to re-evaluate the authenticity of those so-called write-ins. esp in the hands of DNC counters.
What is or isn't CT?
who decides it's as crazy as kos declaring all criticism of Killary is CT or NJRW talking points. Sure Ct is allowed on here at the worst all you'll get for real CT like aliens or RW nut job bs. is a raspberry and some push back . Don't think this questioning at this time it takes to release vote counts is CT. It's a pragmatic questioning of the corrupt practice of our democratic/Democratic primary process which has been over run by the New Democratic, Clinonite Third Way formerly DLC machine. Who knows? Maybe they need to circle the wagons and figure out how to deal and tweak the real results.
CT accusations were used to shut down discussions
If something stinks you're more than allowed to say it here.
Especially with DWS and the DLC's BLATANT thumb on the scale behavior of the entire election.
This is just assuming that they will continue in the manner in which they have been accustomed to dealing with political "problems". Cheat, lie, and steal, and then claim that their opponents are delusional.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yes, this.
CT accusations were used to shut down discussions by those in power.
Powerful people do, at times, get together and make plans. I'd rather see the CT idea or theory see the light of day and be shot down on its merits rather than be dismissed out of hand.
Ozarkman thinks they held off
Ozarkman thinks they held off releasing the Kansas numbers till they had the Louisiana numbers out so she would look better on balance after Nebraska. He said early in the night that the Louisiana results would be announced first and he was right.
Kansas and Nebraska
have now been purged for re-litigating the primary.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
now that's funny n/t
America has elected a democratic socialist before. Many times.
I think I get this
…about the medium and the message. I've been noticing a flood distractions and deflections, that I don't think others are seeing. And to raise you a meta, they seem to be carrying a signal, as well.
As for CT, Americans have been scared out of their minds about having the taint of CT on them. That is probably the greatest achievement of the government over the past 30 years. Or to to paraphrase Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the permanent lie has become the only safe form of existence.
If they can get the public to ask the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.
Nah. Nobody is going to hurt you for saying something CT. Ultimately, people exercise self-awareness.
I'm astonished at all the symptoms of abuse walking in the door, here. You can edit comments and you can freely express your ideas.
What signal are you getting?
I think there are a lot of signals out there promoting social and civil entropy.
What are you talking about?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Glad to see you k9, and your flying dog.
All kinds of signals. Are you sure you want to know?
And a document or two. But, then, I'm a researcher. That's only to be expected. I follow the dollar.
Yea, I hear you on double dealing Dems...
I like to look at it as voting for a Smiley Face or Frowny Face.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Conspiracy Theory has
Conspiracy Theory has replaced the once feared meme Communism.
It appears that Bernie
is consistently doing a little bit better than what the polls and pundits expected.
Not a lot better. Probably not enough better, but better.
It will build on itself.
There were so many people who could not believe he could get this far. Many of them are changing their minds.
An idea is not responsible for who happens to be carrying it at the time. It stands or it falls on its own merits.
Tomorrow is Maine
Bernie should win that easily.
Michigan on Tuesday is the Big One.
Looking forward to it!
Even if Bernie Wins by "yuge'
Even if Bernie Wins by "yuge' percentages.. If today is any example the DNC will just pull out the 'invisible' write-in balloteers that 'only' favor Clinton.. and make up enough numbers to gain the delegates she needs to 'appear' legitimate .. I think this election is Rigged.
Last poll for Kansas had Clinton up by 10
Final Results 100% reported
Sanders. 67.7%
Clinton. 32.3%
This is good news, and I really hope
he can start taking some of the bigger states like Illinois or Florida.
I agree with you about Cruz, that guy is scary.
His closing statement in the last debate was basically: "I will take everything that is good about this country and crush it!"
I wouldn't put it past Cruz
to pull a Nehemiah Scudder and turn this country into a theocracy, installing his daddy Rafe in the Cabinet as Secretary of Christianity.
And compared to Trump he looks perfectly normal to the average voter.
Record turnout in Kansas. I'm
Record turnout in Kansas. I'm curious if we also had record turnout in Nebraska. Hard to say with Lancaster County (Lincoln) still not reporting any precincts. Louisiana is getting closer. And if Bernie can pull it off tomorrow we should win the weekend!
DNC and counting write-in ballots ~ Faux/Hen-house?
I couldn't help noticing from all the photos being tweeted, from various locations both in Nebraska and Kansas, that voters for Hillary were in many cases, a handful compared to the 'very large' turn-out for Bernie.. But, Lo and Behold... Hillary made up ground with magically one-sided write-in ballots.. Disproportionately in her favor.. by a Yuge number.. giving her extra 'delegate' votes in each state from invisible voters.
My problem with this slickwilly move is that the DNC were the ones in control of counting all those write-in ballots (the same corrupt group marginalizing Sanders) and they want us to think that Bernie Supporters voters didn't send in but a few here and there?..
I don't believe that for a minute.. and it pisses me off. I tweeted Bernie Sanders to recount the write-in ballots, but have no way of knowing if that tweet was even seen. *sigh.
Faux, Henhouse and the Ballot
Just think what they can do with primaries. I keep hearing that Bernie's wins are NBD because he just simply does better in the Caucus format. Huh? I wonder why that is? I have not heard a reason yet given. Is it just one of those axioms that is better simply believed than questioned? Could it be that it's harder to fake bodies than it is to fake marks on a secret paper or machine?
There have only been 2 non
There have only been 2 non-caucuses not in the south: New Hampshire and Mass. He got the most votes ever in a primary in NH and way outperformed Obama in Mass (and beat poll projections). This notion that he can't perform well in primaries is just more spin using the soon to be done southern primaries to cook the books.
ETA: I forgot Vermont! But i'm okay not including it as he obviously crushed there and it's his home state. Virginia is the one other that is debatable is it's basically half-southern. It's a huge sprawling state so I thought it made sense for Bernie to focus his resources where they could hold more sway. Going forward though, he needs to invest more broadly to some extent.