Tune in to AcTVism today - the video of
Submitted by mimi on Wed, 05/09/2018 - 1:21am
UPDATE: the video is out. It's two hours and 40 minutes long and just started a couple of minutes ago.
the event with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein and Abby Martin, that took place on 05/06/2018 will be posted during the day of 05/09/2018. No time was given, but I am happy to have discovered this site. You may have known about it since a long time. So, it arrived at the "little people" like me.
Here some of the latest events out from Munich.
Aktuelles from AcTVims
A little promotion for an effort that deserves it, imho.

Tweet from Abby Martin
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Abby Martin is one of the most intelligent and honest
reporters in the world.
Here's a related report with Jill Stein produced by Telsur back in 2016.
The Empire Files: Abby Martin with Dr. Jill Stein - Symptoms of a Sick Society
thx. gulfgal98, I had originally planned to
go to Munich for that event by train (8-10 hour trip). And then there was something, something happening and I got all messed up and - helas - I didn't go anymore. I am a little disappointed I didn't make it, because I like to watch and listen to such events in person.
On another issue ...
This is, btw, an article that I like a lot, which explains that what I had a feeling for (staged protests), but was not educated enough to formulate and base it on something convincing. Hedges does that very well, imo.
The Danger of Leadership Cults
Non-violent activism that makes an impact is really hard to come by.
Some excerpts:
Arggh I always enjoy so much when I read something that makes clear what I have thought about in nebulous, vague terms and then someone writes it out and it all becomes clear. Hedges does that often. And then I can't stop excerpting, because I can't decide what is the most important paragraph.

Still waiting for the video with Glenn, Jill and Abby to be posted.
Those broadcast are often available on therealnews
...but I don't see this one posted. I'll look forward to hearing those three folks in conversation. Thanks for the heads up mimi!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It will likely also appear
on TelSUR English or Abby Martin's The Empire Files.
Both of these sites are also well worth subscribing to.
That's right
As always, you are well educated on good sources!
I don't subscribe, but I try to check them out every week. It's been over a month since the last Empire File (which interestingly enough also is posted on their site).
Recently an episode of empire file with Max Blumenthal has been taken off of youtube in many countries - https://www.rt.com/usa/423341-abby-martin-israel-youtube-blocked/
Still available, but not posted on Empire Files channel videos...I had to search separately to find it on youtube.
Jewish-American on Israel's Fascism: "No Hope For Change From Within" (28 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Many of the right people in that promo,
Thanks mimi.
Would really like to listen to this, which I can have on in the background while I deal with the babies.
Looks like there’s no link to the actual conversation though.
Hope you are well, friend.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Here's the event trailer
EVENT TRAILER: Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin - Freedom & Democracy
Looks like it will be well worth watching.
It's out now ...updated above in the diary /nt
Tks for heads up
Downloading now to watch on big screen with some other people this evening.
Thanks, Mimi
I watched it earlier today and was impressed with all of them, especially Abby Martin.
I noticed the questions came from the live audience and they hit on every important issue facing us today.
Greewald was at the top of his game and very informative. His rescue program for abandoned dogs, using homeless people to care for them, is heartwarming and brilliant.
Jill was firing on all cylinders and did great too.
I enjoyed the whole thing.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
yes, I think so too, I finished Greenwald's
section just 8 hours ago. I can't do it otherwise on time. But it was worth it. Thanks.