Tulsi Gabbard's Latest E-Mail
I found this e-mail very inspiring:
If you haven’t read the “Afghanistan Papers” investigation published by The Washington Post this week, I recommend you do. It exposes the betrayal and failed leadership of successive administrations. And points to the urgent need for a commander-in-chief who has the necessary experience, understanding, and foresight to bring about a sea change in our foreign policy.
After you read it, think about what the $4 billion in American taxpayer dollars spent every MONTH in Afghanistan has gotten us...
… And who has profited and continues to profit from this war,
… And all the troops who are still there,
… And all the families who have welcomed their wife, son, daughter, or husband back home at Dover Air Force Base, in a coffin draped in an American flag.
Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate talking about our nation's absurd and illegal foreign policy. We don't need to be overseas policing third world countries. That's why Woodrow Wilson, FDR and the sane Presidents who followed invented the United Nations.
Ending this insanity is why I decided to run for president: To expose the lies of the Military Industrial Complex, to bring our troops home, to only send them to fight wars worthy of their great sacrifice, to lead us away from deadly, costly, counterproductive regime change wars and nation building and towards a future where we work hand in hand for peace, human dignity and true equality. To reinvest those TRILLIONS of dollars back here, at home, on the urgent needs of our people.
Tulsi is younger than Bernie and way cooler, politically than Warren.
Tulsi Gabbard is way cooler than anyone you like!
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian