Tuesday Open Thread ~ The Way of the Bow

“If you understand real practice, then archery or other activities can be zen. If you don’t understand how to practice archery in its true sense, then even though you practice very hard, what you acquire is just technique. It won’t help you through and through. Perhaps you can hit the mark without trying, but without a bow and arrow you cannot do anything. If you understand the point of practice, then even without a bow and arrow the archery will help you. How you get that kind of power or ability is only through right practice.”
~ Shunryu Suzuki

The Zen of Archery
Long before Katniss Everdeen ever picked up a bow and arrow in the Hunger Games, Japanese women have been practicing of art of Kyudo for centuries. Kyudo, meaning The Way of the Bow, has a long history where samurai practiced archery to prepare themselves for battle. After guns were introduced in Japan, the age of warfare with bows and arrows transitioned into a training of the body and mind. Eventually archery became more cultivated and was used as a form of spiritual training. Since archers can adjust the tension of the bow according to their own strength, archery became a favorite among women. Adhering to the traditions of Kyudo, women were able to pursue their own personal and spiritual development, as well as compete in contests of skill. The principles of Kyudo are often described as “Truth, Goodness & Beauty” where truth relates to shooting with a pure mind, goodness to a person’s character, and beauty to a gracefulness and refined etiquette of archery.
“I'm not ashamed of heroic ambitions. If man and woman can only dance upon this earth for a few countable turns of the sun... let each of us be an Artemis, Odysseus, or Zeus... Aphrodite to the extent of the will of each one.” ~ Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy

The Bow and Arrow Goddess
Goddess of archery, the hunt, wild animals, forests, chastity and childbirth, Artemis secured her role as protector of young women in what has to be one of the most bizarre plot twists in literature when she acts as midwife to deliver her twin brother after she herself had been born only nine days earlier. Illegitimate daughter of Zeus and Leto, little was written about Artemis’ early life. However, in a poem by Callimachus, Artemis is described running through the forests of the mountains as a young girl with the dogs Pan bequeathed her so she could learn how to hunt with her bow and arrow.
When it came time to ask her Father Zeus to grant her ten wishes, Artemis requested to have her bow made by Cyclopes. Having provided Zeus with a magnificent thunderbolt, Artemis must have believed that apart from Cyclopes being a wild lawless creature with no fear of the Gods, he also must have been a fine craftsman. To procure her bow, Artemis had to travel to the isle of Lipara where Hephaestus and the Cyclopes worked and persuade him to appropriate the moon in order to make her a silver bow and arrow. It’s the kind of conversation that would have been worth noting, so it’s shame no one ever did. But kudos to Artemis for having the chops to face down one of mythologies most fearsome creatures.
Another request Artemis made to Zeus was to ensure she remain a virgin. A wish I’m sure any Father would be glad to grant, but rather than simplifying her life, it only complicated things because what man, mortal or mythological, doesn’t like a real challenge? Coveting her virginity were a number of suitors, and as each one tried by means that were never elaborated, Artemis successfully fought them off with her mighty bow and arrow. Eventually though, she fell in love, and depending on the source, the object of her affection was either her hunting companion, Orion, or Adonis who won her heart. In either case, things ended badly when, depending on the source, they were killed by Artemis herself.
Her virginity intact she apparently moved on traveling with the "daughters of Okeanos" as her choir along with twenty Amnisides Nymphs as her handmaidens. Regrettably there was nothing written about how she lives her life after that so we’ll just have to fill in the blanks for ourselves. Personally, I think Artemis would have done much better to ditch the virginity thing and use her talents as a master hunter to much more diverting pursuits. Although I will say this for Artemis, her choice in men was certainly interesting even if it did end badly. Maybe I should’ve taken up archery and practiced on my aim?
"I think, I first fell in love when I was in fifth grade with this boy who kept his glass ruler in the sunlight and made rainbows on my desk with it.” ~ Saiber, Stardust and Sheets

I Don’t Wear Bows, I Shoot Them
Perched high on a branch in a large oak tree, Annabelle could see the entire field where the Mariposa Straight Shooters were practicing for their upcoming competition. Through a camouflage of leaves, she had secretly been watching them for the last week and had come to the conclusion that with the exception of the new kid, they were a pretty lousy archery team. Leaning back against the tree, her stomach rumbling from hunger, she remembered the Laffy Taffys she had stuck in her back pocket earlier. They were a little squashed from sitting on them but she popped the cherry flavored one in her mouth anyway and then placed the wrapper on her knee trying to recall how to make an origami turtle.
The wind started to kick up again, blowing the wrapper away and knocking some loose acorns to the ground. The sound reminded Annabelle of the big fat raindrops that would fall on her tent when she would go camping. For her twelfth birthday last year her Dad bought her a backpacking tent. She had asked for a teepee but was told she’d get much more use out of a conventional tent. That summer her parents took Annabelle and her Sister backpacking in Yosemite where Marilee spent the entire time yammering on about the dangers of bears. When Annabelle pointed out to her Sister that they also had bears in Sierra Mérida, Marilee just rolled her eyes at her and said in a tone that suggested how bored she was with the conversation that when they were home they were not sleeping out in the wilderness. Of course, chances were they were more likely to run into coyotes back home than a bear. In fact, a few weeks ago Annabelle did run into a coyote when she saw one crawling under the fence near their chicken coop. Adjusting her eyes to the dark, she caught a glimpse of one of her chickens in the coyote’s mouth as he moved through the trees below her bedroom window. In one fluid motion she reached under her bed, grabbed her bow and climbed out on the branch just outside her window. Crouched low and balancing on both feet, Annabelle put the arrow in place while tracking the coyote’s movement. Aim for the hindquarters, she thought. He’ll be able to get the arrow out that way and she wouldn’t do mortal damage. With one arm fully extended and the other bent back as far as the bow would go, Annabelle released her fingers and —thwack!—hit her mark with dead on precision. The adrenaline still pumping hard through Annabelle’s chest, she tossed her bow back through the open window and scrambled down the tree in a blur of movements that seemed to melt together as the coyote sprinted back into the woods leaving his prey behind.
"Hey, you up there," a voice called from below.
Looking up at her, his face red from the heat, was Coach Ruggles. Retired now from the Forestry Department, Stanley Ruggles was a big man in his mid-sixties who in addition to teaching archery, enjoyed riding horses and having a few beers down at the Lumberjack. Tall and weathered looking from years spent outdoors, he carried himself like a man who was in no rush to get where he was going.
A startled Annabelle clutched tightly onto a branch overhead as she fought to regain her balance.
"Whoa, there now! You don't want to come down that way."
The small deerskin moccasin that used to be on Annabelle’s foot was now lying on the ground in front of Coach Ruggles. He glanced at it, slightly amused, took the unlit cigar out of his mouth and yelled over at the team to start lining up further away from the targets.
Squeals of laughter burst out over the field as teams of boys and girls chased each other across the practice range. A small group of curious eleven year olds had gathered close by wondering who Coach Ruggles was talking to up in a tree. He waved them away and pointed to the markers with the end of his cigar.
"So, you wanna join the team?" The question was blunt but his offer seemed genuine. Swinging her legs over the large branch she was sitting on, Annabelle twisted her body in small pirouettes as she leaped from branch to branch with the quickness of a squirrel.
"Nice moves kid."
Scattering a few acorns on her landing, she dusted herself off and tentatively stepped over to where she had dropped her moccasin.
"You didn't answer my question."
"I'm not really that interested in archery. But thanks anyway." She slipped her foot inside the moccasin and flicked back her long dark pigtails. Two protruding ears poked out from underneath and her large round face appeared slightly at odds with her small body.
He tipped the straw hat he was wearing away from his brow, the corners of his mouth twitching into something of a smile. "Really? I kinda thought you were. Interested that is. Seeing as how ya' been sitting up in that tree for the last week watching us."
Annabelle stuck her fists inside the pockets of her overalls and shrugged.
"I just like climbing trees."
"You don't say?"
They contemplated one another for a moment when an arrow darted by and landed in the center of a large deodar a few feet away.
"McDuffie!" Coach Ruggles yelled, his face getting even redder. "Are you trying to kill somebody? You do that one more time and I'm gonna bench you permanently!"
On the other side of the field, holding an empty bow in his hand was the new kid, Harley McDuffie. A foot taller than Annabelle with arms and legs that seemed much longer than the thirteen year old body they were attached to, Harley had moved to Sierra Mérida earlier that year from somewhere in Texas. A smart kid with a slight drawl that became much more pronounced around teachers and authority figures. Like when he asked Miss Lovejoy, a misnomer of a name if there ever was one, why he had to learn martial music. Clearly irritated by the question, she came out from behind her desk and went into one of her long winded lectures about patriotism and the war in Viet Nam. Her angular body along with that high reedy voice of hers reminded Annabelle of one of those loud birds that are always squawking on the rooftop of the bus station downtown. A few days later when Miss Lovejoy came across the miniature flip book Harley had made of her playing the harpsichord with the lyrics of a Bob Dylan song floating in a bubble over her head, she held it up in front of the class with her two forefingers as if she had just picked it out of the garbage and asked Harley if this was his contribution towards his education. The answer he gave her got him sent to the principal’s office but it also won Annabelle’s admiration. After class, Annabelle snuck into her teacher’s desk and stole the little flip book, took it home with her and then hid it inside a keepsake box she kept under the bed next to her bow.
Walking towards Annabelle now with a look in his eye that seemed to suggest he was quite pleased with himself, Harley waved at her and then plucked the arrow out of the tree.
"Too bad there wasn't a bulls eye on that tree, eh, Coach Ruggles? I got some pretty good distance.”
"The idea is to hit the target," Coach Ruggles said fighting off the impulse to clap him on the head with one of his quills. "Shooting it in the wrong direction isn't going to win us any points."
Harley gave Annabelle a little smile and dropped the arrow into his holster. His blond hair shone in the sunlight, framing his face as if he were wearing a special kind of crown. Suddenly self conscious in a way that irritated her, Annabelle took her hands out of her pockets and began nervously fumbling with the end of her pigtail.
Coach Ruggles adjusted the cigar to the other side of his mouth, took another look at Annabelle and finally said, "Well kid, if you change your mind, you know where to find us." His large frame disappearing out of view as the sound of acorns crackled beneath his feet.
Holding up her hand as a gesture of good bye, Annabelle turned around and started walking away, past the practice range, beyond the old Patterson barn, and when she knew she was completely out of sight, she broke into a run.

Is that your prose?
Nice bit of a story.
When I was about that age my dad lived out in the middle of nowhere, had an archery target set up between his house and the woods, and whenever I'd go visit him I'd spend hours out there shooting arrows at imagined Sheriffs of Nottingham. Loved it.
I'd been wanting to get back into archery as an adult but was a little worried that my breasts would impede my aim so hadn't done it, then got that cancer diagnosis and wound up with a mastectomy on the right side. During the surgical recovery, coping with the changes to my body, one of the first thoughts I had that wasn't cancer related was "omg now I'm an AMAZON! I mean, way too short, but still, AMAZON. I gotta get a new bow kit."
The plan was to do that last month but first pandemics and now police riots have put a hitch in my getalong, but also have made it seem like a new bow kit is a really good fuckin idea. So maybe this open thread is a good place to poll the board to see if anyone here knows anything about contemporary archery equipment and is willing to make any recommendations on which kits I should look into?
btw Anja, thanks for the little history lesson -- I had no idea that archery had traditional roots with Japanese women too.
It is my prose
The characters visited me one night when I had trouble sleeping. So you are an archer? How marvelous! I was hoping I’d hear from at least one of the members here who was. Wish I could help with a recommendation but I’m afraid you’ve seen the extent of my archery knowledge. Glad you enjoyed the theme today though. I had fun writing and researching it.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Lovely story
Does she ever join the team?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
That’s a good question
Not sure yet. She’s not much of a “joiner” of things. Also there’s the concern about outshining Harley. And you know how men are about that.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Not yet
More "aspiring" than "archer", but there are worse role models than Robin Hood.
So many writers I've known have had a similar process/experience as you describe. When I used to write I had a few experiences like that too. It's always made me wonder whether we're peeking into parallel realities rather than making things up whole cloth. Eh, either way it's fun. Thanks for sharing your work.
That’s why I liked Artemis
Not sure where the idea of Annabelle being an archer came from at all. The creative process can be so delightfully random. I just saw her in my mind, knew exactly who she was, and wrote about her. Funny thing is, she’s the opposite of me when I was her age in every way.
What kind of things do you like to write?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I don't anymore
Like a lot of writers, my relationship with the art form is emotional and complicated. I used to write music, poetry, memoir, and novels. Still occasionally write poetry and just picked up a guitar the other day for the first time in a long time so who knows about the future.
Not trying to tell you your business but if that bit you posted isn't already part of a longer piece maybe it should be...your girl has a little bit of a Harper Lee Scout vibe to her, which I mean as a compliment.
Boy, do I hear you on the emotional and complicated
My writing was tied up for years under the weight of both. In fact there are still topics that I’m not entirely ready to write about that I know are part of my voice and my story. Yet, on the flip side of that, I’ve only just recently started writing without the constraints of self consciousness and getting bogged down on the execution and the craft of writing. For a long time that stifled any creativity I had. Then a few years ago, I met this marvelous creative writing teacher who was different in every way to all my other creative writing teachers in that she conveyed the joy of creating. The craft will come, she said. The execution will get better. But imagining something on a page even in its raw form is a gift we give to ourselves. It completely liberated me in the way I look at my writing.
It’s interesting that you should ask me about Annabelle, because she is definitely still in my head. As if she were a real person, I know a lot about her already, and it feels like there’s more to know. I’m just not sure where her story goes, or what she really wants to say yet.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
You have definitely whetted my appetite
for more travails of Annabelle. Don't stop now, please! Wonderful first chapter.
While I am becoming proficient with a crossbow, I'm not sure I could be considered an archer. Hands down, a bow and arrow is much more difficult to master.
I came into the crossbow as a collateral deposit gone bad ($200), and took to it right away. I have since added to the kit with hunting tips and more practice arrows and it has become a favorite hobby.
Zen, you've put a word to what I feel when I'm practicing.
The story of Artemis was fascinating, especially Pan.
Been searching for a name for my recently purchased 3+ acres up the Cowlitze River watershed. Something to pique the interest of the grandkids and future great-grandkids in the forests, nature, and the outdoor life.
Something to give them a sense of wonder and awe.
The Realm of Pan.
God of the woodlands, pastures, and protector of the hunters.
Has a mystical allure to it, don't you think? Where the Wood Nymphs run free. Oh, the stories around the campfire!
Thanks for the inspiration.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
The Realm of Pan
That would certainly pique my interest if I was one of your grandkids. You couldn’t have selected a better name to convey the spirit of the woods, trees, and the secrets of the forest. And funny you should mention forests and sitting by the campfire telling stories because that is part of my theme for next weeks OT. Stories of the Forest!
Btw, I’m not sure who got luckier here, you or me? Usually I’m pleased if at least one of my pieces sparks an interest, and here you are having had all three resonate. Woo hoo!!! You just made my day!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I haven't stopped by
in a while but this is all so surprising and wonderful I'm so glad I did. Thanks Anja, you brightened my day.
Well, gosh, you’ve just brightened my day as well
So glad you‘ve stopped by. If you like folklore and forests, I have something very fun lined up for next week as well. Been feeling very creative lately. Hope to see you then!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good morning, Anja
and c99 pals!
The arrow that comes to my mind is the one shot by Cupid.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
You mean like this?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
rock steady
a Houston native.
We could probably riff on the Cupid theme
All day. Thanks for the tunes!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good morning, Anja ~~
When I saw the title of the essay, I thought of ribbons and bows and not archery! The only bow I know is one for my hair. Perhaps I should become more familiar with a bow and arrow instead. Nah, I'll stick to the nonviolent bow and put one in my hair!
Hope you're doing fine, and maybe some of your struggles are diminishing these days, Anja. Your outdoor space is inviting and looks sublime. Peace to you my dear sister.
All is well with me in the land of enchantment or entrapment, however one views it. The only problem is the wind. Two days of 35-45mph sustained winds with gusts up to 65mph. Two days of this. Did I say we've been suffering through this for two days? Makes for a challenging gardening experience. Most of our crops are not put out yet and we're expecting a freeze tonight. It's been challenging this year but I'm grateful for so many things in my life.
I'm enjoying the changes that are taking place. We've got until 2025 to watch it all unfold and 2026 to move forward with a new society. It takes time to raise consciousness so be patient and don't get caught up in the drama. The universe is bringing about the changes that cannot take place otherwise. I can hardly contain my excitement.
Enjoy the day and live in the present, live in love, be grateful.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
We’ve had winds here since yesterday
They can be very destructive what with all of the trees we have here. I’m glad to here you’re managing all that is going on with such a positive attitude. It helps. Some days that’s easier to do than others. Over the weekend, we got word that someone in our store was diagnosed with the virus. I hear they are doing fine, but we are all processing the consequences of this news in different ways. For me, I imagine characters and the world they live in. And then I write. Still, there’s no getting completely away from the reality. Here’s hoping I survive through the year. Lol.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Good morning Anja. Great story. Thanks. Biographical?
It was Orion she fell in love with. It was also she who caused Agamemnon's fleet to sit becalmed before sailing to the siege of Troy, a story with 2 odd twists: Iphegenia in/at Aulis and Iphegenia in/at Taurus.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
How did Artemis do that?
Had a lot of fun reading up on Artemis. She’s one bad ass goddess. Wish things had turned out better regarding her love life.
Regarding the story about Annabelle. I’m happy to say that the entire piece was a figment of my imagination. That you wondered if it might be real, pleases me very much!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
She held up the winds. She was goddess, so one
doesn't ask such questions. It really should've been Aeolus' domain, but maybe he wasn't watching. Dunno. She was half sister to Eris and Athena, which gets here all tangled up in the Iliad and Odyssey, which is an interesting coincidence between your column and today - today is Bloomsday.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Yeah, those goddesses
They can do whatever they want. Didn’t know about her family connection. They can get very complicated. Talk about confusing t-shirts at their family reunions!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Simply marvelous, Anja,
What a treat to look forward to Tuesdays. Plan to return to read again and absorb; bit pushed in several directions at present.
Thank you so much for sharing your creativity. Write on!
Thanks Smiley
Always a treat to have you here. Glad you enjoyed.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
An archer whose aim is true
Fun images you bring forth. Sailors study the stars...
Represents: Centaur (aka Sagittarius in the zodiac)
The constellation represents a centaur holding a bow apparently aimed at the neighbouring constellation of Scorpius, or more precisely its heart represented by the red supergiant star Antares. In Greek mythology, Centaurs were half man and half horse, and one of the noblest and wisest of this hybrid race was Chiron, who tutored many Greek legendary heroes, including Heracles, Achilles and Jason. Unfortunately, Heracles accidentally wounded the immortal Chiron with a poison arrow dipped in the blood of the Hydra who was then in such pain that he pleaded with Zeus to put him out of his eternal agony. After his death, Chiron was placed among the stars on account of his noble life and deeds.
It takes a lot of imagination to see a centaur holding a bow, but with some effort, it is possible to make out the shape of a drawn bow armed with an arrow, the bow being represented by the stars Delta (Kaus Media), Lambda Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis), and Epsilon Sagittarii.
– Star Cloud: The Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M24) is a star cloud which forms a small section of the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way. It is around 300 light years across, 10,000 light years distant, and has an apparent visual magnitude of +4.6. It is also the densest concentration of stars visible using binoculars, with thousand seen in a single view.
question everything
Sailors Study the Stars
Can I imagining you doing that on your boat with a hot buttered rum in your mug?
Thanks for the wonderful astral map. The next time I’m stargazing, I’ll think of you
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Rum de dum
Round here we are treated to the archer in the fall mostly
From the northern hemisphere, Sagittarius is best seen during the months of August and September, which corresponds to spring in the southern hemisphere. However, from mid-northern latitudes, the constellation stays low in the south and never rises high in the night sky.
also, the zodiac is off by almost a month now
since it's conception in the way back...
The Sun currently passes in front of Sagittarius between December 18th and January 20th, which is off by around one month from the horoscope date of November 22st to December 21st. A distinguishing feature of Sagittarius is that the Sun shines in front of this constellation on the December 21st winter solstice.
The horror scope is totally confusing. Think I'm an actual Aries instead of a Taurus, if the sun has anything to do with it? Precession occurs as the apparent constellations regress in time in relation to the sun. Zodiacal observations have changed much since it's inception. (Around 3000 BCE). Go figure!

question everything
Far be it from me
to ever question anyone else's tastes in partners...
but perhaps a guy (Orion) who was a notorious rapist and was preemptively killed after boasting that he wanted to slaughter every animal in the forest, or the really cute guy (Adonis) who already has two other jealous goddesses (Aphrodite and Persephone) fighting over custody, may not be the wisest choices?
Or to put it another way: thugs and pretty boys don't always make great boyfriends.
(Very sweet story BTW.)
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Thugs and Pretty Boys
Definitely don’t make wise choices. But then, that was always the problem. Wanting to tame the former and getting weak-kneed by the latter.
Leave it to this group of people here on c99, I just knew you all would have some interesting things to say about mythology.
Glad you enjoyed meeting Annabelle. I did too!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Yes about thugs.
I have seen it happen.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I’ve seen it happen
You would.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
You can buy replacement furniture
At any rate, I admire your creativity and artful writing, chica.
I once thought about trying my hand at it, but my life has way more beautiful and incredible stories than anything I could possibly dream up.
I hope your work is holding steady during this pandemic.
Mine is beginning to kick up into a higher gear.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Anja, you're an amazingly
talented writer.
We're so fortunate to have you in this Community.
Last week, your writing left me in tears--I was so touched by your loving tribute in memory of Pierre. It would have been impossible for anyone who's ever had a fur baby that they loved deeply, to not have been moved. (Let me correct that-- anyone, period.)
This week, your creativity, and rich narratives left me smiling, and considerably less depressed about our collective troubles--from COVID, to the racial and social injustices, as reflected by Mr Floyd's tragic death. While I know next to nothing about archery or mythology, I was totally caught up in your rich storytelling.
Thank you!
Gotta run to the credit union, but, hope to swing back by, and post a chart (unrelated to today's topic) if that's okay. Still consumed with watching out for proposed changes/reforms to Traditional/Original Medicare, etc. If Uncle Joe's elected, chaotic times likes these would set up a perfect storm for making radical changes--under the radar. (I fear.)
Take good care; stay safe.
“Revolution is not a one time event.”
~~Audre Lorde
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.