Tuesday Open Thread - Make Someone Smile
Submitted by QMS on Tue, 12/18/2018 - 5:00am

If you smile at me, I will understand. It's something everybody everywhere does in the same language.
From CSN&Y 'Wooden Ships'
Welcome everyone to today's open thread. Have been having fun lately going about business with a secondary purpose. Meeting strangers with a cheerful face and a sparkle in the eye, trying to evoke a happy reaction. Challenging at times, but definitely worth it when one connects. There is a joy out there hidden just beneath the surface of some, awaiting an opportunity to shine. Give it a try if you can.

OK then. It's time to share your stories. Glad tidings!

I used to listen to CSN&Y in
my high-school days. Many of their songs do make you smile. They have that quality about them....a little bit of joy....or that encouragement to see the joy. I tend to be a grouch much of the time so the reminder to look for the joy and then to try and spread some of it around is good.
Thanks for the song randtntx
Also came up with the CSNY sound. Helped formulate a better outlook socially. With you on the grinch tendencies. It's something to overcome. Looking for that spark.
question everything
Pete Seeger loved to bring his audiences into his performances.
A large group raising voices in song.
Yeah, Seeger sang to the social(istic) side of our nature
His daughter attends our little local peace vigil. Another artist in her own right.
question everything
How wonderful. What an icon he was, from farmers to unions to
the civil rights and anti-war movements, to cleaning up the Hudson River, to Occupy Wall Street.
His love of music led him to travel the world, filming native dancing and music. His films now the only record of some of that dancing and music.
Thank you Henry
It speaks of the power of music. I think that gospely, folky songs with soul have the vitality to encourage participation. What could be wrong with sharing voices and smiles.
For the season,
which I like to think should be about coming together in peace and harmony.
Yes, brings chills
The positive energy of a large group raising spirit in song gives one hope for our potential.
question everything
Worlds of tomorrow Life without sorrow
I can dig it.

(C) Wizard of Id, 1970s version.
more singing
Todd Rundgren - Sons Of 1984 (Lyrics Below) (HQ)
--- audience participation hint
Rage Against The Machine - Democratic Convention 2000
"apparently there's some other show going on across the street here, but it's all sold out"
Did anyone else notice the petition tracking link in last night's EB was a domain called "actberniesanders.com"? NOPE, I am not volunteering updated voter info so the Ds can rent it out as "proprietary" data for profit, not falling for that D-Value bullshit again. Fool me once...
Jerry Brown wanted to save the planet and the California budget. How did he do?
The budget has a surplus, homelessness is an environmental disaster. keep flushing
"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown." Thanks Hollywood.
Clear here but foggy in the valley
Pea soup fog at Trade Day this AM. I walked it four instead of my usual three times waiting for a little clearing (which finally happened). Got a deal on avocados (3/$2) and a big bunch of organic bananas for a dollar.
CSNY and Pete are a couple of my faves and helped to usher me toward old time music.
Great new documentary about the Highwoods string band explains how many old hippies were drawn into the old time scene (1.3 hours)
They bring a smile to my face. Hope they do yours too. Worth at least a few minutes if not the hour and 20 min.
Hey JtC you out there? You will appreciate the film I think.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, QMS. I have arrived at a day to not be too
physical and wonder how I'll spend it. Probably not out doing a lot of meeting and socializing, but that said, my wife and I have been indulging in a chunk of that of late. Every week, usually on Monday, we go walk a roughly 4 mile out-and-back up at the lake. We always say "hi" or "good morning or whatever" to those we encounter walking in the opposite direction as we go. A great number of them so likewise, even if they wren't going to first. It slightly brightens the day, but I also think that those out doing that kind of walking are generally more prone to that kind of behavior and seem to share some various affinities, especially those walking in pars or groups.
I do suspect that at some point I will wind up at the hardware store getting a fitting or two for a project or two, since I can't be out digging and lifting and crap.
Somehow the entirely of this video, images plus music brings a smile to my face today, as does the spontaneous realization that a certain god was obviously the prototype and archetype of the internet troll, who has been trolling his followers since he created them. Heh. Happy Tuesday.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Slightly brighter
Sounds like a good forecast. Sounds like the back is being bothersome? Bummer. Hope it gets better soon. Yeah, the smile sharing is funny. Seems most people keep a shield up. From past hurt or low expectation of their fellows? Since I don't buy into the negativity of the media, perhaps I expect better. Because to care about others is a start.
question everything
Back's no worse than usual, I'v got some non-elective
surgery suddenly on the horison and my wife is keeping me on a short leash until we meet the surgeon Thursday and he tells me what I can, can't, and shuld do from now until I have it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Stay well el
I'm sure you'll know what's best for you regarding your options.
Thanks, janis.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
You're welcome, and all the best n/t
Say can I have some of your purple berries?
QMS, Say can I have some of your purple berries?
I give smiles away all I can, they are free ya know. It is such a universal thing it is amazing. Like music it crosses the language barrier. A smile can pierce armor.
Think positive. It is magic. Someone I can't recall who, said "as you think, you are." Do you see the good or the bad? Is your cup half full, or half empty? We don't let people put their fingers in our food, so why do we allow them to put shit in our heads? Which will do infinitely more damage than fingers in our food would. Negative thinking is poisonous, it kills joy and happiness. Being positive, or not, is learned behavior, and fortunately it is up to us how we want to think, and be, and, we can change anything we
don't like.
As the moneyists (which is what capitalists are - let's call it what it is FFS) with their fetishization of finacialization destroy the world around us, and anyone that questions it is Russian, perhaps it is even more important to see the good in people, and especially places, while its still there to enjoy.
Could Monty Python be wrong?
This makes me smile:
The great Terry Kath (what a sad story) - this whole show is very worth watching...
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Yes, we've been eating them
for six or seven weeks now. Haven't got sick once. Probably keep us both alive. Thanks for seeing the bright side!
question everything
Things that made me smile this morning
Don't know where this came from but I happen to remember a portable orange record player I had as a kid. Back in the day when we used to listen to records for amusement, I very nearly wore a groove in my Mary Poppins album. I was simply nuts about that movie and went around the house constantly singing the songs. When I was about to begin 1st grade, I begged my Mother for a Mary Poppins lunch box featuring Mary wearing her prettiest white dress and whimsically winning a horse race riding a carousel horse while carrying a matching parasol to boot! It was the most magical lunchbox I'd ever seen and practically perfect in every way. My Mother, who did not own a car, had to walk to three different stores before she found one. But find one she did and I proudly carried that lovely little lunch box every day to school.
Thanks for the great topic and open thread!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Hey, that's fun zoe!
Remember my mom loved that record too. Dragged us little indians all the way into town to watch the movie. Some of the songs still play way back in the recesses. Good times.
question everything
Hey, ya know, Keef is 75 today (only 75, damn he looks
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Ya know what they say
a rolling stone gathers no moss except on the north side in some climates
question everything
yeah, smiles and laugther ...
since about ten months or so my sistern and I are in rather grey, sluggish, dark mood. I am angry inside, she doesn't really want to do anything at all anymore in her life. Bad, bad.
So, we sit on our patio and watch our great garden, the birds, the sqirrels and our 'helper who is getting our mood up' has a great way to trigger laughs. We break out singing. My sister knows all the childhood songs, he knows all the hippy songs of the seventies from Germany and US and each time we have had it with life, we start singing out of the blue. And then we smile a lot. And then we sigh a lot. We invented our own sighing competition. My sister always wins. She wins in everything. And I always lose. So I sigh some more. Til the birds can't stand us anymore. Then we make each other smile again. Then it is time to go out and do some errands.
I am smiling now. Thanks for the wonderful Open Thread, QMS.
Now that's a picture to make me smile
A couple German grannies singing to the critters in the garden. Followed by a sighing contest. HA! What a scene! Singing along with you there.
question everything
BBC World TV: Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) on pushing Russiagate
Senator Van Hollen says Russia not only got Trump elected in 2016, but also has been targeting Mueller directly, ZOMG!
My part of Germany shut down analog cable TV and went full digital last week.
I was happy for, like, two days because now, I thought, I would be able to get English language programming again.
Now I’m probably going to delete said English language programming — BBC, CNN, and Bloomberg — from the channels list, because the steady stream of neoliberal economic supremacy and Atlanticist propaganda makes me sick.
That really sucks
They are doing it in on all inroads. Even my (formally) nice accuradio has started the psycops. Fuchers won't stop till there is no more brain left to be had.
question everything
Thank you for the smiles everyone.
This is a wonderful thread you started QMS. You never fail to make me smile.
Here's how I do it
all over the world.
I smile. Put my right hand over my heart, then extend that hand to the person who can't communicate with me verbally. Palm up.
More often than not, hugs ensue. At least bows.
And at the time I am writing this comment it is 10:35 pm Texas time, and some person who is penis compensating, is firing off semi- automatic rounds at a neighbor, who is firing back. Also some man with penis deficiency.
Who knew Bad Ass Texas men had such short dicks?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981