A Trojan Horse at the Gates of Chi-raq
The push for party unity makes it crystal clear how the Democratic Party is manipulating us long time progressives into acceptance of establishment objectives. A rash of several articles prompted by bipartisan critics of the Sanders candidacy, have served to lift the veil and expose that what we now have in the US are essentially two parties: Center Right and Far Right.
Bet on the establishment favoring the Center Right to promote its agendas – it's better for big business, better at regime change, more effectively neo-liberal and better at keeping the lid on citizen resistance.
And bet on the Democratic Party Establishment downplaying the non-establishment candidacy of Bernie Sanders. Its call for unity requires tacit acceptance of its favored candidate, Hillary Clinton’s policies of pro-imperialism, regime change and free trade if Bernie cannot collect the requisite delegates.
Clinton provides a centrist’s patina of respect necessary for imperialism at least to sustain itself and maintain the idea that America stands by its professed ideals – no matter how far from the truth that may be. As SoS, she’s proven that she is the only candidate with the skill and resume to market deception on the world stage.
Among the entire field of candidates, the one who represents the establishment's best opportunity to advance its international objectives is Hillary Clinton, as she is the only one able to sway liberal consent to what are essentially republican agendas. She does it by masterfully distinguishing her pro-regime change policy, characterized by that peculiarly Democrat casus belli: "humanitarian concern," from the strident Republican call for revenge and/or protection of “our freedoms."
Hillary Clinton has also proven that she can sell this deception on the home front as evidenced by her success in wrangling the righteous dreams of America’s most abused citizen class, the Blacks, into another abeyance. It couldn’t be more obvious that Clinton is a Trojan Horse for Wall Street and the MIC, yet many African Americans are submitting to a lengthy tradition of Christian political patronage originating in the “old south” and dragging it into their parishes from Carolina to Chi-raq.
If elected, any of the candidates on the far right will ultimately self-destruct and do nothing more if elected than create economic stagnation and galvanize anti-government resistance here and anti-american sentiment abroad. But as the center-right, establishment candidate, Clinton is per se the most dangerous impediment to meaningful change at a critical juncture in world history.
After an eight year run in which George Bush successfully launched the PNAC and eight years of status quo under Obama, expect Clinton to continue her swing to the right and seamlessly insure the ultimate success of the PNAC that its drafters in the deep state intended. Consider how when reviewing “World Order,” a philippic against non-interventionists, Hillary Clinton wrote that war criminal Henry Kissinger “is a friend, and I relied on his counsel when I served as secretary of state.” Or how she will never disavow free trade which is destroying the world one forest at a time and is in the long term a greater threat to climate change than fossil fuel consumption. Or how her interference in the sovereignty of Honduras resulted in thousands of displaced small farmers and the murder of those village leaders who resisted. Or how she has never apologized for forcing Obama into one of the biggest foreign policy blunder of his administration: regime change in Libya, which has had the effect of turning that secular nation into a training grounds for ISIL.
If Bernie Sanders should not succeed in his quest for the nomination, we may face a choice between Trump – whose “policies” are as ephemeral as his mood swings ranging from anti-free trade, anti-regime change and anti-unregulated Wall Street on the left hand to the fascist policies of Ted Cruz on the right hand – and Clinton whose well-documented and consistent neocon policy history is a monstrous red flag for all progressives. So if it does come down to Trump or Clinton, regard the nation as a house on fire with only two exit doors: one marked “Tiger” and the other “Hungry Tiger.” Clinton is ravenous. There is no lesser of two evils here – just a putrid state of anoxia.
Here’s what Tulsi Gabbard, who resigned her position as vice-chair of the Democratic Party to back Sanders and who would make the perfect VP if Sanders wins the nomination, had to say about that mandarin in the Nehru jacket, Hillary Clinton:
The mantra must be vote Sanders or revolutionize the party.
We have a very clear choice
Tulsi Gabbard did not make this choice lightly.
She should be Bernie's running mate!
A Trojan Horse at Gates of Chi-raq
Agree. Sanders should fly Gabbard to NY. As a dynamic woman with integrity who's both honest and rational, she presents the perfect contrat to necon shill, Clinton.