This is their democracy today. We just happen to live in it."
Damn, we've been so fucked.
"In reality, though, it was never about us and our economy at all. Today it is obvious that all of this had only one rationale: to raise up a class of supermen above us. It had nothing to do with jobs or growth. Or freedom either. The only person’s freedom to be enhanced by these tax havens was the billionaire’s freedom. It was all to make his life even better, not ours...
We endure potholes and live in fear of collapsing highway bridges because our leaders wanted these very special people to have an even larger second yacht. Our kids sit in overcrowded classrooms in underfunded schools so that a handful of exalted individuals can relax on their own private beach.
Today it is these same golden figures with their offshore billions who host the fundraisers, hire the lobbyists, bankroll the think tanks and subsidize the artists and intellectuals.
This is their democracy today. We just happen to live in it."
Thomas Frank, We Built a Paradise For Offshore Billionaires

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet now have
more wealth than half the people in this country.
Three people, three absolute enemies to the human race. Fuck the deep state, we know who they are.
More like a kleptocracy...
a very small club, and you and I are most definitely not in it.
And given the state of things, it shows.
from a reasonably stable genius.
A pox on their houses
With any luck their deaths will remedy much.
As with all the heirs I've known in my lifetime, theirs will go drunk with wealth. Each heir vying for a bigger house than the other. A faster car. Or wild promiscuity of sex and drugs. Culminating in the blowing of it all in a matter of months or sometimes a couple of years.
In their case, a bigger yacht or island and/or wild abandon of sex drugs/alcohol with some paedophilia thrown in for good measure. But the same result, and maybe more. Lawsuits, prison or early death.
Just may take a little longer.
If I'm right, it will be delicious to witness.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
What makes you say it's a democracy?
Many on this board have commented about the erosion of civil rights and the overturning of the electoral system. My favorite was when the neolibs started talking about "too much democracy" in the wake of the Bernie-crats' complaints about the primary. I actually know living breathing people who were walking around saying the problem is "too much democracy."
Chris Hedges says the coup has already happened. We don't have democratic rights.
I said in another post that we are more like the citizens in Belgium & France during their occumpation in the 40's than we are like our own grandparents in America. Who will come to liberate us?
The most devastating thought is the recognition that this takeover is a global phenomenon -- not limited to a nation state. But there are contradictions in the 1% and between power forces at the global level.
Our resistance may be meaningful only if we learn how to exploit those contradictions.
This is the ultimate reason why I could not vote for Her. Bill and Hillary Clinton are in the business of establishing regulations for a process to regulate those contradictions within nation-states and among nation-states. They are part of an effort to establish an authoritative international legal structure for oligarchs. They've already made great progress.
As they succeed our ability to exploit these contradictions shrinks. And learning to exploit these contradictions, difficult as it will be, seems to me to be the best path out of this mess.