Super Tuesday: DNC scheme working as planned
Greetings fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry:
Please show some forbearance here because I break out into laughter all day since seeing the Super Tuesday ST results.
Ho, ho, etc.
What did you expect? Really? C'mon. I've been telling you that the DNC will not abide Mr. Sanders and his vision of the 40 Acre Wood. No. No way. So, this year, because of the superdelegate intrusion rule change, they modified their earlier Russiagating charges, knowing that even the least informed Amerikans are not going to fall for their tired, old shit. Get me some fresh stuff, straight from Tom Perez's rear orifice. This old stuff has lost its aroma.
Ha, Ha. Ooops, I wasn't supposed to do that again.
Bernie is on the edge of gigantic national breakout after NH-IA-NV. Can't let Bernie get the mojo working. We'll stop that radical socialist-commie, Bastard, even if takes lots of Bloomie's money--and some from Georgie Soros.
Wow. The day before Buttjiggle drops from the race, even though it took him 18 minutes to say so. Pledges delegates, in a sense--he "requested" that they support JoJo.
Oh, now I know what some poor Tourette's patients experience: bouts of involuntary laughter. Don't worry, unlike Tourettes sufferers, I will be fine in the morning--but until then, oh well.
Next, right on cue, with perfect timing following the exiting of Mayo Cheat, Amiable Amy, polling to do quite well in MN delegate-wise, decides to drop and support JoJo. Gosh, what a coinkydink.
Now, golly gosh, JoJo already got himself a shit ton of unearned delegates. Imagine that.
... ... ...
Sorry, the laughter got me again. Really, I am trying to suppress my reptilian brainstem--but I can't help it.
Please, do not tell me which states voted for who and by how much. Please don't do that. Do you honestly believe that a DNC election would be any more valid than a WWE match? I don't give a damn what the numbers are, what the identarian breakdown is, how the candidates got what support from where. Don't mean more than a politician's promise, i.e., nothing, nada, zilch.
Biden, despite ever more appearance of mental errors (only the charitable can call them gaffes--that's like calling the Black Plague as common cold), persists in his Quixotic quest for Ultimate Power. You know that ain't gonna happen. You gotta know this, really.
Biden is under attack from three fronts. Most wars don't survive two fronts.
Front 1: Ukrainian (read Trumpian) revenge. Shokin didn't take kindly to mercury poisoning. He begged Zelensky to do what should have been done when JoJo was Obomba's point man: prosecuted Burisma and investigated Hunter B. Now the Donald has the legal backing to let Barr loose on Hunter B., Devon Archer, and JoJo himself. Even Lovely Lindsay is starting to call in conspirators to Crossfire Hurricane to testify in the Senate.
Front 2: TPTB. This cabal, however you may choose to populate it in your mind, is calling the shots. Even today, Commander Cheeto referred to JoJo's staff as his handlers--you know, the kind of person who helps a disabled person across the street. I don't think Donny meant it that way, but hey.
Front 3. This in itself is a biphasic attack.
Phase 3A is the relentless progression of dementia, which seems to be getting more noticeable. Yeah, no armchair or swamp side diagnoses. But JoJo's marbles are exiting his pockets.
Phase 3B aka "the Sicilian flu". This refers to sudden debilitating illnesses of mafia bosses prior to criminal proceedings in court. The afflictions were dramatic. So that the poor mobster was too ill to adequately participate in his defense. After the proceeding ended, the Sicilian flu magically ended restoring the victim to wonderful vigor.
Now for some military metaphors: we shall discuss tactics and strategy. Why do I choose military analyses, especially from WW2? This is because, obverse to von Klausewitz, politics is war by other means.
Here's the scene, because we must set the stage to understand what George Webb would call a "school play". JoJo, standing in the midst of ruins (representing his heretofore shattered campaign) looks around amazedly to see that he has for the now passed Bernie in delegate count. Whether this trend will continue only had to await one day to be answered. Mike Bloomberg, some $700M poorer, drops out, bequeathing his delegates to JoJo.
Wow. The whole Dem establishment is now waiting on Liawatha to see whether she will suck up to JoJo (the question merely remaining as to what's her price). Soon, Lizzie will lick the DNC boots, hoping the party won't primary her when her term expires.
The troops of the two sides engage in ferocious battle, with two outliers (Tulsi and Lizzie) quietly wait for the final campaign (i.e., the convention). I predict Lizzie will enter the ByeDone camp before the convention.
Bernie grabs the lead. Then JoJo grabs the lead, then Bernie recaptures the lead. JoJo then gets reinforcements before the convention. But then so does Bernie. Who gets the majority? A plurality just won't do. Will it be Bernie? Will it be JoJo? It won't be Liawatha. Sadly, Tulsi won't get to where she should belong.
Sorry, I can't type when I'm laughing.
Comes the convention. Only two immediate outcomes:
1. Bernie wins (I am still offering 1,999,999 against 1 odds this won't happen). Lefties, progressives and even right wing Clinton-haters rejoice. Bernie then resupplies his army, gathers more ground troops, skirmishers (surrogates as they call 'em these days), signals intelligence, etc. A vicious campaign is in store for the Independent-cum-Democrat Sanders against the Mighty Drumpf. Oh the carnage--sorry folks, that's a movie trailer for a movie that just won't happen.
2. JoJo becomes the standard bearer, but it is evident to all watching that ByeDone is wounded badly. Leaking from three spearpoint wounds, mentioned above, he visibly weakens. He is now down on his knees, about to die in a Wagnerian terminal aria lasting 30 minutes (as all good Wagnerian arias do). But before his head hits the floor, he reaches up and whispers, "I will not see the promised land. Please anoint HER in my stead".
Now, here, my crystal ball gets murky, which is what one might expect from a crystal ball in a swamp. HER may then effusively accept the nomination from the now prostate ByeDone:
"Thank you, JoJo. I am honored that you have the courage to recognize your failing health and withdraw from the race. Moreover, JoJo, thank you for your confidence in me to lead this great Republic...blah, blah, blah"
Afterwards, without a second's pause, HER steps over the still warm corpus of ByeDone, on her way to DNC Coronation.
Now, if you have enjoyed or at least tolerated this analysis, be prepared for news of HER impending marriage. Godzilla and Mothra, a Love Story, coming to a theater near you.

Don't pretend you are not crying with one eye while
laughing (in despair) with the other.
Bernie needs the courage to run on a platform to change the electoral college and CU and whatever else it was (was mentioned here) in the sixties that allowed the DNC and money in general to rule the elections whenever they wanted. They don't want him to win, based on that, Bernie has to say that he understands their intentions and that the intentions are manipulations of the voter's mind and that he, if despite of all of their efforts to kill his election on the public square, he promises, if for any reason yet unknown he should win and become president, he will work for changing the way the Americans elect and vote. )> It' horrible to watch. I imagine most people's laugh get stuck in their trachea and the population will gasp for air.
A sad affair.
Gloating is so unattractive
Millions of people are desperately taking a chance on Bernie because they have nowhere else to turn. Go ahead and laugh at them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
please see comment below.
*I've tasted shit professionally but involuntarily. Didn't much like the taste.
I think Alligator didn't laugh at the voters
he has often enough commented in ways that he might be bitterly sarcastic, but that didn't show he has no empathy with the
patients,deceived voters.
Snoopy: Sunshine's damn better than moonshine
Soulshine's better than sunshine
Suffering and death
is just not funny, to me.
Spin any way..,
Same unfunny result.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I don't think its funny in a sardonic way.
Please read this comment made to Snoopy about laughing.
But laughing is a damn sight better than crying. Would you agree?
I'm still trying to decide...
if you've insulted the majority of the members of this site or not. We have this little rule about insults.
Consider the question in this framing, if you will
Secondly, the vast majority of c99 believes that the DNC will not abide Bernie. If this is incorrect, my apologies.
Thirdly, if you're still counting, I am writing about two realms intermixed. The initial realm is the world of fact, facts from which reasonable deductions can be formed. My deduction may be flawed (for instance I once thought that L. Warren was the great progressive hope). But more often, since becoming accustomed to the bloodsport called politics, I see trends, patterns. I deduce intentions, something which is always hazardous. But I do so in a non-accusatory manner.
Fourthly, again if you haven't lost count, I, despite outward appearances, am a human like the rest of you (plus or minus, dogs, butterflies, etc.). This means that I am slave to my emotions--which I remind ALL of you, YOU ARE TOO. Tell me of rationality. Tell me how we measure whether we adopt certain positions out of reasoning. And if we do, then why do we pursue our positions with emotion. Emotion is always a part of decision-making. Informed decision making exists, certainly. But does the emotion implant an idea so deeply in one's self that such an idea is now considered by the ego as one and the same with its otherwise self? Can we ever apportion how much of a decision is rational and how much is emotional?
sure, Ed. Whatever.
I will help you making a decision ...
he didn't insult me and I am a member here.
You can't handle honest emotions by one member, who tries to handle his emotions with sarcasm, because other members can't handle the sarcasm that hurt their own emotions?
So, please., each sarcasm and feelings to his own. That is not a sin to have both, sarcasm and feelings you have difficulties to handle.
pointing fingers, laughing at folks and vote shaming are not sarcasm, they are insulting.
I hope I don't see it again.
I admit I have often difficulties to understand the meaning of
words used by Alligator Ed. But I relate that to the fact that English (be it American or British English) is not my mother tongue and snark, irony or sarcasm is hard for me to judge as such and fairly. So, I also did have to use my dictionary for getting the true meaning of the word "gloating".
I might not have seen what you were seeing. I saw a lot of finger pointing from Biden, and I indicated in my first comment to this essay, that I don't think Alligator Ed was really laughing, just hide behind the pretense of doing so.
Just wanted to say that I don't see where Alligator Ed told us for whom to vote, or mocking us for voting for someone specific. That may be due to my bad English comprehesion,
Anyhow. as you know, I am a 'good German' and will try to stay out of this.
So, did Warren, who announced her drop-out of the campaign, already said, whom her followers should vote for? I guess politicians can tell us that, but we can't tell each other similar things?
Peace. I have no interest to get into your cross hairs. I don't want to point fingers, blame or mock anyone, but I do want to understand what others say and mean, especially if they are critical of something I said.
I voted for Tulsi
Repeating what I stated elsewhere: Berniecrats are performing an important service. They are disciplining the DNC. The DNC is quite aware of trouble brewing when they fuck over Bernie. They are just unsure as to where the line is drawn in their scheming. I am not laughing at any one. My mirth, if you so choose to describe it, can be analogized simply.
If I see the visiting baseball team performs a triple play, then I will smile--or laugh, sometimes--in appreciation of a well-performed feat. The DNC is to be congratulated (?) if that is the appropriate term, upon their flawless execution, not of a stolen base--a stolen base done while the pitcher was looking at the runner waiting for it. Bernie didn't even throw the ball to second base--i.e., mount a strong protest. Hanky meet panky. This was a classic inside job. All those rigged precinct assignments--why didn't Berniecrats protest earlier--before the voting? Tell me they didn't know about this in advance. Instead of purging the voter rolls, the DNC simply took the vote away from people in a literal sense. They moved the reduced number of polling places. And Bernie's team didn't see this coming? Sorry, but Bernie did not protest in advance. Whose fault is that? JoJo is an idiot, yet Bernie does not call him out on his failing competency--until too late. After the primary late.
My son went to an organizing meeting for a Bernie's
canvassing group. There were votes for positions like a VP for the group or so. And questions were asked to those who wanted to be elected into that position.
One guy, who wanted that position in the group, said he is a Veteran and tried to use that fact to his advantage.
My son asked him, who he would vote for, if Bernie wouldn't get nominated. Within a second the guy said Biden. Then my son asked him, why he would not vote for Tulsi, as she is a Veteran, who actually cares for Veterans, and the guy started to ridicule my son for such an outlandish vote for someone who could never win. He followed up smearing Tulsi to be of a rich, privileged family in HI.
My son is still furious and tremendously 'done' with it today.
But as this was a typical small kind of meeting in a small town somewhere on a small island somewhere in the middle of nowhere etc., it shows that the whole support for Biden was a planned ploy by elite Democrats and the DNC against Sanders and for Biden. Biden is the lamest nice person one could get as the next President. Just not the right man. My son then said he is a Veteran too and the last person, he would work for is someone, who misuses his Veteran status to exploit it for political gains and left.
It is also known among those who canvass for Sanders, that Bloomberg is paying them to support Biden. It is an open air spectacle of the worst kind of bribery and manipulation.
I told my son to get out of the whole thing. He is a war Veteran and just can't get over so much shit. It's just too demoralizing to watch it happen in real life.
Here's the take away Ed...
Is Jimmy Dore crying or laughing or honestly mad and rightly so?
Alligator, I can't imagine many here are laughing, I can imagine many here are crying.
AND I can imagine here many are honestly mad and rightly so.
Let's be honestly mad at the situation and let's not be mad at you. The latter would be irrelevant. The former would be necessary.
Jim Dore was crying and not laughing.
His video was as honest as he could be, imo.
Jimmie Dore explains it in detail
Now, I guarantee this will piss people off. I make no aspersions and cast no intentionality of any one who may read what I write here. This is an idea, a strategy, presented with what I consider reasonable support for my observations. Many here disagree. More power to you.
Before I get to the heart of this comment, it is important to state that I am glad for the existence of ardent Berniecrats. They, including some of you, are going to be pushing hard on the DNC before and during the convention. Berniecrats are disciplining the DNC in broad daylight--the DNC does not like it. The DNC will continue not liking the Bernie campaign as long as there is a Bernie campaign.
This is to acknowledge all the good Berniecrats have done and are continuing to do.
Character is the true determinant of action
Integrity is the tenacity with which one maintains long-held principles
Strength is the ability to confront opponents.
The above provides the theoretical basis for my conclusions. Some may have noticed this pattern in other reptilian essays.
Character: a man filled with empathy, love for humanity, but lacking.
Strength: kisses the ring of H. Rodent Clinton
no protests about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
plays along with Tom Perez on a bullshit Unity tour
refuses to call out JoJo on anything--just as he buried HRC's dirty emails.
Integrity recently strained with flip-flops on items such as border control, even not signaling the the New Way Forward Act is a disaster.
Additional Super Tuesday commentary by Tim Canova
Love Tim Canova
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Tulsi Gabbard and 2024
Assuming Bernie Sanders isn't the 2020 Democratic nominee, we will be faced with 4 more years of Donald Trump. Tulsi Gabbard is a likely choice to pick up the banner in 2024. She will need Bernie's supporters. I hope those supporters aren't so disillusioned by his loss and by the scorn heaped on them by the "I told you so" crowd that they decide not to participate at all.
Had a conversation with a 21 year old
Co-worker of mine last night who canvassed with me here in California and who has been very emotionally invested in this election. With tears in her eyes, she told me why this election was so important to her: M4A will probably lengthen the life of her diabetic brother.
While you may be tempted to think of her as gullible and naive for believing her involvement mattered, I can assure you that neither she, nor I, are laughing about what happened on Super Tuesday.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
if brother has T2D
Please tell your friend about Dr Jason Fung's results curing the disease.
Here's one of many videos just 12 min...
...and another one at 35 min if she has an interest
Diabetes is a curable disease. As a dietary disease, it demands a dietary treatment.
Food is medicine, but most folks just have been as misled about diet as politics.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you Lookout
I will pass on the information. She'll probably be receptive to it since she's very health conscious food wise.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The brother is likely T1D because he developed it young
One of my children has T1D, so I know first hand what's involved as she got it age 6. One of my parents was T2D. All she had to do was use low sugar foods and take 1 pill daily. Yes, there are much more difficult T2D cases but they are less than a majority--not even a plurality of the general T2D population--many of whom don't discover they have the disease until years after it started.
Hey Lookout, T2D is not necessarily "curable"
People on corticosteroids often get hyperglycemia, which some would call "DM", but which may totally resolve providing the pancreatitis hasn't destroyed too much of the organ.
Furthermore, DM is not simply a dietary disease, which you claim. Even in purportedly well-controlled DM as indicated by a satisfactory HbA1c level, patients are prone to peripheral neuropathy, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and elevated risk of dementia in old age.
So, when I hear something quack like a duck---you know the rest.
Dark humor, gallows humor
is a known response to horrible events. It takes the place of crying.
Anger is another substitute for crying.
This is tough time for everyone. Might be best to pull together in mutual support.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Thanks, Laurel
If people do not learn the following message, then they will have an unhappy life. I don't advise a pollyanna attitude. Bad and evil are real. But, it's far better to do this:
I liked it AE
I am probably not very average or normal by most measures, but I enjoyed your post AE, and found or took no offense. I thought it was well done. You made lots of great points, well. I think people are really hurting right now watching the ratFery happening before their eyes in real time and sensitivity may be high. I did not get the impression some others apparently did, and I do not think it was your intent. Maybe a certain level of cynicism is needed to catch the subtle nuance of the humor in the cynicism?
I could not agree more with the concept of 'are you gonna laugh or cry about it?' Humor is a great way of mentally dealing with the shat of life.
I guess the Tulsi blackout precludes news of that blackout.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Thank you
Not helpful, Dude
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thanks Anja...
I'm going to add condescension to the Alligator Ed shit list.
FWiW: Not this member...
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard