Sunday Open Thread: January 14th is the Medieval Feast of the Ass**

This feast may represent a Christian adaptation of the pagan feast, Cervulus, integrating it with the donkey in the nativity story.[2] In connection with the Biblical stories, the celebration was first celebrated in the 11th century, inspired by the pseudo-Augustinian "Sermo contra Judaeos" c. 6th century.In the second half of the 15th century, the feast disappeared gradually, along with the Feast of Fools, which was stamped out around the same time. It was not considered as objectionable as the Feast of Fools.[3]
A girl and a child on a donkey would be led through town to the church, where the donkey would stand beside the altar during the sermon, and the congregation would "hee-haw" their responses to the priest.
World History this day
1539 -- Spain annexed Cuba.
1943 -- The Japanese began their evacuation from Guadalcanal
1943 -- The Casablanca Conference began
1953 -- Tito became the first President of Yugoslavia.
US History this day
1784 -- Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris
1954 -- Hudson merged with Nash-Kelvinator to become the American Motors Corporation.
Science & Technology this day
1911 -- Amundsen's expedition made landfall on the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf.
1950 -- The first flight of the earliest prototype of the MiG-17
The Arts this day
1952 -- The first broadcast of the Today show with Dave Garroway. (but is it art??)
Misc. this day
1967 -- The Human Be-In held in Golden Gate Park, started the Summer of Love.
Birthdays of Note this day
1875 -- Albert Schweitzer, physician and explorer
1886 -- Hugh Lofting, author
1896 -- John Dos Passos, nvelist, poet, and playwright
1901 -- Alfred Tarski, mathematician, logician and philosopher
1904 -- Emily Hahn, journalist, author, early feminist
1908 -- Russ Columbo, singer, violinist, and composer
1912 -- Tillie Olsen, writer and activist
1921 -- Murray Bookchin, author and political philosopher
1924 -- Carole Cook, singer and actress
1930 -- Johnny Grande, pianist, accordianist and comet
1936 -- Clarence Carter, singer and songwriter
1938 -- Jack Jones, singer and actor
1938 -- Billie Jo Spears, country singer, of course
1938 -- Allen Toussaint, singer, songwriter, pianist, producer
1943 -- Shannon Lucid, biochemist and astronaut
1948 -- T Bone Burnett, singer, songwriter, suitarist and producer
1969 -- Dave Grohl, singer, songwriter, guitarist, drummer
Deaths of Note this day
1742 -- Edmond Halley, astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist
1753 -- George Berkeley, philosopher
1874 -- Johann Philipp Reis, physicist, invented own phone
1898 -- Lewis Carroll, mathematician, logician, author and poet
1905 -- Ernst Abbe, physicist, optics wallah, worked with Zeiss
1965 -- Jeanette MacDonald, actress and singer
1977 -- Anais Nin, author
1978 -- Kurt Godel, mathematician and philosopher
So now some music
Jefferson Airplane
Big Brother
Grateful Dead
Photo: Image from page 309 of "Cyclopedia of farm animals" (1922)
It's an open thread, so do your thing

Good morning, el ~~
Thanks for the morning history-lesson OT. Always so interesting! Who knew there was an official feast of the ass? I can think of a few asses who should be participants, and the shithole country in which they reside...
Hard to believe we are already in mid-January.
Those songs are from my youth and bring back great memories.
Have a beautiful day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good morning, RA. Yeah, everyday is the feast of the ass
anymore. Those songs are magic. I was there, the bands were and the park was fully saturated with peoplee on the back of a small flatbed truck carrying a generator.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning,
el, and everyone.
Great music selection! Thank you, el!
I'd like to go to a be-in today.
Good morning, O'Linda. Just be your own be-in, I guess.
It would be nice, I guess, though getting there could well be a nightmare, even using BART and muni. I recall being there but not getting there. Wonder where the hell we parked.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
My parents took me to the Human Be-In
They wanted to see Dick Gregory, probably. My siblings were teenagers then, proud war resisting draft dodgers. It seemed like there was something going on all time, every weekend. Summer of Love baby! I remember lots of free concerts in GG Park through the 70s too.
Nowadays I hate the google with a blind fury, it is not healthy. Usually I block youtube completely to get some relief from the corporate overlords who have destroyed San Francisco yet again. Fuck them and their ancestors too. Also Zuck, there are a hundred more billionaires, that is the problem. Please, just leave us alone. wah
too many people
Morning eyo. Glad you got to go, it was a healthy and vaguely
inspirational event. I can't imagine it happening today, nor the
summeryear that followed. It was a time. I won't speak of Zuck and his dystopian invention - it bodes no good.That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Women’s March anniversary events planned in Sonoma County
Nothing says resistance like a facebook march, Indivisible deck chair rearrangement. There will be a huge effort now to prevent "offshore drilling" when everyone
knowsshould know that 5% will be the absolute last choice of any oil pumping developer. Be sure to fight your ass off against ... nothing, and polish the shiny D voting records. Yeah, no.My "representative" just killed Rent Control in committee, by abstention. bwock-bwock, the chicken sht won't even allow the conversation to proceed. Who knows if Rent Control will help? Nobody has tried, nobody will talk about it. Nobody provides living wages, nobody controls the obscene greed. That is why I am for Nobody 2018.
Melanie Safka - Look What They've Done To My Song Ma
Vote for Nobody!
What a great idea for a campaign button!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
In the early sixties you could get "Nobody for President"
bumper stickers, from someplace like the realist iirc.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
They don't call it guber for nothin'
Speaking of asses ... Newsom settles in as center of his rivals' attention in first major debate of California governor's race
Not anymore, but go on. LA Times gave Eastin three paragraphs in that whole hot mess. huh
2017: LA Times Ousts Editor-Publisher and Other Top Managers
Edit: add some quote for lulz context "reading is too hard":
LOL keep going
NowPlaying: Doobie Brothers, NOBODY
Hi, C99p Marylanders, is that true?
German media say that Chelsea Manning wants to run for the Senate taking over Ben Cardin's seat.
Manning will für US-Senat kandidieren
and google translated
Why did her name not appear on the State of Maryland's list of registered candidates?
"wants to run for the Democrats"
I have nothig to add but humor. Ask the D party of Maryland, they should know if Chelsea's running, right?(YUGE countdown clock thingy, tick tick tick...)
As people count their bonuses. zzzzz Is there even a mid-term election occurring? Who knows? lol
Edited to add: Srsly, monitors changes to the candidate list in every state, if you like to follow such things there is even an RSS feed
sigh, my first reaction reading that
German version (I know who produced that) was, heh, really she would run FOR and WITH the Democrats? Well, may be it's her Thank YOU to Obama for 'pardoning" her "sins" and getting her out of prison early. Sigh.
Oh, and thanks for the other link. You are so capable of knowing where to look.
The Duopoly wins again!
Way too many people think there are ONLY two parties in this country, or at least that there are only two parties that stand any chance at all, ever, of winning at the polls. And as long as they believe that, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy and a self-evident truth. And nothing will change.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Good morning, Maven. Thanks for succinctly reminding us of
the insidious self-fulfilling prophecy of the "two party system" that provides cover to the plundergarchy.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning, mimi. Joe isn't usually here, fwiw, and I recall
no other Maryland peeps. I assume Chelsea would need to run as an independent & jump many hurdles to be listed. I can't imagine the state Democratic party machine letting her run in their primary. Nonetheless, the Green Papers list her as a Dem Candidate.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
" the Green Papers list her as a Dem Candidate"
Mon 15 Jan 2018 12:00a 54 changes to the candidate list
Now everyone can start throwing money that way I guess. good luck
That's a good question, mimi
Could have something to do with her being convicted, whether in military or civilian court. Newsweek is indicating that she can legally run, despite serving 7 years by court martial. Her sentence was commuted by Obama.
Her running and winning would strike a real blow to the establishment of both sides. Yay!
"The horse does not eat cucumber salad"
JOHANN Philipp Reis
Whatever works.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
That's what Chelsea Manning says herself
Chelsea Manning confirms US Senate Run
and this is what Glen Greenwald has to say about that in response to an idiotic tweet, which I can't and won't copy here. I would have to log in to my old twitter account to do that, and as I want to boycott twitter I have to wait 30 days til it's completely deleted and can't log in. Just read the truthdig article. It's all in there.
Glen Greenwald said:
Thanks, mimi.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Morning EL and all
I hereby solemnly swear to 'Just Be' this day to honor of our brave
fighterslovers for peace and love too long ago.Solved this keyboard issue yesterday when I ordered a Daskeyboard S Pro with Cherry 'clicky' key switches. I'm going to rock it 'old school' baybee'.
Programing note: Expect another installment of the 'Peruvian Beach Shack Report'(TM - No rights reserved) - 'Getting out of this 'shithole' country and back Peru as fast as I can' edition
Have a great day all. Nuthin but love peeps.
I want a Pony!
Hola, Arrow. Good to hear about the keyboard. I have a
cheapo non-clickey bluetooth keyboard I sometimes used with my old tablet. It's memory limits finally forced me to upgrade & the cover for my new one has a built-in keyboard, albeit cramped and weird. It really helps with log-ins and stuff life that, but I've tried no major scribbling with it yet.
Meanwhile, all the luck in the world with
and anxiously await your report.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
If I could leave this shithole country tommorow, I would.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Good afternoon, Aspie. I'm surprised that the rest of the world
doesn't wall us in, but we do have money and many decent people all else notwithstanding.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks, EL
For the Janis Joplin "Ball an Chain" video.
I'll swear that was Mama Cass Elliot in the audience mouthing the the word "Wow" and John and Michelle Phillips sitting right there.
Or was that my imagination?
I spent the Summer of Love in LA. But we had Griffith Park and the Sunset Strip to unleash and become aware. It was a special time that cannot be forgotten.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Good afternoon, earthling1. That was indeed Mama and Michelle
in the audience being somewhat stunned. I was across the bay in Berkeley, so I spent plenty of time in SF, and we had our own scene too.
I still remember the Be-In quite clearly, including wondering if Ginsburg would ever stop with the mantras. Mantras, imho, are personal and I would much rather have heard him read Howl.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Feast of the Ass you say?
Three moles were huddled in their burrow: Papa Mole, Mama Mole, and Baby Mole. Due to the limited burrow opening, only Papa and Mama could peek their heads out of the burrow.
Papa Mole: I smell French toast and maple syrup!
Mama mole: I smell strawberry jelly!
Baby mole: All I smell is molasses!
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --