Sun AM – 7-24-2016 – Tim Kaine updates – what a horrible mistake – complete lunacy – does HRC staff have no memory of the buyers remorse voters had with Obama – Kaines nomination is one that only an extremely reckless person would ever consider or make
The Tim Kaine nomination is profoundly wrong. Wrong with an 50+% chance of being a profoundly horrible mistake for everyone in this county. A mistake that will hit the 98% of Americans who are not already Millionaires and Billionaires especially hard.
The three powerful reasons why no Democratic party US Senator - especially a harder to replace southern Senator - should be proactively taken from their Senate seat in the next 2 years are:
1) US Democratic Party Senators ability to get anything done through Democratic Party Control of the US Senate –
Why would anyone trade a nearly certain 10+ more years for Tim Kaine to be a Virginia US Senator for a high probability of that the Democrats will only hold his seat for as little as 12 months or maybe only 48 months since voters in VA will be required to twice elect a Democrat Senator to retain what is already belongs to the party.
2) Supreme Court Justices -
If the Democrats lose control of the Senate in 2017-2018 the choice of Tim Kaine will be a strong reason why that will happen. HRC’s Presidency would likely be over and everyone can forget any appointment of reasonable Judges to the court or the passage of any significant maintenance, let alone progressive legislation.
Does anyone remember how many US Senate seats were lost by Democrats in the first 24 months of Obama's Presidency?
Eight (8) - Democratic Party US Senate Seats were lost in the first 24 Months of Obama's Presidency - yes that is not a typo - 8 seats changed parties - 6 in the Nov 2010 election and 2 in special elections such as the one for Kerry's seat in Massachusetts
Anyone thinking that the buyer’s remorse for HRC will be smaller - calmer than it was for Obama is likely to be proven very wrong. The tea party idiots might even impeach her. Why would anyone except an extremely reckless or narcissistic person put any of our Senate seats in play that we don’t have to?
3) Hundreds of Federal Court Lifetime Appointments in every State in the Union –
See previous answers to #1 and #2.
Other reasons to oppose Tim Kaine for Vice President - although in my humble opinion these pale in comparison.
Besides the fact that Tim Kaine was the worst DNC chairperson in the last 50 years - his expansion of the DNC's data collection, management and security problems to a private contractor Clinton family friend - a system that DWS still has no clue about how the party chair should be managing it. His track record was so bad you have to go back to when Windell Wilkie was running for President to see a worse party chair. Incompetent would be a kind term for Tim Kaine.
Some Tim Kaine reddit and other story links just before and just after HRC selected him to be their running mate.
Whoa...Democrats are revolting over the revolting Tim Kaine
Noticed that Tim Kaine was trending on twitter so clicked on it. The reason it's trending is that Democrats are BEGGING Hillary not to pick him. Here are a few samples:
@timkaine I have just been informed you are in the pocket of the banks & Wall Street I guess Hillary decided she didn't want to be POTUS
If @HillaryClinton chooses @timkaine as her VP, I'm giving up on America's political system. #MoreOfTheSame
(cory booker, julian castro, elizabeth warren. please not tim kaine.)
@therealezway more center right dem social programs and endless war...parties have merged #TimKaine
@Nate_Cohn If Tim Kaine is being groomed as the future of the Dems, ooh boy.
I have a feeling that @HillaryClinton is picking @timkaine for VP, and if she does I'm staying home on Election Day. President Trump
Tim Kaine vp pick shows that the party is shifting even more right/corporate sorry to say the democrats are no longer the peoples party.
There are literally thousands of these and she hasn't even announced him yet. What a disaster in the making for the Clinton campaign.
Trump Tweet slams Tim Kaine's love of TPP
Trump should call this one "Job Killer Kaine"!
The memes write themselves ladies & gentlemen
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 23 hours agoTim Kaine is, and always has been, owned by the banks. Bernie supporters are outraged, was their last choice. Bernie fought for nothing!
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump 18 hours agoTim Kaine has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been pushing hard to get it approved. Job killer!
Tim Kaine advocated for banking deregulation earlier this week. Does this harm Clinton if she selects him as her VP? submitted 2 days ago by ceqarht
Is bank (de)regulation a big enough issue to matter with voters? Would selecting Kaine alienate Sanders supports who are still undecided about Clinton? [Editors note: No American institution had gotten more free money and used it greedily on themselves and is less popular around the country than Wall Street.]
When Tim Kaine was DNC chair, the Democrats had a net loss of 63 House seats (self.Kossacks_for_Sanders) Submitted 1 day ago by thatguy4243
That loss in 2010 is the biggest loss for either party in an election since 1948 when Thomas E. Dewey ran for President. Tim Kaine is the Historic proven part Chairperson with the worst election results record in the last 68 years. Couldn't cut it then, won't cut it now..
The Democratic party was also decimated in state races that year right before redistricting, which led to the very gerrymandered districts we have this decade that make it almost impossible for the Democrats to take back the House.
(Photo detail: Twitpic/@HillaryClinton)
Here’s what Hillary Clinton’s selection of Tim Kaine as her VP tells us:
- She suffers from a possibly fatal mix of arrogance and political cluelessness that may well hand the election to Trump;
- She is totally beholden to the Oligarchy she claims to want to reign in;
- She’s not a progressive – and her so-called leftward “evolution” on issues was a calculated, cynical and clumsy attempt to neutralize Sanders.
Marching and demonstrating Tim Kaine Protest Chant
- Hey, Hey,
- Ho, Ho,
- Tim Kaine,
- has got to go!

Was he the only one who spoke Spanish?
Why didn't she pick Jeb!? Pandering to the latinos. So obvious.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
He's so bad...[insert joke here].
But really, someone else pointed out that now she cannot be indicted/impeached. Look who would be president.
The same might be said of Trump, and before them, McCain.
Cynical insurance plan, says the cynic.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Nice essay. Thank you for all that information.
Terrific diary. You've pulled together a lot of information
much if which I'd either forgotten or didn't know in the first place.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"