Russiagate is destroying the Democratic Party
Kayne the Putin Puppet.
It had to happen sometime.
Kanye's recent coordinations with Trump, along with his use of inflammatory rhetoric and symbols (Confederate Flag) reek of "provokatsiya."
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) May 2, 2018
Democrats in Congress plan to release details about 3,000 Facebook ads linked to Russiagate.
I'm looking forward to this because I like puppy-memes, and stuff like this.
It's wrong to compare Russiagate to Watergate.
Watergate started with a known crime and it was only a matter of finding out how high it went.
Russiagate is more like Whitewater - an investigation in search of a crime to justify it.
The official accusations are a complete joke, and the underlying xenophobia in the Dems' accusations are just embarrassing.
21 months of investigations have passed, and right now the main focus isn't even on the still unproven collusion accusations. It's focus is on hush money to porn stars.
All we are missing is a stained blue dress.
Is Susan Sarandon a Russian bot?
— Kate Willett (@katewillett) November 27, 2017
While Russiagate succeeds at stirring the party's base into a frenzy, there are serious problems with this insanity.
What the Democratic Party has not recognized is that Trump’s legal dramas, though good for ratings, have done little to benefit the political opposition. On the contrary: President Trump’s approval rating has been on the upswing. He stands at 44 percent approval in the Real Clear Politics average, his highest rating in a year.Meanwhile, since December, the Democratic advantage on the congressional generic ballot has been cut in half, from plus 13 points to plus 6.5 points. In a new survey, pollsters for Democracy Corps and Women’s Voices Women’s Vote Action Fund, while optimistic about Democratic chances in the fall, nonetheless concede that the party’s “momentum has stalled in the last few months.”
If Russiagate was working then why are the Dems falling in the polls?
Why have Dems literally never been more unpopular?
Why doesn't everyone "see the light" when it comes to Trump?
The American electorate has not changed fundamentally in the decades since the Clinton presidency, when in the words of the late Jeffrey Bell it held a “bifurcated view” that separated the man from his policies. And as long as the policies seemed to be working, the man’s opponents found themselves wrapped around the axle of personal disgust, waiting in frustration for voters to recognize and repudiate defects of character that were all too plain to see.Trump became president despite majority personal disapproval. His victory depended on a coalition between his devoted fans and more traditional Republican voters who, despite misgivings, supported him because they concluded that the alternative was worse personally and politically. Evaluations of his character are now “priced in” to the electoral market.
Everyone that cared about Trump's personality had already taken a position back in 2016. Moralizing about Trump isn't going to win over a single voter. Not then, not now, and not tomorrow.
The only thing it will do is harden people's positions.
So why do Dems and the media bother to put Russigate front and center?
For the media is makes good ratings (see Rachel Maddow). Simplistic konspiracy theories for complex real-world situations sells well to people too lazy to form their own opinions.
The incessant spotlight on the lawyers, on their clients and subjects and targets, not only occupies the attention of Democrats and the anti-Trump Resistance to the exclusion of other topics. It also relieves them of any responsibility to come up with a substantive message. The voters, by contrast, read the headlines with a cursory or prurient interest as they go about their lives in the real world of work, family, community, and faith.
I would also add that it relieves the Dems of acknowledging their own epic failures of policy since the 1990's, and especially under Obama.
Trump is actually the best possible gift the Democratic establishment could ever have wanted - a constant distraction from policy.
Finally, what caused Trump's numbers to go up? Republicans like to point to the tax bill, but they are only "talking their book".
The tax bill passed in December, yet Trump’s approval began its most recent rise in March. That is exactly when he announced, against the wishes of his some of his own advisers and the Republican Congress, his first round of steel and aluminum tariffs. It is Trump’s desire to combat offshoring and deindustrialization, more than the tax bill, which is galvanizing his base and strengthening his economic message. More even than immigration, trade and manufacturing were the issues that distinguished Trump from elites in both parties and won him a mass majority of white voters without college degrees.
This would imply that a) Trump supporters are paying attention, b) voted for him for reasons other than racism, and c) that the Dems' firm embrace of NAFTA and TPP cost them the Rust Belt.
Not only is this logical, it is something the Democratic establishment will never, ever admit.

Maybe the Democratic Party will become a minor party
You know, the stand-for-nothing-besides-we're-not-Republicans party. Meanwhile, crickets. Nobody in America has the guts to stand for anything outside of periodic pie-in-the-sky, because third parties y'know. Prediction: Trump 2020 in a landslide.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Berniecrats can prevent this
If the Dems put up Biden, then yeh, I have to agree.
Russiagate is turning democrats into right wing reactionaries.
As Jimmy Dore and others have pointed out, democrats are attacking Trump from policies they have adopted from the right. Particularly in matters of war/peace, the MIC, natural security, and foreign policy. Democrats are now engaging in a McCarthyism that matches that of the John Birch society. They have adopted even the tactics of gop sexual scandals. On taxes democrats were utterly passive except earlier in the year sponsoring marches for Trump to reveal his returns.
While the democrats pimp identity politics they engage in smear tactics against black movements and activists not favored by the white democratic establishment. They smear BLM and black activists as Russian puppets for merely appearing on Russian media to discuss issues uniquely related to African Americans. Hell, hyper loyal Donna Brazille was accused of being a Russian puppet for her book. The female anti-war leftist Jill Stein is branded a traitor.
As are the republicans
Can't begin to tell you how many people believe that they too are in cahoots with Putin.
Now for a good laugh, get this. Trump's decision to stop funding the White Helmets is because Putin told him to. Yep. The White Helmets are a nice branch of Al Qaida whose soul purpose is to help civilians in war zones. Anyone who said that they are a propaganda outfit were flagged.
Plus Putin is behind Trumps decision to tear up the Iran deal. He wants a war with Iran to make gas prices to go sky high in order to hurt and further destabilize this country. And ...... Putin is backing the white nationalists and the far right in Ukraine.
Would anyone have believed this nonsense if it was Trump saying that after he lost the election?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Wow. Putin is backing the Russian hating Ukraine nationalists?
Reminds me of my ex-inlaws who were rabid born again Pentecostals who saw the work of the devil in all things. Got a cold? Ah you let the devil in.
Ayup. This is true
Read the comments in that diary on the White Helmets. I was blown away by how they think that they are legitimate health care aid workers, but I was further blown away by some of the comments. One of our own was trying to enlighten them and he got flagged big time. I tried helping him out, but it was a losing battle.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They'll never admit it.
The democratic establishment blows off trade like it's not a big deal.
Well, if trade is not a big deal, why did Hillary drop the TPP like a hot potato during the primaries?
Policy is hard. It's much easier for a large part of the democratic base to focus on racists, misogynists etc. than it is for them to understand policy, which is great for the democratic establishment, allowing them not to make 'costly' (to their big donors) policy proposals.
As I've said numerous times, "The oligarchs have harnessed the power of identity politics."
Mike Taylor
So here is a question about responding to Russia hysteria
First thanks for tracking the hysteria over the Russians. Serious question. Is it worth the effort to respond to postings on such sites as TOP regarding their Russiagate hysteria and McCarthyism?
It seems regardless of where I go on the tubes, Russian hysteria has become embedded in a resolute vicious xenophobia and paranoia beyond reason, logic, and discussion. It seems engagement is now utter impossible.
Just a waste of time?
Literally, postings and comment areas have become like this which someone once posted.
Just asking for a friend?
In my opinion, no it wouldn't do any good to try to tell them the truth there. They eat, sleep and poop Russia Gate and they are so deep in the punchbowl I'm not sure even if Rachel came out and said, "my bad, Russia had nothing to do with Hillary losing to Trump. She did it all on her own" that they would believe her.
I don't know if it's partly because some of the front pagers have been pushing it hard since it started and that's why some were willing to believe it, but that was what they were doing. I wonder if the
FP-ers believe it or if they were just doing what they were told to write. I've watched as they take a statement that is clear as a bell and distort the Hell out of it and no one calls them on it. I'm surprised by how many long term members have bought into it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The more I hear about the goings on @ TOP
Sounds more and more cultish every day and it was already too far into that zone when I stopped going.
Wtf is it about that woman that she was able to get otherwise reasonably intelligent and rational thinkers into such a pack of idiotic lunatics?
The crazy... It burns....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Whatever it is it started with Obama
They were against the things that he did when Bush did them, but once Obama replaced George people went silent. And they would not hear about from people who still had principals. What makes this even worse is now they have decided that Obama's critics were actually Russian bots. And no I'm not making this up. Their site is much more peaceful now that the Russian bots have left or were banned. This is how insane that place is now.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
FP'ers told to push Russian hysteria. Make it up if needed.
Yah, pretty useless to respond.
The Watergate comparisons might still come into play
Hillary's role in the Steele dossier as well as the Obama justice department's is where I make this comparison. Did someone have Carter Page join the Trump campaign before or after the FISA warrant was taken out on him? Remember he had previously been wiretapped years before Trump even declared his intention of running.
The Jesus ad sure made me give a second thought to who I was going to vote for. Anyone else who saw it do this too?
Russia Gate is not just about getting Trump out, it has had some other ramifications such as what Google did to their algorithms, censoring, Russiaphobia and others. But one of the biggest results it's had is that it's pretty much all the media and left leaning websites have been focusing on.
Oh yeah. It also keeps democrats from having to come up with something to run on and for their supporters to not notice that they haven't. This sure seems to be working.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The ad
"Hillary is a Satan"
not the Satan, but one of many Satan's.
Until I saw that ad I was unaware of this fact.
Now my world has been turned upside down and I am unable to rationally function, thus making me vulnerable to Kremlin mind control.
Either that or the guy wasn't a native English speaker.
Win or lose, Democrats get paid.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The Clooney Rule
I think he meant to say democrats needed big money while fighting big money while personally making big money.
On the lighter side
Mueller denied delay in arraignment of one of the Russian Troll Farm defendant's case:
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Well duh! Isn't that what's supposed to happen in cases?
When someone charges someone else with a crime then eventually it's going to end up in the courts. And then the party that is being charged usually retains a lawyer, right? And then their lawyer gets to see the evidence for why their client is being charged. Doesn't Mueller know that?
This would only be embarrassing if the prosecutor doesn't have evidence of a crime being committed. Right, or am I reading this wrong?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sensitive information about what? The cartoons that were drawn for their devil worship ads?
Ahhhhgggh! How much stupider can this get?
It's not like an advertising agency deals with
national security issues that would be harmful if the world knew about their ads. Russia Gate is going to be called stupidgate pretty soon if Mueller keeps doing stuff like that.
It should be called stupidgate already, IMO.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
What is this "Russiagate" of which you speak?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Is this
a crime? Is this what the Russian citizens have been charged with?
Maybe I'm out of every loop that exists, but is that really the definition of what they've been charged with? Fomenting strife among Americans? Can't we be relied upon to foment our own strife? How did this "charge" get even to the point it's at right now? I'm just ranting, but do the ladies and men who take this seriously ever consider what they're saying?
Here's another
description of it:
A person or a group can be indicted for using techniques to politically divide Americans?
Even if Mueller can't produce evidence because of its sensitivity, are they serious about suggesting that the American people were divided by Russia? Were we supposed to have been happily embraced in a loving harmony before Russia started this fiendish attack, but now we're politically divided? For the first time in our history?
I know I'm ranting, but is it possible the hysteria that has run this political circus is finally being faced with having to deal with the law?
@Linda Wood I read the indictments
Thank you
for shaking me into realizing I could actually read the indictments, which I should do. I openly admit I'm freaking out that my government is so shoddy. If it is what you say, it doesn't sound like something we have to modernize our nuclear weapons over or re-build our fleet of submarines over. Thank you for actually reading the indictments.
If they didn't talk about made-up nonsense...
... they would have to talk about real solutions to real problems, like nationalizing the banks, Federalizing the food supply in anticipation of famine within a decade, slashing the military, and universal minimum income.
Because you know Russia wants us to do all of that, so it must be bad.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
In our small part of the world,
Unless you're routinely listening to NPR podcasts, or MSNBC broadsides, nobody cares about this stuff. Even the local rag (StarHillbot) has given up.
Stormy Daniels, Windy Daniels.... Typhoon Daniels........?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Russiagate is destroying the Democratic Party????
It's gonna have to wait in line 'til Schumer, Pelosi and all the other hacks are finished with it.
@Snode ouch! That hurt!
I snorted at that just right and managed to give myself a back spasm.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
3,000 Facebook ads, 60% of which were placed AFTER the
US elections, placed by some obscure Russian character who is said to be Putin's "chef", who spent about $100,000, denied Her Heinousness the presidency.
It is obvious Putin has mastered The Force. The key to developing Jedi-like mind control is to develop three critically important human qualities: Empathy, Intelligence, and Resolve.
"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded."
The US is now ripping itself apart internally with Putin's skillfully designed and implanted "Russiagate" memes.
It all makes sense now.
Putin has to be a Jedi
The "greatest nation on earth", a veritable "beacon of democracy", a "shining city upon a hill" has been brought to its knees by a dozen or so Russian bloggers on Facebook and Twitter. This, despite the US having the world's premier intelligence agencies that collects every single communication between its citizens and foreign nations. (Maybe they were too busy watching the sexting videos of beautiful Russian women that Putin is known to consort with?)
Of course, these bloggers had help from Russian media who reported facts and truths about such things as Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall St. and Dakota Access Pipeline protests. The horror of it all - holding up a mirror so America can see itself in a clearer light.
What has been alleged by idiots on websites such as DKos, is that Putin has managed to sway a large portion of the 139,000,000 American voters to vote for his man, Trump, using a force of 13 young individuals sitting in front of computer terminals munching on pirozhki and drinking kvass. What is even more remarkable, it was done at a cost of $100,000 compared to the $6,000,000,000 spent by Americans.
What kind of mind fuck does it take to believe that story?????
Either Putin MUST have mastered the Jedi Mind Trick or, what is more reasonable, the people who believe this shiite are exceptionally weak minded and can be herded like sheep by their handlers.
The remaining hardcore DKosr's appear to have been so thoroughly and continuously sheep-dipped they are no longer capable of thinking rationally.
If Trump wants to destroy the Dim's chances
of making a comeback in the fall, he should allow Mueller's investigation to continue at least until then.
IF he was smart,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
made a clear and powerful case for international coordination to stop illegal funding and support for terrorism and to fight terrorism in his address to the UN in 2015.
I don't think the pop-up-puppy ads were consistent with his strong messages. In fact, they are the weak and silly prank-like antics consistent with Langley at its most desperate.
Here is a long excerpt from the 2015 address.
Let it. Good.
GOPuke Lite ain't worth saving! Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.