Russia nearly bombed U.S. troops in Syria

I've been trying to get people to pay attention to this ticking time bomb at Manbij (here and here).
Well, now the political fuse has been lit.

Russian aircraft mistakenly struck U.S.-backed forces in northern Syria, a U.S. general said Wednesday.
The airstrikes resulted in some casualties among the Syrian Arab force, said Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander of coalition forces supporting Iraqi and Syrian forces battling the Islamic State. He did not say how many people were injured.
The Russians likely believed they were hitting Islamic State targets and ceased the strikes on Tuesday once they were notified by U.S. forces, Townsend told reporters during a video press briefing.

The bombs were close enough that the American troops could watch it happen.

Watch heads explode on TOP if/when they discover this happened. Which hasn't happened yet (I just looked) and they may not figure it out for days because, well, they are morons, and are more concerned with virtue signaling than having a REAL reason for an anti-Russian rant.
Meanwhile, the biggest danger to U.S. forces in Syria is Turkey.

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Big Al's picture

they'll make one. FYI, Russia is denying this, so who knows. What we do know is the U.S. is waging an illegal war in Syria and has been for five years.

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@Big Al
but that isn't the point here.
The question is: What the fuck are our troops doing in Manbij?

Unless they are there to train Kurds to fight Turkey, then it makes no sense.

And if they are there to train Kurds to fight Turkey, then it still makes no sense. But at least it's a reason

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Amanda Matthews's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit @gjohnsit
problems with one western (**cough the US cough**) country trying to destabilize the Syrian government? But it's okay when we do it. In a foreign country. In a part of the world that we have no business tearing apart. And that didn't do anything to us but have a leader, a barbaric despot like Hussein, that we don't like?

U.S. Admits Airstrike in Syria, Meant to Hit ISIS, Killed Syrian Troops

BEIRUT, Lebanon — The United States acknowledged on Saturday that its warplanes had carried out an airstrike in Syria that resulted in the deaths of Syrian government troops. American military officials said the pilots in the attack, in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour, believed they were targeting the Islamic State.

Russia’s defense ministry said the United States attack had killed 62 Syrian troops, wounded 100 more and opened the way for an Islamic State offensive.


A senior Obama administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the strike was still being investigated, said the United States had relayed its regrets to the Syrian government through the Russians for the “unintentional loss of life of Syrian forces” fighting the Islamic State.

Russia, the Syrian government’s main ally, said it would call an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting to discuss the strikes.

The Syrian government insisted that the strike was not a mistake. Instead, the government said it was “a very serious and flagrant aggression” that aided the Islamic State and proved its long-held assertion that the United States supports the jihadist group as part of an effort to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

EDIT: Added highlight to the US

EDIT EDIT: Finished sentence that got cut off

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

for the reminder about that significant event in September.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

@Linda Wood @Linda Wood
not paying attention or if they figure our collective memory 'bank' is so small it could fit up a gnat's ass.

Such selective outrage some people have. Or in other words, it's okay when WE do it.

EDIT: Took out an extra 'they'

EDIT EDIT: Got an error message that the title of a comment can't be more than 64 characters long. I've NEVER seen that one before.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

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snoopydawg's picture

@Amanda Matthews @Amanda Matthews
cease fire that Kerry and his Russian counterpart worked out and it was the pentagon that deliberately bombed the Syrian troops because they didn't want the ceasefire to hold and they had been pressuring Obama to put troops into Syria.
There is so many of his foreign policy that I abhor, but he didn't succumb to the military's pressure to put more troops into the countries that he had used drones in.
People in congress, the pentagon, CIA and other groups were constantly asking for him to escalate the wars and I just finished reading an article about how people were happy that Obama was leaving and Hillary was going to be the president because she wanted a no fly zone over Syria and risk a war with Russia and possibly a war with Iran.
I'll try to find the article.

ETA The powers that be don't give a rat's ass what we think or if we are paying attention because they know that there isn't anything we can do about it.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.


there isn't anything we can do about it.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

government gave the okay for the attack.Those people are just as dead and we are just as responsible. And we are there because of Obama. He's they guy who was running things when we decided to start meddling in Syria's civil war. He and Kerry had some mighty big regime change plans for that country just like they did Libya.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

Paybacks maybe? Or just too many meddlers in this country's

problems with one western (**cough the US cough**) country trying to destabilize the Syrian government? But it's okay when we do it. In a foreign country. In a part of the world that we have no business tearing apart. And that didn't do anything to us but have a leader, a barbaric despot like Hussein, that we don't like? ...

We must never forget that this is more of the same old, same old, actually...

Syria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern
Massacres of civilians are being exploited for narrow geopolitical competition to control Mideast oil, gas pipelines

Nafeez Ahmed

Friday 30 August 2013

... Whatever the case, few recall that US agitation against Syria began long before recent atrocities, in the context of wider operations targeting Iranian influence across the Middle East.

In May 2007, a presidential finding revealed that Bush had authorised CIA operations against Iran. Anti-Syria operations were also in full swing around this time as part of this covert programme, according to Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker. A range of US government and intelligence sources told him that the Bush administration had "cooperated with Saudi Arabia's government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations" intended to weaken the Shi'ite Hezbollah in Lebanon. "The US has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria," wrote Hersh, "a byproduct" of which is "the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups" hostile to the United States and "sympathetic to al-Qaeda." He noted that "the Saudi government, with Washington's approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria," with a view to pressure him to be "more conciliatory and open to negotiations" with Israel. One faction receiving covert US "political and financial support" through the Saudis was the exiled Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

According to former French foreign minister Roland Dumas, Britain had planned covert action in Syria as early as 2009: "I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business", he told French television:

"I met with top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria. This was in Britain not in America. Britain was preparing gunmen to invade Syria." ...

... So what was this unfolding strategy to undermine Syria and Iran all about? According to retired NATO Secretary General Wesley Clark, a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense just a few weeks after 9/11 revealed plans to "attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years", starting with Iraq and moving on to "Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran." In a subsequent interview, Clark argues that this strategy is fundamentally about control of the region's vast oil and gas resources.

Much of the strategy currently at play was candidly described in a 2008 US Army-funded RAND report, Unfolding the Future of the Long War (pdf). ...

So, now they're moving onto Russia, China and others. No wonder that the world's most absurdly humongous military must suck America dry in order to expand enough to cover the world the US PTB war against.

It'll be much easier very shortly when life is gone from the planet and robots and computers run the corporations and, as their Prime Directive, make futile efforts to make money of their global control, with no humans or economy or much of anything else.

But at least there's some point to all this, a point clearly visible on the top of the conspirator's heads.

I seem to be having trouble searching out some of the articles I can vaguely recall reading, but below, we see both British and American politicians claiming that the leader they both wished to depose in one of the countries they wished to subjugate gassed his own citizens...

By Tucker Reals CBS News August 30, 2013, 4:50 PM
Syria chemical weapons attack blamed on Assad, but where's the evidence?

... With the possible exception of the intercepted phone calls, and the claim by Cameron on Thursday that regime soldiers had taken precautions typical of chemical weapons use, the vast majority of the evidence of Assad regime culpability presented by both Cameron, the Obama administration and their allies in France, Turkey and other nations, is circumstantial in nature.

It hinges largely on the argument, as Cameron put it Thursday, that there are simply "no plausible alternate scenarios." ...

Much like 'Russia hacked/influenced US elections!'... by the proof of Clinton/DNC corruption in their own communications leaked to WikiLeaks via emails which a concerned insider delivered - and those released to the public by a judge.

Recycled propaganda actually isn't sustainable in any sense, and neither is the hostile corporate/military takeover of the Earth.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

travelerxxx's picture



The question is: What the fuck are our troops doing in Manbij?

And just how long have they been there?

This question needs be posed to Mr. Trump - like yesterday!

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CB's picture

Syria: Obama authorizes boots on ground to fight ISIS.
There have been reports that special ops have been on the ground since at least 2012.

I doubt that the US government will allow Manbij to be taken by Turkish backed forces. They spent a lot of money and effort to remove ISIS from that area.

Here's a good report with maps and discussion of difficulties.

Revisiting Train-and-Equip in Syria to Clear the Manbij Pocket May 30, 2016
There are considerable challenges in northern Syria, particularly the restriction against U.S. forces deploying west of the Euphrates. Moreover, the Arab and Turkmen groups in the area remain divided, with weak commanders. But the need to defeat ISIL with indigenous forces requires adapting proven strategies to the current environment in the Manbij pocket. This strategy has obvious drawbacks – and will take time to fully implement – but to accomplish the task of defeating ISIL, the U.S. has few other options.

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via its FSA proxie forces. Actually, it wants all SDF/YPG forces pushed back east of the Euphrates.

Turkish Air Force aircraft are now supposedly bombing SDF irregulars (including the YPG Kurds). These forces are closely advised and accompanied by USSF (Green Berets). These Turkish Air Force bombs and rockets are probably provided by the United States since Turkey is still a member state of NATO.

The three principal forces contesting for control of eastern Aleppo province are: SAA supported by R+6, SDF/YPG supported by USA, and FSA supported by Turkey. All three are trying to control territory now occupied by Daesh. So far they have mostly avoided clashing with one another, but for how much longer?

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The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are to hand over a massive section of their territory west of Manbij to the Syrian Arab Army in order to create buffer zone against the Turkish Army and Turkey-led forces in northern Syria. The map above is an initial estimate of the area which will be handed over to pro-government forces and not official.

In recent days the Euphrates Shield operations room (a coalition of Turkey-led armed Islamist groups, backed by the Turkish Armed Forces) has launched an offensive against the the SDF in order to capture the strategic crossroads city of Manbij.

The ferocity of the new Euphrates Shield offensive against the SDF has incited the Manbij Military Council (MMC) to consider a local military cooperation agreement with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) which includes pro-government access to SDF territories in northern Syria

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but we'll see.

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CB's picture

in order to allow more time for SDF backed by the Kurds to take Raqqah. The US AND Russia have been bombing in support for several months.
Kurds ‘will be involved’ in liberating Raqqa from ISIS – US general

Game on in Raqqah

US arms Syrian Arab Coalition to combat ISIS in Raqqa
March 1, 2017
Colonel Joseph Scrocca, U.S. Army, CJTF-OIR Public Affairs Director told ARA News on Tuesday that the US-led coalition is arming the Syrian Arab Coalition (SAC) to defeat ISIS in Raqqa.

“The [US-led] Coalition forces provide the SAC with AK47s, ammunition, medical supplies, heavy construction equipment, uniforms, communication equipment, and limited quantities of tactical vehicles,” Colonel Joseph Scrocca said.

“This equipment enables our partner forces to protect themselves and rid their homeland from a vicious common enemy, ISIS. Building the capacity of this force helps enable the military defeat of ISIS in Raqqah and ultimately Syria,” Col. Scirocco told ARA News in an exclusive interview.

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But maybe this provisional alliance between the SAA and the SDF is a positive sign. I think the Turkish Army fighting in Syria is gonna be nothing but trouble.

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Nearly 100% Russia-Trump konspiracy theories, with a sprinkling of identity politics.

And they totally missed this.

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