Random thoughts of someone who has too much time on his hands

I've not ranted against the UBI for a while now, but it's about time to get back to it again. My initial premise is simple - if a UBI isn't large enough to live on it's worthless, but if everyone gets it it's inflationary and therefore less than worthless.
Inflation is governed by a simple law: there must be a surplus of money in a segment of the economy to inflate i.e. you cannot raise prices if the people you want to overcharge don't have the money. Fed policy for the last decade and a half hasn't been inflationary because it all went to the super rich who just hoarded it, the money never got to anyone who had to spend it. Covid changed that. The government printed money like it had been all along, but instead of just giving it all to the super rich it also gave some of it to everyone, and capitalism acted normally.
Everyone is part of two classes, the barely surviving underclass (people without jobs) and the consumer class (people with jobs) The barely surviving class are here just to keep people afraid, the worse they live the better they play their part. People with jobs are paid just enough to support capitalism, but not enough to escape capitalism. The problem is that the employers are unwilling to pay enough to support capitalism, so the government must give the consuming class the money, but if the government gives them the money the capitalists will take it through inflation (or by creating "needs") while refusing to pay the taxes necessary to support the UBI.
My answer is a GMI (Guaranteed Minimum Income) Everyone gets enough money to live on, but if you want more you have to work for it. This breaks the back of feudal capitalism. No one has to work a shit job just to live, in fact no one has to work a shit job at all. People will still work, but working has to be worth it.

Then there's war. Lately America has been constantly provoking Russia and China, looking for a response that can be spun to justify a war. This sounds suicidal, but think the unthinkable:
Capitalism has reached the end of the line. It has taken all it can from the consuming class. Now the multi billionaires have no one left but the billionaires and the multi millionaires. Historically they need a war, the bigger the better. How about a war that doesn't go nuclear? A war that just doesn't end in total defeat? "We" don't have to win, all capitalism needs is to continue to exist after the war.
You think that a survivable nuclear war is insane? What if its that or the end of capitalism?

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slavery. Unleash smallpox. Those that don't die outright, starve as distribution fails.
40 million doses of vaccine for the elites and a slave class.
Earth heals. They inherit the planet. Automation makes their world Eden.

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we have Phizer and Biden and Victoria Nuland and General Milley (who I can buy from Amazon.com)and Anthony Blinken and a host of Republicans who will put in their stage fangs as soon as one of them wins the 24 election?

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On to Biden since 1973