PizzaGate Update
This isn't an update to the PizzaGate investigation, it is an update to the story. This thing is going Meta. Like all good scandals, it's the coverup which sheds a lot of light.
To recap, PizzaGate is a 2016 conspiracy theory which centers around 148 references to Pizza, 77 references to Pasta, and 85 references to Cheese within the trove of John Podesta's emails published at While many, or most of these references are benign discussions of food, some of them appear to be code.
E.G. "Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"
E.G. "Did you leave a handkerchief?" "it has a map that seems pizza-related."
Some say these are terms for children and child pornography.
This has led people to investigate any and all connections to pizza surrounding the Clinton/Podesta circle. One such financial connection found in the Podesta emails is with Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant on Connecticut Avenue in northwest D.C.
Bizarre murals, entertainment, and comments to child focused photographs on the owner's Instagram account have people suspicious that this establishment could be connected to the strange pizza references in the Podesta emails.
Speculation that one of Alefantis' Instagram photos showed tunnels being dug in the basement led him to declare that the building did not have a basement. But in a 2015 article featureing Guy Fieri, Alefantis said they can tomatoes and store them in the basement.
PizzaGate is not just Comet Pizza.
Another Podesta email published by WikiLeaks is an invitation from his brother to attend a Thelemist "Spirit Cooking" ceremony with Marina Abramovic. James Alefantis has a photo of Marina on his instagram page. It is speculated that the PizzaGate investigation will also discover a Satanic cult.
OK that's the recap.
Since then, there has been a tremendous pushback against this story. The first salvo was when the media launched the meme of "Fake News."
The "Fake News" meme sweeps the crowdsourced PizzaGate story into the category of fabricated stories but PizzaGate is a completely different animal. Fake news originates from a single or a coordinated source, and usually generates revenue for the authors - PizzaGate began via thousands of comments on 4chan, Reddit, and Twitter. That hundreds of people conspired to make it look like a growing investigation is a bit hard for me to believe. That I was unwittingly part of said conspiracy is even harder to believe.
The second step was the mainstream media stories (WaPo, NYTimes, BBC, Vox) which purportedly refuted PizzaGate while simultaneously ignoring all of the most salient details. It was a classic nothing-to-see-here-move-along-now attempt at cooking a nothingburger.
On Sunday December 4, 2016, a Edgar Maddison Welch entered Comet Pizza with a gun, looking for children held in captivity. He shot two rounds into the floor and surrendered unharmed. He has since expressed contrition and said he listened to Alex Jones. It's suspicious that Metro traffic moved the camera across the street from Comet Pizza the day before the "attack," limiting and obstructing the camera's view, and took the camera offline altogether the next day.
Conspiracy theorists further speculate this was possibly a false flag operation. Welch is an actor. They can call this a "shooting." It has built a twitter army of people critical of #pizzagate. It has given the media proof that fake news has "real world consequences."
Next, YouTube started deleting videos and issuing warnings to some users like Dave Seaman. And twitter has suspended #PizzaGate's loudest adherents, like @jaredwyand.
Finally, Hillary Clinton came out of hiding and held a news conference to call fake news a danger that needs to be addressed by Congress. A danger that needs to be addressed by Congress. *(Presumably during the current session, ahem)
On a related note, Glen Greenwald just wrote an article about how one person duped the entire Clinton campaign and every media outlet into reporting that WikiLeaks was full of doctored emails. He did it with an anonymous tweet, and a faked WikiLeaks email that would not have turned up in any of their archive searches. If only the media had searched for it.
But what's more interesting than fake news is the way the media and others are treating the subject of child abuse, and ritual child abuse in particular.
On November 20, 2016 the AP broke a story about a large pedophile ring in Norway, titled "Norwegian police arrest 20 men in pedophile network probe." On December 9, The Washington Post, New York Times, and ABC News deleted their online copies of the story.
Upon his death, hundreds of women came out to accuse legendary BBC Disc Jockey Jimmy Savile of pedophelia, claiming that he had used his stature as friend of the crown and philanthropist to gain access to the young women. In 1978 Johnny Rotten also made the accusation, and the Sex Pistols suffered a yearlong boycott by the BBC.
Upon his death, women came forward to accuse sir Clement Freud MP of pedophelia, stating that his power prevented them from coming forward earlier.
In 2014 while on vacation with their mother and her boyfriend, two boys from Hampstead England disclosed that they had witnessed satanic child abuse at school where their father worked. The boyfriend recorded the sessions as evidence and you can see the two are strikingly unified in their convictions and their story, while answering questions and describing gruesome, awful acts. When the mother returned home and contacted "the authorities" they took the children away from her and placed them with the father full time, because they don't believe ritual child abuse exists.
I should note that the outsiders' theory about Satanism is that it is best expressed by someone who appears to be benevolent but instead has evil intentions. Many of the accusations about PizzaGate is that it is the Clinton Foundation and other charitable organizations who are complicit in the trafficking of children.
PizzaGate would otherwise be a minor footnote in the annals of conspiracies except for the reaction given to it by "the establishment." The pushback has been swift and severe. We are talking about curtailing freedom of speech with an act of Congress. PizzaGate is becoming the single most important story of 2016.
UPDATE: Senate Quietly Passes The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act"

The Fake News meme took off and Pizzagate has been called fake
The response is robust, and rapid. The timing is right. The subject (pedophilia) is incredible to many if not most. If any leak indicates that it's a Russian propaganda thing as well, then there is fire.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I am glad someone else besides me is taking this seriously
The bigger the outrage, the the bigger the pushback, the more likely it is to be true. Viz. Goebbels, J. Why did Podesta, the Thin, as opposed to Podesta the Fat, mention looking forward with excitement when visiting a political ally to a hot dog stand. Aren't there enough hot dog stands in D.C.? Why does Podesta the Thin have Jeffrey Dahmer like statuary in his home such as decapitated, hyperextended figures similar to the way Dahmer posed some of his victims? Has anyone seen the weird painting photographed at Comet Pizza? Somebody please explain that or the painting of child bondage at Fat Tony's home.
Does anybody wonder why the FBI snatched up evidence derived from A. Wiener's laptop (what a name!) if this was only about sexting?
And what about the owner and Brock's ex-boyfriend "James Alefantis"? His name could be rendered as J'mais l'enfants without much trouble.
Much more to come. Funny, I seem to have lost my taste for pizza and hot dogs recently.
For additional information on pedophile symbology
refer to this video
Yes, there is a ton of smoke here
and I won't be surprised is someone proves there some truths hidden in this puzzle.
The Comet Ping Pong Instagram link above is very disturbing and really really creepy. I would think people in Law Enforcement trained in investigation of pedophilia rings could do a good job of interpreting the Podesta emails. But I'm at the point now that I trust no one, not the media, not law enforcement, not the govt. They have all been caught in red-handed lies too many times.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Weiner was sexting a 15 Y.O. minor
If news reports are correct.
So I that probably explains why the feds grabbed his computer.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yeah, what about that?
It's been three months since the NYPD confiscated his laptop as part of the sexting investigation. Then the feds took over since the laptop held State Dept. emails.
So whatever happened to Weiner sexting a 15 year old? Shouldn't he have been indicted in something by now, IF that happened? Why hasn't he? Two reasons I can think of is 1) it didn't really happen and 2) the FBI is offering Weiner a plea deal in exchange for information but that investigation can't begin until Jan 21.
Some speculate (1) as a ruse to allow his laptop to be seized and searched. When he resigned due to the photo he took of himself in his underwear the two "15 year old girls" were twitter sock puppets and bogus identities exposed by jen preston of the NYT. That would have placed his first episode about a year and a half into her stint as Secretary of State. How fucked up would it be if Anthony Weiner were to emerge from all of this as a hero who twice went along with a bogus sting operation as a cry for help to stop the corruption he was caught up in.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I don't know the truth about "pizzagate"
I don't know the truth about the "pizzagate" allegations. But I would have thought that journalists' jobs would involve .. well ... investigating the allegations. Interviewing and researching and applying logic and deductive reasoning. Uncovering the pieces of the puzzle and putting them together, then reporting on the results.
Not just saying, "It never happened, it's all made-up, and shame on anyone who says it might be true!"
What the hell kind of journalist takes that attitude toward their professional responsibilities?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
i was on r/WikiLeaks for the birth of pizzagate
I found my way to r/wikileaks a week or so before the Podesta e-mails that triggered all this came out. I was hanging out ALOT (if my computer was on, a window was open to r/wikileaks) and saw the whole process from "Hmm, what's this?" when the e-mails and their odd phrasing/syntax was discovered, to "Umm, guys?" to "This isn't real." to "ohhhhh shit..."
Nobody was looking for anything pedo related when the two e-mails that originally piqued interest were released. The syntax/phrasing was odd, people figured it for a code and started trying to puzzle it out. After a few days, someone found a FBI list of pedo-slang/codewords. When read as slang, the e-mails made creepy sense.
IMHO, the two e-mails didn't convince the majority of eventual pizzagaters (such as myself). Alot of eyebrows went up but... Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Enter SpiritCooking, Marina Abramovic, some pretty dark art/artists surrounding children, one reallllllly questionable photo on Instagram, and Madeleine Mccann. And all that on top of what was already common, well-proven knowledge about the Clinton's associations with Jeffrey Epstein/Lolita Express. (besides WJC's frequent flyer miles, most people don't know Epstein's madam/procurer had a front row seat at Chelsea's wedding)
People were motivated to start digging. iirc, it was mostly via Maria Abramovic, the connection to James Alefantis & Comet Ping Pong were originally made. And from there shit gets really "no-effing-way" unreal very quickly. IMHO, discovery of the SpiritCooking stuff allowed the majority of pizzagaters to entertain the possibility there's some genuine pedo/ritual abuse going on.
From there, its not a very large conceptual leap to consider the broader problem/idea of sex/child trafficking and its history, both in the US and worldwide. People started looking into "pizzagate" in that context and found Comet Ping Pong,, fit a certain profile way to well and, even uglier, Clinton Foundation actions in Haiti and other 3rd world countries they operate don't always make sense unless there's some sort of questionable motive.
Pizzagate has now evolved to be as much a reference the global child-trafficking/abuse as anything at Comet Ping Pong. Most of the original pizzagaters have evolved in their beliefs as well. Most who go down the rabbit-hole and look into just recent events in the US find there's a huge dearth of convictions and arrests relative to investigations and publicly available information. There's also a pattern of investigations getting stopped and major stories stories getting held back.
alotmost99% of the SMOKING GUN!!!!1!! posts about pizzagate are exercises in confirmation bias. That still leaves some questionable stuff.The Instagram photos are an excellent example. Most of the photos getting attention probably have innocent explanations. However, the chickenlover Instagram photo... There's clearly intentional symbolism in the pic.
Another example is the logo/graphics stuff. I'm an artist with graphic design/layout xp and, again, the overwhelming majority of what is getting posted is almost certainly aesthetic/style choices devoid of pedo meaning. However, for a coincidence, the original Comet Pizza logo with the triangle-spiral perfectly matched the triangle-spiral in pedo code.
There's just too many small red flags, to much stuff. Its like a doctor or a teacher who keeps seeing a patient or student come in with scrapes and bruises. How many times can a kid fall off their bicycle or someone's spouse trip down the stairs before red flags go up?
The Madeleine Mccann kidnapping is a good example of the "too much stuff" idea. Normally, most of us would consider the police sketches one of those really weird coincidences, be glad we don't look like the Podestas and quietly hope we never look like someone in a police sketch. Most of us would justifiably and reasonably give the Podestas a pass. Shit does happen. But then you find out the Podestas were probably staying at a nearby house at the same time and John P. was having an assistant answer his e-mails during that period and the Mccann's story is, at best, an exercise in negligent parenting...
Too. Much. Weird. Shit.
Personally, the phrasing/syntax of the two pizza e-mails *(handkerchief & domino/pizza/pasta)* piqued my interest but was hardly enough to convince me of anything. It was the conjunction with SpiritCooking, Abramavic and Tony's abused-kid art collection that convinced me to start looking into it on my own. Nothing I've learned since, either specific to Pizzagate or the wider pedos-among-the-powerful concept has done anything to alleviate suspicions.
Ah, speaking of innocent-ish explanations... In and of itself, TP's art collection wouldn't have raised a red flag. People groove on weird shit well past their teenage years. Not knowing the guy but putting myself in his shoes, my first impression would be a) he's trying to shock people or b) this is how he deals with messed up shit from his own childhood. However, given everything else... There's a recurring theme here. TP's art collection is a good example of "one more thing" that became a tipping point for many to seriously consider pizzagate. A consistent need for "innocent explanations" keeps popping up when the Podestas and too many of their associates.
Do your own research on the Clinton Foundation. There's no smoking gun but there's a f-ton of questionable choices/events/associations. CF activities in Haiti absolutely need to be investigated. As does the "suicide" of Monica Peterson. Before her "suicide" shortly before the US elections, Monica Peterson was in Haiti investigating human trafficking and had found links to the Clinton Foundation.
Folks want to be all in denial about this stuff b/c "that kind of thing doesn't happen" and the overwhelming majority of us are decent sorts who prefer to "assume goodwill". BUT... there's quite a few well-proven stories/cases of the powerful engaging in regular pedophilia and ritual sex abuse. Its also seriously ugly crap to wade into and most people don't want to think about it. Do your own research on Larry King/Boystown, Jimmy Saville, The Presidio and ritual child/sex abuse. One starts coming across brief splashes of news that quietly go away. Like this one from Anderson Cooper.
A pattern emerges. There's to much smoke for there not to be fire.
I stood at the edge of the 4chan Pizzagate rabbit hole
Those people can dig!
At one point, they found an encrypted message at the bottom of some person's business website. They kept plugging the code into various decryption sites, and eventually came back with an eerie reference to the Madeline McCann disappearance.
Is it real? Who put the message on the person's website? Why? I don't know, but it creeped me out!
You're right. There are way too many little things not to add up to something. A huge, worldwide pedo ring? Maybe not, but you never know.
Like Not Henry Kissinger says below, the more the MSM says it ain't so, the more I believe it is.
I tend to be extra-skeptical
about kiddie-porn/pedo charges, because they currently the most extremely damaging charges that can be used, and will be used to justify otherwise unconscionable violations of civil rights, etc. Just a rumor can destroy reputations. I find the extreme overreaction of Twitter/YouTube censorship, and the eagerness of the MSM to shoot this down, rather than just ignoring it, to be an indication that there is something there, and powerful people are reacting in an irrational and ultimately counterproductive fashion to what should be just another crazy CT.
Wish I'd read your comment before I made mine.
I was, perhaps, a little too ready to dismiss all the people freaked out over this as extremist right-wing crazies, Christian fundamentalists, etc. My apologies.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
that's much of Trump's demographic, hence, the most ready
to jump on any bandwagon aimed at Hillary.
There's actually been some amount of frustration b/c of the associations w/the more rabid Trump supporters. The pizzagate sub over at Voat has had a major problem w/anti-semitic &white nationalist posts. Alot of people nope-da-fuq out of threads as soon as the end-time fundies & Westboro Baptist types chime in.
If I'd come across pizzagate via some of the fundie/end-times dominated threads, it would have taken quite a bit for me to give the whole thing an honest second glance. Admittedly, many "believers" are attracted to pizzagate b/c of how it fits in with their respective anti-Clinton narratives. Its worth pointing out, though, the Clintons have just been recently associated w/child/sex trafficking/ritual abuse. Much of the material pizzagaters are relying on as indicators of broader patterns, was generated years or even decades ago. Its doubtful the Conspiracy of Silence producers were thinking about harming Hillary's "turn". Nor has investigating child trafficking/ritual sex abuse been the sole purview of fundies.
The investigation was Organic
Like you said, we watched it unfold over the course of weeks. Faking that would have to be so tightly scripted because thousands of people were watching and reading.
And yes, some of it is fake. That tidbit about the Podestas staying at Clement Freud's is likely fake, first put out by a website that has a history of rewriting rumors with 10% extra scandal, plus they sell colloidal silver and home brewed kombucha. I think it's creepy as fuck that Freud invited the McCanns to "dinner" (the mind reels…).
The turning point in PizzaGate, when Reddit posts started getting deleted, was when someone made a connection between a nearly $50k donation to the Clinton campaign(or was it foundation?) from MAP Financial (they do love to flaunt this shit in our faces, right?) that shares addresses with CGI tangents and whose owner has 5 tweets, the last one a retweet saying "Pizza Packet salutes Lady Gaga." There's that connection again Pizza -> $$$ -> Clinton
That's when I started to believe how big this thing could be.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
You'd think MSM would have learned from Trump's election...
that the more they try to discredit a story/candidate the more credibility it receives.
Basically, if CNN says it's false, then most people think it's true.
Call it the Anderson Cooper 180 effect.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
"the Anderson Cooper 180 effect" LOL
Let's go easy on Cooper. Do you remember how as a little kid you'd spin in circles, around and around, til you couldn't stand up anymore? Cooper feels that way all the time.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
What I see:
The story is being made so out-there and unbelievable that no-one will believe accusations of pedophilia against the Clintons or their associates now no matter what the evidence is.
It's sort of like salting the earth. You salt the earth so you can be sure nothing will grow there. You spread an extreme, crazy version of a story, focusing on one DC pizzeria and one story of something that might have been kinky performance art using "Satanic" imagery, to bring out all the craziest people in support of the accusations. That way, you can hide whatever actual abuse occurred in the whirlwind of shit.
Imagine if the 60 minutes of the early 70's investigated the charges of child trafficking through the Clinton Foundation. Hell, even imagine if someone decided to investigate the Podesta's based on the weird uses of "pizza" and "pasta" in his emails, rather than focusing on a DC pizza joint and its basement, rather than the religious right freaking out over the suggestion of Satanism.
I don't have any proof whatsoever whether there is a pedophile ring in the upper echelons of the DC political elite, particularly those who cluster around Bill and Hillary Clinton. As far as I'm concerned, the evil they've done in the open is quite enough to condemn them. However, I could wish that our society still had the capacity for actual rational investigation of this sort of thing, truthful reporting on it, etc., because if that is going on, there's a lot of people suffering--and their suffering will be forever hidden by a whirling shitstorm.
If what I think is happening is happening--
it's like a character assassination being done on a story instead of a person. Kind of like what political consultants do when they want to undermine the idea that global warming is happening--sowing doubt.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Actual investigations? I forgot what they are
We used to have an enquiring press which was not slave to the bottom line on their masters. That disappeared when major media mergers were legalized by Slick Sick Willie. The "etc." in the quote used to refer to things like the FBI and local law enforcement. Now with the most obviously corrupt Justice Dept. and FBI leadership in recent history, is it any wonder that prosecutions, much less investigations, are forbidden or halted prematurely.
Can I prove the existence of pizza gate? No. Can you disprove the existence of pizza gate? No. This is not a court of law requiring the preponderance of evidence, although more evidence is compiling daily. This is the court of public opinion where "corruption OR THE APPEARANCE OF CORRUPTION" must be avoided. What has Thin John or Fat Tony done to restore their damaged public opinion, already none too high? Nothing. They are playing Turtle just like Hillary. When the P boys start hitting back, then we'll know the charges are true.
Example: if someone called you a blue sparrow hawk, would you hit back? No, because you and everyone else would know this untruth, so no need to push back. If someone calls you a pedophile and you aren't, why would you not attempt to clear your name. On the other hand, if you were a pedophile, you would tuck your head in, turtle-like and hope this whole thing blows away. This story is going to continue to grow, just like the still-unfolding email mess.
Yes, I know, it's hard, if not impossible to prove a negative but an offer of explanation of pizzaphilia would certainly help the P boys.