Outreach to anyone but the left

There was always the plan to attract the right, it's what the Clinton's do best

With less than 100 days left before election day, the Clinton campaign is accelerating its drive to recruit GOP donors, business leaders and foreign policy experts. According to people familiar with the effort, a visible coalition of independents and Republicans backing Clinton will make it easier for conservatives dismayed by Donald Trump to cast their ballots for a Democrat.

The Clinton campaign has been preparing for its Republican outreach effort for months. Around the start of the conventions, it went into gear. Since then, notable Republicans, military leaders and one GOP congressman have abandoned Trump and cast their lot with Clinton. Framing their defections as a moral imperative, the converts are urging fellow Republicans and independents to put “country over party” and join them on 8 November.

This is what I call the elites going on the attack.

Both Bernie and Trump have rattled their gilded world order. The democrats had to connive and cheat to halt Bernie and the Republicans still don't know what the hell hit them, although they invited it upon themselves. Anyone standing in the way is going to be well and truly trashed and I include the Greens in this, this is the Empire striking back. Once the centre has well and truly coagulated around the Clintons, watch the policy objectives change subtly; anyone daring to raise a question will be mercilessly dealt with. By November any pretence that many of the issues Bernie managed to inject into the race will have fallen away into the dust behind the propaganda juggernaut.

The Trump circus may well allow the Republicans the excuse to do it for the country rather than their own needs, anyone that believes this is not getting the ground game. Trumps supporters have long scared the bejesus out of the Party, the left holds no such fear for the Democrats, we are after all, easy to bully.

This obvious manoeuvring is why I have not and will not trust another Clinton [or mainstream Democrat for that matter] in the White-House. They see this as a unification process, I see it as the end game to exclude the 99% permanently. These people are not for country no matter how big the flag pin they wear, no matter how violently they wave the plastic flags made in China, they are not with us, in their mind's eye they bloody own us, in fact we owe them. Atlas did indeed Shrug.

It seems to me that we are dealing with sociopaths, some speak with more erudite forked tongues than others.

We are all just a means to an end and our real needs mean nothing.

Just a thought.

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kharma's picture

Liberals need not apply...and this one won't.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

hester's picture

need it, but she doesn't.

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Don't believe everything you think.

About a month after Sanders announced his run that the personal attacks and marginalization of his supporters started. Later those same attacks on Bernie. By the end there wasn't a day when Sanders and supporters were accused of being privileged, racist, and sexist by Hillary supporters (among other things). And who does Clinton pick as a VP? From the point of view of Clinton's supporters: a rich white privileged Southern male. Of course the cognitive dissonance of supporters went into re-inventing him. I think picking Kaine was also a pivot to white voters. The pivot to conservative voters is about both ideology and race. I would not be surprised if some Clinton surrogate or husband Bill have several Sister Souljah moments.

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speare's picture

Playing by the same DLC handbook as always. How shocking!

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