Open Thread WE 9 NOV 22 ~
Submitted by QMS on Wed, 11/09/2022 - 6:00am

Another electoral extravaganza goes into the dustbin of US history
Kinda glad all those ugly roadsigns will blow away touting whichever pol placed them.
Ruins the landscape scenery.
There were some interesting local charter amendments on our ballot. Can pretty much
guess which ones will fail. Rhymes with axes.
Hope there were some things in your districts which made sense and passed.
And maybe some good local progressive legislators who deserve a shot.
Wonder how the pundits will scramble this time when the chosen ones are
defeated by the voters? Another diversionary circus no doubt.

Good morning all
Happy to say 3 of my friends made it into the state house and senate contests.
Another friend made it into the school committee.
Sad to say one friend lost in town council bid (by 2 votes).
Haven't seen the town charter votes yet, but that is all I'm following.
All 3 state bond issues passed.
Fairly cool here, relatively calm and clear.
Close to frosting last night.
have a good one!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
too close to call yet
but it would appear the D team retains the senate
and the R team takes over the house
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Even if the GOPukes re-take
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Well, I would
have lost money on this one- there was no red wave to speak of. I guess Joe and Mary Sixpack are just fine with what is going on. Good for them.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Good thing you aren't a bettor then
I tend to disbelieve whatever the pollsters project.
Happy with the status quo or too duped to care?
I wonder if there is some nefarious psyops going on
to derange people into thinking change is not possible?
Most can see the present conditions are deteriorating.
If I cared that much, I would study the polls and just vote
the opposite. Our little one vote bullet doesn't seem to do
much harm to the establishment.
Thanks for weighing in.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Here in CO,
medicinal fungi are on the edge of legalization (currently 51%-49%, with a 27k vote margin, 80% reporting). So maybe we will have legal magic mushrooms to toss in with our weed. I guess it isn't all bad news.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
just a spoonful of sugar
helps the medicine go down ..
removing natural remedies from the weird
'controlled substances' laws would go a long
way to swallowing this existence
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Great LP and great tune!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
really played the hell out of Benefit
on my 8-track in the Vega
with huge speakers in the hatchback
Thanks for popping in to comment!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I wait for the day I can understand anything / that day will not
Yesterday's solutions for today's problems
Seem not to work for tomorrow.
I just made that up.
Some people believe that good luck is something that can be attracted through positive thoughts and actions, while others may believe in lucky charms or talismans. Whatever works.
Viel Glück
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I thought of you when I came across the following...
It now makes sense of how and why Germany has allowed the Nordstream pipelines to be destroyed with little push-back. Basically, the US has occupied Germany since WWII and is still in full control of the economy and the leadership. It appears the occupiers intent is to finally destroy the country as well as the traditional German population.
Sometimes I'm glad I'm older and won't be alive when Klaus Schwab and the WEF's SHTF in the western nations in the coming years.
Somewhat surprising development with regards to Ukraine.
somewhat surprising
may be an overstatement imo.
The lines are being drawn at the Dnieper River
Rus is minimizing casualties by withdrawing
from Kherson City. Ukies can bomb all they want
from west of the river, but the targets are not there.
A reinforced position east of the river is in the Rus
favor. If Ukies destroy a city they will inherit, ah so.
Once again the west will pay.
The rest is just propaganda theater.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Upon further reflection it appears as if it was not a knee jerk
reaction but rather a deliberate plan.
It started a while back with the evacuation of civilians from Kherson.
wow, that Russian guy is not someone you wanna
screw with, no matter which side you're on
the body language is full bear
the voice and demeanor too
meanwhile the little generals in the pentagon
are yelling WE GOT NUKES! but it's not their war?
sheep dippers
OK Zinsky, this is the game plan. How many
will you slaughter for another 5 minute highlight?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
It means
believe you are correct
that does cut-off one of the plums for now
we will see how things shake out after the deluge
the strategic positions on the Dnieper River to the east
will still be able to control supply shipments
think positions east are more valuable at this juncture
(as far as the ground war goes) but would not be
surprised if the Rus has a work around. Crimea and
Odessa are in the playbook.
thanks for adding to the commentary
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
In the short term Odessa is safe.
However depending on the losses that Ukraine will incur trying to capture Kherson its long term future is still yet to be determined.
Interesting idea
Safe from what? Being used as a pawn in a geopolitical battle?
This is what will become of Kherson. Damaging strategy is where
the Ukes are operating from, thanks to NATO. Otherwise, this
would not still be the international crime it is, for the sake of weapons
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Russia explains why they are moving across the river
Russia doesn’t want to see its people killed for no advantage and if Ukraine keeps targeting the dam their troops will be cut off and many will die. If Ukraine troops are hiding in civilian buildings then there is no safe way to target them without killing innocent civilians. I agree that it looks bad for Russia to retreat but hey maybe they just want to live to fight another day. Also the weather has been very warm during the rains and no troops are moving much. People should wait until the ground freezes and see how things go. Ukraine has been told to push their offensive, but that has seen over 10,000 troops die. And rumors are that the Nazi troops are in the back to make sure no one retreats.
But imagine what it’s like to put lives above taking territory. I’m waiting to see what happens before I decide that Russia is going to lose. Remember that they are not just fighting Ukraine, but NATO and gawd only knows how many mercenaries are embedded with Ukraine troops.
From the article….
Lots more info in the article. Advise people to read it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Also advise people to read big serge
Who has a great knowledge of Russian military battles. I m seeing more people pointing to his essays.
His latest.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Will the Russian Federation please hurry up and deliver the
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Read what Ritter says about it
A lot different from how America treats their troops. Once they return from the battle here they are on their own. How many veterans are sleeping in the streets right now? Or suffering from some injury that congress doesn’t believe happened during war?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I agree
Scott Ritter makes sense as well.
Throughout this conflict it has been apparent that Moscow values the lives of its citizens and soldiers in a way that is unimaginable to Americans. wage increases, extensions of benefits to all and sundry involved in the conflict. Here in America depriving people of what we need is the MO.
OTOH---some of the military reports----Geroman, ie-----express doubt that the compassionate withdrawal is the whole story.
We will have to wait and see.
I'm thinking that Russia intends to take
Odessa when Ukraine is finally conquered so as to minimize damage. The city is existential to Russia's history and I don't think they want it destroyed.
Putin was way too gentle and not sufficiently aggressive with his SMO. He should have destroyed every single bridge, rail and road, over the Dnieper River from occupied Kherson to Belarus to cut off military resupply to Eastern Ukraine as the opening gambit when he realized NATO was going to fully back Ukraine. Unless Putin finally grows a set, Russia may end up with the shit end of the stick.
He should take his cue from Xi Jinping. China understands that the US MUST destroy both Russia and China if wants to retain it's global hegemony and it will take all necessary steps to prevent this.
You may be right
He seems adult. not reckless.
Which may say more about my naivete than it does about the President of Russia.
Neither Xi nor Putin are anything to brag about. They
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
You might be interested in this essay by big serge
It’s his 1st one and he talks about what Russia did at the start of the conflict and what their objectives were. I’ve posted it before and I often refer back to it for a refresher.
Here’s a taste:
And this one got lots of eyes on it from many other writers. Highly recommend reading it.
Side note the trolls are out big time on MoA. They are gloating about Russia withdrawing from Kherson. I scroll down to see who’s writing before I read their comments because it’s so bad. They don’t listen to what others say and they just repeat their stupid talking points.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you!
So here we are, November 10, waiting for the ground to freeze around the UKR fighters in Kherson. UKR will have difficulty with re-supply.
My guess is a massive air attack on Kherson after the Russian forces and civilians have reached safer ground.
Good morning QMS y todos. CA sent every registered
voter a vote-by-mail ballot. Any mailed by yesterday are valid and the state has until the 15th to count them, so results won't be certified until December. Close races could arguably be up in the air til then, but landslides will be known earlier. That said,
According to
It's about time, given the state's history
A very busy day around the house today plus infusion day tomorrow, will largely tune out ROW.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
good news on the prop 1 vote
don't you be messing with my chickens
thanks for the updates and good luck
with the infusion tomorrow
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Still waiting on the call
Caruso apparently did a lot of outreach to the Latino community, and with his personal wealth ran a ton of commercials in the closing weeks. He was definitely the more aggressive campaigner.
Glad Prop 1 won easily and will now be incorporated into the state constitution such that it can't be overridden by any GOP-driven federal legislation on the matter. Of course that was possible bc the Ds have a supermajority in Sacto.
Overall elsewhere, I'm surprised like many that the Ds held or won so many seats. Historically it's usually the party out of power in the WH which makes significant gains, the more so as the sitting prez is unpopular.
My thinking is that the WEF is a psyop
We've known since about 1970 that fossil fuels are suicidal and that overpopulation is the ultimate cause of all our evils and that TPTB want it that way. Now "fertility" rates are finally dropping and people are finally choosing breathing over driving. It's starting to look like the Masters' control mechanisms are slipping. Can't have that. Enter The Worldwide Brotherhood Of Bond Villains and their "Nefarious Plot" to "Depopulate the World and Do Away With Gas and Induce Worldwide Famine". Can't have happy, healthy people - we might not like being controlled. So they shut down oil refineries, causing a diesel shortage, redirect grain distribution to Europe and blame famine in Africa on family farms, ignoring overfertilization and soil erosion and dead zones in the ocean from nitrogen runoff. It's not the greed and the malice and the rapaciousness of the elites that is the root cause of all the world's evils, it's environmentalism and contraception.
It's not Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg we should hate, it's Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Get it?
On to Biden since 1973
clear as a bell in twilight
guess it won't make headline cnn infonews
but those willing to see have no need for msm
reinforcement, those willing to think beyond
programed memes can see thru the smoke
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Really? I've been aware of all that and have opposed
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
so I was off by a few years. It was late and I didn't do the research.
On to Biden since 1973