Open Thread WE 11 AUG 21 ~ memory hole


..the chief problem in historical honesty isn’t outright lying, but rather the omission or de-emphasis of important data.
Howard Zinn


The primary purpose of the memory hole is to dispose of all unwanted documents. Now, if you're a top-tier member of the ruling Inner Party and you want to keep the masses docile and oppressed without actually realizing they're oppressed, what's one thing you'll want to do?


Such spin-doctoring can take the form of state censorship or propaganda — even democracies with Freedom of Information Acts do their share of redacting with a black magic marker — but, by and large, unlike the totalitarian regime depicted in Orwell’s novel, citizens in democracies mostly shred things in their own memory hole and pick their own cherries.


our concern is self-censorship: how citizens across the political spectrum pick and choose which parts of history they want to remember (cherry-pick) and which to leave out (flush down the memory hole), clouding context in the process. More often than not, such selective memory is subconscious and attributed only to one’s adversaries.


During my graduate studies at university, I was treated to a couple of semesters under the banner of "Learning and Memory". Somewhat underwhelming in the mid 70's. Basically just clinical studies of which portions of the brain generated and returned certain stimuli. A lack of personal and societal factors were ignored completely. But I digress.

If I remember correctly ?, this is an open thread. So use it as a spring board to launch your ideas and whatever suits you.


In otherwise news ..

Elon Musk secured $855 million in FCC funding to start a canopy of 12,000 low orbit "communications" satellites

Astronomers are concerned with the potential effects of an eventual 50,000 pieces of space junk.



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Lookout's picture

Author Walter Kirn picks the dystopian novel that best predicted the world in 2021. And now the question is: how did these 20th century writers know how f***ed up we would become?
7 min

Spoiler: he provides 1984 and brave new world similarities, but zeros in on Fahrenheit 451 where information is controlled and memory is the means of storage.

Fits in your memory hole theme anyway.

Seeding flats today. Fall garden season around the corner. Just difficult to see when it's 90 degrees with 100 degree heat index. None the less the world spins and revolves carrying us forward.

Enjoy the journey! Thanks for the OT.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

@Lookout @Lookout
1984 was as much a work of history as it was fiction. The novel was about the Soviet Union under the Bolsheviks and almost everything in it had an actual historical precedent.
Here is an example of the memory hole, former NKVD head Nikolai Yezhov "unperson":

Did you ever see these guys ? It was a British kiddie program with a dystopian aspect.
[video: width:600 height:360]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

QMS's picture

Now if we can figure out how to make the revolving spin
into an evolving improvement, we'd have something worthwhile.

I remember Fahrenheit 451. That is the temperature paper burns.
The fire department was tasked with burning books. Erasing written
accounts of inconvenient history. Which leaves only a malleable memory.

Have fun with your flat earth seeding!

10 users have voted.

question everything

QMS's picture

I think this is current and live? Shows the demonstrators outside.

14 users have voted.

question everything

QMS's picture

2014 Oscar-winning actor Robin Williams dies at 63
Robin Williams, the prolific Oscar-winning actor and comedian, died by suicide on August 11, 2014. He was 63. Sad

1965 Watts Rebellion begins
In the predominantly Black Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, racial tension reaches a breaking point after two white policemen scuffle with a Black motorist suspected of drunken driving. Wink

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question everything

as well. I remember the robot attack dog, the mind-numbing opiate-like TV shows, the giant home TV screens that amazingly already had pegasus spy-ware installed, the zombie wife and citizenry, the sweet girl and her sweet family who were disappeared, the crazy car races on the highways, the masses of people who were unhoused but who had memorized the books before they were burned.
What an imagination.

WSWS calls out the data manipulation surrounding covid;

The US added 235,099 cases of COVID-19 to its growing tally of cases Monday, according to the New York Times COVID tracker. It was the highest number of new infections recorded on a single day since mid-January. However, this shocking number is clearly inaccurate, as many states have scaled back their reporting on cases and deaths, thus making sense of the sudden jump in infections challenging and troubling.

Florida, which is facing a rapidly debilitating health care crisis, only releases weekly reports, making it impossible to determine where infections are occurring and how they are spreading. Adding to the confusion, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) arbitrarily halved the 56,633 cases reported by Florida over the weekend, noting 28,316 new COVID cases on Saturday and 28,317 new cases Sunday. Rather than demanding timely and accurate data, such casual data manipulation only confirms it have abdicated its leadership.

The Texas Tribune points out the interesting strategy employed by our leaders to increase the spread of this virus.

As the virus resurges, Abbott has largely stripped cities, counties and school districts of the ability to enact sweeping measures to slow the rampant spread of the virus that they had earlier in the pandemic.

On top of his ban on mask mandates, Abbott forbade local leaders from enacting occupancy restrictions on businesses to prevent large groups of people from gathering and potentially spreading the airborne virus to one another.

Thanks for the OT QMS

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usefewersyllables's picture


has figured out one way to make sure that he gets into the history books, at least for a little while before they start burning them... He and De Santis make a pretty couple, don't they?

13 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

@usefewersyllables , there are history books and there are history books. Texas has a overlarge influence on history text books that are deemed worthy of supplying to our public schools. Many of those probably should be burned.

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usefewersyllables's picture


the late, great Ralphie May: "And that's a fact, Jack!".

10 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture


Perhaps the media manipulators have jumped the gun
thinking we are too dumb to figure out the games being played
mis-reporting, under-estimating, over-guesstimating.

Facebook announced on Tuesday that it has permanently shut 65 Facebook and 243 Instagram accounts which have been linked to a campaign to pay influencers to smear the AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid vaccines.

It almost seems the goal is to keep us in the dark.

Good hearing from you Rand!

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question everything

@QMS , keep people in the dark,

It almost seems the goal is to keep us in the dark.

except when we want dark skies, then we get

a canopy of 12,000 low orbit "communications" satellites with the potential effects of an eventual 50,000 pieces of space junk.

At taxpayer expense.

Tonight, if you have clear, dark skies the Perseid meteor shower will be at its peak.

The spectacular Perseid meteor shower, which runs between July 17 and 26 every year, will peak during mid-day in the Americas on Thursday, Aug. 12. That means that the best time for seeing the most Perseid meteors in North America will be the hours before dawn on Thursday morning, when the shower's radiant in Perseus will be highest in the northeastern sky. This is the most popular shower of the year, delivering up to 100 meteors per hour at the peak. Derived from debris dropped by Comet Swift-Tuttle, many Perseids are extremely bright and leave persistent trails. Although fewer meteors are seen before and after the peak, skywatchers can also expect to see plenty of meteors on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night. To enjoy meteor showers, find a safe rural location with plenty of open sky and just look up. This year, the young crescent moon will set shortly after sunset on the peak date — leaving the whole night dark for meteor-watching.

Watch out for falling space junk though.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

@randtntx @randtntx

US facing a deluge of COVID-19 hospitalizations as Delta variant spreads rapidly
In addition to Brilliant, every epidemiological authority on the pandemic has stated in no uncertain terms that mutations are probable, if not inevitable, especially considering the repeated high levels of community transmission across the globe. In such an event, even vaccines and strict public health measures may not curb the spread of emerging strains.
The worrisome week-over-week rising trends in COVID-19 cases across the US, regardless of each states asserted vaccination rates, only confirms in the real-world sense the validity of Dr. Gasperowicz’s conclusions.

Adding the proverbial insult to this gruesome injury, the present situation in the US harks back to the early March days of 2020, when a flawed diagnostic test and lack of meaningful public health measures—contact tracing and isolation, social distancing and mass testing—meant the country was flying blind through the storm of the pandemic.
“We are in a situation with this current variant where herd immunity is not a possibility because it still infects vaccinated individuals. I suspect that what the virus will throw up next is a variant that is perhaps even better at transmitting in vaccinated populations. So, that’s an even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine program around herd immunity.”

It is becoming apparent that the only solutions were prophylactics that can minimize the effects and duration of the viral infection combined with effective isolation - ie quarantine the sick. We should have prioritized accurate testing and treatments rather than shooting for the moon with untested vaccines, especially the mRNA 'vaccines', that have proved to be so ineffective and actually counter-productive in this pandemic.

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@CB daily updates. I'm reading and following what you write as best as I can.

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@CB . I didn't listen to that dark horse podcast with Robert Malone. I will look for it; hopefully it is still available.

Here is an interesting interview with Dr. D. Gurdasani that explains why we are unlikely to reach herd immunity and why allowing this virus to become endemic would be unwise.
"Deepti Gurdasani is one of the lead authors of the BMJ article condemning the UK government’s promotion of 'herd immunity through mass infection', calling its actions a 'dangerous and unethical' experiment.”

All these factors make it very difficult to attain herd immunity. We need to remember with the current variant that is becoming dominant in different parts of the globe, because it’s highly transmissible, we need about 85 percent or more of the population to be immune, not vaccinated, but immune and not be able to essentially transmit to other people. At the current point in time, we don’t think that vaccines necessarily provided 85 percent effectiveness. Even if you vaccinated 100 percent of the population, you may not reach that level where the pandemic dies by itself, which is essentially the herd immunity threshold.

And that makes it very complicated. I think there needs to be a level of honesty around this. This is not a threshold we will likely be able to reach through vaccination or contain the pandemic through vaccination alone, unless we develop a next generation of vaccines that are effective against these newer variants, which may well happen. But it’s unlikely to be able to keep up with virus evolution unless we prevent new variants from evolving.

Dr. Gurdasani has this to say about allowing this virus to become endemic.

Of course, this idea of living with the virus and endemicity leads to new opportunities for the virus to evolve as we’ve already seen, because the more transmission happens, the more mutation happens. And if you have a population that’s partially immune, that sort of high level of mutation hits a sort of partial protection against vaccination, which means that mutations that can escape a vaccine-based immunity or natural immunity are then selected.

And that’s how the adaptation of the virus happens, to escape vaccines, and promotes new variants that are potentially more transmissible and more severe than we’ve seen. People who talk about endemicity often are speaking about benign viruses or the virus becoming benign over time, something like the flu that you live with, that comes in the seasons, kills a few thousand people, as if that’s acceptable. But, in reality, the picture with SARS-CoV-2 is likely to look very different. It is likely it will be a high endemicity situation where the virus continues to adapt and, perhaps, even our vaccines can’t keep up with it. In which case we lose much of the gains we’ve already made. This will lead to a sort of pandemic and epidemic cycles.

And this will leave many people disabled with long-term disease. I mean, this is a virus we know can enter the brain, that causes long-term neurological deficits, that causes thinning in parts of the brain that are associated with taste, smell, and memory. We also know it affects different organ systems, even in those people with mild infection.

And we know that chronic illness isn’t rare [with this virus]. It’s nothing like the flu and it’s nothing that’s benign. And there’s absolutely no evidence that this virus is currently evolving in any way to become less severe or less transmissible or less able to escape vaccines. All indications point to the opposite direction. We should be very cautious and worried about letting this virus spread in our communities and achieving endemicity. This is not a virus we can live with or even want to live with. This is a virus that we need to eliminate, but that requires global coordination. And it requires countries to do what’s in the interest of public health and what’s based on evidence. And it also requires a scientific community to come together and not indulge in “exceptionalist” stances that are not grounded in evidence.

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CB's picture

Watch 1-Hour Version of Censored Interview with Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology

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ggersh's picture

12 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@ggersh will be marketed as an answer to homeless people on the streets.

The idea is to get the public to agree that there is no choice. No other solution.

Replace the horror we feel with a "solution."

8 users have voted.


ggersh's picture


Replace the horror we feel with a "solution."
5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

enhydra lutris's picture

information, and music. It's one of those days when I intend to launch into new processes, programs and endeavors and most probably won't ;-).

I note that way down thread, in reply to randtntx you noted that Faceplant

shut 65 Facebook and 243 Instagram accounts

in relation to some fiddle involving influencers. The existence of such creatures has slowly come to my attention, as well as the fact that they are a thing, that it is an occupation, job title, life style and much more. So far, it would appear that they ply their trade, such as it is, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, You Tube, Tik Tok and probably Reddit and a ton of places or things I have never heard of. Spell check, fwiw, points out "influencers" as improper, and I couldn't agree more. WTF. Hordes of people exist to trigger all of those non-cognitive, non-cerebral, and arguably non-rational processes and pathways by which unthinking behavior may be triggered to do, eschew, buy, eat or otherwise consume this or that and generally adopt or modify some one or more behaviors. It further appears that vast hordes of people unthinkingly go along and jump from bandwagon to bandwagon as prompted by their favorite influencers. SO, that being the case, what is the point, purpose and/or relevance of "the memory hole". I mean, like, whatever. Will we soon track weeks not by month-week-year but by the most popular meme or product? Is covid-19 human malware you get at the mall because you had to get the latest iphone case in person rather than online? Why would you do that? What if your ring rang while you were out?

Well, that felt good, but there is a serious question or two buried in there, fwiw.

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

Thanks for reading and commenting.
The underlying point about our memories
being flushed down the 'memory hole' is the
constant re-writing of the script to suit current
memes. It is confusing to research a data point
that has been changed to suit some agenda that
did not exist at the time of discovery. This may sound
vague, but there seem to be fewer constants these days.
Except for wars (just change the mission name) and taxes
(always going up).

Thats it.

6 users have voted.

question everything

enhydra lutris's picture


sources many times per day as it was happening. Sometimes within a mere week or so stuff either vanished or took really narrow, precise searches to retrieve; lots of stuff vanished completely after a while, so I know exactly whereof you speak. Bulk gaslighting on a global scale. I can't tell you how many times I regretted never having a couple of huge drives and some software that would make clipping, indexing, and saving hyper easy.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

This from WSJ ..

In a preliminary hearing in London ahead of a full appeal in October, lawyers acting for the U.S. sought to broaden the grounds for appealing a January decision against Mr. Assange’s extradition, arguing the evidence around Mr. Assange’s mental health needed revisiting.

Judge Timothy Holroyde agreed, saying the judge in the lower court that refused the extradition gave too much weight to the evidence of a defense witness who misled the court by omitting in a report to the court that he knew Mr. Assange started a new family while holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

The decision means the U.S. can challenge the extradition refusal on multiple fronts, relating both to points of law and the lower court’s central judgment around Mr. Assange’s mental state. The U.S. has already offered assurances around Mr. Assange’s treatment if extradited to ease concerns that harsh prison conditions could heighten his risk of suicide.

my bold .. what does that have to do with anything? How about the lying witness? Pretence of justice.

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question everything